Great News, Democrats: Defiant Hillary To Dems: ‘I’m Not Going Anywhere’

While she didn't jump on the sword she did put everything out on the table. Let's be honest she is an extremely proud, accomplished, entitled, woman who suffered a crushing loss. I don't know what you expect but instead of taking the weak position of criticizing her for not taking personal responsibility (when she actually did) why don't you argue the validity of specific points that she made of you disagree.

Do you really think Comeys letter had nothing to do with the outcome of the election?
at this point so much is "muddled up" on who's on who's side, who's friends with who and "dis" information is running rampant. all i *can* do is base what i see on it's own merits as best i can.

over and over and over we hear that. how about people just don't like her for xyz reasons of their own? i could go into reasons but i don't feel like debating each one hand in hand. personally i think she lies her ass off and works hard to project an image she is not. best example i can field is how she "sets up" her town halls. how she plants kids / young girls in the audience and has them ask questions as if they're actually concerned about what they are asking vs. just thinking it's cool to be on tv. i don't like how she can physically destroy "evidence" and gets a pass on it. if i thought she had an ounce of integrity i'd think again. but to me she does in fact like the "entitled' position you stated above and i *do* believe she's given leeway none of us would be. for all that, no i can't stand her and it has NOTHING to do with her being a woman. yet, here we are.

from what i know of her, i'd love to see condoleezza rice run and hear what she has to say. i've got a positive feel about her and would love to learn more.

really? insult 1/2 the country because they don't like her. how did this decision SHE MADE help her at all? it only put up another wedge and we've got more than enough of those. both sides are out for blood in their extremes these days, it sucks.

bad press.
really? 91% of trumps press is bad - use that for reference and let me know how "bad" she had it.

so i can sit around with you and debate each and every reason but it was her campaign. her decisions. her way to deal with each of her "issues" that were holding her back.

if she doesn't want to be seen as an unholy bitch, she can just stop acting like one. her call to be who she is. her responsibility for her actions.

I'm curious, have you read the book? Have you watched complete interviews and speeches of hers lately? Or have you just heard clips and news headlines?
i'm curious - am i wrong in any of the above?

no i've not watched her lately. seen her and her husband for far too long as it is and am glad that for the most part, they are out of the picture. i'm not going to read her book and judge for myself. i just don't care about her enough to do that. i don't follow her around like the anti-trump follows him around making each step evil incarnate and i don't post every negative thing i can find about her to prove my emotional state is correct.

correct or not, it's mine. it's been developed by decades of the shit she's pulled, to me, and her utter lack to take responsibility for it AND SHUT UP. again, i don't view it as a "noble" course of action to take responsibility for something then blame everything but me.

she lost the election. the ultimate reason why is her.

not the country.
I agree with you about the deplorable statement, about how she handled the email investigation, that Trump had much worse press than she did, and many many other things that she did wrong in the election. But that doesn't negate my point. She has stated that she messed up when she said that she was going to put coal miners out of work, to not campaign in Michigan and Wisconsin, she said that it was a bad idea to do the Wall Street speeches and she said that she should have recognized that it would cause a political firestorm, she recognized that she failed to related to the economic frustrations of voters and spoke to much of policy and not enough of the emotion.

She also address other REAL factors that played a big part in this election: Russia, Wikileaks, Comey, Bernie, the media etc etc etc. That is all fair stuff to talk about. Some people want to know her experience and viewpoints regarding that stuff. Its being painted like she is making petty excuses but those are simply petty attacks.

It sounds to me like you are criticizing her for not saying things that she IS saying. The fact that you are really listening to her or reading the book but simply reacting to critical news clips says a lot. Like her or not she is a large part of our history and this election will be remembered forever. Her book is a pretty detailed breakdown of what the experience was like and it covers many angles in a very transparent way. Many historians and people that don't have a personal distain for her will find it a valuable, fascinating, and insightful piece of writing.

i'm criticizing her for no other reason than she takes responsibility then shoves it elsewhere.

i've yet to see her say "my fault, i screwed up" and shut up.

let me know when that happens.
Thats a pretty unrealistic expectation from a politician. Would be nice though. You must really hate Trump then. Talk about taking zero responsibility. His motto is that that he doesn't apologize for anything.
While she didn't jump on the sword she did put everything out on the table. Let's be honest she is an extremely proud, accomplished, entitled, woman who suffered a crushing loss. I don't know what you expect but instead of taking the weak position of criticizing her for not taking personal responsibility (when she actually did) why don't you argue the validity of specific points that she made of you disagree.

