Grade Trump's first year

Grade Trump's first year

  • A+

    Votes: 37 31.6%
  • A

    Votes: 16 13.7%
  • A-

    Votes: 14 12.0%
  • B

    Votes: 14 12.0%
  • B-

    Votes: 4 3.4%
  • C

    Votes: 3 2.6%
  • C-

    Votes: 5 4.3%
  • D

    Votes: 3 2.6%
  • D-

    Votes: 6 5.1%
  • F

    Votes: 15 12.8%
  • Incomplete or withdrawal

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I give him an "F" and I'll tell you why.

Trump is a grown man playing in "the big leagues." That, just as is the case at the pinnacle of academia, means there are only two grades: A or F. It really isn't grades that one earns at that level. Instead one, to the highest quality level abstractly and relatively possible, either did, at a minimum, all of what one promised to do (because as a PhD candidate, one gets to decide what one is going to do; nobody tells one what one must do) and did, at a minimum, all of what one was asked to do, which is tantamount to earning an A, or one did not do one, the other or both of those things, which corresponds to getting an F. Put another way, if one did those two things, one gets the degree; if one did not, one does not.

That's how it works with a doctoral degree, and whether one likes it or not, the U.S. Presidency is definitely not anything below the "doctoral" level as goes politics, governance, statecraft/diplomacy, and policy making for every kind of issue that may foreseeably arise or come totally out of left field. Is that a very high bar? Yes, it is, but that's the U.S. Presidency. So while the OP-er has listed a swarm of grades, the fact is that at the Presidential level, there are only two that matter.

Now, as goes fulfilling all one's promises, I point to Trump's Contract with the American People, which he signed, thus making it biding on him.
  • Did he deliver on all the elements in the contract within his first 100 days? No.
  • Did anyone hold him at gunpoint when he wrote that document? No.
  • Could he have promised something or some things other than what he did? Yes.
  • Could he have promised to do fewer things in his first 100 days? Yes.
  • Could he have made promises that were within his actual ability to achieve? Yes.
  • Should he have known what was and was not within his ability to achieve within 100 days? Yes.
  • Did he have a GOP Congress that would have backed him had he sound proposals to put forth in accordance with his 100 days promises? Yes.
  • Did he have legislation penned and/or in all other "100 days promise" respects have his "ducks in a row" so he could hit the ground running and achieve what he said he would? No.
With that errant comedy of non-achievement alone -- one need not look any further -- the man earns an F. There are no "Mulligans" at the doctoral or presidential level.
With roughly 37 percent of Americans approving of his performance, we are seeing what Trumps grades are
But we will see the true impact of his performance in 2018 when voters are given a referendum on Trumps America
We now have a president focused on doing what’s best for the working class.
Dear god Can you really believe that? Dinners for the working class Jaguars for the rich
Can you elaborate on that claim?
Well just who do you think is making out like bandits with this bs tax scam? The last thing they dropped in to buy Corkers vote is making millions for him and the pos in our WH
So, your problem is that those who pay more taxes got a bigger tax cut?
No dope, my problem is those who make more pay less Like trump who pays Sheet
He showed us that he pays taxes. Also, business owners pay business tax AND personal taxes, making your statement false.
Dear god Can you really believe that? Dinners for the working class Jaguars for the rich
Can you elaborate on that claim?
Well just who do you think is making out like bandits with this bs tax scam? The last thing they dropped in to buy Corkers vote is making millions for him and the pos in our WH

Remember when Trump was telling everyone how bad this tax plan was going to be for him and his friends, and that many rich people stopped talking to him because of it?

Like I said, this reminds me of the time that Jr. gave all the wealthy people a tax cut, while the rest of us only got a 300.00 check. And, those 300.00 checks were temporary, while the tax cuts for the rich stayed.
When you say "Tax cuts for the rich", which specific tax cuts are you referring to?
For example the cuts that got Corker to turn tail and vote for this BS the one where trump is going to save millions
You're not giving me any specifics. Which part is that?
Dear god Can you really believe that? Dinners for the working class Jaguars for the rich
Can you elaborate on that claim?
Well just who do you think is making out like bandits with this bs tax scam? The last thing they dropped in to buy Corkers vote is making millions for him and the pos in our WH
So, your problem is that those who pay more taxes got a bigger tax cut?
No dope, my problem is those who make more pay less Like trump who pays Sheet
He showed us that he pays taxes. Also, business owners pay business tax AND personal taxes, making your statement false.
Crooked Donnie admitted he doesn't pay taxes
Can you elaborate on that claim?
Well just who do you think is making out like bandits with this bs tax scam? The last thing they dropped in to buy Corkers vote is making millions for him and the pos in our WH
So, your problem is that those who pay more taxes got a bigger tax cut?
No dope, my problem is those who make more pay less Like trump who pays Sheet
He showed us that he pays taxes. Also, business owners pay business tax AND personal taxes, making your statement false.
Crooked Donnie admitted he doesn't pay taxes
Donald Trump showed us some of his tax returns, showing he does pay taxes. Your ignorance doesn't excuse spouting false information.
Can you elaborate on that claim?
Well just who do you think is making out like bandits with this bs tax scam? The last thing they dropped in to buy Corkers vote is making millions for him and the pos in our WH
So, your problem is that those who pay more taxes got a bigger tax cut?
No dope, my problem is those who make more pay less Like trump who pays Sheet
He showed us that he pays taxes. Also, business owners pay business tax AND personal taxes, making your statement false.
Crooked Donnie admitted he doesn't pay taxes

No he didn't - but you sure lie a lot.

