Great News, Democrats: Defiant Hillary To Dems: ‘I’m Not Going Anywhere’

Thats totally fine if you don't read it. But then it doesn't really qualify you to intellectually comment on it if you don't really know what you are talking about. You don't need to read the book, but at least seek out the full context of areas that you decide to engage in discussions about.
then i'm being a dumbass. you're more than welcome to move on if my uneducated opinion isn't valid to you. i'm ok with that.

my bad, or my good.

period. :)
I didn't say you were a dumbass or that you were uneducated, don't put words in my mouth. But if you are drawing opinions based on news clips then you are not getting the full story. Is that not true?

I"m trying to give you example of the things you are missing, which are actually there. You obviously strongly dislike Hillary, which is fine, but don't deny reality.

You call him uneducated, the pot calling the kettle black don't you think.
Nope. Just another complete misinterpretation on your part. You, on the other hand, I would absolutely call uneducated. This last post of yours proves it.

LOL how many times have you asked me for links to shit you don't know? :itsok:
I ask you for links to back up bullshit statements that I know you can't back up. It never fails. You simply change the subject like you JUST DID. Lets put a nail in this most recent conversation. You said that I called Ice uneducated, which I didn't, Ice even admitted it... Now say that you were wrong and that you're sorry and lets move on...
It sounds like you miss the point completely. She was the first women nominated for POTUS in our countries history. Like her or not, that is historic and a big deal to many people. She also had more people vote for her than voted in Bush and more than voted for Trump. Thats a lot of people. Getting the inside scoop on the experience from her perspective is fascinating for many many people. I understand your annoyance since you are obviously not a fan, but you don't have to pretend that this is a sore loser money making scheme. You're smarted than that Ray. Look at the bigger picture here.

Her entire book is a collection of lies and BS, her twisted list of people and things she blames for her failures and scandals that REALLY cost her the 2016 election.

There is nothing that can be learned from Hillary Clinton's experience except for corruption, incompetence, criminal activity, self-serving acts, influence peddling, sexual deviant enabling, etc...

SERIOUSLY - there is NOTHING that can be learned. Her foreign policy and performance as Secretary of State is one of THE worst, if not THE worst, in US history. Her criminal scandal spans decades....though, she could teach classes on how to 'eliminate' witnesses and evidence, how to 'buy/bribe' the right people necessary to keep from being indicted for anything... :p
I wasn't a big Hillary fan but I can say that I disagree with pretty much your entire statement. If you ever want to talk about specific example of where she lied in her book then lets dig in. But since you said the entire thing is a lie, puts you at a great disadvantage as it is too easy to point out verifiable truths... I could turn to any page and find one.
then i'm being a dumbass. you're more than welcome to move on if my uneducated opinion isn't valid to you. i'm ok with that.

my bad, or my good.

period. :)
I didn't say you were a dumbass or that you were uneducated, don't put words in my mouth. But if you are drawing opinions based on news clips then you are not getting the full story. Is that not true?

I"m trying to give you example of the things you are missing, which are actually there. You obviously strongly dislike Hillary, which is fine, but don't deny reality.

You call him uneducated, the pot calling the kettle black don't you think.
Nope. Just another complete misinterpretation on your part. You, on the other hand, I would absolutely call uneducated. This last post of yours proves it.

LOL how many times have you asked me for links to shit you don't know? :itsok:
I ask you for links to back up bullshit statements that I know you can't back up. It never fails. You simply change the subject like you JUST DID. Lets put a nail in this most recent conversation. You said that I called Ice uneducated, which I didn't, Ice even admitted it... Now say that you were wrong and that you're sorry and lets move on...

National Geographic documentaries on illegal immigration and drug trafficking are "bullshit statements"? Lets review you said, "You, on the other hand, I would absolutely call uneducated" to which I replied you are the one always asking for links to shit you don't know that I do know. Yes Ice admitted he misunderstood you as did I, now lets get back to your ridiculous statement about who is uneducated.
I didn't say you were a dumbass or that you were uneducated, don't put words in my mouth. But if you are drawing opinions based on news clips then you are not getting the full story. Is that not true?

I"m trying to give you example of the things you are missing, which are actually there. You obviously strongly dislike Hillary, which is fine, but don't deny reality.

You call him uneducated, the pot calling the kettle black don't you think.
Nope. Just another complete misinterpretation on your part. You, on the other hand, I would absolutely call uneducated. This last post of yours proves it.

