Govt Is Fining Christians $500 For Drive-In Church Services....Anyone Got A Link to Moisque Attendees Being Fined?

As Christian Churches, pastors, church attendees are being targeted, their religious Rights trampled, no news about Social Distancing being enforced in Mosques......

Anyone got a link to a report /case that it is?

Are mosques doing the same things that the churches who "are being targeted" are doing? What about synagogues? I haven't read about any of those being "targeted," either. :dunno:
I have not heard of any Mosques that are acting stupidly either, maybe that is why they are not "targeted"
Christians sitting in their cars are not acting stupidly except in the upsidedown world of lib la la land

I did not say that they were acting stupidly and the town rightfully rescinded the order. But plenty of others churches have not practiced social distancing or threatened not to
Why did they rescind it?

only because they were getting pushback from across the country

but the urge to punish Christians did not go away
Officials make mistakes and can over react in a crisis. It may be just that simple. They corrected it. How the fuck do you know that they wanted punish Christians? You don't ! You just whining and being paranoid.
There is no other logical explanation for such a stupid decision

Only in your twisted , paranoid mind
There’s a whole lot of God hating going on in lib la la land
Not exactly sure asking Churches, mosques and synogogues to follow the same rules as every other public gathering is 'god hating'
I think its classic lib God hating

we cant completely shred the Constitution in the name of safety

No body is shredding the constitution. Nobody is preventing the free exercise of religion. Is worship so fragile that it requires mass gatherings to express itself ? Give me a fucking break. Does your god or goddess really want to bring the specter of mass death to the people in order to show your devotion?
Heres a funny thing.

Racist trash always complain about immigrants not respecting the local laws and customs. Now they are the ones not respecting the laws and customs and they are struggling to find a group of muslims not being good citizens. Sucks to be a bigot.

Among our laws and customs, in this country is our Constitution, which is our highest law, taking precedence over all other laws and policies.

The First Amendment, which is part of this Constitution, explicitly asserts, among other rights, the people's right to worship, to engage in speech, and to peaceably assemble.

It is not those who are exercising these rights, who are violating our law sand customs, but those corrupt public servants who are violating these rights. They are the true criminals.
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There’s a whole lot of God hating going on in lib la la land
Not exactly sure asking Churches, mosques and synogogues to follow the same rules as every other public gathering is 'god hating'
People are allowed to make their own decisions concerning religion. The Constitution says it is staying out of it. Why should Governors fuck with it. If these people want to take the very overblown risk, let them.
Your religious freedom is not contingent on missing church for a few weeks you whiny little fuck.
Iman Timmy, shut the fuck up.
Brilliant!! Just fucking brillllllliant!
Your religious freedom is not contingent on missing church for a few weeks you whiny little f•••.

As an ignorant forager, who lives on the opposite side of the world from us, and who knows nothing about our country,our laws, our culture, our traditions, that is true; you have no say in the matter.

And for that matter, neither do the corrupt pieces of shit who are infesting our own governments, and using this fake pandemic as an excuse to seize power over us that our Constitution explicitly forbids them from claiming.
Heres a funny thing.

Racist trash always complain about immigrants not respecting the local laws and customs. Now they are the ones not respecting the laws and customs and they are struggling to find a group of muslims not being good citizens. Sucks to be a bigot.

Among our laws and customs, in this country is our Constitution.

The First Amendment, which is part of this Constitution, explicitly asserts the people's right to worship, to engage in speech, and to peaceably assemble.

It is not those who are exercising these rights, who are violating our law and customs, by those corrupt public servants who are violating these rights. They are the true criminals.

Hey Bobby. Feel free t go to one of those and "peaceably assemple" Be sure to breath deep . Let us know how that goes for you when you start gasping for breath and there are no respirators available
There’s a whole lot of God hating going on in lib la la land
Not exactly sure asking Churches, mosques and synogogues to follow the same rules as every other public gathering is 'god hating'
People are allowed to make their own decisions concerning religion. The Constitution says it is staying out of it. Why should Governors fuck with it. If these people want to take the very overblown risk, let them.
Your religious freedom is not contingent on missing church for a few weeks you whiny little fuck.
Iman Timmy, shut the fuck up.
Brilliant!! Just fucking brillllllliant!
Certainly more brilliant than Timmy. The is hard evidence saying Islam is exactly what I say it is. Islam tells you the truth about Islam and in literal terms. They teach hate, they have raped thousands of English girls, and commit acts of terror,

I guess Timmy is OK with that.
There’s a whole lot of God hating going on in lib la la land
Not exactly sure asking Churches, mosques and synogogues to follow the same rules as every other public gathering is 'god hating'
People are allowed to make their own decisions concerning religion. The Constitution says it is staying out of it. Why should Governors fuck with it. If these people want to take the very overblown risk, let them.
Your religious freedom is not contingent on missing church for a few weeks you whiny little fuck.
Iman Timmy, shut the fuck up.
Brilliant!! Just fucking brillllllliant!
Certainly more brilliant than Timmy. The is hard evidence saying Islam is exactly what I say it is. Islam tells you the truth about Islam and in literal terms. They teach hate, they have raped thousands of English girls, and commit acts of terror,

I guess Timmy is OK with that.

