Gowdy Wants Comey Back Under Oath Before Congress

Alright everyone, add Comey to the delusional conservative's long list of people who are going to be arrested "any day now"
Thank you for the snowflake tactic intended to minimize the fact that Liberals like Comey did engage in unethical, un-professional, and even illegal acts. The smiley face at the end doesn't make it funny or disguise it for what it is. It also doesn't change the facts that Comey's lie and attempt to protect Hillary was exposed publicly.

You are the snowflake. Comey did not engage in unethical, in-professional or even illegal acts. It was Trump that did that by firing Comey to protect his ass. You are the one who wants to criminalize political disagreements. If he was trying to protect Clinton then why did he say that more e-mails had been found the weekend before the election? You are so full of bullshit.

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