Govt Is Fining Christians $500 For Drive-In Church Services....Anyone Got A Link to Moisque Attendees Being Fined?

No one is stopping people from the free exercise of religion.

FREE? You keep using that word but I don't think it means what you ...

Thank you for sharing that; however, a local govt official issuing an edict and local law enforcement fining Christians $500 per person for the exercising of their religion is a violation of the US Constitution, mon ami, whether it is your personal OPINION that it is or not.

A fully-armored/armed SWAT / RIOT team showing up at a church (as reported) on Easter Sunday to break up Easter Service is both excessive and Un-Constitutional.

Arresting a Pastor for giving a Drive-Up service, in which people remain in their cars and do not violate 'social distancing' RECOMMENDATIONS / edicts is not Constitutional.
Is worship so fragile that it requires mass gatherings to express itself ?
Thats the beauty of the Constitution

it does not let anyone answer that question for everyone else

if the dictator of that county was a pro religious fanatic instead of the opposite, who decreed that everyone must listen to the sermon or be fined $500 you‘d spring into action pretty quick I bet

False equivalency logical fallacy. Forcing people to do something against their will -at the whim of a dictator- is not the same as asking people to modify their behavior and do things differently when public safety is a legitimate concern
False equivalency logical fallacy. Forcing people to do something against their will -at the whim of a dictator- is not the same as asking people to modify their behavior and do things differently when public safety is a legitimate concern

'ASKING someone to modify their behavior' is not the same thing as taking action to interfere with one's Constitutional right of freedom to exercise their religion.

Giving out $500 fines to Christians sitting in their cars in a parking lot to hear a church sermon given over a loud speaker is not ASKING anyone to modify their behavior.

A fully-decked out SWAT team showing up at a Church Easter service to forcibly break up the service and fine / arrest those who won;'t disperse is not ASKING someone to change their behavior.
In fact I said that the town officials did the right thing by lifting the ban.
Only under nationwide pressure and attention

but that does not excuse the fact that this baby hitler was capable of such a dictate in the first place

these are small time bullies who are heady with their new found power
What's the use of having POWER if you can't / don't wield it over others....right Dems / snowflakes?

For me its not what Tommy says so much as where he insists on saying it

his type imposed their goofy ideas on a great country known as Great Britain and ruined it for all practical purposes

but he’s a brit and thats [sic] their privilege

However, he’s not an American, and he has no right to ruin this country as well

If he were sane, he'd be jealous. We are a country that was founded by great men who had the strength and courage to throw off the tyranny and madness and evil under which he and his countrymen continue to live to this day. But he's been so deeply brainwashed, that he knows no other way,and cannot imagine how we Americans thrive without the oppression that he embraces.
You have no business talking about hate!!YOU are the one who hates. You know nothing but hate. We might have to deal with you , but I thank the Gods and Goddesses that I am not you. The hate must be eating away at you from the inside out.

False equivalency logical fallacy. Forcing people to do something against their will -at the whim of a dictator- is not the same as asking people to modify their behavior and do things differently when public safety is a legitimate concern

Are the actions of a Constitution-hating dictator legitimate, then, if he is able to manufacture a fake health crisis, and use the fear and lies over that crisis as an excuse to justify his actions?

How is the use of lies and manufactured fear over a fake crisis any more legitimate a way to impose one's will on the people, than the direct use of force and violence?
False equivalency logical fallacy. Forcing people to do something against their will -at the whim of a dictator- is not the same as asking people to modify their behavior and do things differently when public safety is a legitimate concern

'ASKING someone to modify their behavior' is not the same thing as taking action to interfere with one's Constitutional right of freedom to exercise their religion.

Giving out $500 fines to Christians sitting in their cars in a parking lot to hear a church sermon given over a loud speaker is not ASKING anyone to modify their behavior.

A fully-decked out SWAT team showing up at a Church Easter service to forcibly break up the service and fine / arrest those who won;'t disperse is not ASKING someone to change their behavior.

