Great moments in American socialism history.

Was it their money funding it or were they making money off the project?

PUBLIC money invested in Hoover Dam
PUBLIC money sets up highways. That doesn't mean government owns the truck hauling freight on said highways.

It's not socialism.

That area was under-powered and more power was needed to support Area 51, etc. for military purposes....just like the highway system is necessary for military response.
It was a Socialist America that won WWII not a Capitalist one

FDR took over all major production in the US. The Government decided what would be built and by whom. The Government allocated critical supplies. The Government controlled the workforce and wages.

Pure Socialism
For starters , miles per gallon regs on cars. How do you think we became energy independent? By making our cars , homes , etc.. energy efficient. The whole time Conservatives fought those regs . The result was we can finally tell opec to F off.
Miles per gallon regs have been in effect for decades. They had a slight curb on demand, but that did little to offset the increasing demand by population growth. The biggest impact on oil prices has been TEXAS. We have been making your lives better. You're welcome, fucktard.
Word .

Which is why I keep calling the cons out . None of them can define or give examples of socialism in America . It’s all a scare tactic .
Conservatives are not the ones calling for socialism. We see this in particular in academia. Most recent polling I've seen says that among college age folks more than half have a positive view of socialism. Sadly they've been taught an erroneous definition of socialism. Many on the right are trying to explain to these kids that they are being sold nonsense.

Sure college kids like socialism till they get out in the real world and realize they will have to pay for a family, kids, a mortgage, cars.

Then they smarten up and realize no one but them will be paying for anything.

Oh shut up. You can’t even give me an example of socialism yet y’all run around complaining about it all day .

No. You shut up. You don't seem to know what socialism is.

Carry on clueless.

I know what it is . Which is why I expose you conservatives complaining about “socialism” without really having a clue .

You gotta love Timmy The Tool, he takes 1 program out of 100s that worked, from a President that most historians agree prolonged the depression by 5 to 7 years, and Timmy takes a victory lap, lolol!

Dude, you do understand that the law of averages conclude that——-> even a blind squirrel will find an acorn once in a while, lolol.

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It was a Socialist America that won WWII not a Capitalist one

FDR took over all major production in the US. The Government decided what would be built and by whom. The Government allocated critical supplies. The Government controlled the workforce and wages.

Pure Socialism
That's a huge line of contorted bullshit.

Government sought contracts from certain manufacturers with factories capable of producing certain products for the war effort, but government did not own the factories and did not take over the means of production.

And government paid for the products with war bonds. Factory owners actually made more profit from the war.

Dont believe the Gop plan to label everything “socialism “ as a bad thing . Throughout US history we have had socialist type programs and projects that have greatly benefited the USA.

For example

HOOVER DAM. Basically the project opened up the entire southwest US to a viable place for .people and business .

Hoover Dam >

Irrigation of more than one million acres of land in the United States and nearly half a million acres in Mexico.

These croplands, some of America's richest, grow a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, cotton, wheat, and hay throughout the year, generating millions of dollars for local economies.

Meeting the domestic water needs of more than 18 million people in homes and businesses in Las Vegas, Los Angeles, San Diego, Phoenix, Tucson, and other southwestern cities, towns and Indian communities in Arizona, Nevada, and California.

So Hoover Dam was about redistributing wealth from the rich to the poor? About controlling the means of production and distribution of wealth?

Or was it more people paying for electricity, that fund the upkeep of the dam?

It is true that it is a government project, I agree. But it is a rather large leap to claim it is an example of socialism at work.
It was a Socialist America that won WWII not a Capitalist one

FDR took over all major production in the US. The Government decided what would be built and by whom. The Government allocated critical supplies. The Government controlled the workforce and wages.

Pure Socialism
That's a huge line of contorted bullshit.

Government sought contracts from certain manufacturers with factories capable of producing certain products for the war effort, but government did not own the factories and did not take over the means of production.

And government paid for the products with war bonds. Factory owners actually made more profit from the war.

