Gray Hair: A Solution to the Pending World War

Would you favor a Council of Elders from East and West to reign in their respective immoral ranks?

  • No! Jihad/American unchecked freedoms until death!

  • Yeah, that would probably be an OK compromise, given what we all will get out of what we give up.

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Gold Member
Jul 15, 2013
That is to say...wisdom. (sorry about the wall of text but it's kind of a big problem and two words won't do)

Let's face it: youth can be hot-headed; especially boys. But boys we hope eventually grow up to be men. When a society is overrun by its youth and their insane/rash idealisms who fail to respect their elders and their wisdom, that's when crap hits the fan. Oh, and this applies to muslim cultures too...

So I was thinking about this muslim jihad vs the West, since we all know where it's going. After numerous failed attempts by China and Russia through their islamic surrogates to bait and goad the US into its final act, teetering as it is so precariously on manufactured civil unrest to promote one youth agenda, and its economic woes, finally they found the way in: attack France. What do we know about the French? What are they known for around the world? When you fuck with them, they see red and their pride demands they retaliate. And how convenient; when they get in too deep, their allies will have to help...


In one way I've been happy about Obama being president and being inert when it comes to riling up about these attacks. It's that he doesn't quickly rise to the obvious baiting. Republicans love to, because it means more money for their defense-contractor stocks and buddies, also a temporarily spurred economy. And republicans can be hot-headed and dumb when it comes to seeing someone obviously pissing on their shoes to instigate a fight that they aren't bolstered enough to take on. As the bull staggers, the matador swings the red cape hoping that wobbling bull will strike just one more time..

Anyway, a solution to this situation MIGHT be for the gray-haireds to get together. Nobody allowed in under age 55 to any of the discussions. And here's the proposal I would make for world peace:

Each side compromises and agrees to give up something. The muslim Imams agree to give up their abusive treatment of women, allowing them to at least not be physically abused; perhaps devising more creative and humane punishments for them when they step out of the islamic-woman role line. Also they agree to stop bombing and terrorizing the West. In exchange, the West agrees to completely remove all smut, LGBT propaganda, excessive eating shows and promotion of greed, vanity and any other wanton displays of "being flagrant infidels" that is so highly offensive to the muslims from media.

After all, violence always comes from fear. The fear the muslims have is that our far-reaching media influences, seen spreading all around the world for decades now, turning everything around into a "quasi-America", will finally take root and grow in their culture. And there's just no mixing oil and water. Perhaps they really do see this jihad as "fighting for their life".

On the other hand, they must also realize that the West fears the same type of thing from their less gray haired members: those that would so violently harm women (as repugnant to the west as the LGBT is to Islam), and so the Western non-grays sit pumped with testosterone and charged to launch in.

This is how wars have always started since the dawn of time. One group of monkeys develops a certain set of nasty habits, then another group has their own. And when those nasty habits piss off the other troop to a tipping point, off the males go. Only now instead of throwning stones and bashing each other with sticks, they throw bullets and bash each other with bombs. But it's really no different other than that at its core. The older silverbacks though are less quick to rile and usually employ a calming and potent effect on their troop so that all may live in peace.

Don't get me wrong, the young males are necessary, but they must not lead themselves. They must be led by gray-haireds. I envision the Pope, some prominent Imams and maybe the UN or an American Council to convene and discuss how the young hot heads can be reined in, fair trade and morality restored on both extremes. We have all, we gray-haireds, been negligent in checking the insane agendas of our youth. If we want a peaceful retirement, we should nut-up and start speaking sanity. If there is such a convening, it must be conspicuous and not secretive. The world must know that the gray-haireds are talking and assuming leadership roles as they rightfully should. This is taught both in the Bible and the Koran: RESPECT YOUR ELDERS! Those who do not will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

