Grade Trump's first year

Grade Trump's first year

  • A+

    Votes: 37 31.6%
  • A

    Votes: 16 13.7%
  • A-

    Votes: 14 12.0%
  • B

    Votes: 14 12.0%
  • B-

    Votes: 4 3.4%
  • C

    Votes: 3 2.6%
  • C-

    Votes: 5 4.3%
  • D

    Votes: 3 2.6%
  • D-

    Votes: 6 5.1%
  • F

    Votes: 15 12.8%
  • Incomplete or withdrawal

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I give him an "F" and I'll tell you why.

Trump is a grown man playing in "the big leagues." That, just as is the case at the pinnacle of academia, means there are only two grades: A or F. It really isn't grades that one earns at that level. Instead one, to the highest quality level abstractly and relatively possible, either did, at a minimum, all of what one promised to do (because as a PhD candidate, one gets to decide what one is going to do; nobody tells one what one must do) and did, at a minimum, all of what one was asked to do, which is tantamount to earning an A, or one did not do one, the other or both of those things, which corresponds to getting an F. Put another way, if one did those two things, one gets the degree; if one did not, one does not.

That's how it works with a doctoral degree, and whether one likes it or not, the U.S. Presidency is definitely not anything below the "doctoral" level as goes politics, governance, statecraft/diplomacy, and policy making for every kind of issue that may foreseeably arise or come totally out of left field. Is that a very high bar? Yes, it is, but that's the U.S. Presidency. So while the OP-er has listed a swarm of grades, the fact is that at the Presidential level, there are only two that matter.

Now, as goes fulfilling all one's promises, I point to Trump's Contract with the American People, which he signed, thus making it biding on him.
  • Did he deliver on all the elements in the contract within his first 100 days? No.
  • Did anyone hold him at gunpoint when he wrote that document? No.
  • Could he have promised something or some things other than what he did? Yes.
  • Could he have promised to do fewer things in his first 100 days? Yes.
  • Could he have made promises that were within his actual ability to achieve? Yes.
  • Should he have known what was and was not within his ability to achieve within 100 days? Yes.
  • Did he have a GOP Congress that would have backed him had he sound proposals to put forth in accordance with his 100 days promises? Yes.
  • Did he have legislation penned and/or in all other "100 days promise" respects have his "ducks in a row" so he could hit the ground running and achieve what he said he would? No.
With that errant comedy of non-achievement alone -- one need not look any further -- the man earns an F. There are no "Mulligans" at the doctoral or presidential level.
We already know why, moron. You're a brain-dead snowflake.
Isn't this interesting.

According to our little poll here

President Donald J. Trump gets an A+

by a margin of 3 to 1.........

Merry Christmas.....
Depending on Muellers report

Trump could quickly drop to F with the biggest scandal since Harding

The scandal is the fake Russian dossier bought

and paid for by hillary and everything that came

after it...
Has little to do with Muellers investigation

Let's follow the money and see where it leads. Key Trump aids are singing like canaries

You liberals are truly insane...

You want to follow some money,

look at the clinton foundation

and all their bullshit.....
The Clinton Foundation has been investigated by Republicans for decades. They found nothing

Trumps turn

We shall see....

Your side is in deep trouble...
Your side has to account for Trump
Isn't this interesting.

According to our little poll here

President Donald J. Trump gets an A+

by a margin of 3 to 1.........

Merry Christmas.....

Take that to the polls along with his 37 percent approval
Isn't this interesting.

According to our little poll here

President Donald J. Trump gets an A+

by a margin of 3 to 1.........

Merry Christmas.....

Take that to the polls along with his 37 percent approval

We don't need no stinking polls.....

We know we are WINNING......

When the snowflakes stop crying about Trump, then we'll know we aren't winnng any longer.
Isn't this interesting.

According to our little poll here

President Donald J. Trump gets an A+

by a margin of 3 to 1.........