Of course they didn’t own the factories but they took over production. Ford was not allowed to build cars regardless of how much profit could be made.
The workforce and wages were set by the government.
Of course not. Socialists don't want socialism.

LOL - would this be flim? Or flam?

Great . Then you can give an example where people are advocating for it. I eagerly await your non answer .

Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) -

I eagerly await your next dodge.

Are you serious ? Some dopey powerless groups website .

Give me an example of the liberals pushing socialism. You talk all this shit about the democrats and socialism. Where is it?

Bernie? AOC? Have you been asleep for the last couple of years?

Here we go! Suddenly “socialism “ has an expanded definition. Medicare for all isn’t a takeover of the industry .

Flam... sorry, still using the same definition. Your con game is wearing thin.
Dont believe the Gop plan to label everything “socialism “ as a bad thing . Throughout US history we have had socialist type programs and projects that have greatly benefited the USA.

For example

HOOVER DAM. Basically the project opened up the entire southwest US to a viable place for .people and business .

Hoover Dam >

Irrigation of more than one million acres of land in the United States and nearly half a million acres in Mexico.

These croplands, some of America's richest, grow a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, cotton, wheat, and hay throughout the year, generating millions of dollars for local economies.

Meeting the domestic water needs of more than 18 million people in homes and businesses in Las Vegas, Los Angeles, San Diego, Phoenix, Tucson, and other southwestern cities, towns and Indian communities in Arizona, Nevada, and California.

Hmmm...Hoover Dam was a socialist program?
Of course not.
It was a Socialist America that won WWII not a Capitalist one

FDR took over all major production in the US. The Government decided what would be built and by whom. The Government allocated critical supplies. The Government controlled the workforce and wages.

Pure Socialism
That's a huge line of contorted bullshit.

Government sought contracts from certain manufacturers with factories capable of producing certain products for the war effort, but government did not own the factories and did not take over the means of production.

And government paid for the products with war bonds. Factory owners actually made more profit from the war.

Of course they didn’t own the factories but they took over production. Ford was not allowed to build cars regardless of how much profit could be made.
The workforce and wages were set by the government.
The government certainly did not take over production. Production was voluntarily turned to the war effort.
It was a Socialist America that won WWII not a Capitalist one

FDR took over all major production in the US. The Government decided what would be built and by whom. The Government allocated critical supplies. The Government controlled the workforce and wages.

Pure Socialism
That's a huge line of contorted bullshit.

Government sought contracts from certain manufacturers with factories capable of producing certain products for the war effort, but government did not own the factories and did not take over the means of production.

And government paid for the products with war bonds. Factory owners actually made more profit from the war.

Of course they didn’t own the factories but they took over production. Ford was not allowed to build cars regardless of how much profit could be made.
The workforce and wages were set by the government.
The government certainly did not take over production. Production was voluntarily turned to the war effort.
There was no volunteering

Ford could not say..... no thank you, we will continue to build cars
They were ordered to build airplanes

Nobody was allowed to make consumer goods. They were forced to support war production
Dont believe the Gop plan to label everything “socialism “ as a bad thing . Throughout US history we have had socialist type programs and projects that have greatly benefited the USA.

For example

HOOVER DAM. Basically the project opened up the entire southwest US to a viable place for .people and business .

Hoover Dam >

Irrigation of more than one million acres of land in the United States and nearly half a million acres in Mexico.

These croplands, some of America's richest, grow a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, cotton, wheat, and hay throughout the year, generating millions of dollars for local economies.

Meeting the domestic water needs of more than 18 million people in homes and businesses in Las Vegas, Los Angeles, San Diego, Phoenix, Tucson, and other southwestern cities, towns and Indian communities in Arizona, Nevada, and California.

They do all that for free or did someone get payed? A better excample would be when TVA pretty much refitted a whole state to use electricity, but even in that case folks got payed. You should research the talking points you parrot before you use them.

