Governors, States Now REJECTING Syrian 'Refugees'

They have a say about where they can live.

The anarchist is now going to school us on the laws of the Statists.

Most anarchist are thoroughly knowledgeable about the law. We have to be to shoot down all the bilge servile idiots like you are always spewing.

Fine then tell us how states can get around the Constitution.

Where does the Constitution state that states have to allow refugees?

Where it establishes the Constitution as the supreme law of the land.

The Refugee Act of 1980.

Cite the language that says so.

The whole law.

Read it, you'll notice there's no mention of states having veto power over refugee designations.

In other words, there's no language saying states have to admit refugees.

Once the federal government grants a refugee legal status, the state has no say.

They have a say about where they can live.

No, they don't. Repeating a lie over and over again won't magically make it true.
O'Bummer cannot comprehend that if he stuffs his Muslim hordes into states that don't want them then:

1. Every murder one of them commits is on his head - if not legally, politically.

2. He guarantees re-election of the resisting governor of that state and that state's entire congressional delegation.

And for that I give thanks......
8 ISIS Terrorists Arrested Plotting to Pose as Refugees
Only bigots worry about terrorists posing as refugees
November 18, 2015
Daniel Greenfield


Nothing to worry about. If you're at all concerned about terrorists posing as refugees, you're probably some sort of orphan-hating Islamophobe.

Either that or the director of the FBI. Or the Director of National Intelligence.

But Obama knows that only bigots worry about terrorists posing as refugees. So it's unfortunate that the Islamophobic Muslim government of Turkey just arrested 8 ISIS members who were plotting to pose as refugees to penetrate Europe.


8 ISIS Terrorists Arrested Plotting to Pose as Refugees
Syrians are a Nation of Terrorist Supporters
10,000 Syrian refugees mean 1,300 ISIS supporters.
November 24, 2015
Daniel Greenfield


Syria is a terror state. It didn’t become that way overnight because of the Arab Spring or the Iraq War.

Its people are not the victims of American foreign policy, Islamic militancy or any of the other fashionable excuses. They supported Islamic terrorism. Millions of them still do.

They are not the Jews fleeing a Nazi Holocaust. They are the Nazis trying to relocate from a bombed out Berlin.

These are the cold hard facts.

ISIS took over parts of Syria because its government willingly allied with it to help its terrorists kill Americans in Iraq. That support for Al Qaeda helped lead to the civil war tearing the country apart.

The Syrians were not helpless, apathetic pawns in this fight. They supported Islamic terrorism.

A 2007 poll showed that 77% of Syrians supported financing Islamic terrorists including Hamas and the Iraqi fighters who evolved into ISIS. Less than 10% of Syrians opposed their terrorism.

Why did Syrians support Islamic terrorism? Because they hated America.

Sixty-three percent wanted to refuse medical and humanitarian assistance from the United States. An equal number didn’t want any American help caring for Iraqi refugees in Syria.

The vast majority of Syrians turned down any form of assistance from the United States because they hated us. They still do. Just because they’re willing to accept it now, doesn’t mean they like us.

If we bring Syrian Muslims to America, we will be importing a population that hates us.

The terrorism poll numbers are still ugly. A poll this summer found that 1 in 5 Syrians supports ISIS. A third of Syrians support the Al Nusra Front, which is affiliated with Al Qaeda. Since Sunnis are 3/4rs of the population and Shiites and Christians aren’t likely to support either group, this really means that Sunni Muslim support for both terror groups is even higher than these numbers make it seem.

And even though Christians and Yazidis are the ones who actually face ISIS genocide, Obama has chosen to take in few Christians and Yazidis. Instead 98.6% of Obama’s Syrian refugees are Sunni Muslims.

This is also the population most likely to support ISIS and Al Qaeda.


Syrians are a Nation of Terrorist Supporters
Insisting that it is too dangerous after the Paris terrorist attacks to allow the Obama administration to re-settle Syrian 'Refugees' in their states and that American citizens should have a voice in whether to accept them or not, several governors have already made the decision NOT to accept Syrian 'Refugees', rejecting Obama's Re-Settlement plan.

"The governors of Alabama and Michigan on Sunday announced that they would not accept refugees from the Syrian civil war, in the wake of Friday's terror attacks in Paris."
LINK: After Paris attacks, governors refuse Syrian refugees

I read somewhere last night that South Carolina is drafting legislation or has already passed the bill to also refuse to take Syrian 'Refugees'. These 'defections' / 'rejections' of Obama's plan must be pissing Obama off. If this trend continues, he might have to do what he has done and continues to do with Illegal Immigrants - disperse the 'Refugees' throughout communities without informing the local state government / agencies.
They can go to the blue states for all I care, we here in the red states don't want the rejects...
Insisting that it is too dangerous after the Paris terrorist attacks to allow the Obama administration to re-settle Syrian 'Refugees' in their states and that American citizens should have a voice in whether to accept them or not, several governors have already made the decision NOT to accept Syrian 'Refugees', rejecting Obama's Re-Settlement plan.

"The governors of Alabama and Michigan on Sunday announced that they would not accept refugees from the Syrian civil war, in the wake of Friday's terror attacks in Paris."
LINK: After Paris attacks, governors refuse Syrian refugees

I read somewhere last night that South Carolina is drafting legislation or has already passed the bill to also refuse to take Syrian 'Refugees'. These 'defections' / 'rejections' of Obama's plan must be pissing Obama off. If this trend continues, he might have to do what he has done and continues to do with Illegal Immigrants - disperse the 'Refugees' throughout communities without informing the local state government / agencies.
They can go to the blue states for all I care, we here in the red states don't want the rejects...
WWJD? Oh right, you're nothing like him, of course...
Insisting that it is too dangerous after the Paris terrorist attacks to allow the Obama administration to re-settle Syrian 'Refugees' in their states and that American citizens should have a voice in whether to accept them or not, several governors have already made the decision NOT to accept Syrian 'Refugees', rejecting Obama's Re-Settlement plan.

"The governors of Alabama and Michigan on Sunday announced that they would not accept refugees from the Syrian civil war, in the wake of Friday's terror attacks in Paris."
LINK: After Paris attacks, governors refuse Syrian refugees

I read somewhere last night that South Carolina is drafting legislation or has already passed the bill to also refuse to take Syrian 'Refugees'. These 'defections' / 'rejections' of Obama's plan must be pissing Obama off. If this trend continues, he might have to do what he has done and continues to do with Illegal Immigrants - disperse the 'Refugees' throughout communities without informing the local state government / agencies.
They can go to the blue states for all I care, we here in the red states don't want the rejects...
Demorats will do anything for a vote, including selling us all out...

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