I don't know about you, but this world is way to beautiful to destroy completely and finally for some monkey-war where the silverbacks ignored too much for too long while they were napping. Allah/God commanded men to preserve what he created. The Devil is the one who snuck in the language through his human scribes and surrogates that "there shall be great destruction in the end times". It's time to sift out the Sublime from the monkey nonsense. Anyone who foolishly destroys God's creation thinking it's some manifest destiny from God has gotten it completely wrong. There are no end times; there is only time. And God wants it to continue, not end. Heaven is right here on earth, or at least it could be if we listen to wisdom.
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Another RWNJ manifesto. I guess silly things like you propose begin to sound reasonable if you stay inside the repub fear bubble and don't interact with the real world.
That is to say...wisdom. (sorry about the wall of text but it's kind of a big problem and two words won't do)

Let's face it: youth can be hot-headed; especially boys. But boys we hope eventually grow up to be men. When a society is overrun by its youth and their insane/rash idealisms who fail to respect their elders and their wisdom, that's when crap hits the fan. Oh, and this applies to muslim cultures too...

So I was thinking about this muslim jihad vs the West, since we all know where it's going. After numerous failed attempts by China and Russia through their islamic surrogates to bait and goad the US into its final act, teetering as it is so precariously on manufactured civil unrest to promote one youth agenda, and its economic woes, finally they found the way in: attack France. What do we know about the French? What are they known for around the world? When you fuck with them, they see red and their pride demands they retaliate. And how convenient; when they get in too deep, their allies will have to help...


In one way I've been happy about Obama being president and being inert when it comes to riling up about these attacks. It's that he doesn't quickly rise to the obvious baiting. Republicans love to, because it means more money for their defense-contractor stocks and buddies, also a temporarily spurred economy. And republicans can be hot-headed and dumb when it comes to seeing someone obviously pissing on their shoes to instigate a fight that they aren't bolstered enough to take on. As the bull staggers, the matador swings the red cape hoping that wobbling bull will strike just one more time..

Anyway, a solution to this situation MIGHT be for the gray-haireds to get together. Nobody allowed in under age 55 to any of the discussions. And here's the proposal I would make for world peace:

Each side compromises and agrees to give up something. The muslim Imams agree to give up their abusive treatment of women, allowing them to at least not be physically abused; perhaps devising more creative and humane punishments for them when they step out of the islamic-woman role line. Also they agree to stop bombing and terrorizing the West. In exchange, the West agrees to completely remove all smut, LGBT propaganda, excessive eating shows and promotion of greed, vanity and any other wanton displays of "being flagrant infidels" that is so highly offensive to the muslims from media.

After all, violence always comes from fear. The fear the muslims have is that our far-reaching media influences, seen spreading all around the world for decades now, turning everything around into a "quasi-America", will finally take root and grow in their culture. And there's just no mixing oil and water. Perhaps they really do see this jihad as "fighting for their life".

On the other hand, they must also realize that the West fears the same type of thing from their less gray haired members: those that would so violently harm women (as repugnant to the west as the LGBT is to Islam), and so the Western non-grays sit pumped with testosterone and charged to launch in.

This is how wars have always started since the dawn of time. One group of monkeys develops a certain set of nasty habits, then another group has their own. And when those nasty habits piss off the other troop to a tipping point, off the males go. Only now instead of throwning stones and bashing each other with sticks, they throw bullets and bash each other with bombs. But it's really no different other than that at its core. The older silverbacks though are less quick to rile and usually employ a calming and potent effect on their troop so that all may live in peace.

Don't get me wrong, the young males are necessary, but they must not lead themselves. They must be led by gray-haireds. I envision the Pope, some prominent Imams and maybe the UN or an American Council to convene and discuss how the young hot heads can be reined in, fair trade and morality restored on both extremes. We have all, we gray-haireds, been negligent in checking the insane agendas of our youth. If we want a peaceful retirement, we should nut-up and start speaking sanity. If there is such a convening, it must be conspicuous and not secretive. The world must know that the gray-haireds are talking and assuming leadership roles as they rightfully should. This is taught both in the Bible and the Koran: RESPECT YOUR ELDERS! Those who do not will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