Do you really think Comeys letter had nothing to do with the outcome of the election?
at this point so much is "muddled up" on who's on who's side, who's friends with who and "dis" information is running rampant. all i *can* do is base what i see on it's own merits as best i can.

over and over and over we hear that. how about people just don't like her for xyz reasons of their own? i could go into reasons but i don't feel like debating each one hand in hand. personally i think she lies her ass off and works hard to project an image she is not. best example i can field is how she "sets up" her town halls. how she plants kids / young girls in the audience and has them ask questions as if they're actually concerned about what they are asking vs. just thinking it's cool to be on tv. i don't like how she can physically destroy "evidence" and gets a pass on it. if i thought she had an ounce of integrity i'd think again. but to me she does in fact like the "entitled' position you stated above and i *do* believe she's given leeway none of us would be. for all that, no i can't stand her and it has NOTHING to do with her being a woman. yet, here we are.

from what i know of her, i'd love to see condoleezza rice run and hear what she has to say. i've got a positive feel about her and would love to learn more.

really? insult 1/2 the country because they don't like her. how did this decision SHE MADE help her at all? it only put up another wedge and we've got more than enough of those. both sides are out for blood in their extremes these days, it sucks.

bad press.
really? 91% of trumps press is bad - use that for reference and let me know how "bad" she had it.

so i can sit around with you and debate each and every reason but it was her campaign. her decisions. her way to deal with each of her "issues" that were holding her back.

if she doesn't want to be seen as an unholy bitch, she can just stop acting like one. her call to be who she is. her responsibility for her actions.

I'm curious, have you read the book? Have you watched complete interviews and speeches of hers lately? Or have you just heard clips and news headlines?

They played a couple of clips on the radio and I couldn't believe what I heard.

She said the Republicans were planning on rewriting the Constitution. Really? Which Republicans are those? Then she blamed her loss on the news because the news is controlled by the right-wing. What???

She told a few other lies that I can't remember. But the two I listed were real beauties.
Don't be too quick to judge cherry picked clips. The media does that all the time and it is extremely dishonest. It happens to people on both sides. If something is really raising flags for you i'd recommend reading the full context of the statement. It is way to easy to manipulate messages by only displaying bits and pieces
for me, i cherry pick nothing. i just know she's saying "yes i'm responsible...BUT"

and that BUT needs to go away.
I don't like "BUTs" either, it takes away from the sincerity. With that said, I also understand that she is a very proud and entitled woman that is trying to project strength by defending herself. I'm glad she as at least some self reflection and recognition of her short comings. I think she could def. do better but like all egomaniac politicians I keep my expectations tempered.
at this point so much is "muddled up" on who's on who's side, who's friends with who and "dis" information is running rampant. all i *can* do is base what i see on it's own merits as best i can.

over and over and over we hear that. how about people just don't like her for xyz reasons of their own? i could go into reasons but i don't feel like debating each one hand in hand. personally i think she lies her ass off and works hard to project an image she is not. best example i can field is how she "sets up" her town halls. how she plants kids / young girls in the audience and has them ask questions as if they're actually concerned about what they are asking vs. just thinking it's cool to be on tv. i don't like how she can physically destroy "evidence" and gets a pass on it. if i thought she had an ounce of integrity i'd think again. but to me she does in fact like the "entitled' position you stated above and i *do* believe she's given leeway none of us would be. for all that, no i can't stand her and it has NOTHING to do with her being a woman. yet, here we are.

from what i know of her, i'd love to see condoleezza rice run and hear what she has to say. i've got a positive feel about her and would love to learn more.

really? insult 1/2 the country because they don't like her. how did this decision SHE MADE help her at all? it only put up another wedge and we've got more than enough of those. both sides are out for blood in their extremes these days, it sucks.

bad press.
really? 91% of trumps press is bad - use that for reference and let me know how "bad" she had it.

so i can sit around with you and debate each and every reason but it was her campaign. her decisions. her way to deal with each of her "issues" that were holding her back.

if she doesn't want to be seen as an unholy bitch, she can just stop acting like one. her call to be who she is. her responsibility for her actions.

