Graham: Dems won't condemn Rep Omar because they're afraid of the radical lefft

Democrats are a coalition party. Made up of all kinds of people. That’s what makes them a coalition party.

Republicans are Alt White.
The Democratic Party is made up of politically correct spineless cowards

Perfect.. Our choices are --

politically spineless cowards on the left.. OR

politically spineless cowards or the right...

Problem is -- the spineless cowards on the left are badass brawlers.. And the country club suits on the right are chickenshits that RUN from confrontation..

We're pretty doomed politically.. At least YOU are if you still think you vote for "winners"....

That's funny apparently it is you left who get off running because killing everything you don't like is the quickest cowardly way out of any situation where LEFTARD is concerned.
and the weak minded pigs don't even hide it.


Graham: Dems Won't Condemn Rep. Omar Because 'They're Afraid of the Radical Left' | Breitbart
In a Wednesday appearance on Fox News Channel’s “Hannity,” Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) weighed in on Democrat leaders’ reluctance to condemn Rep. Ilhan Omar’s (D-MN) continued antisemitism.

Americans went to sleep now it's time to wake the hell up and take our nation back ffrom the demented democratic lefft.
Like we said your all pussies.

It's really premature to censor Rep Omar.. Folks ought to hold their outrage and let her get comfortable... Because she WILL eventually pop the big slurs...

It's never anti-semitic to criticize Israel or any other country. Even our own.. Even if you're criticizing SUPPORTERS of that country... Israel ITSELF has open honest critics amongst its voters as do we..

By making this an issue NOW -- it's looks too snow-flaky and defensive and gives ammunition to those whacky neo-nazi conspiracy mutants... WAIT -- It's coming.. Don/t be offended quite yet...

when you are clueless.
All that rambling and not one thing you spewed makes sense. Can't tell if your gibberish is drug induced or if you were always on the edge of insanity and Trump just nudged you over but either way, you are certifiable. I hope someone is keeping an eye on you.

Translation --- you still can't answer the question.

Which I knew before I even started. That's why I put it out there. Thank you for playing the part of Straight Man.
The only thing you put out there was a whole lot of gibberish to muddy the waters, hoping no one would notice how full of shit you are. Guess what? They noticed. :lol:

If this all whizzed by too fast for you here's what I did.

I read the title and immediately saw a false premise. That being, that "dems" for reasons as yet unexplained, need to "condemn" a Congresscritter. Even though "dems" is a collective and the Congresscritter is an individual.

So I demanded to know on what basis a collective is responsible for an individual.

Most of the class could see it was an unanswerable question, thereby proving the premise false. You didn't.

Again, thanks for playin'. Between the two of us we done stated the obvious.
Uh huh, sure, buddy. You made a fool out of yourself (again) and now you're trying to backpedal. Nice try but nobody's buying it.

What nobody's doing is answering it. And that's because there is no answer.

What I did was attack the basic premise, AGAIN that being that "the collective is responsible for the individual". I say that's bullshit and left a space for you or anybody else to essplain why the collective *IS* responsible. You can't do it, DogmuhFart can't do it, nobody can do it. Therefore the premise FAILED.

Simple as that.

As far as "backpedaling" it would not appear to be my end constantly trying to escape through the portals of ad homs and "this doesn't make sense" and rice paddies. I've been on point the entire time. Deal with that.
Give it up, man. You're just making it worse for yourself.
Graham: Dems Won't Condemn Rep. Omar Because 'They're Afraid of the Radical Left' | Breitbart
In a Wednesday appearance on Fox News Channel’s “Hannity,” Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) weighed in on Democrat leaders’ reluctance to condemn Rep. Ilhan Omar’s (D-MN) continued antisemitism.

Americans went to sleep now it's time to wake the hell up and take our nation back ffrom the demented democratic lefft.
Like we said your all pussies.

It's really premature to censor Rep Omar.. Folks ought to hold their outrage and let her get comfortable... Because she WILL eventually pop the big slurs...

It's never anti-semitic to criticize Israel or any other country. Even our own.. Even if you're criticizing SUPPORTERS of that country... Israel ITSELF has open honest critics amongst its voters as do we..

By making this an issue NOW -- it's looks too snow-flaky and defensive and gives ammunition to those whacky neo-nazi conspiracy mutants... WAIT -- It's coming.. Don/t be offended quite yet...

