Governors, States Now REJECTING Syrian 'Refugees'

Defend Obama's position at all costs! Even if it means risking American lives.

Unbelievably disgusting

This doesn't have anything to do with Obama, as far as I'm concerned.
It most certainly does. If Obama wasn't trying to bring them here you wouldn't be having this discussion.

6 months ago I thought we should possibly bring them here. In light of the fact that ISIS is using refugees as a method to infiltrate other countries I have enough common sense to rethink my original position.
It was about time. Muslims have no place in western civilization. We should let them kill each other for centuries.There is no moderate Muslim. Yes you have few Muslims in USA but when they grow in numbers they will destroy your country and sharia law will rule. Look what is happening in France, Norway,Sweden, Belgium etc
Defend Obama's position at all costs! Even if it means risking American lives.

Unbelievably disgusting

This doesn't have anything to do with Obama, as far as I'm concerned.
It most certainly does. If Obama wasn't trying to bring them here you wouldn't be having this discussion.

6 months ago I thought we should possibly bring them here. In light of the fact that ISIS is using refugees as a method to infiltrate other countries I have enough common sense to rethink my original position.

Basing your arguments on what your crystal ball tells you that I would have done in your hypothetical situation is pretty stupid.

The fact that you're being emotional and reactionary doesn't mean that everyone else has to be as well.
Defend Obama's position at all costs! Even if it means risking American lives.

Unbelievably disgusting

This doesn't have anything to do with Obama, as far as I'm concerned.
It most certainly does. If Obama wasn't trying to bring them here you wouldn't be having this discussion.

6 months ago I thought we should possibly bring them here. In light of the fact that ISIS is using refugees as a method to infiltrate other countries I have enough common sense to rethink my original position.

Basing your arguments on what your crystal ball tells you that I would have done in your hypothetical situation is pretty stupid.

The fact that you're being emotional and reactionary doesn't mean that everyone else has to be as well.
Do you support his decision to bring thousands of Syrian refugees here or not?
If not then I apologize. If so, fuck off.
Defend Obama's position at all costs! Even if it means risking American lives.

Unbelievably disgusting

This doesn't have anything to do with Obama, as far as I'm concerned.
It most certainly does. If Obama wasn't trying to bring them here you wouldn't be having this discussion.

6 months ago I thought we should possibly bring them here. In light of the fact that ISIS is using refugees as a method to infiltrate other countries I have enough common sense to rethink my original position.

Basing your arguments on what your crystal ball tells you that I would have done in your hypothetical situation is pretty stupid.

The fact that you're being emotional and reactionary doesn't mean that everyone else has to be as well.
Do you support his decision to bring thousands of Syrian refugees here or not?
If not then I apologize. If so, fuck off.

As far as I'm concerned, I don't care where refugees come from - but yes, I do agree with US policy regarding refugees in general.

As far as Obama "making the decision" to bring thousands of Syrian refugees, I could go either way. There are refugees in plenty of other war-torn countries that are just as deserving of a chance at a new life.

What I will say is that pants-pissing fear about terrorists hiding in the refugees is dumb and reactionary. There are no shortage of ways for terrorists to physically enter the country, and no way to plug every hole. Denying entry to Syrian refugees based on that won't hurt ISIS or prevent terrorists from entering the country, it'll only hurt the millions of people who've been bearing the brunt of ISIS, being conquered and driven from their homes by ISIS, and suffering the worst that they do.
Defend Obama's position at all costs! Even if it means risking American lives.

Unbelievably disgusting

This doesn't have anything to do with Obama, as far as I'm concerned.
It most certainly does. If Obama wasn't trying to bring them here you wouldn't be having this discussion.

6 months ago I thought we should possibly bring them here. In light of the fact that ISIS is using refugees as a method to infiltrate other countries I have enough common sense to rethink my original position.

Basing your arguments on what your crystal ball tells you that I would have done in your hypothetical situation is pretty stupid.

The fact that you're being emotional and reactionary doesn't mean that everyone else has to be as well.
Do you support his decision to bring thousands of Syrian refugees here or not?
If not then I apologize. If so, fuck off.

As far as I'm concerned, I don't care where refugees come from - but yes, I do agree with US policy regarding refugees in general.

As far as Obama "making the decision" to bring thousands of Syrian refugees, I could go either way. There are refugees in plenty of other war-torn countries that are just as deserving of a chance at a new life.

What I will say is that pants-pissing fear about terrorists hiding in the refugees is dumb and reactionary. There are no shortage of ways for terrorists to physically enter the country, and no way to plug every hole.

So you make even more holes?
why aren't any of the other Muslim countries STEPPING up to take them?. where is it written we have to take everyone who they claim to be a refugee, on top of that we have TO PAY for them once they GET HERE.

we the people are the ones getting hosed. not those elected elites you elected to PROTECT and serve YOU.
What about Belgian refugees? The apparent mastermind was a Belgian
good point.....the terrorists are coming from all sorts of countries.....not only Middle East but Europe as well.....many of the terrorists today are children of muslim immigrants....they have European passports and speak Euro languages....

which is why we need to ban ALL muslim immigration/refugees to the United States.....otherwise we are going to have the same problems that France, Sweden, Germany, etc. all have....those countries were too stupid to realize that Muslims do not integrate into the Western world....

Imagine if we had President Trump today. This wouldn't even be an issue. Obama is nothing but problems for Americans.
Good for them. All the States should refuse to accept any Syrian refugee's.

If Obumble want them then they can all live in DC. and the DC taxpayers can support them.
right, and if Obama wants to do the right thing, and hes so compassionate for these refugees, why not his own back yard! instead of dumping them in mostly red states!
Our Governor down here in Florida doesn't want em either.

If Obama forces America to accept these people then he is one stupid motherfucker.

Next elections should be very, very interesting since Hildebeast has said she want more of them in America.

Very interesting indeed.
Send them to states with Democrat governors. All 16 of them.
Seems like the obvious answer. Surely those governors feel the refugees would be helpful additions to their states.

Problem solved.

It sure works with "sanctuary states", doesn't it? This is just an extension of that.

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