LOL how many times have you asked me for links to shit you don't know? :itsok:
I ask you for links to back up bullshit statements that I know you can't back up. It never fails. You simply change the subject like you JUST DID. Lets put a nail in this most recent conversation. You said that I called Ice uneducated, which I didn't, Ice even admitted it... Now say that you were wrong and that you're sorry and lets move on...

National Geographic documentaries on illegal immigration and drug trafficking are "bullshit statements"? Lets review you said, "You, on the other hand, I would absolutely call uneducated" to which I replied you are the one always asking for links to shit you don't know that I do know. Yes Ice admitted he misunderstood you as did I, now lets get back to your ridiculous statement about who is uneducated.
Happy to... Your apology is accepted.
Where did I say that NG documentaries are bullshit statements? Quote me. You referred to a NG documentary to back up your statement that legalization leads to more crime. I asked many times for a link and you wouldn't provide one. So I actually searched for myself and found several NG documentaries whose findings showed the benefits of legalized MJ. I even posted two of them on the thread. From you I got silence. My actions actually showed that I respected your argument and took time to research it. So thats that situation...

And yes, I think it is totally ok to call you uneducated when you routinely misinterpret my statements and regurgitate them with words and narratives that I never used. This is why i'm always asking you to "quote me" and you never can because you make shit up. You just did it twice in this conversation. So that shows that you are either uneducated and not able to comprehend simple english, or you are maliciously lying by misrepresenting my positions. If it is the later then I sincerely apologize for calling you uneducated, I can go with dirty liar from now on. you let me know which it is.
You call him uneducated, the pot calling the kettle black don't you think.
Nope. Just another complete misinterpretation on your part. You, on the other hand, I would absolutely call uneducated. This last post of yours proves it.

LOL how many times have you asked me for links to shit you don't know? :itsok:
I ask you for links to back up bullshit statements that I know you can't back up. It never fails. You simply change the subject like you JUST DID. Lets put a nail in this most recent conversation. You said that I called Ice uneducated, which I didn't, Ice even admitted it... Now say that you were wrong and that you're sorry and lets move on...

National Geographic documentaries on illegal immigration and drug trafficking are "bullshit statements"? Lets review you said, "You, on the other hand, I would absolutely call uneducated" to which I replied you are the one always asking for links to shit you don't know that I do know. Yes Ice admitted he misunderstood you as did I, now lets get back to your ridiculous statement about who is uneducated.
Happy to... Your apology is accepted.
Where did I say that NG documentaries are bullshit statements? Quote me.

LOL okay, "I ask you for links to back up bullshit statements that I know you can't back up."
Nope. Just another complete misinterpretation on your part. You, on the other hand, I would absolutely call uneducated. This last post of yours proves it.

LOL how many times have you asked me for links to shit you don't know? :itsok:
I ask you for links to back up bullshit statements that I know you can't back up. It never fails. You simply change the subject like you JUST DID. Lets put a nail in this most recent conversation. You said that I called Ice uneducated, which I didn't, Ice even admitted it... Now say that you were wrong and that you're sorry and lets move on...

National Geographic documentaries on illegal immigration and drug trafficking are "bullshit statements"? Lets review you said, "You, on the other hand, I would absolutely call uneducated" to which I replied you are the one always asking for links to shit you don't know that I do know. Yes Ice admitted he misunderstood you as did I, now lets get back to your ridiculous statement about who is uneducated.
Happy to... Your apology is accepted.
Where did I say that NG documentaries are bullshit statements? Quote me.

LOL okay, "I ask you for links to back up bullshit statements that I know you can't back up."
Thats true, when I hear something that I think is bullshit or that I want to learn more about then I ask for a link or proof. You rarely if ever provide any. If you ever did, and you effectively could prove a point then I would acknowledge it. I do it all the time with intelligent posters. You seem to prefer to keep it in the gutter and take the lazy road
You call him uneducated, the pot calling the kettle black don't you think.
Nope. Just another complete misinterpretation on your part. You, on the other hand, I would absolutely call uneducated. This last post of yours proves it.

LOL how many times have you asked me for links to shit you don't know? :itsok:
I ask you for links to back up bullshit statements that I know you can't back up. It never fails. You simply change the subject like you JUST DID. Lets put a nail in this most recent conversation. You said that I called Ice uneducated, which I didn't, Ice even admitted it... Now say that you were wrong and that you're sorry and lets move on...

