Graham refuses to comply with the Georgia subpoena

Sounds mighty similar to this "select committee," for Jan. 6th. IMO.

Political stunts by both sides, rather than addressing real issues.
Not even close. There was no scandal involving the WH as that investigation proved. The Neo-GOP refused the Independent Bipartisan commission like the 9-11 commission to get to the truth of the Jan 6th event and the events surround it. It's a complete scandal starting at the top of the Neo-GOP ticket.
Maybe all you partisans have double standards, and very short memories? :dunno:

9 Times The Obama Administration Fought Subpoenas or Blocked Officials from Testifying Before Congress​

I imagine, given his power and position in the establishment, and his connections to the Deep State? Expect this. . . TO GO NOWHERE!


This isn't Congress. This is a state Grandy Jury. You get the difference right?
This isn't Congress. This is a state Grandy Jury. You get the difference right?
Of course. That was not my point though.

I am also aware of Graham's connections to the Deep State, and various powerful stake holders.

If Teddy can get away with murder? This shit will be swept away, you can't force a Senator to give testimony against his will, especially when there were no laws broken.
The whole process has been politicized.

"Senator Graham plans to go to court, challenge the subpoena, and expects to prevail," attorneys Bart Daniel and Matt Austin said in a statement made on behalf of Graham.

<and >

". . . Graham's attorneys said in the statement that the senator was being called as "simply a witness" in what they called "a fishing expedition."

"Any information from an interview or deposition with Senator Graham would immediately be shared with the January 6 Committee," they said."

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