I'm curious, have you read the book? Have you watched complete interviews and speeches of hers lately? Or have you just heard clips and news headlines?

They played a couple of clips on the radio and I couldn't believe what I heard.

She said the Republicans were planning on rewriting the Constitution. Really? Which Republicans are those? Then she blamed her loss on the news because the news is controlled by the right-wing. What???

She told a few other lies that I can't remember. But the two I listed were real beauties.
which is why i'm not going to read all the bullshit she will make up to defend herself. it's been her hallmark of her career to make shit up to make her look good. it's as if she can't do it on her own.

she was also over an hour late to her own book signing.
Thats totally fine if you don't read it. But then it doesn't really qualify you to intellectually comment on it if you don't really know what you are talking about. You don't need to read the book, but at least seek out the full context of areas that you decide to engage in discussions about.
then i'm being a dumbass. you're more than welcome to move on if my uneducated opinion isn't valid to you. i'm ok with that.

my bad, or my good.

period. :)
I didn't say you were a dumbass or that you were uneducated, don't put words in my mouth. But if you are drawing opinions based on news clips then you are not getting the full story. Is that not true?

I"m trying to give you example of the things you are missing, which are actually there. You obviously strongly dislike Hillary, which is fine, but don't deny reality.
at this point so much is "muddled up" on who's on who's side, who's friends with who and "dis" information is running rampant. all i *can* do is base what i see on it's own merits as best i can.

over and over and over we hear that. how about people just don't like her for xyz reasons of their own? i could go into reasons but i don't feel like debating each one hand in hand. personally i think she lies her ass off and works hard to project an image she is not. best example i can field is how she "sets up" her town halls. how she plants kids / young girls in the audience and has them ask questions as if they're actually concerned about what they are asking vs. just thinking it's cool to be on tv. i don't like how she can physically destroy "evidence" and gets a pass on it. if i thought she had an ounce of integrity i'd think again. but to me she does in fact like the "entitled' position you stated above and i *do* believe she's given leeway none of us would be. for all that, no i can't stand her and it has NOTHING to do with her being a woman. yet, here we are.

from what i know of her, i'd love to see condoleezza rice run and hear what she has to say. i've got a positive feel about her and would love to learn more.

really? insult 1/2 the country because they don't like her. how did this decision SHE MADE help her at all? it only put up another wedge and we've got more than enough of those. both sides are out for blood in their extremes these days, it sucks.

bad press.
really? 91% of trumps press is bad - use that for reference and let me know how "bad" she had it.

so i can sit around with you and debate each and every reason but it was her campaign. her decisions. her way to deal with each of her "issues" that were holding her back.

if she doesn't want to be seen as an unholy bitch, she can just stop acting like one. her call to be who she is. her responsibility for her actions.

I'm curious, have you read the book? Have you watched complete interviews and speeches of hers lately? Or have you just heard clips and news headlines?
i'm curious - am i wrong in any of the above?

no i've not watched her lately. seen her and her husband for far too long as it is and am glad that for the most part, they are out of the picture. i'm not going to read her book and judge for myself. i just don't care about her enough to do that. i don't follow her around like the anti-trump follows him around making each step evil incarnate and i don't post every negative thing i can find about her to prove my emotional state is correct.

correct or not, it's mine. it's been developed by decades of the shit she's pulled, to me, and her utter lack to take responsibility for it AND SHUT UP. again, i don't view it as a "noble" course of action to take responsibility for something then blame everything but me.

she lost the election. the ultimate reason why is her.

not the country.
I agree with you about the deplorable statement, about how she handled the email investigation, that Trump had much worse press than she did, and many many other things that she did wrong in the election. But that doesn't negate my point. She has stated that she messed up when she said that she was going to put coal miners out of work, to not campaign in Michigan and Wisconsin, she said that it was a bad idea to do the Wall Street speeches and she said that she should have recognized that it would cause a political firestorm, she recognized that she failed to related to the economic frustrations of voters and spoke to much of policy and not enough of the emotion.