Islam has nothing to do with this. Neither does any other religion. You are talking crazy. Millions of Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, Wiccans, and people of other faiths are staying home, because it is the smart thing to do and we do not want to pass this virus to our families and neighbors.
There’s a whole lot of God hating going on in lib la la land
Not exactly sure asking Churches, mosques and synogogues to follow the same rules as every other public gathering is 'god hating'
People are allowed to make their own decisions concerning religion. The Constitution says it is staying out of it. Why should Governors fuck with it. If these people want to take the very overblown risk, let them.
Your religious freedom is not contingent on missing church for a few weeks you whiny little fuck.
Iman Timmy, shut the fuck up.
Brilliant!! Just fucking brillllllliant!
Certainly more brilliant than Timmy. The is hard evidence saying Islam is exactly what I say it is. Islam tells you the truth about Islam and in literal terms. They teach hate, they have raped thousands of English girls, and commit acts of terror,

I guess Timmy is OK with that.

Islam has nothing to do with this. Neither does any other religion. You are talking crazy. Millions of Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, Wiccans, and people of other faiths are staying home, because it is the smart thing to do and we do not want to pass this virus to our families and neighbors.

Islam has nothing to do with this.
I never said it did. I said it teaches hate, and it does. The end.
There’s a whole lot of God hating going on in lib la la land
Not exactly sure asking Churches, mosques and synogogues to follow the same rules as every other public gathering is 'god hating'
People are allowed to make their own decisions concerning religion. The Constitution says it is staying out of it. Why should Governors fuck with it. If these people want to take the very overblown risk, let them.
Your religious freedom is not contingent on missing church for a few weeks you whiny little fuck.
Iman Timmy, shut the fuck up.
Brilliant!! Just fucking brillllllliant!
Certainly more brilliant than Timmy. The is hard evidence saying Islam is exactly what I say it is. Islam tells you the truth about Islam and in literal terms. They teach hate, they have raped thousands of English girls, and commit acts of terror,

I guess Timmy is OK with that.

Islam has nothing to do with this. Neither does any other religion. You are talking crazy. Millions of Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, Wiccans, and people of other faiths are staying home, because it is the smart thing to do and we do not want to pass this virus to our families and neighbors.

Islam has nothing to do with this.
I never said it did. I said it teaches hate, and it does. The end.
Oh, sure. You know any Muslims? I do. Ever been to a Muslim country? I have. Teaching hate? Explain someone like frankie graham, who masquerades as a Christian and tries to wipe the toilet with the Christian faith.
There’s a whole lot of God hating going on in lib la la land
Not exactly sure asking Churches, mosques and synogogues to follow the same rules as every other public gathering is 'god hating'
People are allowed to make their own decisions concerning religion. The Constitution says it is staying out of it. Why should Governors fuck with it. If these people want to take the very overblown risk, let them.

Because dumb fuck it puts EVERYONE at risk and consumes resources that WE ALL need!
Sitting in their cars listening to the radio puts no one at risk except pushy atheists who should mind their own business

As Christian Churches, pastors, church attendees are being targeted, their religious Rights trampled, no news about Social Distancing being enforced in Mosques......

Anyone got a link to a report /case that it is?

Are mosques doing the same things that the churches who "are being targeted" are doing? What about synagogues? I haven't read about any of those being "targeted," either. :dunno:
I have not heard of any Mosques that are acting stupidly either, maybe that is why they are not "targeted"
Christians sitting in their cars are not acting stupidly except in the upsidedown world of lib la la land

I did not say that they were acting stupidly and the town rightfully rescinded the order. But plenty of others churches have not practiced social distancing or threatened not to
Why did they rescind it?

only because they were getting pushback from across the country

but the urge to punish Christians did not go away
Officials make mistakes and can over react in a crisis. It may be just that simple. They corrected it. How the fuck do you know that they wanted punish Christians? You don't ! You just whining and being paranoid.
There is no other logical explanation for such a stupid decision

Only in your twisted , paranoid mind

’splain it to us Ricky

what is the argument against sitting in a car listening to church services over the radio?

other than a deep seated hatred of Christians?
Is worship so fragile that it requires mass gatherings to express itself ?
Thats the beauty of the Constitution

it does not let anyone answer that question for everyone else

if the dictator of that county was a pro religious fanatic instead of the opposite, who decreed that everyone must listen to the sermon or be fined $500 you‘d spring into action pretty quick I bet
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There’s a whole lot of God hating going on in lib la la land
Not exactly sure asking Churches, mosques and synogogues to follow the same rules as every other public gathering is 'god hating'
People are allowed to make their own decisions concerning religion. The Constitution says it is staying out of it. Why should Governors fuck with it. If these people want to take the very overblown risk, let them.
Your religious freedom is not contingent on missing church for a few weeks you whiny little fuck.
Iman Timmy, shut the fuck up.
Brilliant!! Just fucking brillllllliant!
Certainly more brilliant than Timmy. The is hard evidence saying Islam is exactly what I say it is. Islam tells you the truth about Islam and in literal terms. They teach hate, they have raped thousands of English girls, and commit acts of terror,

