Grand Jury summoned for Hillary Clinton

The wheels of justice may sometimes turn slowly, but they are turning. Hillary will answer for what she has done. Count on it.

Grand Jury summoned for Hillary Clinton (INDICTMENT!?)

Sessions is doing a lot of things behind the scene that Leftists really don't want to know about.
Be afraid, Hillary. Be veeeeeeery afraid.

Again? After 25 years of you right wing nuts saying that, without a single thing proved, you expect anything other than laughter when you say it again?

You do understand the difference between a Congressional subpoena and a Grand Jury, right?
Here is the reply to that subpoena...

DoJ on Hse Judiciary Cmte's subpoenas: We are individually reviewing the remaining documents to ensure that they do not include GRAND JURY information, information about ongoing law enforcement actions involving American citizens, or privileged attorney-client communications.

Why would he make such a reply if there was no grand jury?

That's boilerplate language. It does not imply anything, let alone a Grand Jury specifically empaneled to investigate the Clintons.
I'm going by what was said. He mentioned a grand jury. That's a fact. Spin it any way you like, he did mention it. Also, if it was a 'boilerplate' response, he would have mentioned The House Judiciary Committee. Not a grand jury. Hillary is going down, along with a bunch of other crooks. By the time we know the full scope of this, it will go down as the biggest government scandal in US history. Bank on it. It's not wishful thinking. It is an intimate knowledge of human nature. Especially of those in power. Time will prove me correct. I'm going to bookmark this. I'll be referring to it again, so I can rub some liberal faces in it.


When you want to believe so desperately, who am I to try to convince you otherwise?

You keep that faith alive, brother. One of these days, it's all gonna happen.
BTW. They have also brought in a separate “senior federal prosecutor” outside DC. Used to work in the Justice Department. Now, why would they be doing that?

Anything to divert from the evidence coming to light concerning the treasonous fat senile old orange clown.
Anything to divert from the evidence coming to light concerning the treasonous fat senile old orange clown.

I'm guessing he got tired of being laughed at for being orange and is trying another color scheme. Give it a few days. It's not like it could make him attract more ridicule than he has in the past anyway.

You do understand the difference between a Congressional subpoena and a Grand Jury, right?
Here is the reply to that subpoena...

DoJ on Hse Judiciary Cmte's subpoenas: We are individually reviewing the remaining documents to ensure that they do not include GRAND JURY information, information about ongoing law enforcement actions involving American citizens, or privileged attorney-client communications.

Why would he make such a reply if there was no grand jury?

That's boilerplate language. It does not imply anything, let alone a Grand Jury specifically empaneled to investigate the Clintons.
I'm going by what was said. He mentioned a grand jury. That's a fact. Spin it any way you like, he did mention it. Also, if it was a 'boilerplate' response, he would have mentioned The House Judiciary Committee. Not a grand jury. Hillary is going down, along with a bunch of other crooks. By the time we know the full scope of this, it will go down as the biggest government scandal in US history. Bank on it. It's not wishful thinking. It is an intimate knowledge of human nature. Especially of those in power. Time will prove me correct. I'm going to bookmark this. I'll be referring to it again, so I can rub some liberal faces in it.


When you want to believe so desperately, who am I to try to convince you otherwise?

You keep that faith alive, brother. One of these days, it's all gonna happen.
BTW. They have also brought in a separate “senior federal prosecutor” outside DC. Used to work in the Justice Department. Now, why would they be doing that?

So good little Trumpers like yourself will have something to grasp hold of as Trump's administration falls apart.
Here is the reply to that subpoena...

DoJ on Hse Judiciary Cmte's subpoenas: We are individually reviewing the remaining documents to ensure that they do not include GRAND JURY information, information about ongoing law enforcement actions involving American citizens, or privileged attorney-client communications.

Why would he make such a reply if there was no grand jury?

That's boilerplate language. It does not imply anything, let alone a Grand Jury specifically empaneled to investigate the Clintons.
I'm going by what was said. He mentioned a grand jury. That's a fact. Spin it any way you like, he did mention it. Also, if it was a 'boilerplate' response, he would have mentioned The House Judiciary Committee. Not a grand jury. Hillary is going down, along with a bunch of other crooks. By the time we know the full scope of this, it will go down as the biggest government scandal in US history. Bank on it. It's not wishful thinking. It is an intimate knowledge of human nature. Especially of those in power. Time will prove me correct. I'm going to bookmark this. I'll be referring to it again, so I can rub some liberal faces in it.