I don't know about you, but this world is way to beautiful to destroy completely and finally for some monkey-war where the silverbacks ignored too much for too long while they were napping. Allah/God commanded men to preserve what he created. The Devil is the one who snuck in the language through his human scribes and surrogates that "there shall be great destruction in the end times". It's time to sift out the Sublime from the monkey nonsense. Anyone who foolishly destroys God's creation thinking it's some manifest destiny from God has gotten it completely wrong. There are no end times; there is only time. And God wants it to continue, not end. Heaven is right here on earth, or at least it could be if we listen to wisdom.
Great idea let the people who got us into this mess in the first place get together and decide how to fix it. Oh wait those people have been "fixing" it for decades.
Another RWNJ manifesto. I guess silly things like you propose begin to sound reasonable if you stay inside the repub fear bubble and don't interact with the real world.
I voted for Clinton twice and Obama twice.
Great idea let the people who got us into this mess in the first place get together and decide how to fix it. Oh wait those people have been "fixing" it for decades.

No, not politicians: religious leaders with national leaders. Not one without the other. When was the last time you saw the Pope and Imams with presidents & kings seated in a room together talking about cooling their respective followers down? I think Pope Francis should make the first gesture. I think he's already been at trying to chat with Imams if memory serves. But this needs to be bigger and more conspicuous.
That is to say...wisdom. (sorry about the wall of text but it's kind of a big problem and two words won't do)

Let's face it: youth can be hot-headed; especially boys. But boys we hope eventually grow up to be men. When a society is overrun by its youth and their insane/rash idealisms who fail to respect their elders and their wisdom, that's when crap hits the fan. Oh, and this applies to muslim cultures too...

So I was thinking about this muslim jihad vs the West, since we all know where it's going. After numerous failed attempts by China and Russia through their islamic surrogates to bait and goad the US into its final act, teetering as it is so precariously on manufactured civil unrest to promote one youth agenda, and its economic woes, finally they found the way in: attack France. What do we know about the French? What are they known for around the world? When you fuck with them, they see red and their pride demands they retaliate. And how convenient; when they get in too deep, their allies will have to help...


In one way I've been happy about Obama being president and being inert when it comes to riling up about these attacks. It's that he doesn't quickly rise to the obvious baiting. Republicans love to, because it means more money for their defense-contractor stocks and buddies, also a temporarily spurred economy. And republicans can be hot-headed and dumb when it comes to seeing someone obviously pissing on their shoes to instigate a fight that they aren't bolstered enough to take on. As the bull staggers, the matador swings the red cape hoping that wobbling bull will strike just one more time..

Anyway, a solution to this situation MIGHT be for the gray-haireds to get together. Nobody allowed in under age 55 to any of the discussions. And here's the proposal I would make for world peace:

Each side compromises and agrees to give up something. The muslim Imams agree to give up their abusive treatment of women, allowing them to at least not be physically abused; perhaps devising more creative and humane punishments for them when they step out of the islamic-woman role line. Also they agree to stop bombing and terrorizing the West. In exchange, the West agrees to completely remove all smut, LGBT propaganda, excessive eating shows and promotion of greed, vanity and any other wanton displays of "being flagrant infidels" that is so highly offensive to the muslims from media.

After all, violence always comes from fear. The fear the muslims have is that our far-reaching media influences, seen spreading all around the world for decades now, turning everything around into a "quasi-America", will finally take root and grow in their culture. And there's just no mixing oil and water. Perhaps they really do see this jihad as "fighting for their life".

On the other hand, they must also realize that the West fears the same type of thing from their less gray haired members: those that would so violently harm women (as repugnant to the west as the LGBT is to Islam), and so the Western non-grays sit pumped with testosterone and charged to launch in.

This is how wars have always started since the dawn of time. One group of monkeys develops a certain set of nasty habits, then another group has their own. And when those nasty habits piss off the other troop to a tipping point, off the males go. Only now instead of throwning stones and bashing each other with sticks, they throw bullets and bash each other with bombs. But it's really no different other than that at its core. The older silverbacks though are less quick to rile and usually employ a calming and potent effect on their troop so that all may live in peace.