National Geographic documentaries on illegal immigration and drug trafficking are "bullshit statements"? Lets review you said, "You, on the other hand, I would absolutely call uneducated" to which I replied you are the one always asking for links to shit you don't know that I do know. Yes Ice admitted he misunderstood you as did I, now lets get back to your ridiculous statement about who is uneducated.
Happy to... Your apology is accepted.
Where did I say that NG documentaries are bullshit statements? Quote me. You referred to a NG documentary to back up your statement that legalization leads to more crime. I asked many times for a link and you wouldn't provide one. So I actually searched for myself and found several NG documentaries whose findings showed the benefits of legalized MJ. I even posted two of them on the thread. From you I got silence. My actions actually showed that I respected your argument and took time to research it. So thats that situation...

And yes, I think it is totally ok to call you uneducated when you routinely misinterpret my statements and regurgitate them with words and narratives that I never used. This is why i'm always asking you to "quote me" and you never can because you make shit up. You just did it twice in this conversation. So that shows that you are either uneducated and not able to comprehend simple english, or you are maliciously lying by misrepresenting my positions. If it is the later then I sincerely apologize for calling you uneducated, I can go with dirty liar from now on. you let me know which it is.

I'll give you some more rope before destroying you, please continue I'll add your comments to a Slade montage of ignorance when I produce the NG documentaries I told you to go watch.
Nope. Just another complete misinterpretation on your part. You, on the other hand, I would absolutely call uneducated. This last post of yours proves it.

LOL how many times have you asked me for links to shit you don't know? :itsok:
I ask you for links to back up bullshit statements that I know you can't back up. It never fails. You simply change the subject like you JUST DID. Lets put a nail in this most recent conversation. You said that I called Ice uneducated, which I didn't, Ice even admitted it... Now say that you were wrong and that you're sorry and lets move on...

National Geographic documentaries on illegal immigration and drug trafficking are "bullshit statements"? Lets review you said, "You, on the other hand, I would absolutely call uneducated" to which I replied you are the one always asking for links to shit you don't know that I do know. Yes Ice admitted he misunderstood you as did I, now lets get back to your ridiculous statement about who is uneducated.
Happy to... Your apology is accepted.
Where did I say that NG documentaries are bullshit statements? Quote me. You referred to a NG documentary to back up your statement that legalization leads to more crime. I asked many times for a link and you wouldn't provide one. So I actually searched for myself and found several NG documentaries whose findings showed the benefits of legalized MJ. I even posted two of them on the thread. From you I got silence. My actions actually showed that I respected your argument and took time to research it. So thats that situation...

And yes, I think it is totally ok to call you uneducated when you routinely misinterpret my statements and regurgitate them with words and narratives that I never used. This is why i'm always asking you to "quote me" and you never can because you make shit up. You just did it twice in this conversation. So that shows that you are either uneducated and not able to comprehend simple english, or you are maliciously lying by misrepresenting my positions. If it is the later then I sincerely apologize for calling you uneducated, I can go with dirty liar from now on. you let me know which it is.

I'll give you some more rope before destroying you, please continue I'll add your comments to a Slade montage of ignorance when I produce the NG documentaries I told you to go watch.
Im not saying they don't exist you dumb ass. I'm trying to have a real discussion so when you make a claim then I want you to back it up with substance. I've seen plenty of critical documentaries and articles on the legalization of MJ. I know its out there. There is also a ton of stuff that says the opposite. So a responsible person would look at all sides and support the arguments that are best presented. You don't seem to understand this concept. Please add that to the montage.
LOL how many times have you asked me for links to shit you don't know? :itsok:
I ask you for links to back up bullshit statements that I know you can't back up. It never fails. You simply change the subject like you JUST DID. Lets put a nail in this most recent conversation. You said that I called Ice uneducated, which I didn't, Ice even admitted it... Now say that you were wrong and that you're sorry and lets move on...

National Geographic documentaries on illegal immigration and drug trafficking are "bullshit statements"? Lets review you said, "You, on the other hand, I would absolutely call uneducated" to which I replied you are the one always asking for links to shit you don't know that I do know. Yes Ice admitted he misunderstood you as did I, now lets get back to your ridiculous statement about who is uneducated.
Happy to... Your apology is accepted.
Where did I say that NG documentaries are bullshit statements? Quote me.

