governor walker pranked

Top six revelations about the faux Koch phone call...

1. Walker and the Senate Republicans are conspiring to withhold Democratic lawmakers' paychecks.

A minute into the call, Governor Walker describes a plan by the Senate Majority Leader to institute a new rule that would stop automatic deductions of lawmakers' paychecks if they do not appear in the Senate for more than two days. It would require lawmakers to appear in person to collect their checks.

Walker describes this as part of a plan he is working on with GOP Senators: "Each day, we're going to rachet this up a little bit."

2. Walker sees billionaire David Koch as "one of us."

Two and a half minutes in, Walker is describing a conversation he had with a Democratic state lawmaker, Tim Cullen, who Walker says is the "only reasonable" one among the Democrats. When the man pretending to be Koch suggests he calls Cullen, Walker says that although Cullen is reasonable, he is not "one of us." Who is the "us" that includes Walker and out-of-state billionaire Koch, but not an elected state legislator?

3. Walker is planning to threaten state workers with layoffs.

Five minutes into the call, Governor Walker says he is planning to issue between 5,000 and 6,000 "risk notices" to state workers announcing that they are at risk of being laid off. He makes this statement in the context of what he is planning to do to put pressure on Democrats to cave into his demands, not what is necessary due to the budget crunch. "If they want to start sacrificing thousands of public workers to be laid off," he says, "sooner or later there's gonna be pressure on Senators to come back. We're not going to compromise."

4. Walker has a plan to lie to Senate Democrats and pass the bill while they are not aware of the vote.

Seven minutes in, Walker describes a plan created by his chief of staff to call Senate Democrats back to "hear what they have to say." While he is discussing the issues with the Democrats, the Senate would be in recess. In actuality, once Democrats come back to the state assembly, Republicans would be able to pass the bill eliminating collective bargaining rights while Walker is in discussions with Democrats.

5. Walker considered planting fake protesters to cause trouble among the real protesters.

Fourteen and a half minutes in, the fake David Koch says that they are considering "planing some troublemakers" among the crowd of protesters. Walker responds with, "we thought about that." He expresses no moral objection to the plan, but says that he thinks it is the wrong strategy, because a "ruckus" would make people think he should compromise.

6. Walker is corrupt.

Although early in Walker says they are investigating the Democratic Senators to see if they are committing ethics violations by accepting union funds, when the fake David Koch says he will fly Walker "out to Cali and really show you a good time," Walker responds by saying "that would be outstanding."

Jesse Berney: Top Six Revelations in the Call Between Fake David Koch and Governor Scott Walker

Chris thinks he is fucking Sherlock Holmes now....
So you agree that the Senate GOP members were acting like a bunch of petulant little children for the two years it took 60 votes to pass anything in the Senate.
no, they stayed there and did their jobs

Heh ... they are doing what the Senate GOP members did ... they are doing what is legally within their power to stop a piece of legislation from moving forward. Not a shocking answer from you though.
no, its not shocking
because its right
yes, it does
but somehow you see it saying more than it actually does

What does the tape say to you, divecon?

I am very interested in reading your take on what the tape says about Scott Walker, his agenda, the nature of his relationship with the Koch brothers, and what that all means to you.

Let's hear it.
that he doesnt know the Koch brothers and has no connections to them other than they are employers in his state

Yeah ... you're out there man. Wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy out there.
Top six revelations about the faux Koch phone call...

1. Walker and the Senate Republicans are conspiring to withhold Democratic lawmakers' paychecks.

A minute into the call, Governor Walker describes a plan by the Senate Majority Leader to institute a new rule that would stop automatic deductions of lawmakers' paychecks if they do not appear in the Senate for more than two days. It would require lawmakers to appear in person to collect their checks.

Walker describes this as part of a plan he is working on with GOP Senators: "Each day, we're going to rachet this up a little bit."

2. Walker sees billionaire David Koch as "one of us."

Two and a half minutes in, Walker is describing a conversation he had with a Democratic state lawmaker, Tim Cullen, who Walker says is the "only reasonable" one among the Democrats. When the man pretending to be Koch suggests he calls Cullen, Walker says that although Cullen is reasonable, he is not "one of us." Who is the "us" that includes Walker and out-of-state billionaire Koch, but not an elected state legislator?

3. Walker is planning to threaten state workers with layoffs.

Five minutes into the call, Governor Walker says he is planning to issue between 5,000 and 6,000 "risk notices" to state workers announcing that they are at risk of being laid off. He makes this statement in the context of what he is planning to do to put pressure on Democrats to cave into his demands, not what is necessary due to the budget crunch. "If they want to start sacrificing thousands of public workers to be laid off," he says, "sooner or later there's gonna be pressure on Senators to come back. We're not going to compromise."

4. Walker has a plan to lie to Senate Democrats and pass the bill while they are not aware of the vote.

Seven minutes in, Walker describes a plan created by his chief of staff to call Senate Democrats back to "hear what they have to say." While he is discussing the issues with the Democrats, the Senate would be in recess. In actuality, once Democrats come back to the state assembly, Republicans would be able to pass the bill eliminating collective bargaining rights while Walker is in discussions with Democrats.

5. Walker considered planting fake protesters to cause trouble among the real protesters.

Fourteen and a half minutes in, the fake David Koch says that they are considering "planing some troublemakers" among the crowd of protesters. Walker responds with, "we thought about that." He expresses no moral objection to the plan, but says that he thinks it is the wrong strategy, because a "ruckus" would make people think he should compromise.

