Great moments in American socialism history.

Dont believe the Gop plan to label everything “socialism “ as a bad thing . Throughout US history we have had socialist type programs and projects that have greatly benefited the USA.

For example

HOOVER DAM. Basically the project opened up the entire southwest US to a viable place for .people and business .

Hoover Dam >

Irrigation of more than one million acres of land in the United States and nearly half a million acres in Mexico.

These croplands, some of America's richest, grow a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, cotton, wheat, and hay throughout the year, generating millions of dollars for local economies.

Meeting the domestic water needs of more than 18 million people in homes and businesses in Las Vegas, Los Angeles, San Diego, Phoenix, Tucson, and other southwestern cities, towns and Indian communities in Arizona, Nevada, and California.

Hmmm...Hoover Dam was a socialist program?

Yes . What else would you call it? It was a big government sponsored , tax payer paid for , project designed to benefit business improve the life of those residing in that part of the county .

And it worked wonderfully.

Venezuela....the government took control of the oil industry...that is socialism...the resulting lack of food and toilet paper because the government controls private industry...that too is socialism.

Which has nothing to do with the democrats and America .
Dont believe the Gop plan to label everything “socialism “ as a bad thing . Throughout US history we have had socialist type programs and projects that have greatly benefited the USA.

For example

HOOVER DAM. Basically the project opened up the entire southwest US to a viable place for .people and business .

Hoover Dam >

Irrigation of more than one million acres of land in the United States and nearly half a million acres in Mexico.

These croplands, some of America's richest, grow a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, cotton, wheat, and hay throughout the year, generating millions of dollars for local economies.

Meeting the domestic water needs of more than 18 million people in homes and businesses in Las Vegas, Los Angeles, San Diego, Phoenix, Tucson, and other southwestern cities, towns and Indian communities in Arizona, Nevada, and California.

Hmmm...Hoover Dam was a socialist program?

Yes . What else would you call it? It was a big government sponsored , tax payer paid for , project designed to benefit business improve the life of those residing in that part of the county .

And it worked wonderfully.

Venezuela....the government took control of the oil industry...that is socialism...the resulting lack of food and toilet paper because the government controls private industry...that too is socialism.

Which has nothing to do with the democrats and America .

They want exactly what the socialists in Venezuela wanted and got.....then they got what happens when socialists get what they want......starvation, poverty, goon squads, death and suffering...
Dont believe the Gop plan to label everything “socialism “ as a bad thing . Throughout US history we have had socialist type programs and projects that have greatly benefited the USA.

For example

HOOVER DAM. Basically the project opened up the entire southwest US to a viable place for .people and business .

Hoover Dam >

Irrigation of more than one million acres of land in the United States and nearly half a million acres in Mexico.

These croplands, some of America's richest, grow a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, cotton, wheat, and hay throughout the year, generating millions of dollars for local economies.

Meeting the domestic water needs of more than 18 million people in homes and businesses in Las Vegas, Los Angeles, San Diego, Phoenix, Tucson, and other southwestern cities, towns and Indian communities in Arizona, Nevada, and California.

Hmmm...Hoover Dam was a socialist program?

Yes . What else would you call it? It was a big government sponsored , tax payer paid for , project designed to benefit business improve the life of those residing in that part of the county .

And it worked wonderfully.

Venezuela....the government took control of the oil industry...that is socialism...the resulting lack of food and toilet paper because the government controls private industry...that too is socialism.

Which has nothing to do with the democrats and America .

Sure, your socialism will work much better...dumbass.
Dont believe the Gop plan to label everything “socialism “ as a bad thing . Throughout US history we have had socialist type programs and projects that have greatly benefited the USA.

For example

HOOVER DAM. Basically the project opened up the entire southwest US to a viable place for .people and business .

Hoover Dam >

Irrigation of more than one million acres of land in the United States and nearly half a million acres in Mexico.

These croplands, some of America's richest, grow a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, cotton, wheat, and hay throughout the year, generating millions of dollars for local economies.

Meeting the domestic water needs of more than 18 million people in homes and businesses in Las Vegas, Los Angeles, San Diego, Phoenix, Tucson, and other southwestern cities, towns and Indian communities in Arizona, Nevada, and California.

Hmmm...Hoover Dam was a socialist program?

Yes . What else would you call it? It was a big government sponsored , tax payer paid for , project designed to benefit business improve the life of those residing in that part of the county .

And it worked wonderfully.

Venezuela....the government took control of the oil industry...that is socialism...the resulting lack of food and toilet paper because the government controls private industry...that too is socialism.

Which has nothing to do with the democrats and America .

