governor walker pranked

The liberals went crazy with this prank phone call today.
They did? I must have missed it. Was it like Monica's blue dress crazy?
It was really funny, actually. It seems as though they just have no other hope and will grasp strongly to anything they can.
So how was it funny Lee? The part where the sheriff said he was going to investigate it?
Unfortunately for them, this will change nothing.
Going crazy rarely changes anything Lee.
I can't wait for this bill to be passed so Gov. Walker can work on concealed carry. The protests for that one will be amazing!

Yes, I do hope he passes that.
All of sane America is laughing at Governor Walker and those of you who attempt to defend him.

You all went down in political flames.
How so?......The vote will go down.....It's inevitable. Walker will win. And rightfully so.

If the vote doesn't go down, 6000 people will receive pink slips........The union will declare it a victory, while 6000 of their due paying members are without jobs, and the union is no longer collecting dues.

And, lets take into account the citizens of Wisconsin voted out the dem's this past election. The dem's who are left, fled, thereby leaving their constituents in the lurch without representation. And they are still having their taxpaying dollars used to pay cowards who are NOT doing their jobs.

Who's really going to lose politically?:eusa_whistle:

Yeah, we've seen where your predictions head, buddy!:razz::lol:

Struggle is about fighting to win and occasionally losing, so if they must lose, at least they fought the good fight. It will be interesting to see where these 6000 jobs get cut, and how the public will howl at lost & slowed services, while paying taxes to support another 6,000 unemployed. :lol: It's going to get looking like Chicago, huh?
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All of sane America is laughing at Governor Walker and those of you who attempt to defend him.

You all went down in political flames.
How so?......The vote will go down.....It's inevitable. Walker will win. And rightfully so.

If the vote doesn't go down, 6000 people will receive pink slips........The union will declare it a victory, while 6000 of their due paying members are without jobs, and the union is no longer collecting dues.

And, lets take into account the citizens of Wisconsin voted out the dem's this past election. The dem's who are left, fled, thereby leaving their constituents in the lurch without representation. And they are still having their taxpaying dollars used to pay cowards who are NOT doing their jobs.

Who's really going to lose politically?:eusa_whistle:

Yeah, we've seen where your predictions head, buddy!:razz::lol:

Struggle is about fighting to win and occasionally losing, so if they must lose, at least they fought the good fight. It will be interesting to see where these 6000 jobs get cut, and how the public will howl at lost & slowed services, while paying taxes to support another 6,000 unemployed. :lol: It's going to get looking like Chicago, huh?
Yep........The union and their members are going to look like a bunch of idiots when 6000 are cut and services suffer. When the taxpayers are forced to have to pay 6000 idiots unemployment. Of course, the unions will claim it a victory.....Just like they did in the case of the hospital that was shut down because of union garbage. 600 people lost their jobs, that never returned.......Yeah, those unions sure are lookin' out for their members alright!
The union and their supporters, now three to one the majority in WI (look up the polls, guys) are (1) go to shut down all service except essential IAW with WI law, and (2) the courts next week will issue orders for an ethics violations examination of Walker and his recent statements. Those ethics laws are very tough in WI, and Walker will eventually be removed from office for cause.

The victory will not occur overnight, but victory is certain, and the far right wing once again is exposed for its anti-worker and anti-American stances.
The union and their supporters, now three to one the majority in WI (look up the polls, guys) are (1) go to shut down all service except essential IAW with WI law, and (2) the courts next week will issue orders for an ethics violations examination of Walker and his recent statements. Those ethics laws are very tough in WI, and Walker will eventually be removed from office for cause.

The victory will not occur overnight, but victory is certain, and the far right wing once again is exposed for its anti-worker and anti-American stances.

cause i'm gonna laugh my ass off if none oif this happens and i doubt it will
because you are pulling this crap out of your ass and you are a fucking IDIOT
How so?......The vote will go down.....It's inevitable. Walker will win. And rightfully so.

If the vote doesn't go down, 6000 people will receive pink slips........The union will declare it a victory, while 6000 of their due paying members are without jobs, and the union is no longer collecting dues.

And, lets take into account the citizens of Wisconsin voted out the dem's this past election. The dem's who are left, fled, thereby leaving their constituents in the lurch without representation. And they are still having their taxpaying dollars used to pay cowards who are NOT doing their jobs.

Who's really going to lose politically?:eusa_whistle:

Yeah, we've seen where your predictions head, buddy!:razz::lol:

Struggle is about fighting to win and occasionally losing, so if they must lose, at least they fought the good fight. It will be interesting to see where these 6000 jobs get cut, and how the public will howl at lost & slowed services, while paying taxes to support another 6,000 unemployed. :lol: It's going to get looking like Chicago, huh?

Yep........The union and their members are going to look like a bunch of idiots when 6000 are cut and services suffer. When the taxpayers are forced to have to pay 6000 idiots unemployment. Of course, the unions will claim it a victory.....Just like they did in the case of the hospital that was shut down because of union garbage. 600 people lost their jobs, that never returned.......Yeah, those unions sure are lookin' out for their members alright!

Hmm, do the math,..

unemployment = $355. wk x 4 weeks = $1420. mth (per union member) x 6000 = $8,520,000. a month x 12 mo. = $102,240,000. a year.

