Governor Scott Walker Authorized His University To Release His College Records (Why Don't Obama?)

I tend to discount documents that are riddled with the use of fonts (letter styles) that were not invented at the time the documents allegedly were originated.

But keep on believing; that's entirely up to you.
Hawaii is doing nothing but laying cover for Obama. They've been given their marching orders.
Hawaii is doing nothing but laying cover for Obama. They've been given their marching orders.

Says you, citing you. And you're nobody.

The Registrar of Hawaii on the vital documents of Hawaii is the world's leading authority. And you're still nobody.

Why then would I ignore Hawaii on its own vital documents and instead believe you, citing you?
I tend to discount documents that are riddled with the use of fonts (letter styles) that were not invented at the time the documents allegedly were originated.

But keep on believing; that's entirely up to you.

You tend to ignore anything that doesn't ape what you choose to believe. But why would a rational person ignore Hawaii on its own vital documents and instead believe you citing yourself?

There is no reason. Which might explain why birthers are a national laughing stock.
Who knew "AFRICAN" is a race!

Appears the actual state of Hawaii didn't know that at the time.
Who knew "AFRICAN" is a race!

Appears the actual state of Hawaii didn't know that at the time.
There are three races:

Negroid, Mongoloid and Caucasoid.

Mongoloid includes Asians, except for Southeast Asians which are Caucasian. American Indians are also Mongoloid...they immigrated here from Asia.

Caucasoid race is not only white people. Southeast Asians and Those from Middle East are generally Caucasoid. Spanish are also Caucasoid as are Italians.

Hispanics and Filipinos are mixed races. Hispanics are Mongoloid (from their indigenous roots) and Caucasoid (from their Spanish roots).

Filipinos are Mongoloid from their indigenous roots and Caucasoid from their Spanish roots.

Africans, if they are black, are negroid. Not all Africans are black/negroid. Some Africans are white/caucasoid. Negroid is a race, but African is not a race.

Hispanic is not a race, it is an ethnic background. Same with Filipino and African.
I tend to discount documents.

Birthers discount all documents- unless they are produced by convicted conmen.
Birtherism: Where it all began

Birtherism is the latest and most enduring version of a theory in search of facts. |, AP Photo Close
By BEN SMITH & BYRON TAU | 4/22/11 4:22 AM EDT Updated: 4/24/11 5:33 PM EDT
Just when it appeared that public interest was fading, celebrity developer Donald Trump has revived the theory that President Barack Obama was born overseas and helped expose the depth to which the notion has taken root—a New York Times poll Thursday found that a plurality of Republicans believe it.

If you haven’t been trolling the fever swamps of online conspiracy sites or opening those emails from Uncle Larry, you may well wonder: Where did this idea come from? Who started it? And is there a grain of truth there?

The answer lies in Democratic, not Republican politics, and in the bitter, exhausting spring of 2008. At the time, the Democratic presidential primary was slipping away from Hillary Clinton and some of her most passionate supporters grasped for something, anything that would deal a final reversal to Barack Obama. (See: Bachmann: Birther issue settled)

The theory’s proponents are a mix of hucksters and earnest conspiracy theorists, including prominently a lawyer who previously devoted himself to ‘proving’ that the Sept. 11 attacks were an inside job. Its believers are primarily people predisposed to dislike Obama. That willingness to believe the worst about officials of the opposite party is a common feature of presidential rumor-mongering: In 2006, an Ohio University/Scripps Howard poll found that slightly more than half of Democrats said they suspected the Bush Administration of complicity in the Sept. 11 attacks.

While there is no grain of truth to either fantasy, there’s something else when it comes to Obama: A visceral reaction against him, a deep sense that the first black president, with liberal views and a Muslim name, must be—in some concrete, provable way—foreign. (See: Mitt: Obama born here. Period.)

A brief history of birtherism

Birtherism is the latest and most enduring version of a theory in search of facts.

