Grade Trump's first year

Grade Trump's first year

  • A+

    Votes: 37 31.6%
  • A

    Votes: 16 13.7%
  • A-

    Votes: 14 12.0%
  • B

    Votes: 14 12.0%
  • B-

    Votes: 4 3.4%
  • C

    Votes: 3 2.6%
  • C-

    Votes: 5 4.3%
  • D

    Votes: 3 2.6%
  • D-

    Votes: 6 5.1%
  • F

    Votes: 15 12.8%
  • Incomplete or withdrawal

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Yea right.....

And there was no path for him to 270 either:banana:
35% is an F. A lot of people who voted for him have buyer's remorse.

Translated: Liberals aren't concerned with results just their feelings. Liberal polling and propaganda is our only recourse.
What results?
*We have alienated all of our long, long time Western allies.
*We have become a joke world wide.
*We have a president who has admitted to assaulting women and peeping at half naked women and young girls.
*We have so far four of his close political associates under indictment or having pleaded guilty to felonies.
* We have a president who tells whopping lies on almost a daily basis.
* Who is a pathological liar.
*Who refuses to be transparent as far as his taxes, business dealings and health. What is he hiding?
*We have a president whose mental health is extremely questionable. If you google his mental health, you will find pages of articles where professional psychologists are assessing his sanity--and the conclusion isn't good.
*We are on the brink of nuclear war.
*He has undone loads of regulations meant to protect the environment.
*He believes global warming is a conspiracy, contrary to by far most of the people and scientists on the planet.
*He has 'doubled down' on bigotry and discrimination.
*He shows distain for the turth.
*He canceled the Trans-Pacific Partnership, which would have promoted U.S. trade at the expense of China.
*He has demonized the free press and put international journalists' safety in jeopardy.
*He has, through his tweets, insulted world leaders who are our allies.
*He has insulted gold star families and POWs.
*He has insulted the CIA, the FBI, the entire intelligence community, and our military; he has insulted the loss of lives of our soldiers in combat zones.
*Is destroying the US's place as a world leader.
*The stock market is not going to continue on the up because it is only going up due to deregulation. We will have another crash like we did in 2008.
*His tax bill is going to increase individual health insurance premiums even for people who still do purchase insurance.
*By 2027, poor and middle-class people will see their taxes go up across the board.
*People making between $10,000 and $20,000 a year, the working poor, will see their income go down.
*The rich wil get richer and the poor will get poorer, while the working and middle class will benefit only in the beginning but not in the long run.
*The tax bill will increase the deficit by trillions.
*His tax plan will harm America's most vulnerable -- senior citizens, the disabled and the poor -- while benefiting the highest earners.
*He is turning the US into a third world country.

So much liberal bull shit from a

Butt Hurt know nothing.
Facts. They are facts.

You wouldn't know a fact if it bit you in the ass...
Trump will go down in history as an extremely unpopular president both at home and abroad
His personal shortcomings will be legendary

At best, he will just be an inept president who does no harm
At worst he could create international strife that lasts for generations
Yea right.....

And there was no path for him to 270 either:banana:
35% is an F. A lot of people who voted for him have buyer's remorse.

You can lie to yourself all you want...

In the real world Trump is gaining support..

Your ass is grass in 2018 and 2020..

It has got to suck to be you...
"In the real world Trump is gaining support."

I hate to hurt your feelings but I work around

a lot of Union guys that hated Republicans

and would have never voted for one...

But guess what?

They love Trump.

It has to suck to be a liberal at this time in history..
Your beloved president has a 35% natiion wide approval rating, the lowest in the first year of any president EVER. We are not hurt because he won the election you fool, we just want to get rid of someone almost no one in the country likes or wants as president. Someone who is grinding this country into the ground, turning it into a sewer and a third world country. No one gives a f**k anymore than he won. What people want, the majority of people in this country (a big majority) is to get rid of him. We are not going to look the other way at all his gaffes and blunders that hurt our status around the world and hurt people in this country. We are not going to look the other way when his behavior humiliates us. We are not dupes such as the likes of you.

You and yours are the Dupes.....

My 401 K has turned into a 747 going

at Mach speed....

It's the economy stupid...........
So you think America is a sick joke...

Wasteland of mediocrity ?

Where would you rather live and

why won't you move there?

I work here.

Maybe I'll move in the next few years though.

I used to love America, but it's failed to live up to its promise, and the people here are stupid.

You are just another full of shit liberal...

You ain't going no where......

I wish you and your ilk would all leave...

The rest of us would be much better off without you...
The truth is people like you are ruining America, Trump zealots. You are destroying, or trying to destroy, this country. But in the end you are in the minority. We'll drump the Drumph and get back on track in 2020. Someone with a less than 35% approval rating will not be re-elected.

Keep stroking yourself with your

Extreme Fake Liberal News.....

Trump is gaining popularity every day...

It's you America hating liberals that are

destroying our Country. You riot in the

streets when you lose elections. When

you are in power you use the full force

of the government against your political foes..

