Governors, States Now REJECTING Syrian 'Refugees'

Alabama, Michigan, SC, Texas.....keep it rolling' - NO 'REFUGEES' in the US. Just say 'No' to Obama's plan to Import terrorists!
Since the goal is a get a holy war going, those states just went to the top of the list. People there are already freaking out.

So you admit muslims want a holy war and you want to let em into our country?
No, the bigots here in America want a holy war.

We already have some nazis on this forum openly calling for the extermination of all Muslims:

They will not stop. Accept them at your peril. Or exterminate we would have done before the rise of Libtards faggots.

Exterminate? If only you rednecks could see how closely you resemble brownshirts.

So you're a muzzie sympathizer..aka libtard?

So defending your country is a holy war? :cuckoo:
Alabama, Michigan, SC, Texas.....keep it rolling' - NO 'REFUGEES' in the US. Just say 'No' to Obama's plan to Import terrorists!
Since the goal is a get a holy war going, those states just went to the top of the list. People there are already freaking out.

So you admit muslims want a holy war and you want to let em into our country?
No, the bigots here in America want a holy war.

We already have some nazis on this forum openly calling for the extermination of all Muslims:

They will not stop. Accept them at your peril. Or exterminate we would have done before the rise of Libtards faggots.

Exterminate? If only you rednecks could see how closely you resemble brownshirts.

So you're a muzzie sympathizer..aka libtard?

So defending your country is a holy war? :cuckoo:
Is that what you call tossing all Muslims into gas ovens? "Defending your country"?

Sieg Heil!:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
Alabama, Michigan, SC, Texas.....keep it rolling' - NO 'REFUGEES' in the US. Just say 'No' to Obama's plan to Import terrorists!
Since the goal is a get a holy war going, those states just went to the top of the list. People there are already freaking out.

So you admit muslims want a holy war and you want to let em into our country?
No, the bigots here in America want a holy war.

We already have some nazis on this forum openly calling for the extermination of all Muslims:

They will not stop. Accept them at your peril. Or exterminate we would have done before the rise of Libtards faggots.

Exterminate? If only you rednecks could see how closely you resemble brownshirts.

So you're a muzzie sympathizer..aka libtard?

So defending your country is a holy war? :cuckoo:
Is that what you call tossing all Muslims into gas ovens? "Defending your country"?

Sieg Heil!:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

You said it,not me.
Since the goal is a get a holy war going, those states just went to the top of the list. People there are already freaking out.

So you admit muslims want a holy war and you want to let em into our country?
No, the bigots here in America want a holy war.

We already have some nazis on this forum openly calling for the extermination of all Muslims:

They will not stop. Accept them at your peril. Or exterminate we would have done before the rise of Libtards faggots.

Exterminate? If only you rednecks could see how closely you resemble brownshirts.

So you're a muzzie sympathizer..aka libtard?

So defending your country is a holy war? :cuckoo:
Is that what you call tossing all Muslims into gas ovens? "Defending your country"?

Sieg Heil!:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

You said it,not me.
WTF are you smoking?
Alabama, Michigan, SC, Texas.....keep it rolling' - NO 'REFUGEES' in the US. Just say 'No' to Obama's plan to Import terrorists!

Bobby Jindal issues executive order to block Syrian refugees

Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal has issued an executive order to block the resettlement of Syrian refugees in Louisiana, following the deadly terrorist attacks in Paris last week.

According to the order, Jindal is citing the governor’s authority to respond to the threat of emergency in the state. (Read the full executive order here)

The order calls on state agencies to implement “all lawful means to prevent the resettlement of Syrian refugees” here and authorizes the State Police to monitor and avert threats from those who have already made it to Louisiana.
Is that what you call tossing all Muslims into gas ovens? "Defending your country"?

Sieg Heil!:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

You are one confused F*, ya know that?! The only one who has been 'thrown into an oven' is the pilot ISIS burned alive. No one has suggested murdering all Muslims. No one has talked about committing anything like genocide, except ISIS, Hamas, Iran, ect whose goal it is to murder all Jews, and ISIS . Islamic Extremists claiming they want to kill everyone who does not believe in Islam...which also happens to be YOU, dumbmass!

In an adult conversation, much like Saul Alynski teaches good wittle Socialists to do when they are getting their ass handed to them by intelligent, rational people, you throw out some perverse, over-the-top accusation like this to derail the conversation (throw out something ridiculous so your opponent will have to defend it rather than stay on point). so, again, while I still think you do need help, you are also demonstrating some fine Socialist techniques.
Is that what you call tossing all Muslims into gas ovens? "Defending your country"?

Sieg Heil!:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

You are one confused F*, ya know that?! The only one who has been 'thrown into an oven' is the pilot ISIS burned alive. No one has suggested murdering all Muslims. No one has talked about committing anything like genocide, except ISIS, Hamas, Iran, ect whose goal it is to murder all Jews, and ISIS . Islamic Extremists claiming they want to kill everyone who does not believe in Islam...which also happens to be YOU, dumbmass!

In an adult conversation, much like Saul Alynski teaches good wittle Socialists to do when they are getting their ass handed to them by intelligent, rational people, you throw out some perverse, over-the-top accusation like this to derail the conversation (throw out something ridiculous so your opponent will have to defend it rather than stay on point). so, again, while I still think you do need help, you are also demonstrating some fine Socialist techniques.

precisely...They follow the playbook.. they're predictable
Send them to states with Democrat governors. All 16 of them.

I get it, but stopping them from entering is or email your governor, congressmen and senators. I have.

Yep, that the only way anything is going to get done. that thug and his administration isn't going to listen to any of us. though we are their Employers and our government is suppose to be OF THE PEOPLE. they should be asking and listening us. the people need to start waking up and speaking up
What about Belgian refugees? The apparent mastermind was a Belgian
good point.....the terrorists are coming from all sorts of countries.....not only Middle East but Europe as well.....many of the terrorists today are children of muslim immigrants....they have European passports and speak Euro languages....

which is why we need to ban ALL muslim immigration/refugees to the United States.....otherwise we are going to have the same problems that France, Sweden, Germany, etc. all have....those countries were too stupid to realize that Muslims do not integrate into the Western world....
Maybe we take them in, but they have to stay in Baltimore. In no time they'll take to inflatable dinghies and start paddling down the Chesapeake and back to Syria where it's safer.
And what good will this xenophobia do? Oh right, none at all. The Paris attacks weren't planned by guys who just got off the boat, and once here, you can go wherever you damn well please eh?

They know for certain that at least one of the attackers entered into Europe with refugee status. Until we can determine a way to properly screen these people it makes sense to put a temporary stay on importing any more of them
Big fucking deal. He was probably a last minute replacement.

Where is your evidence of "probably?"

The guy who planned this attack lived in Belgium, went to bloody high school there. What you fear is already here.

No, what I'm proposing, as are other sensible people, is to not rush into importing refugees until we have a more effective way of making sure they haven't been radicalized. I'm not saying we still can't take people who need our help, but we have to be smart about it. This is simple common sense. It's not my fault if you don't possess any.

I would also remind you that these people have no right to come here. They do so strictly on our good graces.
Contact you Governors. this Federal Government under this Obama regime cannot FORCE these people into your state. the reason some(governor/states) are so accepting of it is they (these slimy Feds under Obama) are DANGLING a bunch of money (YOUR TAX dollars) to take them. So if your state is accepting them you know the reason why.
Given that it is our Presidents policy to hold back and hesitate when we our allies are attacked, I think it would be logical for the secret sevice to adopt the same policy when reacting to threats.

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