LOL okay, "I ask you for links to back up bullshit statements that I know you can't back up."
Thats true, when I hear something that I think is bullshit or that I want to learn more about then I ask for a link or proof. You rarely if ever provide any. If you ever did, and you effectively could prove a point then I would acknowledge it. I do it all the time with intelligent posters. You seem to prefer to keep it in the gutter and take the lazy road

Here's how it works Slade, I feed uninformed liberals facts that conflict with their liberal world view. They go into denial, foam at the mouth demanding links which I deny them. I'll give them rope for days calling BS then obliterate their world view later by producing the video AFTER they make fools of themselves. I suppose that's mean of me :eusa_think:
I ask you for links to back up bullshit statements that I know you can't back up. It never fails. You simply change the subject like you JUST DID. Lets put a nail in this most recent conversation. You said that I called Ice uneducated, which I didn't, Ice even admitted it... Now say that you were wrong and that you're sorry and lets move on...

National Geographic documentaries on illegal immigration and drug trafficking are "bullshit statements"? Lets review you said, "You, on the other hand, I would absolutely call uneducated" to which I replied you are the one always asking for links to shit you don't know that I do know. Yes Ice admitted he misunderstood you as did I, now lets get back to your ridiculous statement about who is uneducated.
Happy to... Your apology is accepted.
Where did I say that NG documentaries are bullshit statements? Quote me.

LOL okay, "I ask you for links to back up bullshit statements that I know you can't back up."
Thats true, when I hear something that I think is bullshit or that I want to learn more about then I ask for a link or proof. You rarely if ever provide any. If you ever did, and you effectively could prove a point then I would acknowledge it. I do it all the time with intelligent posters. You seem to prefer to keep it in the gutter and take the lazy road

Here's how it works Slade, I feed uninformed liberals facts that conflict with their liberal world view. They go into denial, foam at the mouth demanding links which I deny them. I'll give them rope for days calling BS then obliterate their world view later by producing the video AFTER they make fools of themselves. I suppose that's mean of me :eusa_think:
You certainly do live in a fantasy land. Ive had many enlightening discussions and I respect several people on this board from both sides. You are definitely not one of them. Whatever delusions you have of this intellectual obliteration of the Left that you think you're engaged in... it simply isn't reality. The way you engage just makes you look weak, insecure, and completely biased.
National Geographic documentaries on illegal immigration and drug trafficking are "bullshit statements"? Lets review you said, "You, on the other hand, I would absolutely call uneducated" to which I replied you are the one always asking for links to shit you don't know that I do know. Yes Ice admitted he misunderstood you as did I, now lets get back to your ridiculous statement about who is uneducated.
Happy to... Your apology is accepted.
Where did I say that NG documentaries are bullshit statements? Quote me.

LOL okay, "I ask you for links to back up bullshit statements that I know you can't back up."
Thats true, when I hear something that I think is bullshit or that I want to learn more about then I ask for a link or proof. You rarely if ever provide any. If you ever did, and you effectively could prove a point then I would acknowledge it. I do it all the time with intelligent posters. You seem to prefer to keep it in the gutter and take the lazy road

Here's how it works Slade, I feed uninformed liberals facts that conflict with their liberal world view. They go into denial, foam at the mouth demanding links which I deny them. I'll give them rope for days calling BS then obliterate their world view later by producing the video AFTER they make fools of themselves. I suppose that's mean of me :eusa_think:
You certainly do live in a fantasy land. Ive had many enlightening discussions and I respect several people on this board from both sides. You are definitely not one of them. Whatever delusions you have of this intellectual obliteration of the Left that you think you're engaged in... it simply isn't reality. The way you engage just makes you look weak, insecure, and completely biased.

You are upset because I'm breaking down your liberal view of the world. Lets recap, you were advocating for legalizing drugs. I pointed out the victims of drug abusers. You challenged that, bringing up Washington State. I informed you National Geographic in fact filmed a documentary on drug trafficking in Washington state by illegals. This burst your liberal bubble and right on cue you went into denial and demanded links. Here this is for you...
Happy to... Your apology is accepted.
Where did I say that NG documentaries are bullshit statements? Quote me.