The original smear against Obama was that he was a crypto-Muslim, floated in 2004 by perennial Illinois political candidate and serial litigant Andy Martin. Other related versions of this theory alleged that Obama was educated in an Indonesian “madrassa” or steeped in Islamist ideology from a young age, and the theories began to spread virally after Obama appeared on the national stage – to the casual observer, from nowhere – with his early 2007 presidential campaign announcement. (See: Obama kin: Birther rumors 'a shame')

All through that year, the Obama campaign – with the affirmation of most leaders of both parties – aggressively battled that smear by emphasizing his Christian faith. Obama’s controversial but emphatically Christian pastor emerged as a campaign issue and the belief that he was a Muslim seemed to lose traction. (See: Clinton: Birther claims 'ludicrous')

Then, as Obama marched toward the presidency, a new suggestion emerged: That he was not eligible to serve. (See: Birther debate alive across U.S.)

That theory first emerged in the spring of 2008, as Clinton supporters circulated an anonymous email questioning Obama’s citizenship.

“Barack Obama’s mother was living in Kenya with his Arab-African father late in her pregnancy. She was not allowed to travel by plane then, so Barack Obama was born there and his mother then took him to Hawaii to register his birth,” asserted one chain email that surfaced on the urban legend site in April 2008.

Read more:
There are three races:

Negroid, Mongoloid and Caucasoid.

Mongoloid includes Asians, except for Southeast Asians which are Caucasian. American Indians are also Mongoloid...they immigrated here from Asia.

Caucasoid race is not only white people. Southeast Asians and Those from Middle East are generally Caucasoid. Spanish are also Caucasoid as are Italians.

Hispanics and Filipinos are mixed races. Hispanics are Mongoloid (from their indigenous roots) and Caucasoid (from their Spanish roots).

Filipinos are Mongoloid from their indigenous roots and Caucasoid from their Spanish roots.

Africans, if they are black, are negroid. Not all Africans are black/negroid. Some Africans are white/caucasoid. Negroid is a race, but African is not a race.

Hispanic is not a race, it is an ethnic background. Same with Filipino and African.

I don't disagree for a moment.

Therefore, as you have argued, Hawaii should NOT have shown Your New Messiah's father's race as it did. Look at the "document" you posted where the clown who dummied it up put "AFRICAN" where, by your own admission, "WHITE/CAUCASOID*" or "NEGROID" might have been appropriate. Because, "African is" NOT a race.

Of course being only 1/4 black (mother was listed "CAUCASIAN" would have weakened His appeal to race-conscious liberals who would gleefully vote for the "first black president" or even the "first mulatto president" but would never settle for a mere quadroon.

* "Caucasian" is an acceptable substitute for your apparently preferred "caucasoid", don't you agree?
Actually where the left's failed Messiah might have been born is immaterial at this point. It's importance is only that suggesting anything other that "Born In The USA" keeps them tripping over their twisted knickers and therefore off the streets. A sort of safety measure for pedestrians of all ages, particularly the very young.
There are three races:

Negroid, Mongoloid and Caucasoid.

Mongoloid includes Asians, except for Southeast Asians which are Caucasian. American Indians are also Mongoloid...they immigrated here from Asia.

Caucasoid race is not only white people. Southeast Asians and Those from Middle East are generally Caucasoid. Spanish are also Caucasoid as are Italians.

Hispanics and Filipinos are mixed races. Hispanics are Mongoloid (from their indigenous roots) and Caucasoid (from their Spanish roots).

Filipinos are Mongoloid from their indigenous roots and Caucasoid from their Spanish roots.

Africans, if they are black, are negroid. Not all Africans are black/negroid. Some Africans are white/caucasoid. Negroid is a race, but African is not a race.

Hispanic is not a race, it is an ethnic background. Same with Filipino and African.

I don't disagree for a moment.

Therefore, as you have argued, Hawaii should NOT have shown Your New Messiah's father's race as it did. Look at the "document" you posted where the clown who dummied it up put "AFRICAN" where, by your own admission, "WHITE/CAUCASOID*" or "NEGROID" might have been appropriate. Because, "African is" NOT a race.

Of course being only 1/4 black (mother was listed "CAUCASIAN" would have weakened His appeal to race-conscious liberals who would gleefully vote for the "first black president" or even the "first mulatto president" but would never settle for a mere quadroon.

