Great moments in American socialism history.

Dont believe the Gop plan to label everything “socialism “ as a bad thing . Throughout US history we have had socialist type programs and projects that have greatly benefited the USA.

For example

HOOVER DAM. Basically the project opened up the entire southwest US to a viable place for .people and business .

Hoover Dam >

Irrigation of more than one million acres of land in the United States and nearly half a million acres in Mexico.

These croplands, some of America's richest, grow a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, cotton, wheat, and hay throughout the year, generating millions of dollars for local economies.

Meeting the domestic water needs of more than 18 million people in homes and businesses in Las Vegas, Los Angeles, San Diego, Phoenix, Tucson, and other southwestern cities, towns and Indian communities in Arizona, Nevada, and California.

Hmmm...Hoover Dam was a socialist program?

Yes . What else would you call it? It was a big government sponsored , tax payer paid for , project designed to benefit business improve the life of those residing in that part of the county .

And it worked wonderfully.

Oh I don't know, how about to irrigate and provide hydroelectric power to California and Arizona. And to control seasonal flooding of the Colorado River. You seem to have quite a loose definition of Socialism.
Are you under the impression folks don't get paid for working on socialist projects?
I find that pretty much everyone misuses the word. Most conservatives that I know are responding to calls for socialism from the left. Many are pointing out that things like social security do not fit the definition.

Word .

Which is why I keep calling the cons out . None of them can define or give examples of socialism in America . It’s all a scare tactic .
Conservatives are not the ones calling for socialism. We see this in particular in academia. Most recent polling I've seen says that among college age folks more than half have a positive view of socialism. Sadly they've been taught an erroneous definition of socialism. Many on the right are trying to explain to these kids that they are being sold nonsense.

Sure college kids like socialism till they get out in the real world and realize they will have to pay for a family, kids, a mortgage, cars.

Then they smarten up and realize no one but them will be paying for anything.

Oh shut up. You can’t even give me an example of socialism yet y’all run around complaining about it all day.
I find that pretty much everyone misuses the word. Most conservatives that I know are responding to calls for socialism from the left. Many are pointing out that things like social security do not fit the definition.

Word .

Which is why I keep calling the cons out . None of them can define or give examples of socialism in America . It’s all a scare tactic .
Conservatives are not the ones calling for socialism. We see this in particular in academia. Most recent polling I've seen says that among college age folks more than half have a positive view of socialism. Sadly they've been taught an erroneous definition of socialism. Many on the right are trying to explain to these kids that they are being sold nonsense.

Because people define “socialism “ broadly . They see stuff like mass transit and socai security as socialism.
To me that's the problem. I argue with my nieces and nephews about this all the time. There is a difference between social policies and socialism. Social policies can be wide and varied, socialism is more specific.

Socialism is an ideology, not any specific policy. Here's a common definition: "a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole."

Socialism isn't regulation, it isn't public works projects. It's an ideology centered on eliminating individual ownership and control of capital.

Thanks for the definition. Of course no one is advocating for that .

Even Obamacare is just a safety net for those who can’t get insurance on their own.
Dont believe the Gop plan to label everything “socialism “ as a bad thing . Throughout US history we have had socialist type programs and projects that have greatly benefited the USA.

For example

HOOVER DAM. Basically the project opened up the entire southwest US to a viable place for .people and business .

Hoover Dam >

Irrigation of more than one million acres of land in the United States and nearly half a million acres in Mexico.

These croplands, some of America's richest, grow a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, cotton, wheat, and hay throughout the year, generating millions of dollars for local economies.

Meeting the domestic water needs of more than 18 million people in homes and businesses in Las Vegas, Los Angeles, San Diego, Phoenix, Tucson, and other southwestern cities, towns and Indian communities in Arizona, Nevada, and California.
Is this more bullshit where you call everything socialist so you can get REAL socialism here?


I find that pretty much everyone misuses the word. Most conservatives that I know are responding to calls for socialism from the left. Many are pointing out that things like social security do not fit the definition.

Word .

Which is why I keep calling the cons out . None of them can define or give examples of socialism in America . It’s all a scare tactic .
Conservatives are not the ones calling for socialism. We see this in particular in academia. Most recent polling I've seen says that among college age folks more than half have a positive view of socialism. Sadly they've been taught an erroneous definition of socialism. Many on the right are trying to explain to these kids that they are being sold nonsense.

Sure college kids like socialism till they get out in the real world and realize they will have to pay for a family, kids, a mortgage, cars.

Then they smarten up and realize no one but them will be paying for anything.

Oh shut up. You can’t even give me an example of socialism yet y’all run around complaining about it all day .

No. You shut up. You don't seem to know what socialism is.

Carry on clueless.

I know what it is . Which is why I expose you conservatives complaining about “socialism” without really having a clue .
Socialism is an ideology, not any specific policy. Here's a common definition: "a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole."

Socialism isn't regulation, it isn't public works projects. It's an ideology centered on eliminating individual ownership and control of capital.