So the governor is going to reward nonproductive Union Members $102, 240,000. a year to stay home and watch Bill Maher on TV, while citizens turn red at their cut services and seeing protesters on every corner of Wisconsin. I can dig it!! LMAO!!:lol:
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Struggle is about fighting to win and occasionally losing, so if they must lose, at least they fought the good fight. It will be interesting to see where these 6000 jobs get cut, and how the public will howl at lost & slowed services, while paying taxes to support another 6,000 unemployed. :lol: It's going to get looking like Chicago, huh?

Yep........The union and their members are going to look like a bunch of idiots when 6000 are cut and services suffer. When the taxpayers are forced to have to pay 6000 idiots unemployment. Of course, the unions will claim it a victory.....Just like they did in the case of the hospital that was shut down because of union garbage. 600 people lost their jobs, that never returned.......Yeah, those unions sure are lookin' out for their members alright!

Hmm, do the math,..

unemployment = $355. wk x 4 weeks = $1420. mth (per union member) x 6000 = $8,520,000. a month x 12 mo. = $102,240,000. a year.

So the governor is going to reward nonproductive Union Members $102, 240,000. a year to stay home and watch Bill Maher on TV, while citizens turn red at their cut services and seeing protesters on every corner of Wisconsin. I can dig it!! LMAO!!:lol:
What no math regarding the difference betwwen their regular take home pay, and what they would receive on employment........The gov's actually saving money......Particularly when their benefits run dry..........Screw it, fire the greedy lil' bastards!:razz:

And, if they're dumb enough to watch Bill Maher, that's they're fuckin' problem.....Looks like union members are pretty damn stupid.
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Why would he lay people off? They've already agreed to the pay cuts...

He's a liar...and anyone that trusts him is a fool.
Why would he lay people off? They've already agreed to the pay cuts...

He's a liar...and anyone that trusts him is a fool.

The guy never shuts his mouth, words just keep on coming out of it.

Unfortunate words...
Plutocracy Now: What Wisconsin Is Really About

"Income inequality has grown dramatically since the mid-'70s—far more in the US than in most advanced countries—and the gap is only partly related to college grads outperforming high-school grads.

"Rather, the bulk of our growing inequality has been a product of skyrocketing incomes among the richest 1 percent and—even more dramatically—among the top 0.1 percent.

"It has, in other words, been CEOs and Wall Street traders at the very tippy-top who are hoovering up vast sums of money from everyone, even those who by ordinary standards are pretty well off."

Plutocracy Now...
Let's be crystal clear about what Scott "Hey, I don't know David Koch!" Walker said on that audio tape.

He didn't just "think" about planting trouble makers in a perfectly legal civil protest. It wasn't just something he fantasized about on his own personal time.

He was actively talking to people about planting trouble makers into a protest.

And in his own words, he didn't reject the idea because it was unethical and just freaking stupid for the state's elected chief executive to foment trouble-making at a lawful protest.

He said he rejected the idea for political reasons - he thought the public was turning against the protests, with or without his help.
Let's be crystal clear about what Scott "Hey, I don't know David Koch!" Walker said on that audio tape.

He didn't just "think" about planting trouble makers in a perfectly legal civil protest. It wasn't just something he fantasized about on his own personal time.

He was actively talking to people about planting trouble makers into a protest.

And in his own words, he didn't reject the idea because it was unethical and just freaking stupid for the state's elected chief executive to foment trouble-making at a lawful protest.

He said he rejected the idea for political reasons - he thought the public was turning against the protests, with or without his help.
he didnt say anything of the sort
I listened to him, divecon. That is exactly what he said. He did not condemn the idea, simply said he did not need to do it because public opinion was swinging against the unions. If that was true, it wasn't after his words were released to the public.

Sore loser Republicans, new conservative pundits, oathers, birthers, tea partiers, libertarians and all those who support the forementioned and echo their mantras have for the last two years trumpeted EVERY wild accusation and exaggerated every small flaw of President Obama and his administration ad nauseum. They've wailed that the liberal bias in the main stream media has hampered their efforts to get their "truths" to the people.

Well, here's a Prime Example of just how wrong the above are. In the state of Wisconsin, you have a newly elected governor who is puts forth a "deficit reducing" budget proposal that (among other things) bans unions from collectively bargaining on their benefits and pensions. Now to date, NO ONE has explained just how that stipulation automatically means lowering the States deficit.

But as the unions in Wisconsin raise hell, and Walker has been incommunicado with the press, it's interesting that he suddenly was able to give 20 minutes to a local blogger who pretended to be one of the Koch Brothers....oil billionaires with about 17 businesses in Wisconsin, and a documented anti-Obama, anti-union bent....and hefty contributors to Walker's campaign. Here's what went down:

What's fascinating is how the "liberal" Main Stream media has given this scant coverage....fascinating because EVERY crackpot theory and accusation (despite being logically disproven) against Obama has been plastered and drummed into the American consciousness on radio, television and in newspapers and magazines. Yet here's a Governor glibbly expainling how he and other local GOP contemplated using agent provocateurs to disrupt the protesters, along with other interesting little tidbits.

Where's the outcry?
This is sort of old news already...And it's really not the smoking gun the left has tried to make it out to be.
At least I didn't cringe after hearing it.
I listened to him, divecon. That is exactly what he said. He did not condemn the idea, simply said he did not need to do it because public opinion was swinging against the unions. If that was true, it wasn't after his words were released to the public.
Taichiliberal can't read. Doesn't see several other threads on the same matter. News at 11

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