Grade Trump's first year

Grade Trump's first year

  • A+

    Votes: 37 31.6%
  • A

    Votes: 16 13.7%
  • A-

    Votes: 14 12.0%
  • B

    Votes: 14 12.0%
  • B-

    Votes: 4 3.4%
  • C

    Votes: 3 2.6%
  • C-

    Votes: 5 4.3%
  • D

    Votes: 3 2.6%
  • D-

    Votes: 6 5.1%
  • F

    Votes: 15 12.8%
  • Incomplete or withdrawal

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
As much as you'd like to believe that the people of America are a hive-mind that agrees with the majority, we all have our own individual autonomy. YOU may be okay with the government stealing your money, but that doesn't mean every man, woman, and child is ALSO okay with it, making the government's forced acquisition of our assets theft.
You belong to our society you follow the rules

Those rules are determined by We the People to create a more perfect union
Missing the point entirely. Maybe YOU don't have individual autonomy and just follow the will of your lord, the government.

Maybe you need some catching up on what the purpose of government is
To prevent the rights of the people from being infringed upon. Of course, government fails there, as they constantly infringe on the rights of the people.
That is why we have courts

Is this a great country or what?
You're funny. The government gets to decide whether the government infringes on our rights, and is checked and balanced by the government. You're okay with it only because leftists don't believe in individual autonomy, they only believe in the power of the state, without considering the possibility of undesirable individuals being put in the positions of power. Surprise, this outlook isn't changed when they don't support those in power, they just whine instead of wondering what went wrong. You wouldn't happen to know the definition of insanity, would you?
Well libs, Trump gets high marks 3-1, and you know how you value polls. At least we have the comfort knowing this poll wasn't tainted with agenda, like those other guys.
Well libs, Trump gets high marks 3-1, and you know how you value polls. At least we have the comfort knowing this poll wasn't tainted with agenda, like those other guys.

A+ thru B is 76 votes; versus 13 F's. So it looks like we've got almost 6 to 1 conservative Trump fans here! Excellent. There are a few people in the middle, too. I like this site: allies.

The distressed leftists are few but certainly vocal, usually with obscenity insults. No doubt that will be effective in causing us all to want to vote the way they do......

Well, maybe not.
One or two partial returns both showing he pays taxes. It's not my fault or Trump's that you're easily confused.
Did he or did he not say he's show his taxes if elected ? Cherry picked one? a world class liar
Not that he'd be obligated to show everyone, anyway, and if leftists weren't whining about that, it would easily be something else. What he did show, revealed that he pays taxes.
He cherry picked it The guy is gd thief another Ponzi He lies he steals and grabs pussy A fine repub representative and you and your kids will be paying
Well, for starters, the government is the thief, they steal lots of money from everyone who works, and everyone who buys anything. For another thing, even if he DID dodge his taxes, and he showed he didn't, I don't believe businesses should pay taxes anyway, it just raises the cost of their products, shifting it to the working class. Thirdly, the key words in his statement were "They let you do it". Lastly, I'm 16, I have no kids, but he LOWERED taxes, meaning the middle class is paying less.

I know you and your leftist buddies hate progress, but there's only so much you can contort the facts before you're simply lying to yourself.
They let him do it ?? " Please massa Trump I don't want your autograph I just want you to grab my pussy??"

I knew you liberal guys had one of those....

I'm sure you would love it if he did.......................
And have you heard one word of praise for the actions of the FBI that saved countless lives??? The moron bashed them

We all know you love corruption

when it helps your party...

I'm sure if Trump used the full force

of the federal Government against

the left you would be OK with it.........
C+ Neil Gorsuch, tax reform, getting out of Paris accord, rolling back regulations but he spends to much time getting into petty twitter fights with partisan nut jobs.

I'm seeing too many stingy "C's," people: be loyal! Support the only man between you and Hillary or Fauxcahontas. We have to be in a tight alliance and support each other and our leader. Finding fault with him isn't going to do that.

All Hail our Dear Leader!

Dare not speak a nary word against him!


You are truly mindless scum!

Hey Dick...

You are the mindless scum....
You belong to our society you follow the rules

Those rules are determined by We the People to create a more perfect union
Missing the point entirely. Maybe YOU don't have individual autonomy and just follow the will of your lord, the government.

Maybe you need some catching up on what the purpose of government is
To prevent the rights of the people from being infringed upon. Of course, government fails there, as they constantly infringe on the rights of the people.
That is why we have courts

Is this a great country or what?
You're funny. The government gets to decide whether the government infringes on our rights, and is checked and balanced by the government. You're okay with it only because leftists don't believe in individual autonomy, they only believe in the power of the state, without considering the possibility of undesirable individuals being put in the positions of power. Surprise, this outlook isn't changed when they don't support those in power, they just whine instead of wondering what went wrong. You wouldn't happen to know the definition of insanity, would you?
A government of the people, by the people and for the people

Learn it
Missing the point entirely. Maybe YOU don't have individual autonomy and just follow the will of your lord, the government.

