governor walker pranked

I wonder if the person who put "Koch" through to the governor still works for him... :razz:
DiveCon, trying to defend this is a fool's errand. Scott Walker got publicy pantsed today and everyone saw what he has tatted on his ass.


You don't spend 20 minutes on the telephone with a Kansas billionaire discussing strategy and cheap tricks to fool democrats, if you don't consider that billionaire fat cat a confidant and influential backer.

The funny thing is, Walker admitted this isn't about saving taxpayer money or balancing budgets. Its about what liberals always said it was about: an attack on unions for emotional and ideological reasons.

Scott Walker PWNED on Prank Phone Call....

"I told my cabinet ... about what we were going to do and how we were going to do it. We'd already kind of built plans up but it was kind of the last hurrah before we dropped the bomb. And i stood up and pulled out a picture of Ronald Reagan and said this may seem a little melodramatic, but 30 years ago, Ronald Reagan ... had one of the most defining moments of his political career, not just his presidency, when he fired the air traffic controllers. And I said, to me that moment was more important than for just labor relations or even the federal budget, that was the first crack in the Berlin Wall and the fall of communism ... in Wisconsin's history, this is our moment, this is our time to change the course of history ... for those who thought I was being melodramatic you now know it was purely putting it in the right context.
except, dipshit, he didnt spend 20 minutes on the phone with a billionaire

or are you that fucking stupid?
You don't spend 20 minutes on the telephone with a Kansas billionaire discussing strategy and cheap tricks to fool democrats, if you don't consider that billionaire fat cat a confidant and influential backer.

I know this but one thing I've learned from messageboards ... cognative dissonance is a helluva drug.
you've got to be kidding
you are doing that, not me

Seriously, Dive, you are making a total fool of yourself trying to defend this.

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