You want somthing more current ?

the main obstacle to broadband expansion into rural areas is cost, said Pennsylvania Rep. Mike Doyle, the top Democrat on the House Communications and Technology Subcommittee.

“It would require tens of billions of dollars to bring broadband to unserved and underserved parts of the country,” he said. “The private sector hasn’t done it because they know they wouldn’t make a profit on it.”

Congress prepares to knock down barriers to broadband expansion in rural America

Why do you hate the profit incentive? Is it because you've realized you're a failure and know the only way you'll ever get anything is the government taking it from someone else?
It was a Socialist America that won WWII not a Capitalist one

FDR took over all major production in the US. The Government decided what would be built and by whom. The Government allocated critical supplies. The Government controlled the workforce and wages.

Pure Socialism
That's a huge line of contorted bullshit.

Government sought contracts from certain manufacturers with factories capable of producing certain products for the war effort, but government did not own the factories and did not take over the means of production.

And government paid for the products with war bonds. Factory owners actually made more profit from the war.

Of course they didn’t own the factories but they took over production. Ford was not allowed to build cars regardless of how much profit could be made.
The workforce and wages were set by the government.
The government certainly did not take over production. Production was voluntarily turned to the war effort.
There was no volunteering

Ford could not say..... no thank you, we will continue to build cars
They were ordered to build airplanes

Nobody was allowed to make consumer goods. They were forced to support war production
Nonsense total revisionist nonsense. Much of the country was turned to the war effort but plenty of industries said no. That's why we had women's stockings and chocolate bars that generous GIs gave to European friends. Not one manufacturer was jailed for not turning manufacturing to the war effort. Not one factory was taken over by the military and resisting workers executed on the spot. Not one factory worker suddenly became a government employee. WWII was a national effort not a socialist effort.
Of course they didn’t own the factories but they took over production. Ford was not allowed to build cars regardless of how much profit could be made.
Henry Ford: Helped Lead American World War II Production Efforts | HistoryNet

"Ford, a known pacifist, opposed America’s entry into World War II. Nevertheless, he agreed to build airplane engines for the British government. In May 1940, he stated: ‘If it became necessary, the Ford Motor Company could, with the counsel of men like [Charles] Lindbergh and [Eddie] Rickenbacker, under our own supervision and without meddling by government agencies, swing into the production of a thousand airplanes of standard design a day.’

"It was the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor that inspired Ford to begin a tremendous, all-out manufacturing effort. To the west of Dearborn, the giant Willow Run plant was built to produce B-24 Liberator bombers on an assembly line that was a mile long. The first bomber rolled off the line in May 1942, beginning the effective production of several hundred aircraft a month. Bombers were produced at the rate of one plane per hour, thereby confounding Ford’s critics, who had called the plant undertaking ‘Willit Run.’ By the end of the war, Ford had built 86,865 complete aircraft, plus 57,851 airplane engines, thousands of engine superchargers and generators, and 4,291 military gliders.

"Ford also turned out tanks, armored cars, jeeps and engines for robot bombs. In the midst of the heaviest production during the war years, Ford returned to his post as chief executive of the Ford Motor Company when Edsel, who had taken over for his father, died in 1943.

"Months earlier, Ford’s plants in Great Britain and Canada had joined the production efforts of the United States and poured forth everything from mobile canteens to four-wheel-drive trucks and autos, grenades, bombs and engine-powered landing craft. The U.S. plants were the prime movers in the development of the famous Willys-originated jeep."

Are you wrong again, rightwinger?
But, guess who did take over Ford's factories for the war?


"At the outset of the war, Ford’s plant in Cologne, Germany, had been commandeered by the Nazis to turn out trucks for their war effort, and actually continued under Nazi control with the supervision of one of Ford’s trained Danish managers. The manufacturing continued until constant Allied air raids made it virtually impossible for the plant to operate. Before the war was officially over, SHAEF (Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force) asked Ford for immediate help to start operating the newly liberated plant again. The only actual damage to the facility was done by German artillery when the German army fell back across the Rhine and Cologne was occupied by American forces. German employees had ignored instructions to destroy the plant to prevent it from falling into Allied hands. The plant’s first postwar truck, assembled from components on hand, rolled out on May 8, 1945, V-E Day."

