Governor of 3rd Least Populated State in Union (S.D) Wonders Why Biden Won't Build a Train To Hawaii

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"Infrastructure is USELESS! What a waste of money to build rails!"

"Okay, we won't build one to your state no worries"

"You SOCIALIST! You'd better build that rail I don't want through my state!"

The Republican party, ladies and gentlemen.

For the past 40 years Amtrack has never made a proft, their cars are shit, all because their union is fucked up. But you must be sure glad that your tax dollars are going to continue to be wasted, and all you can do is point out the wording of a tweet...Hows your gas prices of late?
"Infrastructure is USELESS! What a waste of money to build rails!"

"Okay, we won't build one to your state no worries"

"You SOCIALIST! You'd better build that rail I don't want through my state!"

You retards keep pushing rail lines, as if anyone wants to travel in a train car where DemoKKKrats allow junkies to shoot up, hookers to do business, and gangbangers to rob people. Fuck you.
It was poorly worded but I understood her meaning
Typical of the mindset of Libs these days. They became quite creative in parsing Trump's words to come up with the most ridiculous possible interpretation. It's cool, let them convince themselves they're the smartest people in the room. I'll take Noem's record over a random internet squawker, any day. :)

The Republican party, ladies and gentlemen.

Bidens scam infrastructure bill gives 5% of the proceeds to infrastructure---the rest of the money is funneled to social causes which are easier to pocket money as nothing at all is produced from it.

Dont you know a scam when you see one or is it more likely you don't care....I think the later.

Bidens attempted scam should land his azz in prison...

The Republican party, ladies and gentlemen.

I join other members & guests in hoping that South Dakota can stay "the 3rd least populated state."

I assume (for a reason that I dare not specify) that it has a very low violent crime rate.

May the people there be lucky enough to keep it that way.

Those of us who live in the populated states and in certain cities are very envious.

The Republican party, ladies and gentlemen.

Oh my, she made a typo.


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