She also address other REAL factors that played a big part in this election: Russia, Wikileaks, Comey, Bernie, the media etc etc etc. That is all fair stuff to talk about. Some people want to know her experience and viewpoints regarding that stuff. Its being painted like she is making petty excuses but those are simply petty attacks.

It sounds to me like you are criticizing her for not saying things that she IS saying. The fact that you are really listening to her or reading the book but simply reacting to critical news clips says a lot. Like her or not she is a large part of our history and this election will be remembered forever. Her book is a pretty detailed breakdown of what the experience was like and it covers many angles in a very transparent way. Many historians and people that don't have a personal distain for her will find it a valuable, fascinating, and insightful piece of writing.

i'm criticizing her for no other reason than she takes responsibility then shoves it elsewhere.

i've yet to see her say "my fault, i screwed up" and shut up.

let me know when that happens.
Thats a pretty unrealistic expectation from a politician. Would be nice though. You must really hate Trump then. Talk about taking zero responsibility. His motto is that that he doesn't apologize for anything.
i've not had to put up with trump for 20+ years in public office so i honestly didn't know much about him cause i found him annoying on his YOUR FIRED show. whatever that was.

but he won and this is his chance. it's more a pain to me see us divide up and talk of "civil war" because of how bad we collectively got to only have these 2 choices to begin with.

so if you want to compare trump to hillary - to me - see you in 20+ years if he is still around. i never started off hating her, quite the opposite. but as each "lie" came out (we were under sniper fire, i was named after the mt Everest guy... and so forth i just started liking her less and less. the more i did see and try to understand, the worse she got.

i'll give trump that same leeway. but either way i don't think he'll be an issue in 20 years to make this a valid comparison.
I'm curious, have you read the book? Have you watched complete interviews and speeches of hers lately? Or have you just heard clips and news headlines?
i'm curious - am i wrong in any of the above?

no i've not watched her lately. seen her and her husband for far too long as it is and am glad that for the most part, they are out of the picture. i'm not going to read her book and judge for myself. i just don't care about her enough to do that. i don't follow her around like the anti-trump follows him around making each step evil incarnate and i don't post every negative thing i can find about her to prove my emotional state is correct.

correct or not, it's mine. it's been developed by decades of the shit she's pulled, to me, and her utter lack to take responsibility for it AND SHUT UP. again, i don't view it as a "noble" course of action to take responsibility for something then blame everything but me.

she lost the election. the ultimate reason why is her.

not the country.
I agree with you about the deplorable statement, about how she handled the email investigation, that Trump had much worse press than she did, and many many other things that she did wrong in the election. But that doesn't negate my point. She has stated that she messed up when she said that she was going to put coal miners out of work, to not campaign in Michigan and Wisconsin, she said that it was a bad idea to do the Wall Street speeches and she said that she should have recognized that it would cause a political firestorm, she recognized that she failed to related to the economic frustrations of voters and spoke to much of policy and not enough of the emotion.

She also address other REAL factors that played a big part in this election: Russia, Wikileaks, Comey, Bernie, the media etc etc etc. That is all fair stuff to talk about. Some people want to know her experience and viewpoints regarding that stuff. Its being painted like she is making petty excuses but those are simply petty attacks.

It sounds to me like you are criticizing her for not saying things that she IS saying. The fact that you are really listening to her or reading the book but simply reacting to critical news clips says a lot. Like her or not she is a large part of our history and this election will be remembered forever. Her book is a pretty detailed breakdown of what the experience was like and it covers many angles in a very transparent way. Many historians and people that don't have a personal distain for her will find it a valuable, fascinating, and insightful piece of writing.

i'm criticizing her for no other reason than she takes responsibility then shoves it elsewhere.

i've yet to see her say "my fault, i screwed up" and shut up.

let me know when that happens.
Thats a pretty unrealistic expectation from a politician. Would be nice though. You must really hate Trump then. Talk about taking zero responsibility. His motto is that that he doesn't apologize for anything.
i've not had to put up with trump for 20+ years in public office so i honestly didn't know much about him cause i found him annoying on his YOUR FIRED show. whatever that was.