Maybe you need some catching up on what the purpose of government is
To prevent the rights of the people from being infringed upon. Of course, government fails there, as they constantly infringe on the rights of the people.
That is why we have courts

Is this a great country or what?
You're funny. The government gets to decide whether the government infringes on our rights, and is checked and balanced by the government. You're okay with it only because leftists don't believe in individual autonomy, they only believe in the power of the state, without considering the possibility of undesirable individuals being put in the positions of power. Surprise, this outlook isn't changed when they don't support those in power, they just whine instead of wondering what went wrong. You wouldn't happen to know the definition of insanity, would you?
A government of the people, by the people and for the people

Learn it
Or so they'd have people believe. Besides, you're only repeating that over and over because you have been backed into a corner. Do yourself a favor and cut to the part where you run away with your tail between your legs, just like every time I kick your can.
Well libs, Trump gets high marks 3-1, and you know how you value polls. At least we have the comfort knowing this poll wasn't tainted with agenda, like those other guys.

A+ thru B is 76 votes; versus 13 F's. So it looks like we've got almost 6 to 1 conservative Trump fans here! Excellent. There are a few people in the middle, too. I like this site: allies.

The distressed leftists are few but certainly vocal, usually with obscenity insults. No doubt that will be effective in causing us all to want to vote the way they do......

Well, maybe not.

This website doesn't censor or ban conservatives. It's fair game. Unless it involves reducing everyone to the lowest common denominator, today's liberals no longer believe in a fair game. I've seen the other websites, and they're liberal rat nests.
One or two partial returns both showing he pays taxes. It's not my fault or Trump's that you're easily confused.
Did he or did he not say he's show his taxes if elected ? Cherry picked one? a world class liar
Not that he'd be obligated to show everyone, anyway, and if leftists weren't whining about that, it would easily be something else. What he did show, revealed that he pays taxes.
He cherry picked it The guy is gd thief another Ponzi He lies he steals and grabs pussy A fine repub representative and you and your kids will be paying
Well, for starters, the government is the thief, they steal lots of money from everyone who works, and everyone who buys anything. For another thing, even if he DID dodge his taxes, and he showed he didn't, I don't believe businesses should pay taxes anyway, it just raises the cost of their products, shifting it to the working class. Thirdly, the key words in his statement were "They let you do it". Lastly, I'm 16, I have no kids, but he LOWERED taxes, meaning the middle class is paying less.

I know you and your leftist buddies hate progress, but there's only so much you can contort the facts before you're simply lying to yourself.
Taxation is not theft

It is endorsed by We the People
You mean it's endorsed by the mob. Taxation is indistinguishable from theft. Ergo, it's theft.
Donnie the liar could not get past Christmas without telling some whopper lies to the nation. Biggest tax cuts ever and he saved Christmas!!! Both lies typical 'Rump dishonest self-aggrandizing nonsense.
Maybe you need some catching up on what the purpose of government is
To prevent the rights of the people from being infringed upon. Of course, government fails there, as they constantly infringe on the rights of the people.
That is why we have courts

Is this a great country or what?
You're funny. The government gets to decide whether the government infringes on our rights, and is checked and balanced by the government. You're okay with it only because leftists don't believe in individual autonomy, they only believe in the power of the state, without considering the possibility of undesirable individuals being put in the positions of power. Surprise, this outlook isn't changed when they don't support those in power, they just whine instead of wondering what went wrong. You wouldn't happen to know the definition of insanity, would you?
A government of the people, by the people and for the people

Learn it
Or so they'd have people believe. Besides, you're only repeating that over and over because you have been backed into a corner. Do yourself a favor and cut to the part where you run away with your tail between your legs, just like every time I kick your can.

The government is us
Did he or did he not say he's show his taxes if elected ? Cherry picked one? a world class liar
Not that he'd be obligated to show everyone, anyway, and if leftists weren't whining about that, it would easily be something else. What he did show, revealed that he pays taxes.
He cherry picked it The guy is gd thief another Ponzi He lies he steals and grabs pussy A fine repub representative and you and your kids will be paying
Well, for starters, the government is the thief, they steal lots of money from everyone who works, and everyone who buys anything. For another thing, even if he DID dodge his taxes, and he showed he didn't, I don't believe businesses should pay taxes anyway, it just raises the cost of their products, shifting it to the working class. Thirdly, the key words in his statement were "They let you do it". Lastly, I'm 16, I have no kids, but he LOWERED taxes, meaning the middle class is paying less.

