Great moments in American socialism history.

Dont believe the Gop plan to label everything “socialism “ as a bad thing . Throughout US history we have had socialist type programs and projects that have greatly benefited the USA.

For example

HOOVER DAM. Basically the project opened up the entire southwest US to a viable place for .people and business .

Hoover Dam >

Irrigation of more than one million acres of land in the United States and nearly half a million acres in Mexico.

These croplands, some of America's richest, grow a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, cotton, wheat, and hay throughout the year, generating millions of dollars for local economies.

Meeting the domestic water needs of more than 18 million people in homes and businesses in Las Vegas, Los Angeles, San Diego, Phoenix, Tucson, and other southwestern cities, towns and Indian communities in Arizona, Nevada, and California.

Hmmm...Hoover Dam was a socialist program?

Yes . What else would you call it? It was a big government sponsored , tax payer paid for , project designed to benefit business improve the life of those residing in that part of the county .

And it worked wonderfully.

Dont believe the Gop plan to label everything “socialism “ as a bad thing . Throughout US history we have had socialist type programs and projects that have greatly benefited the USA.

For example

HOOVER DAM. Basically the project opened up the entire southwest US to a viable place for .people and business .

Hoover Dam >

Irrigation of more than one million acres of land in the United States and nearly half a million acres in Mexico.

These croplands, some of America's richest, grow a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, cotton, wheat, and hay throughout the year, generating millions of dollars for local economies.

Meeting the domestic water needs of more than 18 million people in homes and businesses in Las Vegas, Los Angeles, San Diego, Phoenix, Tucson, and other southwestern cities, towns and Indian communities in Arizona, Nevada, and California.

Hmmm...Hoover Dam was a socialist program?

Yes . What else would you call it? It was a big government sponsored , tax payer paid for , project designed to benefit business improve the life of those residing in that part of the county .

And it worked wonderfully.


the american constitution was written to keep us as far away from the socialist side as possible,

and except for democrats and republicans its done a pretty good job so far
Socialism is an ideology, not any specific policy. Here's a common definition: "a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole."

Socialism isn't regulation, it isn't public works projects. It's an ideology centered on eliminating individual ownership and control of capital.

Thanks for the definition. Of course no one is advocating for that .

Of course not. Socialists don't want socialism.

LOL - would this be flim? Or flam?

Great . Then you can give an example where people are advocating for it. I eagerly await your non answer .

Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) -

I eagerly await your next dodge.

Are you serious ? Some dopey powerless groups website .

Give me an example of the liberals pushing socialism. You talk all this shit about the democrats and socialism. Where is it?

Wow, is that the best dodge you have?

The ironic thing is that you could never build the Hoover Dam today with the (socialist) environmental regulations. The thing that the radical left doesn't seem to understand is that Americans tolerate some issues that can be seen as socialist but they will never turn over the U.S. Constitution to a gang of socialists. The democrat party's lurch toward socialism was stopped in mid lurch when the President forced the radical democrat leadership, during the State/Union address, to acknowledge that the U.S. would never become a socialist Country

“Tonight, we renew our resolve that America will never be a socialist country.” — Donald Trump, 2019 State of the Union speech.​

In the coverage that I saw of the SOTU speech, the camera focused on Bernie Sanders as Mr. Trump was leading up to this great remark. It was quite satisfying watching Comrade Sanders squirming and fidgeting and looking very, very uncomfortable.
Dont believe the Gop plan to label everything “socialism “ as a bad thing . Throughout US history we have had socialist type programs and projects that have greatly benefited the USA.

For example

HOOVER DAM. Basically the project opened up the entire southwest US to a viable place for .people and business .

Hoover Dam >

Irrigation of more than one million acres of land in the United States and nearly half a million acres in Mexico.

These croplands, some of America's richest, grow a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, cotton, wheat, and hay throughout the year, generating millions of dollars for local economies.

Meeting the domestic water needs of more than 18 million people in homes and businesses in Las Vegas, Los Angeles, San Diego, Phoenix, Tucson, and other southwestern cities, towns and Indian communities in Arizona, Nevada, and California.

A government project is not socialism....socialism is the government taking control of the means of production...running every aspect of an economy....the government using tax dollars for isolated projects that local governments can't do is not socialism....but thanks for trying.
So that proves Democrats are not Socialists

Even the one's who say they are??
Democratic Socialists working within the Constitution

So what? Are you saying Democratic Socialists aren't socialists?
Look up the definition of socialist
A government project is not socialism....socialism is the government taking control of the means of production...running every aspect of an economy....the government using tax dollars for isolated projects that local governments can't do is not socialism....but thanks for trying.
So that proves Democrats are not Socialists

Even the one's who say they are??
Democratic Socialists working within the Constitution

So what? Are you saying Democratic Socialists aren't socialists?
Look up the definition of socialist
I don't need to. It might help you out, however.

Are you saying that Democratic Socialists aren't socialists?
Dont believe the Gop plan to label everything “socialism “ as a bad thing . Throughout US history we have had socialist type programs and projects that have greatly benefited the USA.

For example

HOOVER DAM. Basically the project opened up the entire southwest US to a viable place for .people and business .

Hoover Dam >

Irrigation of more than one million acres of land in the United States and nearly half a million acres in Mexico.

These croplands, some of America's richest, grow a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, cotton, wheat, and hay throughout the year, generating millions of dollars for local economies.