LOL okay, "I ask you for links to back up bullshit statements that I know you can't back up."
Thats true, when I hear something that I think is bullshit or that I want to learn more about then I ask for a link or proof. You rarely if ever provide any. If you ever did, and you effectively could prove a point then I would acknowledge it. I do it all the time with intelligent posters. You seem to prefer to keep it in the gutter and take the lazy road

Here's how it works Slade, I feed uninformed liberals facts that conflict with their liberal world view. They go into denial, foam at the mouth demanding links which I deny them. I'll give them rope for days calling BS then obliterate their world view later by producing the video AFTER they make fools of themselves. I suppose that's mean of me :eusa_think:
You certainly do live in a fantasy land. Ive had many enlightening discussions and I respect several people on this board from both sides. You are definitely not one of them. Whatever delusions you have of this intellectual obliteration of the Left that you think you're engaged in... it simply isn't reality. The way you engage just makes you look weak, insecure, and completely biased.

You are upset because I'm breaking down your liberal view of the world. Lets recap, you were advocating for legalizing drugs. I pointed out the victims of drug abusers. You challenged that, bringing up Washington State. I informed you National Geographic in fact filmed a documentary on drug trafficking in Washington state by illegals. This burst your liberal bubble and right on cue you went into denial and demanded links. Here this is for you...
And thats where the delusion begins. You didn't burst anything with your empty claims. To figure out if legalization is or would be a benefit to our society we need to look at all factors. You saying that you saw a National Geographic documentary about drug trafficking in Washington doesn't prove anything. Especially when you have no stats, analysis, details, or even a link to give details about what you are talking about. I on the other hand provided rationale that supported legalization vs the "war on drugs" I even researched National Geographic documentaries to see what you were talking about (because you were too lazy to specify what you were talking about) and all I found were pieces that showed Net benefits to the legalization of MJ. When I posted them you went silent. When I make completely valid points that justify the economic benefits to legalization you pivot to other arguments. Everything you've done has been weak and lazy and in no way presents an intelligent rational argument with substance behind it. Stop playing out this ideological game in your head that nobody else is playing, it really is quite laughable. How old are you?
You call him uneducated, the pot calling the kettle black don't you think.
Nope. Just another complete misinterpretation on your part. You, on the other hand, I would absolutely call uneducated. This last post of yours proves it.

LOL how many times have you asked me for links to shit you don't know? :itsok:
I ask you for links to back up bullshit statements that I know you can't back up. It never fails. You simply change the subject like you JUST DID. Lets put a nail in this most recent conversation. You said that I called Ice uneducated, which I didn't, Ice even admitted it... Now say that you were wrong and that you're sorry and lets move on...

National Geographic documentaries on illegal immigration and drug trafficking are "bullshit statements"? Lets review you said, "You, on the other hand, I would absolutely call uneducated" to which I replied you are the one always asking for links to shit you don't know that I do know. Yes Ice admitted he misunderstood you as did I, now lets get back to your ridiculous statement about who is uneducated.
Happy to... Your apology is accepted.
Where did I say that NG documentaries are bullshit statements? Quote me. You referred to a NG documentary to back up your statement that legalization leads to more crime. I asked many times for a link and you wouldn't provide one. So I actually searched for myself and found several NG documentaries whose findings showed the benefits of legalized MJ. I even posted two of them on the thread. From you I got silence. My actions actually showed that I respected your argument and took time to research it. So thats that situation...

And yes, I think it is totally ok to call you uneducated when you routinely misinterpret my statements and regurgitate them with words and narratives that I never used. This is why i'm always asking you to "quote me" and you never can because you make shit up. You just did it twice in this conversation. So that shows that you are either uneducated and not able to comprehend simple english, or you are maliciously lying by misrepresenting my positions. If it is the later then I sincerely apologize for calling you uneducated, I can go with dirty liar from now on. you let me know which it is.
i'm totally lost cause it came out that *I* was the one you called uneducated, but you never did. in fact you were saying you DIDN'T call me that. or did i say you called me uneducated.

sooner or later my apathy kicks in but it's funny how threads can take on a life of their own at times.
LOL okay, "I ask you for links to back up bullshit statements that I know you can't back up."
Thats true, when I hear something that I think is bullshit or that I want to learn more about then I ask for a link or proof. You rarely if ever provide any. If you ever did, and you effectively could prove a point then I would acknowledge it. I do it all the time with intelligent posters. You seem to prefer to keep it in the gutter and take the lazy road

Here's how it works Slade, I feed uninformed liberals facts that conflict with their liberal world view. They go into denial, foam at the mouth demanding links which I deny them. I'll give them rope for days calling BS then obliterate their world view later by producing the video AFTER they make fools of themselves. I suppose that's mean of me :eusa_think:
You certainly do live in a fantasy land. Ive had many enlightening discussions and I respect several people on this board from both sides. You are definitely not one of them. Whatever delusions you have of this intellectual obliteration of the Left that you think you're engaged in... it simply isn't reality. The way you engage just makes you look weak, insecure, and completely biased.