Such is the way of Stalinists.
Considering all the shit the leftist msm has been spewing from day one, I think Trump has held up remarkably well. I appreciate the guy for the sacrifice he has given for the betterment of the American people and for the future of the USA. Solid A.
Well just who do you think is making out like bandits with this bs tax scam? The last thing they dropped in to buy Corkers vote is making millions for him and the pos in our WH
So, your problem is that those who pay more taxes got a bigger tax cut?
No dope, my problem is those who make more pay less Like trump who pays Sheet
He showed us that he pays taxes. Also, business owners pay business tax AND personal taxes, making your statement false.
Crooked Donnie admitted he doesn't pay taxes
Donald Trump showed us some of his tax returns, showing he does pay taxes. Your ignorance doesn't excuse spouting false information.
when did donald trump show us some of his tax returns?
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1998 partial tax return and 2005 partial tax returns were not given to us by Donald Trump???

or are you saying donald trump leaked his own tax returns for 1998 and 2005 to the press anonymously?
With roughly 37 percent of Americans approving of his performance, we are seeing what Trumps grades are
But we will see the true impact of his performance in 2018 when voters are given a referendum on Trumps America
got a hint when you look at the huge list of those leaving the wh
A - for not fucking up Obamas economy and stock market .. YET.
How can you fuck up an Obama economy? Even the Beast couldn't have done that.

Change your vote.

You may not care but I'll tell you anyway. Comments like this one ^^^ are stupid; our country was in a world of hurt the day Obama took the oath of office. Liars like you, and the Republican establishment didn't help in digging us out of the hole we were in. In fact, the Republican establishment wanted him to fail, and if he did all of us would have been in deep trouble.

He didn't and Trump inherited an economy in full recovery, Trump has not done a damn thing but bluster and take credit when he has earned none.
Considering all the shit the leftist msm has been spewing from day one, I think Trump has held up remarkably well. I appreciate the guy for the sacrifice he has given for the betterment of the American people and for the future of the USA. Solid A.
Be that as it may, which I'm happy to grant that Trump has "held up remarkably well considering...," "holding up remarkably well, considering" is not the bar set for conducting the affairs of the U.S. Presidency. It never has been, it will never be.

"Holding up remarkably well" reminds me of what some folks say at wakes and/or funerals.

"Oh, she looks good, doesn't she?"
Well, um...No, she doesn't. She looks dead. Dead doesn't look good on anyone, and it never looks better than looking alive, regardless of how barely alive one may appear. However good a job the mortician did making her dead ass look not-flat-out-scary, she still looks dead.

"Appreciate his sacrifice," as you put it. I'm okay with that. I even can respect your feeling that way. He can "sacrifice" all sorts of things, but his doing so does not prevent him from earning but an F. He set his goals. He asked "everyone" to ascribe to them. Enough of America did that he became POTUS, and then he proceeded to not achieve them.
  • Was "all the sh*t the leftist msm spewed" something that should have struck him as an obstacle? Yes. Absolutely! He's been railing against "the leftist msm" for how many years?
  • Should he thus have been prepared to overcome whatever "sh*t the leftist msm" threw his way? Yes, with aplomb.
And yet he did neither of those things adequately enough to achieve his own stated goals and promises, and he did neither of them all the while having, Twitter, a GOP Congress and what may have been the most stridently sycophantic cabal of "grass roots" supporters in modern political history. Hell, were I POTUS and had I all that, I'd have had Canada, probably even Quebecois, begging us to annex them. LOL Odds are you would have too.
So, your problem is that those who pay more taxes got a bigger tax cut?
No dope, my problem is those who make more pay less Like trump who pays Sheet
He showed us that he pays taxes. Also, business owners pay business tax AND personal taxes, making your statement false.
Crooked Donnie admitted he doesn't pay taxes
Donald Trump showed us some of his tax returns, showing he does pay taxes. Your ignorance doesn't excuse spouting false information.
when did donald trump show us some of he tax returns?
Shortly after he was elected or shortly before. You know, you can google this stuff.
What you think?

Crunching the numbers, the results are superior! Rounding the figures and setting them to being better than or worse than one expected:


75% of respondents have found Trump to be excellent to at least better than expected (A to B), while only 20% have found him to be worse than expected ( D to F, no E), leaving roughly 5% finding him to be as expected (C) (2% deviation due to rounding).

Not bad considering the historic and unprecedented hostility and resistance he has gotten, from the Media, to the past administration, Hollywood, his own party and the Deep State. Add to that his own inflictions from things he says and does from old videos to tweets. He is his own man, his own style, you either love him or hate him, but he's not there to put on a show or impress anyone or win any awards, just to do a job and do it as best as he can. And for that alone, he deserves an A+ for really trying. MAGA

SO IF 80% of people find his performance excellent to better than expected to average, and only 20% worse than expected to terrible, then HOW CAN HE HAVE record low polling numbers, UNLESS THE POLLS ARE STILL TOTAL BULLSHIT?????
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No dope, my problem is those who make more pay less Like trump who pays Sheet
He showed us that he pays taxes. Also, business owners pay business tax AND personal taxes, making your statement false.
Crooked Donnie admitted he doesn't pay taxes
Donald Trump showed us some of his tax returns, showing he does pay taxes. Your ignorance doesn't excuse spouting false information.
when did donald trump show us some of he tax returns?
Shortly after he was elected or shortly before. You know, you can google this stuff.
I did google it and can't find a, if you can please give a link to Donald Trump releasing his own tax returns by his own free will, or partial tax returns that is not related to the two years 1998, and 2005 that were leaked to the press, I'd appreciate it.

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