but he won and this is his chance. it's more a pain to me see us divide up and talk of "civil war" because of how bad we collectively got to only have these 2 choices to begin with.

so if you want to compare trump to hillary - to me - see you in 20+ years if he is still around. i never started off hating her, quite the opposite. but as each "lie" came out (we were under sniper fire, i was named after the mt Everest guy... and so forth i just started liking her less and less. the more i did see and try to understand, the worse she got.

i'll give trump that same leeway. but either way i don't think he'll be an issue in 20 years to make this a valid comparison.
I didn't think Hillary was very trustworthy, it was one of my biggest critiques of hers. And I was actually a fan of Trumps before he entered the race and then the ugliness began. He may have already racked up the same amount of lies and dishonest statements in his first 7 months than Hillary has in her 20 years. IDK. I guess the threshold is up to you.
President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List
I'm curious, have you read the book? Have you watched complete interviews and speeches of hers lately? Or have you just heard clips and news headlines?

They played a couple of clips on the radio and I couldn't believe what I heard.

She said the Republicans were planning on rewriting the Constitution. Really? Which Republicans are those? Then she blamed her loss on the news because the news is controlled by the right-wing. What???

She told a few other lies that I can't remember. But the two I listed were real beauties.
which is why i'm not going to read all the bullshit she will make up to defend herself. it's been her hallmark of her career to make shit up to make her look good. it's as if she can't do it on her own.

she was also over an hour late to her own book signing.
Thats totally fine if you don't read it. But then it doesn't really qualify you to intellectually comment on it if you don't really know what you are talking about. You don't need to read the book, but at least seek out the full context of areas that you decide to engage in discussions about.
then i'm being a dumbass. you're more than welcome to move on if my uneducated opinion isn't valid to you. i'm ok with that.

my bad, or my good.

period. :)
I didn't say you were a dumbass or that you were uneducated, don't put words in my mouth. But if you are drawing opinions based on news clips then you are not getting the full story. Is that not true?

I"m trying to give you example of the things you are missing, which are actually there. You obviously strongly dislike Hillary, which is fine, but don't deny reality.
fair enough. and you are 100% correct. you could say i hate her with a white hot passion of a thousand dying suns all yearing to be free in one final super nova that destroys several galaxies around her, but that's just drama talking. :)

again - i don't start off hating anyone. especially for their political views. but after decades of manipulation and at least *to me* her getting a different set of "laws" to play by (comey even said as much) to a large degree (at least many interpreted it as such and rightfully so) that gets to me.

as for what she is doing now - at least we agree it hurts her "responsibility claim" when she follows it up with excuses. there is zero denial she's doing that from what i understand. to me, this typifies her career - do what she wants and blame others for her actions.

she even tried to get powell into her e-mail mess by pointing to him.

that is a very strong character trait to me and to me, unforgivable when done time and time again. the only reason i see her taking ANY form of responsibility now is because of the overwhelming outcry of her always blaming others.

i just want her to say "that was my fault, i should not have done that" and shut up. when she does, i'll be glad to listen again and try to put away my own feelings about her and judge that action on it's own.

i just don't see it happening.
What Awesome News for the Democratic party and their 2020 Presidential Hopes:

HILLARY CLINTON: 'I have the experience, I have the insight, I have the scars...I'M NOT GOING ANYWHERE'

Defiant Hillary To Dems: ‘I’m Not Going Anywhere’

"Former secretary of state and twice-failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has a message for Democrats who want her to fade into the background: she’s not going anywhere.

Clinton made that clear in an interview promoting her book with NPR’s Rachel Martin, who asked Clinton if she has “reconciled that, that people might not want you around as the party steps forward?”

“Well, they don’t have to buy my book, and they can turn off the radio when they hear me talking. I’m not going anywhere,” Clinton said.

“I have the experience, I have the insight, I have the scars that I think give me not only the right, but the responsibility to speak out.

And a lot of people are already calling asking for my help and my support. I’ve started a new organization called 'Onward Together'."
- 'Onward'....sounds a lot like Barry's 'Forward', doesn't it? :p

So, to the utter disappointment of many snowflakes across the country - especially on this board - Hillary remains a current topic of conversation because she simply refuses to go away.