Meeting the domestic water needs of more than 18 million people in homes and businesses in Las Vegas, Los Angeles, San Diego, Phoenix, Tucson, and other southwestern cities, towns and Indian communities in Arizona, Nevada, and California.

Sorry, Charlie, your tuna of wisdom done gone off. Hoover Dam along with every other so-called mislabeled socialist achievement version US of A is in fact a well-know political policy called Limited Interventionism. Loony Tunes is the lie spoken to deceive with championing of socialism. Wake-up, smart-up, read history, know your facts, come down off the bullshit high-wire. You been duped.
A government project is not socialism....socialism is the government taking control of the means of production...running every aspect of an economy....the government using tax dollars for isolated projects that local governments can't do is not socialism....but thanks for trying.
So that proves Democrats are not Socialists

Even the one's who say they are??
Democratic Socialists working within the Constitution

So what? Are you saying Democratic Socialists aren't socialists?
Look up the definition of socialist
Dictionary result for socialism
  1. a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
    synonyms: leftism, Fabianism, syndicalism, consumer socialism, utopian socialism, welfarism;More

    • policy or practice based on the political and economic theory of socialism.
      synonyms: leftism, Fabianism, syndicalism, consumer socialism, utopian socialism, welfarism;More

    • (in Marxist theory) a transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of Communism.
So that proves Democrats are not Socialists

Even the one's who say they are??
Democratic Socialists working within the Constitution

So what? Are you saying Democratic Socialists aren't socialists?
Look up the definition of socialist
Dictionary result for socialism
  1. a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
    synonyms: leftism, Fabianism, syndicalism, consumer socialism, utopian socialism, welfarism;More
    • policy or practice based on the political and economic theory of socialism.
      synonyms: leftism, Fabianism, syndicalism, consumer socialism, utopian socialism, welfarism;More

    • (in Marxist theory) a transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of Communism.

I added 1950 into the search and got this

Definition of socialism. 1 : any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods. 2a : a system of society or group living in which there is no private property.Dec 29, 2018
So that proves Democrats are not Socialists

Even the one's who say they are??
Democratic Socialists working within the Constitution

So what? Are you saying Democratic Socialists aren't socialists?
Look up the definition of socialist
I don't need to. It might help you out, however.

Are you saying that Democratic Socialists aren't socialists?

The government is not controlling the means of production, wages or prices
The government is not controlling the means of production, wages or prices

They're not doing it a lot yet. But there are many activists and politicians with that goal. They call themselves socialists. Listen, I realize this obfuscation nonsense is the new Democratic game plan - but it's getting tiresome already. Socialism isn't a myth. It isn't a boogie man. It's a real ideology with a real agenda.
Dont believe the Gop plan to label everything “socialism “ as a bad thing . Throughout US history we have had socialist type programs and projects that have greatly benefited the USA.

For example

HOOVER DAM. Basically the project opened up the entire southwest US to a viable place for .people and business .

Hoover Dam >

Irrigation of more than one million acres of land in the United States and nearly half a million acres in Mexico.

These croplands, some of America's richest, grow a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, cotton, wheat, and hay throughout the year, generating millions of dollars for local economies.

Meeting the domestic water needs of more than 18 million people in homes and businesses in Las Vegas, Los Angeles, San Diego, Phoenix, Tucson, and other southwestern cities, towns and Indian communities in Arizona, Nevada, and California.

Hmmm...Hoover Dam was a socialist program?

Yes . What else would you call it? It was a big government sponsored , tax payer paid for , project designed to benefit business improve the life of those residing in that part of the county .

And it worked wonderfully.


the american constitution was written to keep us as far away from the socialist side as possible,

and except for democrats and republicans its done a pretty good job so far
This thread is too damn funny, The same people that spent a week arguing that a private company giving away food was socialism are now arguing that the government building something like the Hoover Dam has nothing to do with socialism at all.

Do you people have to read instructions every morning to remember how to breath?
Seems like you are supporting what I said

Ford and the other automakers had to convert to wartime production. Studebaker was not allowed to say.........they are making tanks and planes so we will make the only civilian autos in the country and make more profit than making war materiel

That would be how Capitalists conduct a war
What the fuck? Wrong. They carried on as usual.

But, you're say (out of your ass) that because a manufacturer could not dictate to the gov what war machines it wanted to make...socialism?
Weren't you one of the people that was pointing to Panera's free food as an example of socialism?
No, I believe I said it was stupid, but I don't recall dubbing it socialism. I am usually careful not to throw that word around carelessly.

I do, however, throw the word "commie" around with impunity.
This thread is too damn funny, The same people that spent a week arguing that a private company giving away food was socialism are now arguing that the government building something like the Hoover Dam has nothing to do with socialism at all.

Do you people have to read instructions every morning to remember how to breath?

I'm wondering if Democrats haven't been given instructions on how to promote socialism. I'm seeing the smoke-and-mirrors routine everywhere lately. The exact same tactic. Must have been in a talking point memo somewhere.
This thread is too damn funny, The same people that spent a week arguing that a private company giving away food was socialism are now arguing that the government building something like the Hoover Dam has nothing to do with socialism at all.

Do you people have to read instructions every morning to remember how to breath?

I'm wondering if Democrats haven't been given instructions on how to promote socialism. I'm seeing the smoke-and-mirrors routine everywhere lately. The exact same tactic. Must have been in a talking point memo somewhere.

I think it is the other way around, the Repubs have been told to call everything bad socialism. How else do you explain a private company being accused of socialism?

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