
That is, formal logic works as it is laid down in the rules of grammar. Language is generated by grammar, and formal logic is also generated by grammar, and it will depend directly on grammar.
I was all down with ebonics until this kid asked me where babies come from and so I told him to go axe his Momma.

It did not end well.
I think it's fine as long as somebody has enough structure to convey meaning efficiently. Those small things may bother you, but I don't think you're actually struggling to understand that person.

The whole point of encouraging and educating a country in a common language is not to have to struggle to understand a person, communicate news, and maek legal documents comprehensible. Pandering to outliers and keeping them illiterate in the common language is costly and counterproductive and only harms them.
The whole point of encouraging and educating a country in a common language is not to have to struggle to understand a person, communicate news, and maek [sic] legal documents comprehensible. Pandering to outliers and keeping them illiterate in the common language is costly and counterproductive and only harms them.
It has gotten to the point where some teachers today seem scared to correct grammar for fear of being accused of some form of racism.
I remember a conversation with a fellow student in an Anthropology class at Pitt in 1980 or so. She had been downgraded for turning in a paper that was ungrammatical (I don't know how bad it was). She was going to one of the deans to report the professor for his unfairness. I was conflicted at the time. By fourth year of college proper grammar should be a given.

I first understood the importance of grammar when I studied Spanish. For example, how can you make sense of the subjunctive in Spanish when you don't understand it in English? I suspect other languages are equally useful in learning to appreciate the importance of good grammar.

I admit to a prejudice in this regard. When someone expresses himself with poor grammar I tend to think that the thoughts themselves are substandard.

An old woman knocked on the door of a neighborhood house and it was answered by a 12-year-old boy. "Young man," she asked, "where is your Mother?"

"She ain't here, lady." He answered.

"Young man, where is your GRAMMAR???"

"She ain't here neither."

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