Great idea for the PC Police


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011

Finally we're getting some specific instruction on words we're not allowed to use.

This chart is real and serious. I wish you folks would to this for the myriad words we're not supposed to use.

Put this stuff on a website that we can all check in the morning so that we don't have to lose our jobs or have to sell our business for saying something that supposedly "offends" you.

Just trying to help.

I've been working hard to bring "retard" back. I am glad to see it has gotten back into the vernacular enough that someone felt the need to make a graphic. Awesome!

Finally we're getting some specific instruction on words we're not allowed to use.

This chart is real and serious. I wish you folks would to this for the myriad words we're not supposed to use.

Put this stuff on a website that we can all check in the morning so that we don't have to lose our jobs or have to sell our business for saying something that supposedly "offends" you.

Just trying to help.

Wow. They're trying to help their members cope with their retarded or autistic family members and here you are making fun of them.

This should be a Republican campaign platform.

Finally we're getting some specific instruction on words we're not allowed to use.

This chart is real and serious. I wish you folks would to this for the myriad words we're not supposed to use.

Put this stuff on a website that we can all check in the morning so that we don't have to lose our jobs or have to sell our business for saying something that supposedly "offends" you.

Just trying to help.

Wow. They're trying to help their members cope with their retarded or autistic family members and here you are making fun of them.

This should be a Republican campaign platform.

Stop being such a tard.

Finally we're getting some specific instruction on words we're not allowed to use.

This chart is real and serious. I wish you folks would to this for the myriad words we're not supposed to use.

Put this stuff on a website that we can all check in the morning so that we don't have to lose our jobs or have to sell our business for saying something that supposedly "offends" you.

Just trying to help.

Wow. They're trying to help their members cope with their retarded or autistic family members and here you are making fun of them.

This should be a Republican campaign platform.

Actually I'm making fun of people like you.

But you're too full of yourself to see that.

Par for the course.

I've been working hard to bring "retard" back.

Yes, you certainly have.
You serve as an excellent example. Well done!
You're too modest. Your diatribes against Jews and your ill informed bigotry certainly qualify as "retarded" on any scale.

whatever, shlomo...piss off.

I'm crushed.
Keep at it , though. Remember;
Arbeit Macht Frei

Finally we're getting some specific instruction on words we're not allowed to use.

This chart is real and serious. I wish you folks would to this for the myriad words we're not supposed to use.

Put this stuff on a website that we can all check in the morning so that we don't have to lose our jobs or have to sell our business for saying something that supposedly "offends" you.

Just trying to help.

Wow. They're trying to help their members cope with their retarded or autistic family members and here you are making fun of them.

This should be a Republican campaign platform.

Actually I'm making fun of people like you.

But you're too full of yourself to see that.

Par for the course.

No, you're making fun of military families with retarded or autistic children.

You yourself perfectly fit the definition of retard.

Finally we're getting some specific instruction on words we're not allowed to use.

This chart is real and serious. I wish you folks would to this for the myriad words we're not supposed to use.

Put this stuff on a website that we can all check in the morning so that we don't have to lose our jobs or have to sell our business for saying something that supposedly "offends" you.

Just trying to help.

Wow. They're trying to help their members cope with their retarded or autistic family members and here you are making fun of them.

This should be a Republican campaign platform.

Actually I'm making fun of people like you.

But you're too full of yourself to see that.

Par for the course.

No, you're making fun of military families with retarded or autistic children.

You yourself perfectly fit the definition of retard.

Yes, thanks for telling me what I'm thinking.

You folks are a hoot.

Whatever you do, don't look in the mirror.


Finally we're getting some specific instruction on words we're not allowed to use.

This chart is real and serious. I wish you folks would to this for the myriad words we're not supposed to use.

Put this stuff on a website that we can all check in the morning so that we don't have to lose our jobs or have to sell our business for saying something that supposedly "offends" you.

Just trying to help.

Wow. They're trying to help their members cope with their retarded or autistic family members and here you are making fun of them.

This should be a Republican campaign platform.

Actually I'm making fun of people like you.

But you're too full of yourself to see that.

Par for the course.

No, you're making fun of military families with retarded or autistic children.

You yourself perfectly fit the definition of retard.

Yes, thanks for telling me what I'm thinking.

You folks are a hoot.

Whatever you do, don't look in the mirror.

No one needs to tell you what you're thinking. Your thread defines your thoughts.

Why don't you go show this to a marine with a retarded or autistic kid and see how much he or she laughs. And don't forget to duck.

Finally we're getting some specific instruction on words we're not allowed to use.

This chart is real and serious. I wish you folks would to this for the myriad words we're not supposed to use.

Put this stuff on a website that we can all check in the morning so that we don't have to lose our jobs or have to sell our business for saying something that supposedly "offends" you.

Just trying to help.

Wow. They're trying to help their members cope with their retarded or autistic family members and here you are making fun of them.

This should be a Republican campaign platform.

Actually I'm making fun of people like you.

But you're too full of yourself to see that.

Par for the course.

No, you're making fun of military families with retarded or autistic children.

You yourself perfectly fit the definition of retard.

Yes, thanks for telling me what I'm thinking.

You folks are a hoot.

Whatever you do, don't look in the mirror.

No one needs to tell you what you're thinking. Your thread defines your thoughts.

Why don't you go show this to a marine with a retarded or autistic kid and see how much he or she laughs. And don't forget to duck.

A beautiful example of how the PC Police operates.

See opportunity, jump on it to put your target on the defensive and divert from the topic.

Doesn't work on me, sorry.

But thanks for the vivid example, you folks are quite dependable.

Now some liberal idiot is protesting a coffee company. The guy thinks the name, "Jailhouse Coffee", is an insult to those who take our justice system seriously. It's probably worse than Elvis' Jailhouse Rock, which made it look like prisoners were always having a good time singing and dancing. What's next, Jailhouse Clothing? Orange is the new black, after all.

The coffee company is located on a site that used to be a jail. They say even ex-convicts like their coffee and comment that it's much better than what they got in the slammer. The company has different blends with jail related names, like 'Great Escape.' I'm sure the feelings of inmates, lawyers, judges and wussy liberals are so hurt over this that they require therapy.

The PC police are always working overtime to seek out and rid the world of any little thing the might possibly bother the delicate little sheeple. Are they really that fragile? I would say no considering the foul things they say about their opponents.

The PC Police Strike Again. This Time They're Going After the Name of A Coffee House In Queens

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