Thanks for the definition. Of course no one is advocating for that .

Of course not. Socialists don't want socialism.

LOL - would this be flim? Or flam?
Dont believe the Gop plan to label everything “socialism “ as a bad thing . Throughout US history we have had socialist type programs and projects that have greatly benefited the USA.

For example

HOOVER DAM. Basically the project opened up the entire southwest US to a viable place for .people and business .

Hoover Dam >

Irrigation of more than one million acres of land in the United States and nearly half a million acres in Mexico.

These croplands, some of America's richest, grow a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, cotton, wheat, and hay throughout the year, generating millions of dollars for local economies.

Meeting the domestic water needs of more than 18 million people in homes and businesses in Las Vegas, Los Angeles, San Diego, Phoenix, Tucson, and other southwestern cities, towns and Indian communities in Arizona, Nevada, and California.

Hmmm...Hoover Dam was a socialist program?

Yes . What else would you call it? It was a big government sponsored , tax payer paid for , project designed to benefit business improve the life of those residing in that part of the county .

And it worked wonderfully.

Oh I don't know, how about to irrigate and provide hydroelectric power to California and Arizona. And to control seasonal flooding of the Colorado River. You seem to have quite a loose definition of Socialism.
Are you under the impression folks don't get paid for working on socialist projects?

The rubes don’t have a clue . They just consider it a slur for somthing they don’t like .

“Pineapple on pizza . That’s socialism !!!”
Socialism is an ideology, not any specific policy. Here's a common definition: "a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole."

Socialism isn't regulation, it isn't public works projects. It's an ideology centered on eliminating individual ownership and control of capital.

Thanks for the definition. Of course no one is advocating for that .

Of course not. Socialists don't want socialism.

LOL - would this be flim? Or flam?

Great . Then you can give an example where people are advocating for it. I eagerly await your non answer .
Dont believe the Gop plan to label everything “socialism “ as a bad thing . Throughout US history we have had socialist type programs and projects that have greatly benefited the USA.

For example

HOOVER DAM. Basically the project opened up the entire southwest US to a viable place for .people and business .

Hoover Dam >

Irrigation of more than one million acres of land in the United States and nearly half a million acres in Mexico.

These croplands, some of America's richest, grow a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, cotton, wheat, and hay throughout the year, generating millions of dollars for local economies.

Meeting the domestic water needs of more than 18 million people in homes and businesses in Las Vegas, Los Angeles, San Diego, Phoenix, Tucson, and other southwestern cities, towns and Indian communities in Arizona, Nevada, and California.

Hmmm...Hoover Dam was a socialist program?
Didn’t see Capitalists building that dam
They did profit off the water and power it provided
Socialism is an ideology, not any specific policy. Here's a common definition: "a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole."

Socialism isn't regulation, it isn't public works projects. It's an ideology centered on eliminating individual ownership and control of capital.

Thanks for the definition. Of course no one is advocating for that .

Of course not. Socialists don't want socialism.

LOL - would this be flim? Or flam?

Great . Then you can give an example where people are advocating for it. I eagerly await your non answer .

Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) -

I eagerly await your next dodge.
Socialism is an ideology, not any specific policy. Here's a common definition: "a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole."

Socialism isn't regulation, it isn't public works projects. It's an ideology centered on eliminating individual ownership and control of capital.

Thanks for the definition. Of course no one is advocating for that .

Of course not. Socialists don't want socialism.

LOL - would this be flim? Or flam?

Great . Then you can give an example where people are advocating for it. I eagerly await your non answer .

Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) -

I eagerly await your next dodge.

Are you serious ? Some dopey powerless groups website .

Give me an example of the liberals pushing socialism. You talk all this shit about the democrats and socialism. Where is it?
Socialism is an ideology, not any specific policy. Here's a common definition: "a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole."

Socialism isn't regulation, it isn't public works projects. It's an ideology centered on eliminating individual ownership and control of capital.

Thanks for the definition. Of course no one is advocating for that .

Of course not. Socialists don't want socialism.

LOL - would this be flim? Or flam?

Great . Then you can give an example where people are advocating for it. I eagerly await your non answer .

Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) -

I eagerly await your next dodge.

Are you serious ? Some dopey powerless groups website .

Give me an example of the liberals pushing socialism. You talk all this shit about the democrats and socialism. Where is it?

Bernie? AOC? Have you been asleep for the last couple of years?
Thanks for the definition. Of course no one is advocating for that .

Of course not. Socialists don't want socialism.

LOL - would this be flim? Or flam?

Great . Then you can give an example where people are advocating for it. I eagerly await your non answer .

Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) -

I eagerly await your next dodge.

Are you serious ? Some dopey powerless groups website .

Give me an example of the liberals pushing socialism. You talk all this shit about the democrats and socialism. Where is it?

Bernie? AOC? Have you been asleep for the last couple of years?

Here we go! Suddenly “socialism “ has an expanded definition. Medicare for all isn’t a takeover of the industry .

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