It is however reason to ask your dealer to please lighten up on your LSD concentrations. :cuckoo:
False equivalency logical fallacy. Forcing people to do something against their will -at the whim of a dictator- is not the same as asking people to modify their behavior and do things differently when public safety is a legitimate concern

Are the actions of a Constitution-hating dictator legitimate, then, if he is able to manufacture a fake health crisis, and use the fear and lies over that crisis as an excuse to justify his actions?

How is the use of lies and manufactured fear over a fake crisis any more legitimate a way to impose one's will on the people, than the direct use of force and violence?

Good grief Blaylock!! What are you blathering about? A manufactured crisis? You keep believing that. Don't practice social distancing. Don't use PPE. I don't care.
Giving out $500 fines to Christians sitting in their cars in a parking lot to hear a church sermon given over a loud speaker is not ASKING anyone to modify their behavior.
This one has been beaten like a dead horse. I have stated serveral times that I did not agree with the town on this, so why does it keep coming up?
A fully-decked out SWAT team showing up at a Church Easter service to forcibly break up the service and fine / arrest those who won;'t disperse is not ASKING someone to change their behavior.
That is exactly what it is doing. They do dot have the right to spread a deadly virus at the expense of all of us.Others have found ways of worshiping safely. Those people are just being selfish , arrogant andstupid
'ASKING someone to modify their behavior' is not the same thing as taking action to interfere with one's Constitutional right of freedom to exercise their religion.
All rights have some limitations:
Violence or the threat of violence isn’t the only limit on the right of assembly. Authorities may also prevent or stop gatherings that clearly pose other immediate threats to public safety. Police routinely arrest protestors who block traffic in freeways or bridges.

And there is nothing that says that freedom of religion includes gathering in large crowds
ask your dealer to please lighten up on your LSD concentrations. :cuckoo:

Nice one-liner / 'sound-byte...I am sure your fellow immature snowflakes found it amusing

In another thread the topic discusses how the Courts have been squashing overreaching, Constitutional Right-violating edicts by Mayors and Governors who admittedly have declared they gave no thought of the Constitution and Rights before issuing their 'Rules' / mandates....

One of the cases cited in that article is THIS one. The judge rebuked the local government for issuing this order banning drive-up church services...
1) Because no one participating violated the Social Distancing mandates

2) The official who gave this order went back after this point was made and added to it / altered it by SPECIFICALLY identifying / targeting Drive-Up services....tsk, tsk...specifically targeting an exercise of religious freedom. :(


3) Because the same individual who gave this order gave businesses exemptions, such as a realty company who was allowed to have 11 employees meet to discuss real estate

US AG Barr stated in an interview about all of this that Constitutional Rights are not forfeited during a crisis / emergency. In dire cases where certain rights must be / can be curtailed temporarily governments must MAKE EVERY EFFORT TO ENSURE RIGHTS ARE NOT TRAMPLED / VIOLATED IF THERE ARE OTHER MEANS TO ACCOMPLISH THEIR GOALS.

In this specific case the politician not only did NOT do so (individuals in separate cars, NOT in violation of Social distancing mandates) but he also went back and doubled-down, specifically targeted Drive-Up churches in new language in his 'rules'...which is a massive Constitutional FOUL!

Maybe you should share that with your immature snowflake friends and YOU drug dealer...

ask your dealer to please lighten up on your LSD concentrations. :cuckoo:

Nice one-liner / 'sound-byte...I am sure your fellow immature snowflakes found it amusing

In another thread the topic discusses how the Courts have been squashing overreaching, Constitutional Right-violating edicts by Mayors and Governors who admittedly have declared they gave no thought of the Constitution and Rights before issuing their 'Rules' / mandates....

One of the cases cited in that article is THIS one. The judge rebuked the local government for issuing this order banning drive-up church services...
1) Because no one participating violated the Social Distancing mandates

2) The official who gave this order went back after this point was made and added to it / altered it by SPECIFICALLY identifying / targeting Drive-Up services....tsk, tsk...specifically targeting an exercise of religious freedom. :(


3) Because the same individual who gave this order gave businesses exemptions, such as a realty company who was allowed to have 11 employees meet to discuss real estate

US AG Barr stated in an interview about all of this that Constitutional Rights are not forfeited during a crisis / emergency. In dire cases where certain rights must be / can be curtailed temporarily governments must MAKE EVERY EFFORT TO ENSURE RIGHTS ARE NOT TRAMPLED / VIOLATED IF THERE ARE OTHER MEANS TO ACCOMPLISH THEIR GOALS.

