Great moments in American socialism history.

This thread is too damn funny, The same people that spent a week arguing that a private company giving away food was socialism are now arguing that the government building something like the Hoover Dam has nothing to do with socialism at all.

Do you people have to read instructions every morning to remember how to breath?

I'm wondering if Democrats haven't been given instructions on how to promote socialism. I'm seeing the smoke-and-mirrors routine everywhere lately. The exact same tactic. Must have been in a talking point memo somewhere.
Or maybe it's simply because Democrats aren't socialists.
The government is not controlling the means of production, wages or prices

They're not doing it a lot yet. But there are many activists and politicians with that goal. They call themselves socialists. Listen, I realize this obfuscation nonsense is the new Democratic game plan - but it's getting tiresome already. Socialism isn't a myth. It isn't a boogie man. It's a real ideology with a real agenda.
And there is a wide range of socialist policies

We already have socialist programs
I think it is the other way around, the Repubs have been told to call everything bad socialism. How else do you explain a private company being accused of socialism?
I think it's both. Colleges are teaching everybody that anything done by government is socialism to give the word a main-stream meaning.

The government is not controlling the means of production, wages or prices

They're not doing it a lot yet. But there are many activists and politicians with that goal. They call themselves socialists. Listen, I realize this obfuscation nonsense is the new Democratic game plan - but it's getting tiresome already. Socialism isn't a myth. It isn't a boogie man. It's a real ideology with a real agenda.
And there is a wide range of socialist policies

We already have socialist programs

And do-si-doh.

Again, are you saying Democratic Socialists aren't socialists? Are the Democrats in Congress who call themselves socialists lying?
This thread is too damn funny, The same people that spent a week arguing that a private company giving away food was socialism are now arguing that the government building something like the Hoover Dam has nothing to do with socialism at all.

Do you people have to read instructions every morning to remember how to breath?

I'm wondering if Democrats haven't been given instructions on how to promote socialism. I'm seeing the smoke-and-mirrors routine everywhere lately. The exact same tactic. Must have been in a talking point memo somewhere.
Or maybe it's simply because Democrats aren't socialists.

Some of them are, actually. Why are the rest of you trying so hard to pretend otherwise?
This thread is too damn funny, The same people that spent a week arguing that a private company giving away food was socialism are now arguing that the government building something like the Hoover Dam has nothing to do with socialism at all.

Do you people have to read instructions every morning to remember how to breath?

I'm wondering if Democrats haven't been given instructions on how to promote socialism. I'm seeing the smoke-and-mirrors routine everywhere lately. The exact same tactic. Must have been in a talking point memo somewhere.

I think it is the other way around, the Repubs have been told to call everything bad socialism. How else do you explain a private company being accused of socialism?

I think that's part of it. Democrats are frustrated that socialism has a bad name in this country. But rather than trying to defend it, they play these word games instead.
This thread is too damn funny, The same people that spent a week arguing that a private company giving away food was socialism are now arguing that the government building something like the Hoover Dam has nothing to do with socialism at all.

Do you people have to read instructions every morning to remember how to breath?

I'm wondering if Democrats haven't been given instructions on how to promote socialism. I'm seeing the smoke-and-mirrors routine everywhere lately. The exact same tactic. Must have been in a talking point memo somewhere.
Or maybe it's simply because Democrats aren't socialists.

Some of them are, actually. Why are the rest of you trying so hard to pretend otherwise?
How many are? Enough to make it a generalization.
This thread is too damn funny, The same people that spent a week arguing that a private company giving away food was socialism are now arguing that the government building something like the Hoover Dam has nothing to do with socialism at all.

Do you people have to read instructions every morning to remember how to breath?

I'm wondering if Democrats haven't been given instructions on how to promote socialism. I'm seeing the smoke-and-mirrors routine everywhere lately. The exact same tactic. Must have been in a talking point memo somewhere.
Or maybe it's simply because Democrats aren't socialists.

Some of them are, actually. Why are the rest of you trying so hard to pretend otherwise?
How many are? Enough to make it a generalization.

A generalization like "some of them are"? Yes, I'm confident there's enough for that. Moreover, Democrats are pretty friendly to the agenda of socialists - that's why the socialists join up with the Democrats. The argument isn't much different than the claims that Trumpsters are racists. Similarly valid and similarly not.
This thread is too damn funny, The same people that spent a week arguing that a private company giving away food was socialism are now arguing that the government building something like the Hoover Dam has nothing to do with socialism at all.

Do you people have to read instructions every morning to remember how to breath?

I'm wondering if Democrats haven't been given instructions on how to promote socialism. I'm seeing the smoke-and-mirrors routine everywhere lately. The exact same tactic. Must have been in a talking point memo somewhere.
Or maybe it's simply because Democrats aren't socialists.

Some of them are, actually. Why are the rest of you trying so hard to pretend otherwise?
How many are? Enough to make it a generalization.

A generalization like "some of them are"? Yes, I'm confident there's enough for that. Moreover, Democrats are pretty friendly to the agenda of socialists - that's why the socialists join up with the Democrats. The argument isn't much different than the claims that Trumpsters are racists. Similarly valid and similarly not.
While there may be a few socialist types in the Democrat Party and there may be others who are sympathetic to socialism, the Democrat Party is itself an elitist party. There is no coordinated socialist message because the Democrat Party is not socialist nor are the vast majority of its members. It is that simple.
Venezuela....the government took control of the oil industry...that is socialism...the resulting lack of food and toilet paper because the government controls private industry...that too is socialism.

Which has nothing to do with the democrats and America .

They want exactly what the socialists in Venezuela wanted and got.....then they got what happens when socialists get what they want......starvation, poverty, goon squads, death and suffering...

Pick up a history book sometime . That shit ain’t regulated to socialism .

San Francisco




Yup, I can see a huge difference.
You could not afford to live in San Francisco

Why's that, are tents expensive?
The ironic thing is that you could never build the Hoover Dam today with the (socialist) environmental regulations. The thing that the radical left doesn't seem to understand is that Americans tolerate some issues that can be seen as socialist but they will never turn over the U.S. Constitution to a gang of socialists. The democrat party's lurch toward socialism was stopped in mid lurch when the President forced the radical democrat leadership, during the State/Union address, to acknowledge that the U.S. would never become a socialist Country

Except we are “socialist” and have been for a long time .

um no

Get a dictionary and look up socialism
socialism violates 4 of the 10 commandments: 1.turns government into God 2.legalizes thievery 3.elevates covetousness 4.not in concert with American values
"socialism is about human dignity" - AOC

ok, what about the Soviet famine, the Chinese famine, the Cambodian famine of yesterday and the Venezuelan famine of today?

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