Great News: Chicago Gun Violence in 2016 Already Worse Than Same Time In Record-Setting 2015

Yep, just more proof that gun manufacturers and dealers are working hard to pump more guns into Chicago - facilitated by the NRA. Gunrunning pays!
The only thing being proved in Chicago is that criminals and gangs do not obey the law, and more retrictions make law-abiding citizens easier prey.
no, it's that lax restrictions in surrounding areas will supply an area with guns no matter how tough the laws are
Yep, just more proof that gun manufacturers and dealers are working hard to pump more guns into Chicago - facilitated by the NRA. Gunrunning pays!
...except the guns are stolen dumbass
some surely are. some surely aren't
They certainly don't come from gun shows. Stolen or south of the border.
For shits and giggles go to a gun show and try to find firearms with the serial numbers ground off, good luck. Lol
This is requirement of Firearms stolen or from south of the border.
Probably more weapons Obama gave to Mexican Drug Cartels that found their way to Chicago. We know ine of them was used by the terrorist that killed a military member at the recruiting station in Chattanooga, Tn.
Yep, just more proof that gun manufacturers and dealers are working hard to pump more guns into Chicago - facilitated by the NRA. Gunrunning pays!
...except the guns are stolen dumbass
some surely are. some surely aren't
They certainly don't come from gun shows. Stolen or south of the border.
For shits and giggles go to a gun show and try to find firearms with the serial numbers ground off, good luck. Lol
This is requirement of Firearms stolen or from south of the border.
guns do not flow from mexico into the united states. that flow goes the other direction
As I said, obe of the guns used in the Tn terrorist attack WAS proven to be one of Obama's Fast and Furious guns.

Not only has Obama brought terrorists into the country to kill Americans (Ca terrorist to whom his adminsistration gave a Visa after a 'thorough' background check) but also has provided them with the weapons used to kill Americans...
Yep, just more proof that gun manufacturers and dealers are working hard to pump more guns into Chicago - facilitated by the NRA. Gunrunning pays!
...except the guns are stolen dumbass
some surely are. some surely aren't
They certainly don't come from gun shows. Stolen or south of the border.
For shits and giggles go to a gun show and try to find firearms with the serial numbers ground off, good luck. Lol
This is requirement of Firearms stolen or from south of the border.
guns do not flow from mexico into the united states. that flow goes the other direction
Na, you have any idea the numbers of guns are manufactured in South America??
Anyway, lots of stolen guns flow from south of the border, the anti-gun lobby gets rich and powerful promoting the myth all guns come from gun shows to stock up gangbangers...
As I said, obe of the guns used in the Tn terrorist attack WAS proven to be one of Obama's Fast and Furious guns.

Not only has Obama brought terrorists into the country to kill Americans (Ca terrorist to whom his adminsistration gave a Visa after a 'thorough' background check) but also has provided them with the weapons used to kill Americans...
cite that "proof"
Yep, just more proof that gun manufacturers and dealers are working hard to pump more guns into Chicago - facilitated by the NRA. Gunrunning pays!

No...the NRA actually supports gun laws that target criminals...the guns laws you support just disarm law abiding gun know...the ones not shooting each other in democrat neighborhoods..........
Yep, just more proof that gun manufacturers and dealers are working hard to pump more guns into Chicago - facilitated by the NRA. Gunrunning pays!
The only thing being proved in Chicago is that criminals and gangs do not obey the law, and more retrictions make law-abiding citizens easier prey.
no, it's that lax restrictions in surrounding areas will supply an area with guns no matter how tough the laws are

that dumb point keeps popping up...why is it that a city like Houston..that has actual gun stores in the city, in a state that allows guns to actually be carried, long before Chicago did, and has easy access to guns....has a lower gun homicide rate than chicago....and What about L.A. and New York.....they also have the same gun control as Chicago........and their criminals also know how to drive cars...but combined I don't think they have the same gun murder rate as Chicago......

So that point is stupid.........