Don't get me wrong, the young males are necessary, but they must not lead themselves. They must be led by gray-haireds. I envision the Pope, some prominent Imams and maybe the UN or an American Council to convene and discuss how the young hot heads can be reined in, fair trade and morality restored on both extremes. We have all, we gray-haireds, been negligent in checking the insane agendas of our youth. If we want a peaceful retirement, we should nut-up and start speaking sanity. If there is such a convening, it must be conspicuous and not secretive. The world must know that the gray-haireds are talking and assuming leadership roles as they rightfully should. This is taught both in the Bible and the Koran: RESPECT YOUR ELDERS! Those who do not will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

I don't know about you, but this world is way to beautiful to destroy completely and finally for some monkey-war where the silverbacks ignored too much for too long while they were napping. Allah/God commanded men to preserve what he created. The Devil is the one who snuck in the language through his human scribes and surrogates that "there shall be great destruction in the end times". It's time to sift out the Sublime from the monkey nonsense. Anyone who foolishly destroys God's creation thinking it's some manifest destiny from God has gotten it completely wrong. There are no end times; there is only time. And God wants it to continue, not end. Heaven is right here on earth, or at least it could be if we listen to wisdom.
Cheney and Bush are the fathers of ISIS. One was a grey hair. Let's pass eh...
Another RWNJ manifesto. I guess silly things like you propose begin to sound reasonable if you stay inside the repub fear bubble and don't interact with the real world.
I voted for Clinton twice and Obama twice.

right on , no interest at all . Gotta be a clear winner with lots of defeated enemies in all this fighting eventually !!
Then I would expect you have enough sense to know neither side is interested in what you propose/
Another RWNJ manifesto. I guess silly things like you propose begin to sound reasonable if you stay inside the repub fear bubble and don't interact with the real world.
I voted for Clinton twice and Obama twice.

right on , no interest at all . Gotta be a clear winner with lots of defeated enemies in all this fighting eventually !!
Then I would expect you have enough sense to know neither side is interested in what you propose/

I never said what you quoted me as saying. I don't know if it was a mistake or what, but you need to delete that.
That is to say...wisdom. (sorry about the wall of text but it's kind of a big problem and two words won't do)

Let's face it: youth can be hot-headed; especially boys. But boys we hope eventually grow up to be men. When a society is overrun by its youth and their insane/rash idealisms who fail to respect their elders and their wisdom, that's when crap hits the fan. Oh, and this applies to muslim cultures too...

So I was thinking about this muslim jihad vs the West, since we all know where it's going. After numerous failed attempts by China and Russia through their islamic surrogates to bait and goad the US into its final act, teetering as it is so precariously on manufactured civil unrest to promote one youth agenda, and its economic woes, finally they found the way in: attack France. What do we know about the French? What are they known for around the world? When you fuck with them, they see red and their pride demands they retaliate. And how convenient; when they get in too deep, their allies will have to help...


In one way I've been happy about Obama being president and being inert when it comes to riling up about these attacks. It's that he doesn't quickly rise to the obvious baiting. Republicans love to, because it means more money for their defense-contractor stocks and buddies, also a temporarily spurred economy. And republicans can be hot-headed and dumb when it comes to seeing someone obviously pissing on their shoes to instigate a fight that they aren't bolstered enough to take on. As the bull staggers, the matador swings the red cape hoping that wobbling bull will strike just one more time..

Anyway, a solution to this situation MIGHT be for the gray-haireds to get together. Nobody allowed in under age 55 to any of the discussions. And here's the proposal I would make for world peace:

Each side compromises and agrees to give up something. The muslim Imams agree to give up their abusive treatment of women, allowing them to at least not be physically abused; perhaps devising more creative and humane punishments for them when they step out of the islamic-woman role line. Also they agree to stop bombing and terrorizing the West. In exchange, the West agrees to completely remove all smut, LGBT propaganda, excessive eating shows and promotion of greed, vanity and any other wanton displays of "being flagrant infidels" that is so highly offensive to the muslims from media.

After all, violence always comes from fear. The fear the muslims have is that our far-reaching media influences, seen spreading all around the world for decades now, turning everything around into a "quasi-America", will finally take root and grow in their culture. And there's just no mixing oil and water. Perhaps they really do see this jihad as "fighting for their life".