Merry Christmas.....

Take that to the polls along with his 37 percent approval

We don't need no stinking polls.....

We know we are WINNING......

When the snowflakes stop crying about Trump, then we'll know we aren't winnng any longer.

Their Extreme Butt Hurt makes me so happy...

It's like Christmas every day..........
Isn't this interesting.

According to our little poll here

President Donald J. Trump gets an A+

by a margin of 3 to 1.........

Merry Christmas.....
Just goes to show you ,,,Stupid is what stupid does
Isn't this interesting.

According to our little poll here

President Donald J. Trump gets an A+

by a margin of 3 to 1.........

Merry Christmas.....

Take that to the polls along with his 37 percent approval

We don't need no stinking polls.....

We know we are WINNING......

Polling at 37 percent, it is unlikely Trump can win the popular vote once again

That means he will have to reassemble a coalition of Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan and Wisconsin while keeping Florida
Doubt he can pull it off again
What you think?

I'd say a B. It would have been a C without the Tax reform passing.

Between his judge appointments and regulation rollback, it pushes him up to an A, but the Obamacare failure and his sometime foot in mouth actions tend to drop his grade.
I gave a B. A plus only being given to those who find a cure for Cancer or perform miracles lol

He has kept to his word and pushed the promises he made on the campaign trail. The Deep State is fighting back and is why more has not been done more. He has cut regulations, and swept away many of the Obama Presidential Orders. The new Tax cut should increase jobs here and increase revenue as historically that is exactly what has happened every time.

Very good job considering the Full Court Press of the Deep State to stop him.
What you think?

I'd say a B. It would have been a C without the Tax reform passing.

Between his judge appointments and regulation rollback, it pushes him up to an A, but the Obamacare failure and his sometime foot in mouth actions tend to drop his grade.

I tend to believe class behavior brought down more than one Trump grade
He showed us that he pays taxes. Also, business owners pay business tax AND personal taxes, making your statement false.
Crooked Donnie admitted he doesn't pay taxes
Donald Trump showed us some of his tax returns, showing he does pay taxes. Your ignorance doesn't excuse spouting false information.
One partial return from 12 years ago
He admitted he doesn't pay taxes
One or two partial returns both showing he pays taxes. It's not my fault or Trump's that you're easily confused.
Did he or did he not say he's show his taxes if elected ? Cherry picked one? a world class liar
Not that he'd be obligated to show everyone, anyway, and if leftists weren't whining about that, it would easily be something else. What he did show, revealed that he pays taxes.
Crooked Donnie admitted he doesn't pay taxes
Donald Trump showed us some of his tax returns, showing he does pay taxes. Your ignorance doesn't excuse spouting false information.
One partial return from 12 years ago
He admitted he doesn't pay taxes
One or two partial returns both showing he pays taxes. It's not my fault or Trump's that you're easily confused.
Did he or did he not say he's show his taxes if elected ? Cherry picked one? a world class liar
Not that he'd be obligated to show everyone, anyway, and if leftists weren't whining about that, it would easily be something else. What he did show, revealed that he pays taxes.
He cherry picked it The guy is gd thief another Ponzi He lies he steals and grabs pussy A fine repub representative and you and your kids will be paying
Donald Trump showed us some of his tax returns, showing he does pay taxes. Your ignorance doesn't excuse spouting false information.
One partial return from 12 years ago
He admitted he doesn't pay taxes
One or two partial returns both showing he pays taxes. It's not my fault or Trump's that you're easily confused.
Did he or did he not say he's show his taxes if elected ? Cherry picked one? a world class liar
Not that he'd be obligated to show everyone, anyway, and if leftists weren't whining about that, it would easily be something else. What he did show, revealed that he pays taxes.
He cherry picked it The guy is gd thief another Ponzi He lies he steals and grabs pussy A fine repub representative and you and your kids will be paying
Well, for starters, the government is the thief, they steal lots of money from everyone who works, and everyone who buys anything. For another thing, even if he DID dodge his taxes, and he showed he didn't, I don't believe businesses should pay taxes anyway, it just raises the cost of their products, shifting it to the working class. Thirdly, the key words in his statement were "They let you do it". Lastly, I'm 16, I have no kids, but he LOWERED taxes, meaning the middle class is paying less.