I guess Timmy is OK with that.
For me its not what Tommy says so much as where he insists on saying it

his type imposed their goofy ideas on a great country known as Great Britain and ruined it for all practical purposes

but he’s a brit and thats their privilege

However, he’s not an American, and he has no right to ruin this country as well

so fuck him
There’s a whole lot of God hating going on in lib la la land
Not exactly sure asking Churches, mosques and synogogues to follow the same rules as every other public gathering is 'god hating'
People are allowed to make their own decisions concerning religion. The Constitution says it is staying out of it. Why should Governors fuck with it. If these people want to take the very overblown risk, let them.
Your religious freedom is not contingent on missing church for a few weeks you whiny little fuck.
you have no right to barge into our discussion and call Americans names just because you disagree with how we conduct our business
You make me smile with your impotent authoritarian rage.
Heres a funny thing.

Racist trash always complain about immigrants not respecting the local laws and customs. Now they are the ones not respecting the laws and customs and they are struggling to find a group of muslims not being good citizens. Sucks to be a bigot.

Among our laws and customs, in this country is our Constitution, which is our highest law, taking precedence over all other laws and policies.

The First Amendment, which is part of this Constitution, explicitly asserts, among other rights, the people's right to worship, to engage in speech, and to peaceably assemble.

It is not those who are exercising these rights, who are violating our law sand customs, but those corrupt public servants who are violating these rights. They are the true criminals.
You arent "peaceably assembling" if by doing so you are putting others at risk.
The vast majority of Americans understand this and are showing true American values by observing the restrictions and not endangering their neighbours.
Then there is a brain dead minority from the underclass who do not respect their neighbours and are desperate to buy more ammo.

People will be dying today because stupids flocked to the beach over the weekend. And you celebrate that.
Your religious freedom is not contingent on missing church for a few weeks you whiny little fuck.

TT, what do you NOT understand about "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;" ?

The United States Constitution clearly states that US citizens are afforded the Right to Freedom Of Religion, to include the free exercise of that religion - 'FREE', as in NOT limited by local / state / federal rules, mandates
, or edicts. Our religious freedom is not contingent on the agreement of those holding local, state, or federal authority but instead or religious freedoms are GUARANTEED by the US ignorant little fu@k...
There’s a whole lot of God hating going on in lib la la land
Not exactly sure asking Churches, mosques and synogogues to follow the same rules as every other public gathering is 'god hating'
People are allowed to make their own decisions concerning religion. The Constitution says it is staying out of it. Why should Governors fuck with it. If these people want to take the very overblown risk, let them.
Your religious freedom is not contingent on missing church for a few weeks you whiny little fuck.
Iman Timmy, shut the fuck up.
Brilliant!! Just fucking brillllllliant!
Certainly more brilliant than Timmy. The is hard evidence saying Islam is exactly what I say it is. Islam tells you the truth about Islam and in literal terms. They teach hate, they have raped thousands of English girls, and commit acts of terror,

I guess Timmy is OK with that.
You have no business talking about hate!!YOU are the one who hates. You know nothing but hate. We might have to deal with you , but I thank the Gods and Goddesses that I am not you. The hate must be eating away at you from the inside out.
There’s a whole lot of God hating going on in lib la la land
Not exactly sure asking Churches, mosques and synogogues to follow the same rules as every other public gathering is 'god hating'
People are allowed to make their own decisions concerning religion. The Constitution says it is staying out of it. Why should Governors fuck with it. If these people want to take the very overblown risk, let them.

Because dumb fuck it puts EVERYONE at risk and consumes resources that WE ALL need!
Sitting in their cars listening to the radio puts no one at risk except pushy atheists who should mind their own business

I never said that it did. In fact I said that the town officials did the right thing by lifting the ban. Now tell us Slick, what information do you have to suggest that anyone involved is an Atheist ?
Your religious freedom is not contingent on missing church for a few weeks you whiny little fuck.

TT, what do you NOT understand about "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;" ?

The United States Constitution clearly states that US citizens are afforded the Right to Freedom Of Religion, to include the free exercise of that religion - 'FREE', as in NOT limited by local / state / federal rules, mandates
, or edicts. Our religious freedom is not contingent on the agreement of those holding local, state, or federal authority but instead or religious freedoms are GUARANTEED by the US ignorant little fu@k...
Horseshit! No one is stopping people from the free exercise of religion. There are many ways of worshiping and many communities have found creative ways of doing so. Get the fuck over it!

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