On the other hand, they must also realize that the West fears the same type of thing from their less gray haired members: those that would so violently harm women (as repugnant to the west as the LGBT is to Islam), and so the Western non-grays sit pumped with testosterone and charged to launch in.

This is how wars have always started since the dawn of time. One group of monkeys develops a certain set of nasty habits, then another group has their own. And when those nasty habits piss off the other troop to a tipping point, off the males go. Only now instead of throwning stones and bashing each other with sticks, they throw bullets and bash each other with bombs. But it's really no different other than that at its core. The older silverbacks though are less quick to rile and usually employ a calming and potent effect on their troop so that all may live in peace.

Don't get me wrong, the young males are necessary, but they must not lead themselves. They must be led by gray-haireds. I envision the Pope, some prominent Imams and maybe the UN or an American Council to convene and discuss how the young hot heads can be reined in, fair trade and morality restored on both extremes. We have all, we gray-haireds, been negligent in checking the insane agendas of our youth. If we want a peaceful retirement, we should nut-up and start speaking sanity. If there is such a convening, it must be conspicuous and not secretive. The world must know that the gray-haireds are talking and assuming leadership roles as they rightfully should. This is taught both in the Bible and the Koran: RESPECT YOUR ELDERS! Those who do not will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

I don't know about you, but this world is way to beautiful to destroy completely and finally for some monkey-war where the silverbacks ignored too much for too long while they were napping. Allah/God commanded men to preserve what he created. The Devil is the one who snuck in the language through his human scribes and surrogates that "there shall be great destruction in the end times". It's time to sift out the Sublime from the monkey nonsense. Anyone who foolishly destroys God's creation thinking it's some manifest destiny from God has gotten it completely wrong. There are no end times; there is only time. And God wants it to continue, not end. Heaven is right here on earth, or at least it could be if we listen to wisdom.

Where do you get the idea that "Islam" -- or any other global religion -- is a centralized entity where you can just elect a kind of ideological parliament? Any individual within such an enormous and multicultural group is going to be most influenced by local people near them, whether that's a local imam (or priest, rabbi, etc), a local community figure, or a local political radical -- people they can see and hear and interact with.

I don't think some of your premises (e.g. "muslim jihad vs the West, since we all know where it's going" and "Imams agree to give up their abusive treatment of women" to name two) are a given at all. I think they're based on conjecture inflated into blanket stereotypes.

This is a case where "politics is local".
Where do you get the idea that "Islam" -- or any other global religion -- is a centralized entity where you can just elect a kind of ideological parliament? .

From my study of anthropology. Well, armchair study. My sister is the one with the heavy degree in anthropology. But I used to sit with her when she was working on her senior project before she graduated and went on to a higher degree. She sat at the zoo and studied the primate groups and how the males and females worked out their issues and their social laws. I saw the exact thing in human behavior too. People like to believe we are not at all like our extremely close monkey cousins, but we are so like them it isn't funny.

I maintain that if enough silverbacks of note come forward and convene conspicuously, the testosterone-infused violent/fearful young males will simmer down. That's a genetic reaction, older than even our appendix's original function. The older dominant males must admit the insanity has gotten way out of hand; and then they must compromise.

Wouldn't it be a shame to discover the earth was destroyed because some young male primates wanted "the right!" to abuse their females to the point of torture...while other young male primates wanted "the right!" to have their dicks amputated and parade around playing-at being some sterotype of "being female"? :cuckoo:

When you understand as I do that religion is a set of laws originally set out to control the monkey troop's destructive nature, then it all makes sense. Naturally in any religion, men have intervened and inserted their own destructive spin on the original intent. Then they use these mortal-invented tangents to "religiously-justify" their agendas.

I get the muslims are afraid and that's why they're violent. I get that they see how crazy the West has become while becoming blind to their own versions of insanity. I see how the West acts confused, as if they can't understand why someone facing a cultural-insanity stream roller like American media and it's puppeteers would be afraid of their different culture being flattened without ceremony.