You are upset because I'm breaking down your liberal view of the world. Lets recap, you were advocating for legalizing drugs. I pointed out the victims of drug abusers. You challenged that, bringing up Washington State. I informed you National Geographic in fact filmed a documentary on drug trafficking in Washington state by illegals. This burst your liberal bubble and right on cue you went into denial and demanded links. Here this is for you...
You saying that you saw a National Geographic documentary about drug trafficking in Washington doesn't prove anything.

LOL do you know what a documentary is? :eusa_eh: I'm thinking of a word, its denial.
Nope. Just another complete misinterpretation on your part. You, on the other hand, I would absolutely call uneducated. This last post of yours proves it.

LOL how many times have you asked me for links to shit you don't know? :itsok:
I ask you for links to back up bullshit statements that I know you can't back up. It never fails. You simply change the subject like you JUST DID. Lets put a nail in this most recent conversation. You said that I called Ice uneducated, which I didn't, Ice even admitted it... Now say that you were wrong and that you're sorry and lets move on...

National Geographic documentaries on illegal immigration and drug trafficking are "bullshit statements"? Lets review you said, "You, on the other hand, I would absolutely call uneducated" to which I replied you are the one always asking for links to shit you don't know that I do know. Yes Ice admitted he misunderstood you as did I, now lets get back to your ridiculous statement about who is uneducated.
Happy to... Your apology is accepted.
Where did I say that NG documentaries are bullshit statements? Quote me. You referred to a NG documentary to back up your statement that legalization leads to more crime. I asked many times for a link and you wouldn't provide one. So I actually searched for myself and found several NG documentaries whose findings showed the benefits of legalized MJ. I even posted two of them on the thread. From you I got silence. My actions actually showed that I respected your argument and took time to research it. So thats that situation...

And yes, I think it is totally ok to call you uneducated when you routinely misinterpret my statements and regurgitate them with words and narratives that I never used. This is why i'm always asking you to "quote me" and you never can because you make shit up. You just did it twice in this conversation. So that shows that you are either uneducated and not able to comprehend simple english, or you are maliciously lying by misrepresenting my positions. If it is the later then I sincerely apologize for calling you uneducated, I can go with dirty liar from now on. you let me know which it is.
i'm totally lost cause it came out that *I* was the one you called uneducated, but you never did. in fact you were saying you DIDN'T call me that. or did i say you called me uneducated.

sooner or later my apathy kicks in but it's funny how threads can take on a life of their own at times.
Yeah, its a build up with this guy, he is fighting some fantasy war against the Left and likes to toss out baseless insults. We were having a discussion about legalizing MJ yesterday that he bailed from then he came into the middle of the conversation that you and I were having today and started in on the petty attacks. I really shouldn't engage and should just ignore people like him, but sometimes I dive in and feel the need to put them in their place. Lazy people who throw out baseless claims and petty insults need to grow up. You and I disagree on many things but I respect the fact that we can have a grown up conversation and debate about the things we disagree on. With people like Blues that rarely happens. Sorry to go off topic, didn't mean to hijack the thread.
Thats true, when I hear something that I think is bullshit or that I want to learn more about then I ask for a link or proof. You rarely if ever provide any. If you ever did, and you effectively could prove a point then I would acknowledge it. I do it all the time with intelligent posters. You seem to prefer to keep it in the gutter and take the lazy road

Here's how it works Slade, I feed uninformed liberals facts that conflict with their liberal world view. They go into denial, foam at the mouth demanding links which I deny them. I'll give them rope for days calling BS then obliterate their world view later by producing the video AFTER they make fools of themselves. I suppose that's mean of me :eusa_think:
You certainly do live in a fantasy land. Ive had many enlightening discussions and I respect several people on this board from both sides. You are definitely not one of them. Whatever delusions you have of this intellectual obliteration of the Left that you think you're engaged in... it simply isn't reality. The way you engage just makes you look weak, insecure, and completely biased.