You don't seem to know very much about Jewish history.

Omar's themes of dual loyalties and undue Jewish control over others are straight out of the Protocals
Seems pretty clear to me that Omar has zero interest in being an American and that her purpose is to use her position in Congress to disrupt, cause chaos and spew her hatred of the U.S. and Israel. But of course the Dems won't condemn her for her hate speech as their ultimate goal is the bring down the U.S. from the inside (as they are doing). The enemy of my enemy...they are allies.
Graham: Dems Won't Condemn Rep. Omar Because 'They're Afraid of the Radical Left' | Breitbart
In a Wednesday appearance on Fox News Channel’s “Hannity,” Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) weighed in on Democrat leaders’ reluctance to condemn Rep. Ilhan Omar’s (D-MN) continued antisemitism.

Americans went to sleep now it's time to wake the hell up and take our nation back ffrom the demented democratic lefft.
Like we said your all pussies.

It's really premature to censor Rep Omar.. Folks ought to hold their outrage and let her get comfortable... Because she WILL eventually pop the big slurs...

It's never anti-semitic to criticize Israel or any other country. Even our own.. Even if you're criticizing SUPPORTERS of that country... Israel ITSELF has open honest critics amongst its voters as do we..

By making this an issue NOW -- it's looks too snow-flaky and defensive and gives ammunition to those whacky neo-nazi conspiracy mutants... WAIT -- It's coming.. Don/t be offended quite yet...

You don't seem to know very much about Jewish history.

Omar's themes of dual loyalties and undue Jewish control over others are straight out of the Protocals

Like she doesn't have any "dual loyalties"... It's a nothing accusation.. When Hill and Bill were taking $Mills from every country around the world could I not take a swipe at their "loyalties"????

Naw.. It's a fact that money buys loyalties in the Swamp.. Doesn't matter where it comes from.. BUT the money aint the problem.. It's the ABILITY OF Congress to HAND OUT favors on everything to Green Peas to anti-missile batteries. You cut their ability to MEDDLE and hand out favors and all that lobbying and "influence" packs up and leaves town...

It's an over-reaction to someone criticizing the US - Israel relationship.. Not a hate crime. That relationship makes sense. They are a worthy ally... But the INTERNAL criticism from Israeli media like H'Aaretz is MUCH WORSE than anything Omar has said YET...

Be patient and hold the outrage.. SHE WILL bring it... And then we can both get outraged.
Graham: Dems Won't Condemn Rep. Omar Because 'They're Afraid of the Radical Left' | Breitbart
In a Wednesday appearance on Fox News Channel’s “Hannity,” Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) weighed in on Democrat leaders’ reluctance to condemn Rep. Ilhan Omar’s (D-MN) continued antisemitism.

Americans went to sleep now it's time to wake the hell up and take our nation back ffrom the demented democratic lefft.
Like we said your all pussies.

It's really premature to censor Rep Omar.. Folks ought to hold their outrage and let her get comfortable... Because she WILL eventually pop the big slurs...

It's never anti-semitic to criticize Israel or any other country. Even our own.. Even if you're criticizing SUPPORTERS of that country... Israel ITSELF has open honest critics amongst its voters as do we..

By making this an issue NOW -- it's looks too snow-flaky and defensive and gives ammunition to those whacky neo-nazi conspiracy mutants... WAIT -- It's coming.. Don/t be offended quite yet...

You don't seem to know very much about Jewish history.

Omar's themes of dual loyalties and undue Jewish control over others are straight out of the Protocals

Like she doesn't have any "dual loyalties"... It's a nothing accusation.. When Hill and Bill were taking $Mills from every country around the world could I not take a swipe at their "loyalties"????

Naw.. It's a fact that money buys loyalties in the Swamp.. Doesn't matter where it comes from.. BUT the money aint the problem.. It's the ABILITY OF Congress to HAND OUT favors on everything to Green Peas to anti-missile batteries. You cut their ability to MEDDLE and hand out favors and all that lobbying and "influence" packs up and leaves town...

It's an over-reaction to someone criticizing the US - Israel relationship.. Not a hate crime. That relationship makes sense. They are a worthy ally... But the INTERNAL criticism from Israeli media like H'Aaretz is MUCH WORSE than anything Omar has said YET...