When you want to believe so desperately, who am I to try to convince you otherwise?

You keep that faith alive, brother. One of these days, it's all gonna happen.
BTW. They have also brought in a separate “senior federal prosecutor” outside DC. Used to work in the Justice Department. Now, why would they be doing that?

So good little Trumpers like yourself will have something to grasp hold of as Trump's administration falls apart.
Keep dreaming, little liberal stooge. Trump isn't going anywhere.
That's boilerplate language. It does not imply anything, let alone a Grand Jury specifically empaneled to investigate the Clintons.
I'm going by what was said. He mentioned a grand jury. That's a fact. Spin it any way you like, he did mention it. Also, if it was a 'boilerplate' response, he would have mentioned The House Judiciary Committee. Not a grand jury. Hillary is going down, along with a bunch of other crooks. By the time we know the full scope of this, it will go down as the biggest government scandal in US history. Bank on it. It's not wishful thinking. It is an intimate knowledge of human nature. Especially of those in power. Time will prove me correct. I'm going to bookmark this. I'll be referring to it again, so I can rub some liberal faces in it.


When you want to believe so desperately, who am I to try to convince you otherwise?

You keep that faith alive, brother. One of these days, it's all gonna happen.
BTW. They have also brought in a separate “senior federal prosecutor” outside DC. Used to work in the Justice Department. Now, why would they be doing that?

So good little Trumpers like yourself will have something to grasp hold of as Trump's administration falls apart.
Keep dreaming, little liberal stooge. Trump isn't going anywhere.

I don't think Trump is going anywhere - at least until 2020.

But his administration is already in freefall.
I'm going by what was said. He mentioned a grand jury. That's a fact. Spin it any way you like, he did mention it. Also, if it was a 'boilerplate' response, he would have mentioned The House Judiciary Committee. Not a grand jury. Hillary is going down, along with a bunch of other crooks. By the time we know the full scope of this, it will go down as the biggest government scandal in US history. Bank on it. It's not wishful thinking. It is an intimate knowledge of human nature. Especially of those in power. Time will prove me correct. I'm going to bookmark this. I'll be referring to it again, so I can rub some liberal faces in it.


When you want to believe so desperately, who am I to try to convince you otherwise?

You keep that faith alive, brother. One of these days, it's all gonna happen.
BTW. They have also brought in a separate “senior federal prosecutor” outside DC. Used to work in the Justice Department. Now, why would they be doing that?

So good little Trumpers like yourself will have something to grasp hold of as Trump's administration falls apart.
Keep dreaming, little liberal stooge. Trump isn't going anywhere.

I don't think Trump is going anywhere - at least until 2020.

But his administration is already in freefall.
Why do you say that? You really need to stop drinking the KOOL-AID.

When you want to believe so desperately, who am I to try to convince you otherwise?

You keep that faith alive, brother. One of these days, it's all gonna happen.
BTW. They have also brought in a separate “senior federal prosecutor” outside DC. Used to work in the Justice Department. Now, why would they be doing that?

So good little Trumpers like yourself will have something to grasp hold of as Trump's administration falls apart.
Keep dreaming, little liberal stooge. Trump isn't going anywhere.

I don't think Trump is going anywhere - at least until 2020.

But his administration is already in freefall.
Why do you say that? You really need to stop drinking the KOOL-AID.

Because my eyes are open.
BTW. They have also brought in a separate “senior federal prosecutor” outside DC. Used to work in the Justice Department. Now, why would they be doing that?

So good little Trumpers like yourself will have something to grasp hold of as Trump's administration falls apart.
Keep dreaming, little liberal stooge. Trump isn't going anywhere.

I don't think Trump is going anywhere - at least until 2020.

But his administration is already in freefall.
Why do you say that? You really need to stop drinking the KOOL-AID.

Because my eyes are open.
BWAHAHAHA! You can have your eyes open and still be blind. You're living proof.
The wheels of justice may sometimes turn slowly, but they are turning. Hillary will answer for what she has done. Count on it.

Grand Jury summoned for Hillary Clinton (INDICTMENT!?)

Sessions is doing a lot of things behind the scene that Leftists really don't want to know about.
Be afraid, Hillary. Be veeeeeeery afraid.

Let us know when she's cuffed and frog marched Nutter Butter ..

Been waiting 25 years and anxious!!
The wheels of justice may sometimes turn slowly, but they are turning. Hillary will answer for what she has done. Count on it.

Grand Jury summoned for Hillary Clinton (INDICTMENT!?)