In this specific case the politician not only did NOT do so (individuals in separate cars, NOT in violation of Social distancing mandates) but he also went back and doubled-down, specifically targeted Drive-Up churches in new language in his 'rules'...which is a massive Constitutional FOUL!

Maybe you should share that with your immature snowflake friends and YOU drug dealer...

Maybe you should own up to the fact that you couldn't find a SWAT team.

You lose.

Say, aren't you the same asshat who started a thread whining about yet another event you have no evidence for, then solicited others to find some for you retroactively? A pattern I see.
There’s a whole lot of God hating going on in lib la la land
Not exactly sure asking Churches, mosques and synogogues to follow the same rules as every other public gathering is 'god hating'
People are allowed to make their own decisions concerning religion. The Constitution says it is staying out of it. Why should Governors fuck with it. If these people want to take the very overblown risk, let them.
Your religious freedom is not contingent on missing church for a few weeks you whiny little fuck.
Iman Timmy, shut the fuck up.
Brilliant!! Just fucking brillllllliant!
Certainly more brilliant than Timmy. The is hard evidence saying Islam is exactly what I say it is. Islam tells you the truth about Islam and in literal terms. They teach hate, they have raped thousands of English girls, and commit acts of terror,

I guess Timmy is OK with that.

Islam has nothing to do with this. Neither does any other religion. You are talking crazy. Millions of Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, Wiccans, and people of other faiths are staying home, because it is the smart thing to do and we do not want to pass this virus to our families and neighbors.

Islam has nothing to do with this.
I never said it did. I said it teaches hate, and it does. The end.
Oh, sure. You know any Muslims? I do. Ever been to a Muslim country? I have. Teaching hate? Explain someone like frankie graham, who masquerades as a Christian and tries to wipe the toilet with the Christian faith.
Oh, sure. You know any Muslims? I do. Ever been to a Muslim country? I have. Teaching hate?

Irrelevant. The religion teaches hate I can give you almost countless examples. If you are not Muslim you are not human. The Koran dehumanizes everyone but Muslims. Killing and raping non-Muslims is considered pious. Don't believe me, start fucking reading. Start with this.
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As Christian Churches, pastors, church attendees are being targeted, their religious Rights trampled, no news about Social Distancing being enforced in Mosques......

Anyone got a link to a report /case that it is?

Are mosques doing the same things that the churches who "are being targeted" are doing? What about synagogues? I haven't read about any of those being "targeted," either. :dunno:
I have not heard of any Mosques that are acting stupidly either, maybe that is why they are not "targeted"

you know they pray to a false moon god 6 inches away from eachother with their face on the floor, no shoes, asses in each others face, right?
Maybe you should own up to the fact that you couldn't find a SWAT team.

You lose.

Say, aren't you the same asshat who started a thread whining about yet another event you have no evidence for, then solicited others to find some for you retroactively? A pattern I see.

You know you are a proven, lying idiot, right? Even without me &/or others constantly proving it over and over after you make stupid / false statements and allegations like this one above....

This Is Crazy! Police In Swat Gear Break Up Easter Church Service ...
Police In Swat Gear Break Up Easter ...
Maybe you should own up to the fact that you couldn't find a SWAT team.

You lose.

Say, aren't you the same asshat who started a thread whining about yet another event you have no evidence for, then solicited others to find some for you retroactively? A pattern I see.

You know you are a proven, lying idiot, right? Even without me &/or others constantly proving it over and over after you make stupid / false statements and allegations like this one above....

View attachment 326926
Police In Swat Gear Break Up Easter ...

Here it is right here.

Who da proven lying idiot now beeeyatch?

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