Sure, your socialism will work much better...dumbass. will be better.....they just need to murder 300 million people instead of only the 200 million people the other socialists murdered to try to make their socialism work....
Dont believe the Gop plan to label everything “socialism “ as a bad thing . Throughout US history we have had socialist type programs and projects that have greatly benefited the USA.

For example

HOOVER DAM. Basically the project opened up the entire southwest US to a viable place for .people and business .

Hoover Dam >

Irrigation of more than one million acres of land in the United States and nearly half a million acres in Mexico.

These croplands, some of America's richest, grow a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, cotton, wheat, and hay throughout the year, generating millions of dollars for local economies.

Meeting the domestic water needs of more than 18 million people in homes and businesses in Las Vegas, Los Angeles, San Diego, Phoenix, Tucson, and other southwestern cities, towns and Indian communities in Arizona, Nevada, and California.

Hmmm...Hoover Dam was a socialist program?

Yes . What else would you call it? It was a big government sponsored , tax payer paid for , project designed to benefit business improve the life of those residing in that part of the county .

And it worked wonderfully.

Venezuela....the government took control of the oil industry...that is socialism...the resulting lack of food and toilet paper because the government controls private industry...that too is socialism.

Which has nothing to do with the democrats and America .

They want exactly what the socialists in Venezuela wanted and got.....then they got what happens when socialists get what they want......starvation, poverty, goon squads, death and suffering...

Pick up a history book sometime . That shit ain’t regulated to socialism .
Hmmm...Hoover Dam was a socialist program?

Yes . What else would you call it? It was a big government sponsored , tax payer paid for , project designed to benefit business improve the life of those residing in that part of the county .

And it worked wonderfully.

Venezuela....the government took control of the oil industry...that is socialism...the resulting lack of food and toilet paper because the government controls private industry...that too is socialism.

Which has nothing to do with the democrats and America .

They want exactly what the socialists in Venezuela wanted and got.....then they got what happens when socialists get what they want......starvation, poverty, goon squads, death and suffering...

Pick up a history book sometime . That shit ain’t regulated to socialism .
maybe you should pick one up,,,cause all those are present in socialist countries
Dont believe the Gop plan to label everything “socialism “ as a bad thing . Throughout US history we have had socialist type programs and projects that have greatly benefited the USA.

For example

HOOVER DAM. Basically the project opened up the entire southwest US to a viable place for .people and business .

Hoover Dam >

Irrigation of more than one million acres of land in the United States and nearly half a million acres in Mexico.

These croplands, some of America's richest, grow a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, cotton, wheat, and hay throughout the year, generating millions of dollars for local economies.

Meeting the domestic water needs of more than 18 million people in homes and businesses in Las Vegas, Los Angeles, San Diego, Phoenix, Tucson, and other southwestern cities, towns and Indian communities in Arizona, Nevada, and California.

A government project is not socialism....socialism is the government taking control of the means of production...running every aspect of an economy....the government using tax dollars for isolated projects that local governments can't do is not socialism....but thanks for trying.
So that proves Democrats are not Socialists

Even the one's who say they are??
Democratic Socialists working within the Constitution
Hmmm...Hoover Dam was a socialist program?

Yes . What else would you call it? It was a big government sponsored , tax payer paid for , project designed to benefit business improve the life of those residing in that part of the county .

And it worked wonderfully.

Venezuela....the government took control of the oil industry...that is socialism...the resulting lack of food and toilet paper because the government controls private industry...that too is socialism.

Which has nothing to do with the democrats and America .

They want exactly what the socialists in Venezuela wanted and got.....then they got what happens when socialists get what they want......starvation, poverty, goon squads, death and suffering...

Pick up a history book sometime . That shit ain’t regulated to socialism .

San Francisco




Yup, I can see a huge difference.
Patriotism—let’s get to the root of the word—means love of country. And you cannot love your country if you don’t love your countrymen and women

Love says everybody has worth and has dignity. It’s about looking at someone and understanding that my destiny is interwoven with your destiny

You can’t lead the people if you don’t love the people

If Nelson Mandela can love his jailers, if Martin Luther King can love Bull Connor—we’ve got to be people of love!
Patriotism—let’s get to the root of the word—means love of country. And you cannot love your country if you don’t love your countrymen and women

Love says everybody has worth and has dignity. It’s about looking at someone and understanding that my destiny is interwoven with your destiny

You can’t lead the people if you don’t love the people

If Nelson Mandela can love his jailers, if Martin Luther King can love Bull Connor—we’ve got to be people of love!

we need crazy love. unreasonable, impractical, irrational love!
Patriotism—let’s get to the root of the word—means love of country. And you cannot love your country if you don’t love your countrymen and women

Love says everybody has worth and has dignity. It’s about looking at someone and understanding that my destiny is interwoven with your destiny

You can’t lead the people if you don’t love the people

If Nelson Mandela can love his jailers, if Martin Luther King can love Bull Connor—we’ve got to be people of love!
remind me,,,what was the road to hell paved with???
Yes . What else would you call it? It was a big government sponsored , tax payer paid for , project designed to benefit business improve the life of those residing in that part of the county .

