Grandfather in Oklahoma ar15 shooting sez it was an unfair fight

The democrats have been working on this.....they keep trying to get guns banned so that innocent victims will be helpless when 3 thugs break into their homes.....but the NRA, the 2nd Amendment Foundation and Gun Owners of America keep getting in the way....
It would have been more fair if his grandson didn't try to break and enter. Did he ever stop to think it was unfair for his grandson to steal other people's property?
If my son was one of the dead I would be pissed at him and pissed at myself for failing as a parent. Simple as that. The whole point of defending ones self with a rifle like the AR-15 is to be able to defend ones self from 3 assholes trying to steal what someone else worked hard for. By this grandfather whining about it being unfair you can see its obviously 3 generations deep of blaming everyone else.
Young whites should never befriend or get involved with Mexicans. Had these three kids walked away from Rodriguez they would be alive today.
Young whites should never befriend or get involved with Mexicans. Had these three kids walked away from Rodriguez they would be alive today.
Watch what your kids listen to,watch and hang out with. No cRAP "music",no movies glorifying drugs,alcohol,crime,the gang lifestyle etc and damn sure watch who they hang out with!
Gun Control is a dead issue. I suspect most of America will be carry-at-will in the near future.
Bitch, you shoulda taught your kids better. Home invasion = death. Deal with it you fuck.

I had a guy trying to break down the door one time. If he had made it through, he would've been a dead man. The cops beat his ass.
They were talking about this on OAN and my husband uncharacteristically didn't rant or rave at all, he simply said, you try to steal from me you're dead... heh

(Although, up here the law backs him, so I suppose there's not much need for raging...)
Call me crazy, but I'm thinking the whole idea of the AR was to make sure it wasn't a fair fight.
If my son was one of the dead I would be pissed at him and pissed at myself for failing as a parent. Simple as that. The whole point of defending ones self with a rifle like the AR-15 is to be able to defend ones self from 3 assholes trying to steal what someone else worked hard for. By this grandfather whining about it being unfair you can see its obviously 3 generations deep of blaming everyone else.
Three against one...yeah, that's "fair". Three thugs against an elderly man...yeah, that's "fair". Anyone defending themself against a criminal invasion, three-to-one, "unfair" advantage. I don't give a rat's ass what the victim used to defend himself and his home, these three criminal thugs deserve everything they got and will get. Granpa needs a HUGE dose of reality administered.
The link does not work.

However note that an assault carbine is the perfect weapon for defending your home.

They are extremely accurate.

The only problem is collateral damage as the bullets keep going into the neighborhood.
Actually, a shotgun makes the best home defense tool. Load light and it will not penetrate walls, thus endangering the neighbors, but the shot pattern will at least mark your target. Collateral damage is minimized.
Call me crazy, but I'm thinking the whole idea of the AR was to make sure it wasn't a fair fight. about this....A NEW Federal law:
All citizens are required to maintain a variety of weapons in their homes (handguns, rifles, shotguns, knives, machetes); they must also have an "on-call" list. The burglar/home invader must knock on the door or ring the doorbell first, then indicate what he/she and any associates intend to do and what they are armed with. The criminal in charge must also inform the home owner how many associates he/she has. The home owner is then to access the on-call list and bring in an equal number of friends/family of similar age for defense. The burglar cannot enter the home until such time as the on-call defenders have arrived, entered the house and have armed themselves. Once the home owner announces that they are ready for a fair and equal fight, the criminals may then and only then enter the house in an effort to commit the crime.
When all is done. The police and families of both the home owners and the family of the criminals can then judge that it was indeed a fair fight.
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