* "Caucasian" is an acceptable substitute for your apparently preferred "caucasoid", don't you agree? ignorant.
I tend to discount documents.

Birthers discount all documents- unless they are produced by convicted conmen.
Birtherism: Where it all began4l

Not sure why this is important, but I will bite.

I don't believe Birthers- do you?

I think Birthers are idiots- and often racists like Stevie the Racist is.

Modern Birthers are almost all far right wing nuts and faux libertarians who believe that government cannot be trusted.

What about you- do you believe Birthers?
There are three races:

Negroid, Mongoloid and Caucasoid.

Mongoloid includes Asians, except for Southeast Asians which are Caucasian. American Indians are also Mongoloid...they immigrated here from Asia.

Caucasoid race is not only white people. Southeast Asians and Those from Middle East are generally Caucasoid. Spanish are also Caucasoid as are Italians.

Hispanics and Filipinos are mixed races. Hispanics are Mongoloid (from their indigenous roots) and Caucasoid (from their Spanish roots).

Filipinos are Mongoloid from their indigenous roots and Caucasoid from their Spanish roots.

Africans, if they are black, are negroid. Not all Africans are black/negroid. Some Africans are white/caucasoid. Negroid is a race, but African is not a race.

Hispanic is not a race, it is an ethnic background. Same with Filipino and African.

I don't disagree for a moment.

Therefore, as you have argued, Hawaii should NOT have shown Your New Messiah's father's race as it did. Look at the "document" you posted where the clown who dummied it up put "AFRICAN" where, by your own admission, "WHITE/CAUCASOID*" or "NEGROID" might have been appropriate. Because, "African is" NOT a race.

Feel free to show us that Hawaii didn't allow the term 'African' on a birth certificate.
I tend to discount documents.

Birthers discount all documents- unless they are produced by convicted conmen.
Birtherism: Where it all began4l

Not sure why this is important, but I will bite.

I don't believe Birthers- do you?

I think Birthers are idiots- and often racists like Stevie the Racist is.

Modern Birthers are almost all far right wing nuts and faux libertarians who believe that government cannot be trusted.

What about you- do you believe Birthers?
not a chance ..
I just like to know the why and how of human idiocy..
I tend to discount documents.

Birthers discount all documents- unless they are produced by convicted conmen.
Birtherism: Where it all began4l

Not sure why this is important, but I will bite.

I don't believe Birthers- do you?

I think Birthers are idiots- and often racists like Stevie the Racist is.

Modern Birthers are almost all far right wing nuts and faux libertarians who believe that government cannot be trusted.

What about you- do you believe Birthers?
not a chance ..
I just like to know the why and how of human idiocy..

It actually goes back to a Conservative blog, but its not really that important.
Therefore, as you have argued, Hawaii should NOT have shown Your New Messiah's father's race as it did. Look at the "document" you posted where the clown who dummied it up put "AFRICAN" where, by your own admission, "WHITE/CAUCASOID*" or "NEGROID" might have been appropriate. Because, "African is" NOT a race. never fact check any of the shit that comes pouring out of your mouth, do you?

Race is self reported. So the person that cited Barack Obama Sr's race as African.....was Barack Obama Sr.. And why would he self identify as African? Easy. It was the racial designation for blacks in Kenya:

Column 5. Race, - Write European, Arab, Somali, or African, etc. Asians must write Indian or Pakistan.

So of course Obama Sr. self identified as African. That was his race.
Actually where the left's failed Messiah might have been born is immaterial at this point. It's importance is only that suggesting anything other that "Born In The USA" keeps them tripping over their twisted knickers and therefore off the streets. A sort of safety measure for pedestrians of all ages, particularly the very young.

Laughing......oh, your poor confused soul. You don't realize what your purpose is here, do you?

You're here to demonstrate the absurdity of the fringe right. How void of reason they are. How haplessly dependent they are on the most mindless conspiracy babble.

And you've played your role beautifully, eroding the credibility of the fringe right more effectively than anything I could post.

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