Vermont.......Constitutional carry, gun stores.....should be a hell hole.....right near New York......yet Vermont is not a hell hole because guns are easy to get...New York, a cesspool....and because they got rid of stop and frisk....their gun crime rate is going up......

Democrat controlled areas have more gun violence and murder.....go figure...
Yep, just more proof that gun manufacturers and dealers are working hard to pump more guns into Chicago - facilitated by the NRA. Gunrunning pays!
The only thing being proved in Chicago is that criminals and gangs do not obey the law, and more retrictions make law-abiding citizens easier prey.
no, it's that lax restrictions in surrounding areas will supply an area with guns no matter how tough the laws are

No...the real problem......Gary McCarthy, the former police commissioner said the exact problem......prosecutors and judges do not prosecute gun crimes and judges do not give long sentences to gun criminals......I heard and interview with McCarthy before he was fired...he said they constantly catch felons with guns....they get arrested and then within 48 hours they are back on the street....the guy who murdered Hidiya pendelton, in obama's neighborhood........had been arrested on a felony gun charge, was arrested on thursday, out on Monday.....and killed her a month later....

Another chicago problem....the gangs get their pet aldermen elected to their wards....I have posted about this...the corrupt aldermen run interference for the gangs.....and get their killers released on bond.....
This is why Chicago has a gun murder problem...they do not sentence gun criminals for gun crimes.....

Death of Hadiya Pendleton - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The death of Hadiya Pendleton occurred on January 29, 2013.

At the time of the shooting, Ward, the gunman, was on probation. In January 2012, he had pled guilty to aggravated unlawful use of a weapon, and was sentenced to two years of probation. Less than three months later, he was arrested and charged with breaking into a car. In July 2012, he was arrested for breaking into a different vehicle. In November 2012, he was arrested for misdemeanor trespassing. During his youth, he had also been arrested numerous times on charges ranging from robbery to battery to marijuana possession, and had spent time on juvenile probation.[7]

He should have been in jail for years on the gun charge...I heard his story from Gary McCarthy......and he is one of dozens caught and released on weapons charges......

Who can possibly trust commander ass hat and his crocodile tears??
Another example......the Back of the Yards shooting...the shooters....should have been in jail for gun charges....they were out in 18 months on a 3 year sentence because the judge redirected them to a Boot Camp program....

.Back of the Yards Gunmen Wanted Revenge for Earlier Shooting: Authorities

Champ, the "main player" in the shooting, had been convicted of gun possession as a felon last year. A judge sent him to boot camp, instead of the mandatory three years in prison that McCarthy's been advocating for gun crimes all year as Chicago has continued to struggle with gun violence.

The other guy in the shooting...was out on bond on another murder charge....

Out on Bond on Murder Rap, Man Charged in Back of the Yards Shooting of 13

Quinton Humphries, an alleged getaway driver, was out on bond in a pending murder case when he drove a group of fellow gangbangers bent on revenge to the crowded Cornell Square Park on Sept. 19, authorities said.

this kind of stupid policy on gun criminals is why we have high gun murder rates in Chicago......

And the rest of the story...

Little more than three months earlier he was brought before another Cook County judge on murder charges after prosecutors said he and a second man flashed gang signs before fatally shooting Shavonte Howard.
Howard, of the 5300 block of South Hoyne Avenue, was shot in the head about noon on July 4 in the 5600 block of South Western Avenue, police said.
Champ, the "main player" in the Cornell Square Park shooting, had been convicted of gun possession as a felon last year, Chicago Police Supt. Garry McCarthy said at a news conference.
A judge sent Champ to boot camp, and he was released when he completed the program.
“If Bryon Champ is not on the street — as he shouldn’t have been — this incident likely does not occur," said McCarthy, who has advocated stricter sentencing for gun crimes. “He received boot camp for that gun crime and was back out on the streets to be a part of this senseless shooting."
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Yep, just more proof that gun manufacturers and dealers are working hard to pump more guns into Chicago - facilitated by the NRA. Gunrunning pays!
The only thing being proved in Chicago is that criminals and gangs do not obey the law, and more retrictions make law-abiding citizens easier prey.
no, it's that lax restrictions in surrounding areas will supply an area with guns no matter how tough the laws are

And this is also how you are wrong...not guns.....gangs and politicians working together is why chicago has a high gun murder rate....try doing some research some time...