And it worked wonderfully.

Venezuela....the government took control of the oil industry...that is socialism...the resulting lack of food and toilet paper because the government controls private industry...that too is socialism.

Which has nothing to do with the democrats and America .

They want exactly what the socialists in Venezuela wanted and got.....then they got what happens when socialists get what they want......starvation, poverty, goon squads, death and suffering...

Pick up a history book sometime . That shit ain’t regulated to socialism .

San Francisco




Yup, I can see a huge difference.

America is socialist now ?

Are there no homeless like EVERYWHERE?
Venezuela....the government took control of the oil industry...that is socialism...the resulting lack of food and toilet paper because the government controls private industry...that too is socialism.

Which has nothing to do with the democrats and America .

They want exactly what the socialists in Venezuela wanted and got.....then they got what happens when socialists get what they want......starvation, poverty, goon squads, death and suffering...

Pick up a history book sometime . That shit ain’t regulated to socialism .

San Francisco




Yup, I can see a huge difference.

America is socialist now ?

Are there no homeless like EVERYWHERE?

the poor will always be among us,,,that will never change
Yes . What else would you call it? It was a big government sponsored , tax payer paid for , project designed to benefit business improve the life of those residing in that part of the county .

And it worked wonderfully.

Venezuela....the government took control of the oil industry...that is socialism...the resulting lack of food and toilet paper because the government controls private industry...that too is socialism.

Which has nothing to do with the democrats and America .

They want exactly what the socialists in Venezuela wanted and got.....then they got what happens when socialists get what they want......starvation, poverty, goon squads, death and suffering...

Pick up a history book sometime . That shit ain’t regulated to socialism .

San Francisco




Yup, I can see a huge difference.
You could not afford to live in San Francisco
America has been and always will be socialist.

The trick is to NEVER admit that we're socialist!

Then we can push extreme anti-socialist policies on our satellite countries - which allows us to TOTALLY EXPLOIT the people and resources in those countries.

Eisenhower was the master of this hypocrisy! We're have been and are still screwed because of his foreign policies
More American socialist moments .

The Homestead Act .

Free land for Americans! Can’t wait to hear how this AINT socialism .

Homestead Acts - Wikipedia

The Homestead Acts were several laws in the United States by which an applicant could acquire ownership of government land or the public domain, typically called a "homestead.” In all, more than 160 million acres (0.65 million km2) of public land, or nearly 10% of the total area of the U.S., was given away free to 1.6 million homesteaders; most of the homesteads were west of the Mississippi River.
Dont believe the Gop plan to label everything “socialism “ as a bad thing . Throughout US history we have had socialist type programs and projects that have greatly benefited the USA.

For example

HOOVER DAM. Basically the project opened up the entire southwest US to a viable place for .people and business .

Hoover Dam >

Irrigation of more than one million acres of land in the United States and nearly half a million acres in Mexico.

These croplands, some of America's richest, grow a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, cotton, wheat, and hay throughout the year, generating millions of dollars for local economies.

Meeting the domestic water needs of more than 18 million people in homes and businesses in Las Vegas, Los Angeles, San Diego, Phoenix, Tucson, and other southwestern cities, towns and Indian communities in Arizona, Nevada, and California.

A government project is not socialism....socialism is the government taking control of the means of production...running every aspect of an economy....the government using tax dollars for isolated projects that local governments can't do is not socialism....but thanks for trying.
So that proves Democrats are not Socialists

Even the one's who say they are??
Democratic Socialists working within the Constitution

So what? Are you saying Democratic Socialists aren't socialists?
More American socialist moments .

The Homestead Act .

Free land for Americans! Can’t wait to hear how this AINT socialism .

Homestead Acts - Wikipedia

The Homestead Acts were several laws in the United States by which an applicant could acquire ownership of government land or the public domain, typically called a "homestead.” In all, more than 160 million acres (0.65 million km2) of public land, or nearly 10% of the total area of the U.S., was given away free to 1.6 million homesteaders; most of the homesteads were west of the Mississippi River.
sorry wrong again,,,expansion is a far cry from socialism,,,,,

the point of the expansion was to have americans on newly acquired land to solidify possession ,,and this case was far worse since it was the indians that got the worst of it,,,who was that democrat???oh yeah andrew jackson,,,what a POS

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