Everyone likes to play pretend as if they don't know what's going on. But I'm here to tell you that if you back up into space and look at our little theme park for what it is: a sophisticated zoo, but a zoo nevertheless, you can use the tool of anthropology to get every nuance of what is going on..
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Where do you get the idea that "Islam" -- or any other global religion -- is a centralized entity where you can just elect a kind of ideological parliament? .

From my study of anthropology. Well, armchair study. My sister is the one with the heavy degree in anthropology. But I used to sit with her when she was working on her senior project before she graduated and went on to a higher degree. She sat at the zoo and studied the primate groups and how the males and females worked out their issues and their social laws. I saw the exact thing in human behavior too. People like to believe we are not at all like our extremely close monkey cousins, but we are so like them it isn't funny.

I maintain that if enough silverbacks of note come forward and convene conspicuously, the testosterone-infused violent/fearful young males will simmer down. That's a genetic reaction, older than even our appendix's original function. The older dominant males must admit the insanity has gotten way out of hand; and then they must compromise.

Wouldn't it be a shame to discover the earth was destroyed because some young male primates wanted "the right!" to abuse their females to the point of torture...while other young male primates wanted "the right!" to have their dicks amputated and parade around playing-at being some sterotype of "being female"? :cuckoo:

When you understand as I do that religion is a set of laws originally set out to control the monkey troop's destructive nature, then it all makes sense. Naturally in any religion, men have intervened and inserted their own destructive spin on the original intent. Then they use these mortal-invented tangents to "religiously-justify" their agendas.

I get the muslims are afraid and that's why they're voilent. I get that they see how crazy the West has become while becoming blind to their own versions of insanity. I see how the West acts confused, as if they can't understand why someone facing a cultural-insanity stream roller like American media and it's puppeteers would be afraid of their different culture being flattened without ceremony.

Everyone likes to play pretend as if they don't know what's going on. But I'm here to tell you that if you back up into space and look at our little theme park for what it is: a sophisitcated zoo, but a zoo nevertheless, you can use the tool of anthropology to get every nuance of what is going on..

Ah, you're referring to subincision?
Where do you get the idea that "Islam" -- or any other global religion -- is a centralized entity where you can just elect a kind of ideological parliament? .

From my study of anthropology. Well, armchair study. My sister is the one with the heavy degree in anthropology. But I used to sit with her when she was working on her senior project before she graduated and went on to a higher degree. She sat at the zoo and studied the primate groups and how the males and females worked out their issues and their social laws. I saw the exact thing in human behavior too. People like to believe we are not at all like our extremely close monkey cousins, but we are so like them it isn't funny.

I maintain that if enough silverbacks of note come forward and convene conspicuously, the testosterone-infused violent/fearful young males will simmer down. That's a genetic reaction, older than even our appendix's original function. The older dominant males must admit the insanity has gotten way out of hand; and then they must compromise.

Wouldn't it be a shame to discover the earth was destroyed because some young male primates wanted "the right!" to abuse their females to the point of torture...while other young male primates wanted "the right!" to have their dicks amputated and parade around playing-at being some sterotype of "being female"? :cuckoo:

When you understand as I do that religion is a set of laws originally set out to control the monkey troop's destructive nature, then it all makes sense. Naturally in any religion, men have intervened and inserted their own destructive spin on the original intent. Then they use these mortal-invented tangents to "religiously-justify" their agendas.

I get the muslims are afraid and that's why they're violent. I get that they see how crazy the West has become while becoming blind to their own versions of insanity. I see how the West acts confused, as if they can't understand why someone facing a cultural-insanity stream roller like American media and it's puppeteers would be afraid of their different culture being flattened without ceremony.

Everyone likes to play pretend as if they don't know what's going on. But I'm here to tell you that if you back up into space and look at our little theme park for what it is: a sophisticated zoo, but a zoo nevertheless, you can use the tool of anthropology to get every nuance of what is going on..

You obviously put a lot of thought into that, but you didn't answer his question.
Where do you get the idea that "Islam" -- or any other global religion -- is a centralized entity where you can just elect a kind of ideological parliament?
Where do you get the idea that "Islam" -- or any other global religion -- is a centralized entity where you can just elect a kind of ideological parliament? .