I know you and your leftist buddies hate progress, but there's only so much you can contort the facts before you're simply lying to yourself.
Taxation is not theft

It is endorsed by We the People
You mean it's endorsed by the mob. Taxation is indistinguishable from theft. Ergo, it's theft.

You don't vote for theft
Theft is unauthorized taking, We the People authorize taxation
Donnie the liar could not get past Christmas without telling some whopper lies to the nation. Biggest tax cuts ever and he saved Christmas!!! Both lies typical 'Rump dishonest self-aggrandizing nonsense.
With economy doing well Trump should be polling 15% higher He isn't because people DON"T TRUST HIM
Not that he'd be obligated to show everyone, anyway, and if leftists weren't whining about that, it would easily be something else. What he did show, revealed that he pays taxes.
He cherry picked it The guy is gd thief another Ponzi He lies he steals and grabs pussy A fine repub representative and you and your kids will be paying
Well, for starters, the government is the thief, they steal lots of money from everyone who works, and everyone who buys anything. For another thing, even if he DID dodge his taxes, and he showed he didn't, I don't believe businesses should pay taxes anyway, it just raises the cost of their products, shifting it to the working class. Thirdly, the key words in his statement were "They let you do it". Lastly, I'm 16, I have no kids, but he LOWERED taxes, meaning the middle class is paying less.

I know you and your leftist buddies hate progress, but there's only so much you can contort the facts before you're simply lying to yourself.
Taxation is not theft

It is endorsed by We the People
You mean it's endorsed by the mob. Taxation is indistinguishable from theft. Ergo, it's theft.

You don't vote for theft
Theft is unauthorized taking, We the People authorize taxation

When did I authorize the government to take my money?
To prevent the rights of the people from being infringed upon. Of course, government fails there, as they constantly infringe on the rights of the people.
That is why we have courts

Is this a great country or what?
You're funny. The government gets to decide whether the government infringes on our rights, and is checked and balanced by the government. You're okay with it only because leftists don't believe in individual autonomy, they only believe in the power of the state, without considering the possibility of undesirable individuals being put in the positions of power. Surprise, this outlook isn't changed when they don't support those in power, they just whine instead of wondering what went wrong. You wouldn't happen to know the definition of insanity, would you?
A government of the people, by the people and for the people

Learn it
Or so they'd have people believe. Besides, you're only repeating that over and over because you have been backed into a corner. Do yourself a favor and cut to the part where you run away with your tail between your legs, just like every time I kick your can.

The government is us

No it isn't, turd. Government is a gang of people separate and distinct from the rest of us.
He cherry picked it The guy is gd thief another Ponzi He lies he steals and grabs pussy A fine repub representative and you and your kids will be paying
Well, for starters, the government is the thief, they steal lots of money from everyone who works, and everyone who buys anything. For another thing, even if he DID dodge his taxes, and he showed he didn't, I don't believe businesses should pay taxes anyway, it just raises the cost of their products, shifting it to the working class. Thirdly, the key words in his statement were "They let you do it". Lastly, I'm 16, I have no kids, but he LOWERED taxes, meaning the middle class is paying less.

I know you and your leftist buddies hate progress, but there's only so much you can contort the facts before you're simply lying to yourself.
Taxation is not theft

It is endorsed by We the People
You mean it's endorsed by the mob. Taxation is indistinguishable from theft. Ergo, it's theft.

You don't vote for theft
Theft is unauthorized taking, We the People authorize taxation

When did I authorize the government to take my money?
So sorry Bri,,,,,,,,not really
The United States imposed income taxes briefly during the Civil War and the 1890s. In 1913, the 16th Amendment was ratified, permanently legalizing an income tax.
And bri you NEED to pay your income taxes so trump and his friends can get richer ,,,,,,,like he said at Mar A Lago
Well, for starters, the government is the thief, they steal lots of money from everyone who works, and everyone who buys anything. For another thing, even if he DID dodge his taxes, and he showed he didn't, I don't believe businesses should pay taxes anyway, it just raises the cost of their products, shifting it to the working class. Thirdly, the key words in his statement were "They let you do it". Lastly, I'm 16, I have no kids, but he LOWERED taxes, meaning the middle class is paying less.

I know you and your leftist buddies hate progress, but there's only so much you can contort the facts before you're simply lying to yourself.
Taxation is not theft

It is endorsed by We the People
You mean it's endorsed by the mob. Taxation is indistinguishable from theft. Ergo, it's theft.

You don't vote for theft
Theft is unauthorized taking, We the People authorize taxation

When did I authorize the government to take my money?
So sorry Bri,,,,,,,,not really
The United States imposed income taxes briefly during the Civil War and the 1890s. In 1913, the 16th Amendment was ratified, permanently legalizing an income tax.

So when did I authorize government to take my money?

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