You have all morphed into Nazis and you

must be defeated by whatever means necessary...

Trump will be on Mount Rushmore before it's all over....

You are truly delusional. His approval rating is going down, if not daily,weekly. By 2020 there is no way he will be re-elected.

There is no Doubt Trump will serve 8 years

as long as one of you liberal nut cases doesn't

assassinate him....We all know you resort

to violence when you Nazis' don' get your way..

How can you vile pigs live with yourself?
Trump will go down in history as an extremely unpopular president both at home and abroad
His personal shortcomings will be legendary

At best, he will just be an inept president who does no harm
At worst he could create international strife that lasts for generations

As in the past all of your predictions about

Trump will never come to pass........

The delusional never realize they are delusional....

Please for your sake and your families sake,

seek help from a professional.
Trump will go down in history as an extremely unpopular president both at home and abroad
His personal shortcomings will be legendary

At best, he will just be an inept president who does no harm
At worst he could create international strife that lasts for generations

As in the past all of your predictions about

Trump will never come to pass........

The delusional never realize they are delusional....

Please for your sake and your families sake,

seek help from a professional.

Which predictions?
Trump will go down in history as an extremely unpopular president both at home and abroad
His personal shortcomings will be legendary

At best, he will just be an inept president who does no harm
At worst he could create international strife that lasts for generations

As in the past all of your predictions about

Trump will never come to pass........

The delusional never realize they are delusional....

Please for your sake and your families sake,

seek help from a professional.

Which predictions?

All of them....
Trump will go down in history as an extremely unpopular president both at home and abroad
His personal shortcomings will be legendary

At best, he will just be an inept president who does no harm
At worst he could create international strife that lasts for generations

As in the past all of your predictions about

Trump will never come to pass........

The delusional never realize they are delusional....

Please for your sake and your families sake,

seek help from a professional.

Which predictions?

All of them....
All of them?

You sound like Sarah Palin
So, your problem is that those who pay more taxes got a bigger tax cut?
No dope, my problem is those who make more pay less Like trump who pays Sheet
He showed us that he pays taxes. Also, business owners pay business tax AND personal taxes, making your statement false.
Crooked Donnie admitted he doesn't pay taxes
Donald Trump showed us some of his tax returns, showing he does pay taxes. Your ignorance doesn't excuse spouting false information.
One partial return from 12 years ago
He admitted he doesn't pay taxes

Anyone remember the last time a president tried to undermine an investigation into himself ??? For repub dolts It was Nixon And the news is out ,Trump will be saving between 11 and 15 million with this tax crapolla A world class liar a vile pos roams the halls of our WH and his hide out in Mira Largo
Your would be President is drunk at home on

the couch crying about that deplorable remark

and making up more stupid excuses about

why Trump kicked her ass up around her ugly head.
Nice try

But has nothing to do with Trump affiliating himself with racists

liberal bull shit, obama was the racist and I'm

sure you supported him..

obama went to a racist church for 20 years.
I thought you guys said he was Muslim
Get your story straight

obama is a muslim...

Going to rights racist church was just

cover for the long game.....

obama told us it would take many years

to defeat isis, Trump has crushed the

shit out of them in a year....
Winner, winner chicken dinner

More rightwing dementia about Obama

nope, just facts. Sorry dude but you Kenyan messiah was a massive FAILURE
Trump will go down in history as an extremely unpopular president both at home and abroad
His personal shortcomings will be legendary

At best, he will just be an inept president who does no harm
At worst he could create international strife that lasts for generations

As in the past all of your predictions about

Trump will never come to pass........

The delusional never realize they are delusional....

Please for your sake and your families sake,

seek help from a professional.

Which predictions?

All of them....
All of them?

You sound like Sarah Palin

I love Sarah Palin...

She kicks liberal ass just like Trump..
Trump will go down in history as an extremely unpopular president both at home and abroad
His personal shortcomings will be legendary

At best, he will just be an inept president who does no harm
At worst he could create international strife that lasts for generations

are you delusional or just plain stupid? it has to be one or the other.
Fact of the matter is, this country is a sick joke. It deserves Trump because it's a wasteland of mediocrity. So whether he wins in 2020 or not isn't my concern. If it isn't him, it's some other freak.

So you think America is a sick joke...

Wasteland of mediocrity ?

Where would you rather live and

why won't you move there?

I work here.

Maybe I'll move in the next few years though.

I used to love America, but it's failed to live up to its promise, and the people here are stupid.

You are just another full of shit liberal...

You ain't going no where......

I wish you and your ilk would all leave...

The rest of us would be much better off without you...
The truth is people like you are ruining America, Trump zealots. You are destroying, or trying to destroy, this country. But in the end you are in the minority. We'll drump the Drumph and get back on track in 2020. Someone with a less than 35% approval rating will not be re-elected.
Pathology and menopause aside, don't you think you're a bit long in the tooth to be using phrases like "dump the Drumph"?
The poster is trying to be kind meathead I'd call him no better than a vile POS a sad humam being who walked over people his whole life
Nice try

But has nothing to do with Trump affiliating himself with racists

liberal bull shit, obama was the racist and I'm

sure you supported him..

obama went to a racist church for 20 years.
I thought you guys said he was Muslim
Get your story straight

obama is a muslim...