From my study of anthropology. Well, armchair study. My sister is the one with the heavy degree in anthropology. But I used to sit with her when she was working on her senior project before she graduated and went on to a higher degree. She sat at the zoo and studied the primate groups and how the males and females worked out their issues and their social laws. I saw the exact thing in human behavior too. People like to believe we are not at all like our extremely close monkey cousins, but we are so like them it isn't funny.

I maintain that if enough silverbacks of note come forward and convene conspicuously, the testosterone-infused violent/fearful young males will simmer down. That's a genetic reaction, older than even our appendix's original function. The older dominant males must admit the insanity has gotten way out of hand; and then they must compromise.

Wouldn't it be a shame to discover the earth was destroyed because some young male primates wanted "the right!" to abuse their females to the point of torture...while other young male primates wanted "the right!" to have their dicks amputated and parade around playing-at being some sterotype of "being female"? :cuckoo:

When you understand as I do that religion is a set of laws originally set out to control the monkey troop's destructive nature, then it all makes sense. Naturally in any religion, men have intervened and inserted their own destructive spin on the original intent. Then they use these mortal-invented tangents to "religiously-justify" their agendas.

I get the muslims are afraid and that's why they're violent. I get that they see how crazy the West has become while becoming blind to their own versions of insanity. I see how the West acts confused, as if they can't understand why someone facing a cultural-insanity stream roller like American media and it's puppeteers would be afraid of their different culture being flattened without ceremony.

Everyone likes to play pretend as if they don't know what's going on. But I'm here to tell you that if you back up into space and look at our little theme park for what it is: a sophisticated zoo, but a zoo nevertheless, you can use the tool of anthropology to get every nuance of what is going on..

You obviously put a lot of thought into that, but you didn't answer his question.
Where do you get the idea that "Islam" -- or any other global religion -- is a centralized entity where you can just elect a kind of ideological parliament?

Zackly. How would Christians or Jews do that?
You obviously put a lot of thought into that, but you didn't answer his question.
Where do you get the idea that "Islam" -- or any other global religion -- is a centralized entity where you can just elect a kind of ideological parliament?

I don't, not exactly. I just know that right now the two insane fringes in the East and the West are operating under the assumption that they are, if not fully accepted into the mainstream, at least on their way there, 'with a chance' that their radicalized ideas will go full blossom into the fabric of their entire society. They have not met "that wall" yet and as such they become emboldened as their manifesto inches closer and closer to domination. Being cults proper, these two extremes have met no resistance where it matters: at home.

If "called out" by great leaders in the society they are trying to change, they will have to shrink down and form their own little cult. The new recruiting will become harder; as it is harder to brainwash people who have been raised to think what you're doing is freakish or wrong. It all goes back to the monkey instincts too. There is nothing a monkey fears from his troop more than banishment.

So, if the gray hairs meet and the general culture they command is influenced against the insanity, then the cults will shrink and become more manageable. Will there always be gay freak shows? Yes, but in diminished numbers. Will there always be radical Islamics? Yes, but finding it harder and harder to recruit. In this way, gray haired wisdom and leadership can gently turn the tide. Ultimately, it would be giving the radical Islamics what they want, a more sane and moral West. It's one of those win-win situations. American "freedoms" have gotten out of hand. It's to the point where we no longer even protect children from the new cult. We give them free access to our most vulnerable citizens in their social free-for-all. Look at the picture in my signature. We know better, but we've capitulated anyway. That is what is scaring not just the Islamics, but the rest of the world as well. How many countries now have banned Americans from adopting children from them since the cult's momentum found purchase here? Both extremes need to understand that the greater society no longer will willingly aide them in psychologically-grooming recruits by giving the stamp of legitimacy to what they're up to.

June 2015's decision was one of those most unfortunate stamps. The conspicuous silence of Imams on Islamic terrorists is another implied stamp of approval. So is Saudi money...or whoever is funding Isis behind the scenes.