Sessions is doing a lot of things behind the scene that Leftists really don't want to know about.
Be afraid, Hillary. Be veeeeeeery afraid.

Let us know when she's cuffed and frog marched Nutter Butter ..

Been waiting 25 years and anxious!!

Any day now---------
Quality Fake News brought to you by a Right Wing blog you never heard of. Did anyone bother ro read that ridiculous story?
Fake news? Guess again. Here is the subpoena.

Goodlatte Subpoenas DOJ for Documents Related to FISA Abuse, Clinton Investigation, and McCabe Firing

f t # e
Washington, March 22, 2018 | Beth Breeding (2022255431) | 0 comments
Congressman Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.), Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, today subpoenaed the Department of Justice for documents regarding charging decisions in the investigation surrounding former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s private email server, potential abuses of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, and the FBI’s Office of Professional Responsibility recommendation to fire former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe.

Last year, the House Judiciary Committee and House Oversight and Government Reform Committee announced a joint investigation into decisions made and not made by the Department of Justice in 2016. As part of the joint investigation, Chairmen Goodlatte and Gowdy have repeatedly requested that the Justice Department hand over the 1.2 million documents relating to the investigation into former Secretary Clinton’s use of a private email server to send and receive classified information. To date, the Committees have received only a few thousand of the 1.2 million documents provided to the Inspector General. And since the Committees launched their investigation, it has come to light that the FBI’s Office of Professional Responsibility recommended the dismissal of former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, based in part on events related to the Clinton investigation.

Additionally, in February 2018, Chairman Goodlatte requested that the Justice Department and FBI provide documents related to potential abuses of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, a national security tool that allows the intelligence community to surveil foreign targets outside of the United States. To date, no documents have been provided to the House Judiciary Committee in response to this request

Below is the text of the letter to Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein subpoenaing these documents. The signed letter and subpoena can be found here.

The Honorable Rod J. Rosenstein
Deputy Attorney General
U.S. Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Ave. NW
Washington, D.C. 20530

Dear Mr. Rosenstein,

Four months have passed since Chairman Gowdy and I, along with Representatives Jordan, Meadows, Buck, and Ratcliffe, wrote you seeking documents related to our ongoing investigation regarding charging decisions in the investigation surrounding former Secretary Clinton’s private email server in 2016. To date, the Department has only produced a fraction of the documents that have been requested. In addition, in early February, I wrote the Department and the Federal Bureau of Investigation seeking documents related to potential abuses of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. No documents have been provided to the Committee in response to this request. Given the Department’s ongoing delays in producing these documents, I am left with no choice but to issue the enclosed subpoena to compel production of these documents.

Moreover, since our requests for documents related to the Clinton email server investigation were made, it has come to light that the FBI’s Office of Professional Responsibility recommended the dismissal of former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe. This recommendation appears to be based, at least in part, on events related to the investigation surrounding former Secretary Clinton’s private email server. Accordingly, the subpoena additionally covers all documents and communications relied upon by FBI’s Office of Professional Responsibility in reaching its decision to recommend the dismissal of former Deputy Director McCabe.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this important matter. If any part of the production has been designated as classified pursuant to Executive Order 13526, please contact Committee majority staff so that arrangements may be made to ensure that the documents are handled appropriately within the House.

Bob Goodlatte


You do understand the difference between a Congressional subpoena and a Grand Jury, right?
Here is the reply to that subpoena...

DoJ on Hse Judiciary Cmte's subpoenas: We are individually reviewing the remaining documents to ensure that they do not include GRAND JURY information, information about ongoing law enforcement actions involving American citizens, or privileged attorney-client communications.

Why would he make such a reply if there was no grand jury?

That's boilerplate language. It does not imply anything, let alone a Grand Jury specifically empaneled to investigate the Clintons.

Keep hoping. Her Loosership may have to flee the country before long.
Joe is coming for Hillary/FBI/DOJ/Mueller/LIB MSM.
He's a fucking wrecking ball! He has been given a free rein to go wherever the corruption leads.
Legends in the Law: Joseph diGenova
When this is over there will have to be an increase in the federal prison lunch menu budget for cat food sandwiches.
Joe is coming for Hillary/FBI/DOJ/Mueller/LIB MSM.
He's a fucking wrecking ball! He has been given a free rein to go wherever the corruption leads.
Legends in the Law: Joseph diGenova
When this is over there will have to be an increase in the federal prison lunch menu budget for cat food sandwiches.

Somebody needs to tell Joe. He says he doesn't want to work for Trump. I don't blame him.

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