Grade Trump's first year

Grade Trump's first year

  • A+

    Votes: 37 31.6%
  • A

    Votes: 16 13.7%
  • A-

    Votes: 14 12.0%
  • B

    Votes: 14 12.0%
  • B-

    Votes: 4 3.4%
  • C

    Votes: 3 2.6%
  • C-

    Votes: 5 4.3%
  • D

    Votes: 3 2.6%
  • D-

    Votes: 6 5.1%
  • F

    Votes: 15 12.8%
  • Incomplete or withdrawal

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
He cherry picked it The guy is gd thief another Ponzi He lies he steals and grabs pussy A fine repub representative and you and your kids will be paying
Well, for starters, the government is the thief, they steal lots of money from everyone who works, and everyone who buys anything. For another thing, even if he DID dodge his taxes, and he showed he didn't, I don't believe businesses should pay taxes anyway, it just raises the cost of their products, shifting it to the working class. Thirdly, the key words in his statement were "They let you do it". Lastly, I'm 16, I have no kids, but he LOWERED taxes, meaning the middle class is paying less.

I know you and your leftist buddies hate progress, but there's only so much you can contort the facts before you're simply lying to yourself.
Taxation is not theft

It is endorsed by We the People
You mean it's endorsed by the mob. Taxation is indistinguishable from theft. Ergo, it's theft.

You don't vote for theft
Theft is unauthorized taking, We the People authorize taxation

When did I authorize the government to take my money?
When you were too much of a coward to give up your citizenship and leave the country you criticize and whine about every day. Is obvious you hold America and Americans in contempt.
That is why we have courts

Is this a great country or what?
You're funny. The government gets to decide whether the government infringes on our rights, and is checked and balanced by the government. You're okay with it only because leftists don't believe in individual autonomy, they only believe in the power of the state, without considering the possibility of undesirable individuals being put in the positions of power. Surprise, this outlook isn't changed when they don't support those in power, they just whine instead of wondering what went wrong. You wouldn't happen to know the definition of insanity, would you?
A government of the people, by the people and for the people

Learn it
Or so they'd have people believe. Besides, you're only repeating that over and over because you have been backed into a corner. Do yourself a favor and cut to the part where you run away with your tail between your legs, just like every time I kick your can.

The government is us

No it isn't, turd. Government is a gang of people separate and distinct from the rest of us.
" of us." You represent a small fraction of an extreme minority. Claiming to represent some version of "us" is a retarded delusion.
You're funny. The government gets to decide whether the government infringes on our rights, and is checked and balanced by the government. You're okay with it only because leftists don't believe in individual autonomy, they only believe in the power of the state, without considering the possibility of undesirable individuals being put in the positions of power. Surprise, this outlook isn't changed when they don't support those in power, they just whine instead of wondering what went wrong. You wouldn't happen to know the definition of insanity, would you?
A government of the people, by the people and for the people

Learn it
Or so they'd have people believe. Besides, you're only repeating that over and over because you have been backed into a corner. Do yourself a favor and cut to the part where you run away with your tail between your legs, just like every time I kick your can.

The government is us

No it isn't, turd. Government is a gang of people separate and distinct from the rest of us.
" of us." You represent a small fraction of an extreme minority. Claiming to represent some version of "us" is a retarded delusion.

Everyone who doesn't work for the government is a "small fraction of an extreme minority?"
Well, for starters, the government is the thief, they steal lots of money from everyone who works, and everyone who buys anything. For another thing, even if he DID dodge his taxes, and he showed he didn't, I don't believe businesses should pay taxes anyway, it just raises the cost of their products, shifting it to the working class. Thirdly, the key words in his statement were "They let you do it". Lastly, I'm 16, I have no kids, but he LOWERED taxes, meaning the middle class is paying less.

I know you and your leftist buddies hate progress, but there's only so much you can contort the facts before you're simply lying to yourself.
Taxation is not theft

It is endorsed by We the People
You mean it's endorsed by the mob. Taxation is indistinguishable from theft. Ergo, it's theft.

You don't vote for theft
Theft is unauthorized taking, We the People authorize taxation

When did I authorize the government to take my money?
When you were too much of a coward to give up your citizenship and leave the country you criticize and whine about every day. Is obvious you hold America and Americans in contempt.

Nope. Declining to leave the country of my birth doesn't constitute consent by any reasonable definition of the term.
To prevent the rights of the people from being infringed upon. Of course, government fails there, as they constantly infringe on the rights of the people.
That is why we have courts

Is this a great country or what?
You're funny. The government gets to decide whether the government infringes on our rights, and is checked and balanced by the government. You're okay with it only because leftists don't believe in individual autonomy, they only believe in the power of the state, without considering the possibility of undesirable individuals being put in the positions of power. Surprise, this outlook isn't changed when they don't support those in power, they just whine instead of wondering what went wrong. You wouldn't happen to know the definition of insanity, would you?
A government of the people, by the people and for the people

Learn it
Or so they'd have people believe. Besides, you're only repeating that over and over because you have been backed into a corner. Do yourself a favor and cut to the part where you run away with your tail between your legs, just like every time I kick your can.