This idea would take courage, so in that regard I don't have high hopes. The only courageous men on the earth are the ones acting out of fear "with nothing to lose". The problem with older men is that they usually are sedentary, well off, soft. They don't want any hassles, even if it means saving the world. Their comfort zone is our bane. But if they nutted up one last time, it would work. In the old days even grizzled Kings would take up the sword, and with arthritis, mount an edgy battle horse, heavy with armor, and gallop off in shitty weather, knowing as they did that they'd have to do the most gruesome hand-to-hand combat....blood...guts and gore. Today's Kings? Not so much.
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Unsurprisingly Sil's solution to this allegedly 'pending world war' is to find a way to punish and smear gay people. Sorry, we are not going curb American freedoms just to appease you and radical Islam the world over.
You obviously put a lot of thought into that, but you didn't answer his question.
Where do you get the idea that "Islam" -- or any other global religion -- is a centralized entity where you can just elect a kind of ideological parliament?

I don't, not exactly. I just know that right now the two insane fringes in the East and the West are operating under the assumption that they are, if not fully accepted into the mainstream, at least on their way there, 'with a chance' that their radicalized ideas will go full blossom into the fabric of their entire society. They have not met "that wall" yet and as such they become emboldened as their manifesto inches closer and closer to domination. Being cults proper, these two extremes have met no resistance where it matters: at home.

If "called out" by great leaders in the society they are trying to change, they will have to shrink down and form their own little cult. The new recruiting will become harder; as it is harder to brainwash people who have been raised to think what you're doing is freakish or wrong. It all goes back to the monkey instincts too. There is nothing a monkey fears from his troop more than banishment.

So, if the gray hairs meet and the general culture they command is influenced against the insanity, then the cults will shrink and become more manageable. Will there always be gay freak shows? Yes, but in diminished numbers. Will there always be radical Islamics? Yes, but finding it harder and harder to recruit. In this way, gray haired wisdom and leadership can gently turn the tide. Ultimately, it would be giving the radical Islamics what they want, a more sane and moral West. It's one of those win-win situations. American "freedoms" have gotten out of hand. It's to the point where we no longer even protect children from the new cult. We give them free access to our most vulnerable citizens in their social free-for-all. Look at the picture in my signature. We know better, but we've capitulated anyway. That is what is scaring not just the Islamics, but the rest of the world as well. How many countries now have banned Americans from adopting children from them since the cult's momentum found purchase here? Both extremes need to understand that the greater society no longer will willingly aide them in psychologically-grooming recruits by giving the stamp of legitimacy to what they're up to.

June 2015's decision was one of those most unfortunate stamps. The conspicuous silence of Imams on Islamic terrorists is another implied stamp of approval. So is Saudi money...or whoever is funding Isis behind the scenes.

This idea would take courage, so in that regard I don't have high hopes. The only courageous men on the earth are the ones acting out of fear "with nothing to lose". The problem with older men is that they usually are sedentary, well off, soft. They don't want any hassles, even if it means saving the world. Their comfort zone is our bane. But if they nutted up one last time, it would work. In the old days even grizzled Kings would take up the sword, and with arthritis, mount an edgy battle horse, heavy with armor, and gallop off in shitty weather, knowing as they did that they'd have to do the most gruesome hand-to-hand combat....blood...guts and gore. Today's Kings? Not so much.

I'm pretty sure you don't have a realistic view of the situation. If this conflict was just over the last couple of years, your idea might have some merit. The "gray hairs" as you call them would remember how things were before any conflict,and would be able to tell how to get back to that. This has been building for a long time, and the "gray hairs" are the ones who built it to this point. In fact,they are the ones who are obstructing any change. Some young people are listening to them. They are being urged on to ever more violent opposition to any change.
Gay rights is a great example of how the older ones are causing the problems. We have reached a point where it is no longer acceptable to deny rights based on someone's sexual orientation. Allowing universal rights for our citizens is the right and moral thing to do. Young people are good with it. It's the " gray hairs" that are afraid to change and they fight for immoral things because they are afraid to admit that we can be better, and just because that's the way it has always been doesn't mean it is right.

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