You are upset because I'm breaking down your liberal view of the world. Lets recap, you were advocating for legalizing drugs. I pointed out the victims of drug abusers. You challenged that, bringing up Washington State. I informed you National Geographic in fact filmed a documentary on drug trafficking in Washington state by illegals. This burst your liberal bubble and right on cue you went into denial and demanded links. Here this is for you...
You saying that you saw a National Geographic documentary about drug trafficking in Washington doesn't prove anything.

LOL do you know what a documentary is? :eusa_eh: I'm thinking of a word, its denial.
I posted two documentaries by National Geographic that showed the overwhelming benefits that legalizing MJ had on a variety of communities. I put them in the thread so you could easily click and watch. So where does that put us?
This is great news! But not for the Dems...

Here's how it works Slade, I feed uninformed liberals facts that conflict with their liberal world view. They go into denial, foam at the mouth demanding links which I deny them. I'll give them rope for days calling BS then obliterate their world view later by producing the video AFTER they make fools of themselves. I suppose that's mean of me :eusa_think:
You certainly do live in a fantasy land. Ive had many enlightening discussions and I respect several people on this board from both sides. You are definitely not one of them. Whatever delusions you have of this intellectual obliteration of the Left that you think you're engaged in... it simply isn't reality. The way you engage just makes you look weak, insecure, and completely biased.

You are upset because I'm breaking down your liberal view of the world. Lets recap, you were advocating for legalizing drugs. I pointed out the victims of drug abusers. You challenged that, bringing up Washington State. I informed you National Geographic in fact filmed a documentary on drug trafficking in Washington state by illegals. This burst your liberal bubble and right on cue you went into denial and demanded links. Here this is for you...
You saying that you saw a National Geographic documentary about drug trafficking in Washington doesn't prove anything.

LOL do you know what a documentary is? :eusa_eh: I'm thinking of a word, its denial.
I posted two documentaries by National Geographic that showed the overwhelming benefits that legalizing MJ had on a variety of communities. I put them in the thread so you could easily click and watch. So where does that put us?

Your memory is about 2 minutes long so I'll remind you, I said I'm fine with legalizing long as there are severe penalties for drug abusers robbing to support their habit or driving impaired killing/maiming innocent citizens. Based on your posts you want drugs legalized without any penalties, or at least you have not countered my 20 years imprisonment proposal. SEVERE penalties the sort that will stop most drug abusers from committing crimes and quickly remove from society those who will.
The Democrats need to take a page from the Clinton handbook and put out a hit out on her. If she's still around in 2020 and gets nominated, she will drag down the party in defeat.
You certainly do live in a fantasy land. Ive had many enlightening discussions and I respect several people on this board from both sides. You are definitely not one of them. Whatever delusions you have of this intellectual obliteration of the Left that you think you're engaged in... it simply isn't reality. The way you engage just makes you look weak, insecure, and completely biased.

You are upset because I'm breaking down your liberal view of the world. Lets recap, you were advocating for legalizing drugs. I pointed out the victims of drug abusers. You challenged that, bringing up Washington State. I informed you National Geographic in fact filmed a documentary on drug trafficking in Washington state by illegals. This burst your liberal bubble and right on cue you went into denial and demanded links. Here this is for you...
You saying that you saw a National Geographic documentary about drug trafficking in Washington doesn't prove anything.

LOL do you know what a documentary is? :eusa_eh: I'm thinking of a word, its denial.
I posted two documentaries by National Geographic that showed the overwhelming benefits that legalizing MJ had on a variety of communities. I put them in the thread so you could easily click and watch. So where does that put us?

Your memory is about 2 minutes long so I'll remind you, I said I'm fine with legalizing long as there are severe penalties for drug abusers robbing to support their habit or driving impaired killing/maiming innocent citizens. Based on your posts you want drugs legalized without any penalties, or at least you have not countered my 20 years imprisonment proposal. SEVERE penalties the sort that will stop most drug abusers from committing crimes and quickly remove from society those who will.
Im fine with penalties for any kind of illegal acts, people should be held accountable. I don't see the need to do 20 years in prison and ruin peoples lives. I think we can be smarter about how we punish people but thats a different discussion. So its settled Blues supports legalizing drugs but wants harsher punishments for drug related crimes. Now we can move on, that was painful!

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