I know you and your leftist buddies hate progress, but there's only so much you can contort the facts before you're simply lying to yourself.
One partial return from 12 years ago
He admitted he doesn't pay taxes
One or two partial returns both showing he pays taxes. It's not my fault or Trump's that you're easily confused.
Did he or did he not say he's show his taxes if elected ? Cherry picked one? a world class liar
Not that he'd be obligated to show everyone, anyway, and if leftists weren't whining about that, it would easily be something else. What he did show, revealed that he pays taxes.
He cherry picked it The guy is gd thief another Ponzi He lies he steals and grabs pussy A fine repub representative and you and your kids will be paying
Well, for starters, the government is the thief, they steal lots of money from everyone who works, and everyone who buys anything. For another thing, even if he DID dodge his taxes, and he showed he didn't, I don't believe businesses should pay taxes anyway, it just raises the cost of their products, shifting it to the working class. Thirdly, the key words in his statement were "They let you do it". Lastly, I'm 16, I have no kids, but he LOWERED taxes, meaning the middle class is paying less.

I know you and your leftist buddies hate progress, but there's only so much you can contort the facts before you're simply lying to yourself.
Pumpkin if an extra 18 bucks a week floats your boat so be it Meanwhile this trump thief and his friends are scoring many millions
One partial return from 12 years ago
He admitted he doesn't pay taxes
One or two partial returns both showing he pays taxes. It's not my fault or Trump's that you're easily confused.
Did he or did he not say he's show his taxes if elected ? Cherry picked one? a world class liar
Not that he'd be obligated to show everyone, anyway, and if leftists weren't whining about that, it would easily be something else. What he did show, revealed that he pays taxes.
He cherry picked it The guy is gd thief another Ponzi He lies he steals and grabs pussy A fine repub representative and you and your kids will be paying
Well, for starters, the government is the thief, they steal lots of money from everyone who works, and everyone who buys anything. For another thing, even if he DID dodge his taxes, and he showed he didn't, I don't believe businesses should pay taxes anyway, it just raises the cost of their products, shifting it to the working class. Thirdly, the key words in his statement were "They let you do it". Lastly, I'm 16, I have no kids, but he LOWERED taxes, meaning the middle class is paying less.

I know you and your leftist buddies hate progress, but there's only so much you can contort the facts before you're simply lying to yourself.
Taxation is not theft

It is endorsed by We the People
One partial return from 12 years ago
He admitted he doesn't pay taxes
One or two partial returns both showing he pays taxes. It's not my fault or Trump's that you're easily confused.
Did he or did he not say he's show his taxes if elected ? Cherry picked one? a world class liar
Not that he'd be obligated to show everyone, anyway, and if leftists weren't whining about that, it would easily be something else. What he did show, revealed that he pays taxes.
He cherry picked it The guy is gd thief another Ponzi He lies he steals and grabs pussy A fine repub representative and you and your kids will be paying
Well, for starters, the government is the thief, they steal lots of money from everyone who works, and everyone who buys anything. For another thing, even if he DID dodge his taxes, and he showed he didn't, I don't believe businesses should pay taxes anyway, it just raises the cost of their products, shifting it to the working class. Thirdly, the key words in his statement were "They let you do it". Lastly, I'm 16, I have no kids, but he LOWERED taxes, meaning the middle class is paying less.

I know you and your leftist buddies hate progress, but there's only so much you can contort the facts before you're simply lying to yourself.
They let him do it ?? " Please massa Trump I don't want your autograph I just want you to grab my pussy??"

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