Gangs and Politicians in Chicago: An Unholy Alliance

The former chieftains, several of them ex-convicts, represented some of the most notorious gangs on the South and West Sides, including the Vice Lords, Gangster Disciples, Black Disciples, Cobras, Black P Stones, and Black Gangsters. Before the election, the gangs agreed to set aside decades-old rivalries and bloody vendettas to operate as a unified political force, which they called Black United Voters of Chicago. “They realized that if they came together, they could get the politicians to come to them,” explains Baskin.
The gang representatives were interested in electing aldermen sympathetic to their interests and those of their impoverished wards. As for the politicians, says Baskin, their interests essentially boiled down to getting elected or reelected. “All of [the political hopefuls] were aware of who they were meeting with,” he says. “They didn’t care. All they wanted to do was get the support.”

and how they affect sentencing and prison sentences...

Gangs and Politicians: Prisoner Shuffle

Among the perquisites of political power, state lawmakers can use their legislative offices to make inquiries with the Illinois Department of Corrections on behalf of inmates who want to be moved to other prisons.
While many inquiries in support of transfers are legitimate—perhaps a well-behaved inmate wants to be closer to a sick or elderly family member who can’t travel long distances—several gang members and politicians we interviewed say that the perk is sometimes misused as a valuable favor that legislators offer gang leaders in exchange for their help.
Chicago filed a Freedom of Information Act request seeking records of all the prisoner transfer inquiries made by the 45 state representatives and state senators whose districts are in Chicago. As it turns out, IDOC does not keep a centralized database of such requests. It did, however, produce a stack of more than 630 handwritten request forms, some barely legible, filed from May 2005 to August 2011. (The documents represent a fraction of the requests. Transfers requested by phone or in person typically go unrecorded.)
Because IDOC declined to provide prisoners’ gang affiliations, citing potential security risks, we asked two veteran Chicago gang investigators to review a list of inmate names from the legislators’ request forms. The investigators estimated that at least 75 percent of the inmates on the forms had strong gang affiliations. By our tally, roughly 87 percent of their crimes involved murder, guns, or drugs—the most common gang-related offenses.
“It’s surprising the amount of people who are being transferred around,” says one of the investigators. “More surprising are the crimes these individuals have committed and their backgrounds. They’re killers.” Many, in fact, are top gang leaders. ”You’re not talking about individuals who have no juice,” he adds. “You got shot-callers, chiefs.”
Typically, prisoners want to be transferred to lower-security facilities—which offer more privileges and amenities. And because violent gang members with long sentences often end up in higher-security prisons downstate, moving closer to Chicago is also a big deal to them. Ultimately, prison administrators have discretion over which inmates receive transfers and where they get placed, but inquiries made by state lawmakers often receive special consideration, say two former state representatives.
William Delgado, a state senator who filed the most transfer inquiries (see below), staunchly defends them. “It would be derelict and un-Christian not to do it,” he says. “That’s part of the rehabilitation process.” He says he intervenes only at the behest of family members with incarcerated loved ones, not the inmates themselves. “I’m just there for the parents, the loved ones, the children, the grandchildren. Don’t confuse me for a political pimp.”
Similarly, La Shawn Ford, a state representative who filed the second-largest number of requests, says he tries to help the families of inmates cut through bureaucratic red tape. “It’s all about making sure that the families get their due process and that their inquiries are not ignored,” he says.

Not guns......dirt bag politicians working with gangs....
So a thug buys a gun, shoots a cop or a little girl in a drive-by...whose fault is it again? The politician for not passing more gun laws? The law-abiding citizen who isn't allowed to carry a weapon?

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