You are just like Hitler.

Was it their money funding it or were they making money off the project?

PUBLIC money invested in Hoover Dam
PUBLIC money sets up highways. That doesn't mean government owns the truck hauling freight on said highways.

It's not socialism.

That area was under-powered and more power was needed to support Area 51, etc. for military purposes....just like the highway system is necessary for military response.
No shit Sherlock

The Government awards contracts to do the work. The contractors make a tidy profit

But it is We the People making the investment.......NOT the private sector
Dont believe the Gop plan to label everything “socialism “ as a bad thing . Throughout US history we have had socialist type programs and projects that have greatly benefited the USA.

For example

HOOVER DAM. Basically the project opened up the entire southwest US to a viable place for .people and business .

Hoover Dam >

Irrigation of more than one million acres of land in the United States and nearly half a million acres in Mexico.

These croplands, some of America's richest, grow a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, cotton, wheat, and hay throughout the year, generating millions of dollars for local economies.

Meeting the domestic water needs of more than 18 million people in homes and businesses in Las Vegas, Los Angeles, San Diego, Phoenix, Tucson, and other southwestern cities, towns and Indian communities in Arizona, Nevada, and California.

Hmmm...Hoover Dam was a socialist program?

Yes . What else would you call it? It was a big government sponsored , tax payer paid for , project designed to benefit business improve the life of those residing in that part of the county .

And it worked wonderfully.

Oh I don't know, how about to irrigate and provide hydroelectric power to California and Arizona. And to control seasonal flooding of the Colorado River. You seem to have quite a loose definition of Socialism.
A loose definition? No more so than Trump and his moronic minions who are constantly bleating about socialism and casting in a negative light.
Of course they didn’t own the factories but they took over production. Ford was not allowed to build cars regardless of how much profit could be made.
Henry Ford: Helped Lead American World War II Production Efforts | HistoryNet

"Ford, a known pacifist, opposed America’s entry into World War II. Nevertheless, he agreed to build airplane engines for the British government. In May 1940, he stated: ‘If it became necessary, the Ford Motor Company could, with the counsel of men like [Charles] Lindbergh and [Eddie] Rickenbacker, under our own supervision and without meddling by government agencies, swing into the production of a thousand airplanes of standard design a day.’

"It was the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor that inspired Ford to begin a tremendous, all-out manufacturing effort. To the west of Dearborn, the giant Willow Run plant was built to produce B-24 Liberator bombers on an assembly line that was a mile long. The first bomber rolled off the line in May 1942, beginning the effective production of several hundred aircraft a month. Bombers were produced at the rate of one plane per hour, thereby confounding Ford’s critics, who had called the plant undertaking ‘Willit Run.’ By the end of the war, Ford had built 86,865 complete aircraft, plus 57,851 airplane engines, thousands of engine superchargers and generators, and 4,291 military gliders.

"Ford also turned out tanks, armored cars, jeeps and engines for robot bombs. In the midst of the heaviest production during the war years, Ford returned to his post as chief executive of the Ford Motor Company when Edsel, who had taken over for his father, died in 1943.

"Months earlier, Ford’s plants in Great Britain and Canada had joined the production efforts of the United States and poured forth everything from mobile canteens to four-wheel-drive trucks and autos, grenades, bombs and engine-powered landing craft. The U.S. plants were the prime movers in the development of the famous Willys-originated jeep."

Are you wrong again, rightwinger?
Seems like you are supporting what I said

Ford and the other automakers had to convert to wartime production. Studebaker was not allowed to say.........they are making tanks and planes so we will make the only civilian autos in the country and make more profit than making war materiel

That would be how Capitalists conduct a war

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