The government is us
Government exists to serve the people, and to protect our rights. It has utterly failed in that mission, in every regard. No, our government is the corporatist state that we've allowed to manifest by allowing the left to expand it, and is separate from the people entirely. Our government now gets lobbied by big corporations to strangle out their competition, using the power the left granted it. The government does not serve the people. You're either ignoring this fact, or you are completely ignorant.

As nothing more than a necessary evil, it has FAR, FAR exceeded the powers it should have had.
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F. None of our real issues have been fixed, and now North Korea can hit us with nukes. And this tax thing will probably just add to the debt. Which is one of the issues that needs fixing.
Everybody just be patient

Mueller is going to give him an F
Well, for starters, the government is the thief, they steal lots of money from everyone who works, and everyone who buys anything. For another thing, even if he DID dodge his taxes, and he showed he didn't, I don't believe businesses should pay taxes anyway, it just raises the cost of their products, shifting it to the working class. Thirdly, the key words in his statement were "They let you do it". Lastly, I'm 16, I have no kids, but he LOWERED taxes, meaning the middle class is paying less.

I know you and your leftist buddies hate progress, but there's only so much you can contort the facts before you're simply lying to yourself.
Taxation is not theft

It is endorsed by We the People
You mean it's endorsed by the mob. Taxation is indistinguishable from theft. Ergo, it's theft.

You don't vote for theft
Theft is unauthorized taking, We the People authorize taxation

When did I authorize the government to take my money?
So sorry Bri,,,,,,,,not really
The United States imposed income taxes briefly during the Civil War and the 1890s. In 1913, the 16th Amendment was ratified, permanently legalizing an income tax.
Never, in other words.
And bri you NEED to pay your income taxes so trump and his friends can get richer ,,,,,,,like he said at Mar A Lago
So bri when you asked trump for another , he's giving it to you lol lol

"another" what, dumbass?
Another f ing
Trump is reducing my taxes, moron. Hillary is the one who wants to fuck us all up the ass, and you couldn't wait for her to do it.
He's giving you a pimple off an elephants ass while giving all the rest to himself and other multi millionaires And you kiss his dirty butt?? For shame bri I thought so much more of you ,,,,,not really lol
And bri you NEED to pay your income taxes so trump and his friends can get richer ,,,,,,,like he said at Mar A Lago
So bri when you asked trump for another , he's giving it to you lol lol

"another" what, dumbass?
Another f ing
Trump is reducing my taxes, moron. Hillary is the one who wants to fuck us all up the ass, and you couldn't wait for her to do it.
He's giving you a pimple off an elephants ass while giving all the rest to himself and other multi millionaires And you kiss his dirty butt?? For shame bri I thought so much more of you ,,,,,not really lol

You're wasting your time with the class warfare abracadabra. That stuff is for the gullible.
So bri when you asked trump for another , he's giving it to you lol lol

"another" what, dumbass?
Another f ing
Trump is reducing my taxes, moron. Hillary is the one who wants to fuck us all up the ass, and you couldn't wait for her to do it.
He's giving you a pimple off an elephants ass while giving all the rest to himself and other multi millionaires And you kiss his dirty butt?? For shame bri I thought so much more of you ,,,,,not really lol

You're wasting your time with the class warfare abracadabra. That stuff is for the gullible.
There's a reason Indians call Trump Walking Eagle ,,,,,so full of sheet he can't fly
"another" what, dumbass?
Another f ing
Trump is reducing my taxes, moron. Hillary is the one who wants to fuck us all up the ass, and you couldn't wait for her to do it.
He's giving you a pimple off an elephants ass while giving all the rest to himself and other multi millionaires And you kiss his dirty butt?? For shame bri I thought so much more of you ,,,,,not really lol

You're wasting your time with the class warfare abracadabra. That stuff is for the gullible.
There's a reason Indians call Trump Walking Eagle ,,,,,so full of sheet he can't fly
Poor little snowflake. He hates Trump so much he can't think straight.
37 people give Trump an A+

Just a question.....How can you give an A+ when he failed to repeal and replace Obamacare, Hillary was not prosecuted, no wall has been built and his behavior has been erratic?

What would it take to get Trump off of an A+?
37 people give Trump an A+

Just a question.....How can you give an A+ when he failed to repeal and replace Obamacare, Hillary was not prosecuted, no wall has been built and his behavior has been erratic?

What would it take to get Trump off of an A+?
Let him give a war with NK and watch his ratings soar Republicans aren't too smart Used to give them a little credit more

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