Great Day for Pa


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Not only did Trump officially win Pa, but Former D-Pa Congressman Chaka Fattah is going to jail!

"Former U.S. Rep. Chaka Fattah was sentenced Monday to a 10-year prison term by a judge who said he was “astonished” that a veteran legislator would steal government and charity funds to pay his son’s debts and buy a vacation home…"

After being convicted, Fattah still proclaimed he is a good man and Congressman after helping so many people, including himself. Of particular note is how (as many Libs/politicians are the same way) he can not bring himself to say the words 'broke the law': :p

“I’ve helped tens of millions of people,” said Fattah, 60. “(That) has nothing to do with the fact that I’ve been found on the wrong side of these questions by a jury.”

NO, asshole, you have been found GUILTY of committing crimes by this jury!

Go to jail, go directly to jai; Do not pass go. Do not collect another dime of tax payer money!

The house, which was paid for by tax dollars, should be confiscated, sold, and the money returned to the state of Pa!

Pennsylvania Democrat heading for ten years in the slammer - Hot Air

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