Going to rights racist church was just

cover for the long game.....

obama told us it would take many years

to defeat isis, Trump has crushed the

shit out of them in a year....
Winner, winner chicken dinner

More rightwing dementia about Obama

nope, just facts. Sorry dude but you Kenyan messiah was a massive FAILURE
Yet, when all was said and done, he left office with an approval rating above 60 percent and was ranked 12 among all Presidents

In the factors they use to rank Presidents, it will be difficult to see Trump break 35
Trump will go down in history as an extremely unpopular president both at home and abroad
His personal shortcomings will be legendary

At best, he will just be an inept president who does no harm
At worst he could create international strife that lasts for generations

are you delusional or just plain stupid? it has to be one or the other.
Prove otherwise

Provide any supporting data on Trumps popularity at home or abroad.
liberal bull shit, obama was the racist and I'm

sure you supported him..

obama went to a racist church for 20 years.
I thought you guys said he was Muslim
Get your story straight

obama is a muslim...

Going to rights racist church was just

cover for the long game.....

obama told us it would take many years

to defeat isis, Trump has crushed the

shit out of them in a year....
Winner, winner chicken dinner

More rightwing dementia about Obama

nope, just facts. Sorry dude but you Kenyan messiah was a massive FAILURE
Yet, when all was said and done, he left office with an approval rating above 60 percent and was ranked 12 among all Presidents

In the factors they use to rank Presidents, it will be difficult to see Trump break 35

rankings done by the same pollsters that said Hillary has a 97% chance of winning and that Trump had no path to 270 EC votes. In other words---------------LIARS.
No dope, my problem is those who make more pay less Like trump who pays Sheet
He showed us that he pays taxes. Also, business owners pay business tax AND personal taxes, making your statement false.
Crooked Donnie admitted he doesn't pay taxes
Donald Trump showed us some of his tax returns, showing he does pay taxes. Your ignorance doesn't excuse spouting false information.
One partial return from 12 years ago
He admitted he doesn't pay taxes

Anyone remember the last time a president tried to undermine an investigation into himself ??? For repub dolts It was Nixon And the news is out ,Trump will be saving between 11 and 15 million with this tax crapolla A world class liar a vile pos roams the halls of our WH and his hide out in Mira Largo

mueller and his corrupt fbi have been

exposed for their collusion with the Russians

to try and bring down President Donald J. Trump.

The fake dossier was the basis for the fisa warrant

to spy on Trump.....

All those corrupt liberals should go to prison.
Trump will go down in history as an extremely unpopular president both at home and abroad
His personal shortcomings will be legendary

At best, he will just be an inept president who does no harm
At worst he could create international strife that lasts for generations

are you delusional or just plain stupid? it has to be one or the other.
Prove otherwise

Provide any supporting data on Trumps popularity at home or abroad.

Successful presidents will never be popular in some sectors i.e. liberals, socialists, communists, traitors, muslim radicals, and left wing idiots like you.

No one really cares about so-called rating polls, what the American people care about is more money in their pockets and a better life for their kids.
I thought you guys said he was Muslim
Get your story straight

obama is a muslim...

Going to rights racist church was just

cover for the long game.....

obama told us it would take many years

to defeat isis, Trump has crushed the

shit out of them in a year....
Winner, winner chicken dinner

More rightwing dementia about Obama

nope, just facts. Sorry dude but you Kenyan messiah was a massive FAILURE
Yet, when all was said and done, he left office with an approval rating above 60 percent and was ranked 12 among all Presidents

In the factors they use to rank Presidents, it will be difficult to see Trump break 35

rankings done by the same pollsters that said Hillary has a 97% chance of winning and that Trump had no path to 270 EC votes. In other words---------------LIARS.
Those historians ranked Eisenhower at number four and Reagan at number ten

Were they biased liberals when they did that?

He exceeded my expectations

Tax cuts passed
Mandate repealed
Slowed illegals
Travel ban
Economy growing

I didn’t think he would keep any of those promises

No wall yet
Childish antics

Which kept him from A

If he keeps this up I may vote for him next time
Avatar the nitwit is just lucky he didn't get handed the same economy Obama was by GWB He is a filthy human being as well as a huge liar

Keep repeating it. Maybe you’ll convince yourself it’s true
Avatar Get fn real you don't think gwb handed obama an economy made of shit and Obama handed Trump an up and coming economy??

Nope. Obama’s handed trump an economy that hadn’t had significant growth his entire admin. It was stagnant. Depressing. That’s changed this year

And Obama as a senator was responsible for the 2008 debacle. If bush had fought harder for the reforms he wanted and didn’t let the dens in Congress do as they pleased we could have avoided the mess.

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