6. Walker is corrupt.

Although early in Walker says they are investigating the Democratic Senators to see if they are committing ethics violations by accepting union funds, when the fake David Koch says he will fly Walker "out to Cali and really show you a good time," Walker responds by saying "that would be outstanding."

Jesse Berney: Top Six Revelations in the Call Between Fake David Koch and Governor Scott Walker

Chris thinks he is fucking Sherlock Holmes now....
nope he just did a Copy & Paste
What does the tape say to you, divecon?

I am very interested in reading your take on what the tape says about Scott Walker, his agenda, the nature of his relationship with the Koch brothers, and what that all means to you.

Let's hear it.
that he doesnt know the Koch brothers and has no connections to them other than they are employers in his state

Yeah ... you're out there man. Wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy out there.
the fact he got pranked is proof
but you want to ignore the facts
he doesnt know them and has never met with them
that he doesnt know the Koch brothers and has no connections to them other than they are employers in his state

Yeah ... you're out there man. Wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy out there.
the fact he got pranked is proof
but you want to ignore the facts
he doesnt know them and has never met with them

I'm just gonna say that there are many many people I have met personally, some rather close, that I don't really have their phone voice down unless they have some uniquely distinguishing mannerisms such as an accent.
Yeah ... you're out there man. Wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy out there.
the fact he got pranked is proof
but you want to ignore the facts
he doesnt know them and has never met with them

I'm just gonna say that there are many many people I have met personally, some rather close, that I don't really have their phone voice down unless they have some uniquely distinguishing mannerisms such as an accent.
so i guess he is a liar now
he was just on Greta and he said he has never met them and have never talked to them and all he knows of them is they are employers in WI
the fact he got pranked is proof
but you want to ignore the facts
he doesnt know them and has never met with them

I'm just gonna say that there are many many people I have met personally, some rather close, that I don't really have their phone voice down unless they have some uniquely distinguishing mannerisms such as an accent.
so i guess he is a liar now
he was just on Greta and he said he has never met them and have never talked to them and all he knows of them is they are employers in WI

Well that settles it.

that he doesnt know the Koch brothers and has no connections to them other than they are employers in his state

Yeah ... you're out there man. Wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy out there.
the fact he got pranked is proof
but you want to ignore the facts
he doesnt know them and has never met with them

Question. Why would it be important whether he knows Koch? You know, intent matters, he thought he was talking to Koch and he was spewing his entire plan of action.

Koch is an ordinary citizen but in the governor's mind, he is valuable and influential, he even accepted an offer to be flown out to California and be shown a "good time".

Scott also brought other governors into his shady plans and attempted to portray himself as a leader, as if these other govs will follow suit:

I talk to Kasich every day, John’s gotta stand firm in Ohio. I think we could do the same thing with Vic Scott in Florida. I think, uh, (Rick) Snyder, if he got a little more support, probably could do that in Michigan. You start going down the list there’s a lot of us new governors that got elected to do something big.

This guy is assuming too much and he's talking too much.

Loose lips sink ships.. :cuckoo:
the fact he got pranked is proof
but you want to ignore the facts
he doesnt know them and has never met with them

I'm just gonna say that there are many many people I have met personally, some rather close, that I don't really have their phone voice down unless they have some uniquely distinguishing mannerisms such as an accent.
so i guess he is a liar now
he was just on Greta and he said he has never met them and have never talked to them and all he knows of them is they are employers in WI

You need to make up your mind here.
I'm just gonna say that there are many many people I have met personally, some rather close, that I don't really have their phone voice down unless they have some uniquely distinguishing mannerisms such as an accent.
so i guess he is a liar now
he was just on Greta and he said he has never met them and have never talked to them and all he knows of them is they are employers in WI

You need to make up your mind here.
you need to understand sarcasm
DiveCon, trying to defend this is a fool's errand. Scott Walker got publicy pantsed today and everyone saw what he has tatted on his ass.

For some reason I don't think the Governor will be making any appearances on Meet the Press anytime soon.
DiveCon, trying to defend this is a fool's errand. Scott Walker got publicy pantsed today and everyone saw what he has tatted on his ass.


You don't spend 20 minutes on the telephone with a Kansas billionaire discussing strategy and cheap tricks to fool democrats, if you don't consider that billionaire fat cat a confidant and influential backer.

The funny thing is, Walker admitted this isn't about saving taxpayer money or balancing budgets. Its about what liberals always said it was about: an attack on unions for emotional and ideological reasons.

Scott Walker PWNED on Prank Phone Call....

"I told my cabinet ... about what we were going to do and how we were going to do it. We'd already kind of built plans up but it was kind of the last hurrah before we dropped the bomb. And i stood up and pulled out a picture of Ronald Reagan and said this may seem a little melodramatic, but 30 years ago, Ronald Reagan ... had one of the most defining moments of his political career, not just his presidency, when he fired the air traffic controllers. And I said, to me that moment was more important than for just labor relations or even the federal budget, that was the first crack in the Berlin Wall and the fall of communism ... in Wisconsin's history, this is our moment, this is our time to change the course of history ... for those who thought I was being melodramatic you now know it was purely putting it in the right context.
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You don't spend 20 minutes on the telephone with a Kansas billionaire discussing strategy and cheap tricks to fool democrats, if you don't consider that billionaire fat cat a confidant and influential backer.

I know this but one thing I've learned from messageboards ... cognative dissonance is a helluva drug.
You don't spend 20 minutes on the telephone with a Kansas billionaire discussing strategy and cheap tricks to fool democrats, if you don't consider that billionaire fat cat a confidant and influential backer.

I know this but one thing I've learned from messageboards ... cognative dissonance is a helluva drug.
you've got to be kidding
you are doing that, not me

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