Be patient and hold the outrage.. SHE WILL bring it... And then we can both get outraged.
It all depends on where you set the bar . If the bar is set at a palace where she needs to eat a live Jewish baby on television.........on a thursday........between 5 and 6 eastern time..............while wearing a red dress...

Well, you arent going to find antisemitism.

If you set the bar at a reasonable and time-honored place, namely, the chatacteriztion of
Jews as manipulative, working behind the scenes pulling the strings, unduly influential or powwrful, conniving, sneaky and disloyal, then she definitely has.

I can understand that non Jews can be in the dark about these sorts of things . Of the very large number of Jewish friends i have had over the years, however, i have never known one who didnt
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It all depends on where you set the bar . If the bar is set at a palace where she needs to eat a live Jewish baby on television.........on a thursday........between 5 and 6 eastern time..............while wearing a red dress...

Oh hell no.. Don't be a drama queen.. She's done it before and WILL do it again.. You're just not willing to wait for REAL grievances to be validated.. I think the clues are all there. Like that parade of CAIR big wigs standing guard outside her office when the backlash came..

The "fairness" you get from me comes from a COMPLETE UNDERSTANDING of what persecution and bullying and bias actually looks like.. And you HURT the cause of getting justice by being such a ninny about the "tame stuff".....
Just like the GOP. Criticize Trump and you're a target of the Trumpsters.

Criticizing leadership is a freedom that seems to ONLY flourish in the GOP.. The Tea Party was a reaction to GW Bush and his caving on "bailouts" and stimulus... So BEFORE BUSH -- McCain and Lindsey "Grahmnesty" were already targets. As was EVERY ONE of the annointed party leadership who couldn't "grow a pair"..

I don't think this is NEW at all.. Most of the targets are perennial favorites from WAAAY back..,.

The term RINO didn't start in 2016....
It all depends on where you set the bar . If the bar is set at a palace where she needs to eat a live Jewish baby on television.........on a thursday........between 5 and 6 eastern time..............while wearing a red dress...

Oh hell no.. Don't be a drama queen.. She's done it before and WILL do it again.. You're just not willing to wait for REAL grievances to be validated.. I think the clues are all there. Like that parade of CAIR big wigs standing guard outside her office when the backlash came..

The "fairness" you get from me comes from a COMPLETE UNDERSTANDING of what persecution and bullying and bias actually looks like.. And you HURT the cause of getting justice by being such a ninny about the "tame stuff".....
You argue that classic antisemitism isn't antisemitic. You could just as easily argue that the k.k.k. isn't racist.

in terms of "the cause", you suffer under the delusion that denial and normalization somehow aids it as you move the bar into a place where nothing actually qualifies.
Democrats are a coalition party. Made up of all kinds of people. That’s what makes them a coalition party.

Republicans are Alt White.

At least the Democrats allow their members spew hate, intolerance and racism.
It all depends on where you set the bar . If the bar is set at a palace where she needs to eat a live Jewish baby on television.........on a thursday........between 5 and 6 eastern time..............while wearing a red dress...

Oh hell no.. Don't be a drama queen.. She's done it before and WILL do it again.. You're just not willing to wait for REAL grievances to be validated.. I think the clues are all there. Like that parade of CAIR big wigs standing guard outside her office when the backlash came..

The "fairness" you get from me comes from a COMPLETE UNDERSTANDING of what persecution and bullying and bias actually looks like.. And you HURT the cause of getting justice by being such a ninny about the "tame stuff".....
You argue that classic antisemitism isn't antisemitic. You could just as easily argue that the k.k.k. isn't racist.

in terms of "the cause", you suffer under the delusion that denial and normalization somehow aids it as you move the bar into a place where nothing actually qualifies.

I'm not happy with sanctioning folks for criticizing Israel when a large fraction of Israeli Jews and American Jews are free to have political issues with Israeli leadership... Even IF she accused a large fraction of her cohorts of "disloyalty" to the country.. She should be sanctioned for PURE HYPOCRISY on that angle..

I'm waiting for HER disloyalties to show.. And they will and we'll avoid all the "Russia Russia Russia" type bullshit "loyalty accusations" and get something that the Dems just can't sweep away...
It's never anti-semitic to criticize Israel or any other country. Even our own.. Even if you're criticizing SUPPORTERS of that country... Israel ITSELF has open honest critics amongst its voters as do we...
When the critics use classic anti-Jewish stereotypes, then it is warranted top accuse them of anti-semitism.

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