Grassley got PLAYED again....Filibuster by Dems got Flake to flip



You lace curtain milktoast whitebread wuss.


The final vote is what counts!

This won't change one fucking Democrat vote no matter what happens. If Republicans don't grow a set of balls we will lose this country to a bunch of Socialists.
Agree, but they're never gonna grow any and we have some who are actually Democrats wearing Republican masks. THEY need to be primaryed out of the party.
Flake was right. What's a one week delay anyway. Flake is the only Republican performing his constitutional duty and not being a rubber stamp. There were enough allegations to warrant a further investigation.

Adice and consent.

Do you even Constiution?

:rolleyes: do you??

American Bar Association Says FBI Investigation Should Come Before A Kavanaugh Vote

Updated at 10:45 a.m. ET

The American Bar Association says the Senate should not hold a confirmation vote on Brett Kavanaugh's nomination to the Supreme Court until the FBI has investigated sexual assault allegations against him that were made by Christine Blasey Ford and other women.

Citing the ABA's "respect for the rule of law and due process,"
ABA President Robert Carlson wrote in a letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee, "The basic principles that underscore the Senate's constitutional duty of advice and consent on federal judicial nominees require nothing less than a careful examination of the accusations and facts by the FBI."

The same FBI who couldn't even put a criminal like Hillary behind bars?

And let me add, The FBI admitted she committed serious crimes and did nothing about it. But get a date wrong on something you already disclosed in writing when you are under intense interrogation, and Oh My God, "Lying To The FBI"
The committee voted to recommend Kavanaugh and now it goes to the full senate for a vote. The GOP will put serious pressure on Flake to get in line. His political career is toast if he votes no.
Um. Hello?

Flake announced a year ago he is not running for re-election.

Flake has been boasting about running against Trump in the 2020 primary, you would know this if you weren't an ignorant liberal.
Flake was right. What's a one week delay anyway. Flake is the only Republican performing his constitutional duty and not being a rubber stamp. There were enough allegations to warrant a further investigation.
Do you honestly think democrats will stop there?


You lace curtain milktoast whitebread wuss.


The final vote is what counts!

Kavanaugh was getting ready to screw the country, pushing for a law that would make a sitting president immune from investigation, you stupid fucking idiot.
What do you call something like that in countries like Russia, Iran, North Korea?
Damn, just when I think a pseudo-con can't get any dumber, you prove me wrong.

Kavanaugh signaled sitting president couldn't be indicted - POLITICO

Jul 11, 2018 - Kavanaugh's stance is not an unusual or outlandish one. ... "How many of you believe, as a matter of law, that a sitting presidentcannot be ...
Brett Kavanaugh Once Argued That a Sitting President Should Be ...

Jul 9, 2018 - Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh next to PresidentDonald ... an investigation like Mueller's in a 2009 Minnesota Law Review article. ... The country wants the President to be 'one of us' who bears the ... “Should this president be able to put people in place that can then come back and protect him?
The committee voted to recommend Kavanaugh and now it goes to the full senate for a vote. The GOP will put serious pressure on Flake to get in line. His political career is toast if he votes no.
Um. Hello?

Flake announced a year ago he is not running for re-election.

Flake has been boasting about running against Trump in the 2020 primary, you would know this if you weren't an ignorant liberal.

Flake is finished in the GOP. If he runs for office again, it will be as a "moderate" Democrat.
Flake was right. What's a one week delay anyway. Flake is the only Republican performing his constitutional duty and not being a rubber stamp. There were enough allegations to warrant a further investigation.
Do you honestly think democrats will stop there?

Unwad your tiny jock strap and let the process unfold.
If there's nothing to hide, then fear nothing.
But you can bet Kavanaughty is sweating bullets right now.
His problem is he's had so many alcohol black-outs he can't remember the incident.
He's worried it just might be true.
The committee voted to recommend Kavanaugh and now it goes to the full senate for a vote. The GOP will put serious pressure on Flake to get in line. His political career is toast if he votes no.
Um. Hello?

Flake announced a year ago he is not running for re-election.

Flake has been boasting about running against Trump in the 2020 primary, you would know this if you weren't an ignorant liberal.

Flake is finished in the GOP. If he runs for office again, it will be as a "moderate" Democrat.

LOL! Fun to watch far right wing hacks attack a decent, measured man who refuses to be Trump's bitch.
Flake was right. What's a one week delay anyway. Flake is the only Republican performing his constitutional duty and not being a rubber stamp. There were enough allegations to warrant a further investigation.

Adice and consent.

Do you even Constiution?

:rolleyes: do you??

American Bar Association Says FBI Investigation Should Come Before A Kavanaugh Vote

Updated at 10:45 a.m. ET

The American Bar Association says the Senate should not hold a confirmation vote on Brett Kavanaugh's nomination to the Supreme Court until the FBI has investigated sexual assault allegations against him that were made by Christine Blasey Ford and other women.

Citing the ABA's "respect for the rule of law and due process,"
ABA President Robert Carlson wrote in a letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee, "The basic principles that underscore the Senate's constitutional duty of advice and consent on federal judicial nominees require nothing less than a careful examination of the accusations and facts by the FBI."

Fuck the Bar.

The FBI said it's not under their jurisdiction.

Let's file a criminal complaint in Montgomery County.

You and Trump, trying to discredit every institution in place that protects our rights and safety.
Flake was right. What's a one week delay anyway. Flake is the only Republican performing his constitutional duty and not being a rubber stamp. There were enough allegations to warrant a further investigation.
Do you honestly think democrats will stop there?

Unwad your tiny jock strap and let the process unfold.
If there's nothing to hide, then fear nothing.
But you can bet Kavanaughty is sweating bullets right now.
His problem is he's had so many alcohol black-outs he can't remember the incident.
He's worried it just might be true.
Pull your head out of your ass.
Democrats are taking advantage of this woman to do what they said they would do before Kavanaugh was even nominated.
Is the left even capable of logical thought these days? How could a filibuster by democrats cause a republican "to flip"? The truth of the matter is that Flake has always been a RINO and he couldn't even get enough support in the republican party to run for another term so he is retiring (and good riddance). Now that he has nothing to lose he is out of the political closet and free to try to derail republican agendas in the open.
The committee voted to recommend Kavanaugh and now it goes to the full senate for a vote. The GOP will put serious pressure on Flake to get in line. His political career is toast if he votes no.
Um. Hello?

Flake announced a year ago he is not running for re-election.

Flake has been boasting about running against Trump in the 2020 primary, you would know this if you weren't an ignorant liberal.

Flake is finished in the GOP. If he runs for office again, it will be as a "moderate" Democrat.

LOL! Fun to watch far right wing hacks attack a decent, measured man who refuses to be Trump's bitch.

You can have backstabber traitor Flake and the bunch of you can move to Mexico, we don't need your kind in the USA.
The committee voted to recommend Kavanaugh and now it goes to the full senate for a vote. The GOP will put serious pressure on Flake to get in line. His political career is toast if he votes no.
Um. Hello?

Flake announced a year ago he is not running for re-election.

Flake has been boasting about running against Trump in the 2020 primary, you would know this if you weren't an ignorant liberal.
No he hasn't, dumbass. Other people have suggested it, but he has not said he is going to run. He has not been boasting about running.

You would know this if you weren't a tard.

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