Graham refuses to comply with the Georgia subpoena

Actually, yes. Take it to court. Of course in Holders case he had already supplied the House Commission with thousands of pages of requested documents. He testified under oath several times, and only balked after repeated requests for documents not within the scope of the investigation the AG said when he took it to court.
Then why not just show up and testify if he had nothing to hide? Why not avoid the contempt vote?

". . The vote was 255-67, with 17 Democrats voting in support of a criminal contempt resolution, which authorizes Republicans leaders to seek criminal charges against Holder. This Democratic support came despite a round of behind-the-scenes lobbying by senior White House and Justice officials - as well as pressure from party leaders - to support Holder."


I would have told them to fuckoff too.
I understand.
The TRUTH will set you Free.

But not for POS trump.

I can hardly wait for the first indictments.


And then laugh when you contards try to defend these ^^^^^ two.
They are going to jail.
This is just further evidence of the Democrats control over the legal system at all levels. Why are only GOP leaders and GOP related citizens being harassed and incarcerated? Tell me again who is above the law?
Perhaps only GOP leaders broke the laws.
Then why not just show up and testify if he had nothing to hide? Why not avoid the contempt vote?

". . The vote was 255-67, with 17 Democrats voting in support of a criminal contempt resolution, which authorizes Republicans leaders to seek criminal charges against Holder. This Democratic support came despite a round of behind-the-scenes lobbying by senior White House and Justice officials - as well as pressure from party leaders - to support Holder."

How many walked out in protest?

"White House officials also slammed House Republicans for the unprecedented contempt vote. White House Communications Director Dan Pfeiffer said GOP congressional leaders “pushed for political theater rather than legitimate congressional oversight. Over the past fourteen months, the Justice Department accommodated congressional investigators, producing 7,600 pages of documents, and testifying at eleven congressional hearings… But unfortunately, a politically-motivated agenda prevailed and instead of engaging with the President in efforts to create jobs and grow the economy, today we saw the House of Representatives perform a transparently political stunt."

The matter was resolve in court, to no ones satisfaction I might add.
Senator Lindsey Graham will not comply with a subpoena issued by a grand jury in Georgia investigating former U.S. President Donald Trump's alleged attempts to overturn the results of the 2020 election, attorneys for the lawmaker said on Wednesday.

If he can ignore a grand jury subpoena I support the right of anyone to ignore one.
I could be mistaken, but I believe that subpoena is only valid within the confines of the county or state the Grand jury in empaneled in.
All of the trump cult thinks they are above the law. The subpoena was approved by a judge who saw a necessary reason for it to be issued. It does not matter if he is a Senator or not, he should be required to obey the subpoena....just like everyone else.

The trump cult wants to delay and deny until the they think the repubs will be back in control. Then they think all the legal issues will go away. They are wrong.
The Irony!

Miss Lindsey is gonna lose BIGLY. If the SOS has a taped audio....he is trump.
OK. so he can never go back to Georgia again. The people of Georgia should be pleased.
No he just has to stay out of the state until the term of the Grand jury expires. All of its subpoenas expire with it and few Grand juries are empaneled for more than a year.

Miss Lindsey is gonna lose BIGLY. If the SOS has a taped audio....he is trump.
You might notice that the complaint is about something the person INTERPRETED, not something Graham said.
How many walked out in protest?

"White House officials also slammed House Republicans for the unprecedented contempt vote. White House Communications Director Dan Pfeiffer said GOP congressional leaders “pushed for political theater rather than legitimate congressional oversight. Over the past fourteen months, the Justice Department accommodated congressional investigators, producing 7,600 pages of documents, and testifying at eleven congressional hearings… But unfortunately, a politically-motivated agenda prevailed and instead of engaging with the President in efforts to create jobs and grow the economy, today we saw the House of Representatives perform a transparently political stunt."

The matter was resolve in court, to no ones satisfaction I might add.
Sounds mighty similar to this "select committee," for Jan. 6th. IMO.

Political stunts by both sides, rather than addressing real issues.

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