Everyone and everything else is to blame for her 2016 loss, her SECOND loss.
She will NOT go away
She IS the future of the Democratic Party.
2020 is HER TURN....AGAIN. (3rd time is the charm)...

....whether you like it or not (AGAIN)!

(You know, snowflakes, had Obama, his administration, and the media NOT protected her from indictment and prosecution your troubles would be over right now, you would be freed from Hillary, and you could finally be moving forward towards 2020 with your eye on fresher, younger, less criminal candidates....

...instead, sheeeeeeee's baaaaaaaaack! :p )
You haven't been paying very close attention have you. She has released many statements from her book that takes personal responsibility for the loss, opposers just like to focus on the finger pointing excuses.... but don't pretend like thats the whole story. She also said straight up that she is not going to run for office in 2020. Another false assumption in your OP. Nice try though.

Hillary Clinton will not run for president in 2020: Robert Wolf
you cant take responsibility with all the caveats shes listed. its one or the other, not both as that is just bitter bullshit.
Are you kidding? There are so many factors that are involved in presidential campaigns. There can be dozens of different reasons that effected the outcome of the election

Yeah, just her election of course.

I don't keep up with Democrats, but how many other Democrat presidential candidates that lost wrote a Fn book on it? I mean for crying out loud. She really thinks she is royalty to the point she needs to explain herself as if people were holding their breath dying to hear her words of wisdom about losing an election. She's so arrogant thinking that people didn't move on with their lives; they are still grieving. The reality is that the Clinton's are still trying to suck every nickel and dime from their followers as they can.
It sounds like you miss the point completely. She was the first women nominated for POTUS in our countries history. Like her or not, that is historic and a big deal to many people. She also had more people vote for her than voted in Bush and more than voted for Trump. Thats a lot of people. Getting the inside scoop on the experience from her perspective is fascinating for many many people. I understand your annoyance since you are obviously not a fan, but you don't have to pretend that this is a sore loser money making scheme. You're smarted than that Ray. Look at the bigger picture here.

I actually do believe it's a money making scheme just like all their others.

After she lost, her speaking engagements went from 250K to 2K per speech.
I'm curious, have you read the book? Have you watched complete interviews and speeches of hers lately? Or have you just heard clips and news headlines?

They played a couple of clips on the radio and I couldn't believe what I heard.

She said the Republicans were planning on rewriting the Constitution. Really? Which Republicans are those? Then she blamed her loss on the news because the news is controlled by the right-wing. What???

She told a few other lies that I can't remember. But the two I listed were real beauties.
which is why i'm not going to read all the bullshit she will make up to defend herself. it's been her hallmark of her career to make shit up to make her look good. it's as if she can't do it on her own.

she was also over an hour late to her own book signing.
Thats totally fine if you don't read it. But then it doesn't really qualify you to intellectually comment on it if you don't really know what you are talking about. You don't need to read the book, but at least seek out the full context of areas that you decide to engage in discussions about.
then i'm being a dumbass. you're more than welcome to move on if my uneducated opinion isn't valid to you. i'm ok with that.

my bad, or my good.

period. :)
I didn't say you were a dumbass or that you were uneducated, don't put words in my mouth. But if you are drawing opinions based on news clips then you are not getting the full story. Is that not true?

I"m trying to give you example of the things you are missing, which are actually there. You obviously strongly dislike Hillary, which is fine, but don't deny reality.

You call him uneducated, the pot calling the kettle black don't you think.
The latest news revealed about Hillary continues to demonstrate how incompetent she really was / is, and more information will continue to come out about her other scandals - like 'Server/E-Mail-gate'...yet she still remains defiant...partially because her party and the liberal media facilitated her belief that she is bullet/scandal-proof, can survive anything, and that they will do whatever it takes to help her achieve her goal of becoming President ... because she genuinely think people love her and want her to hang around until 2020...either that or she doesn't give a damn what they want - this is all about usual.

It will not get any better for her. The longer she stay around the more will come out. Who knows, she may hang around long enough to get herself indicted. ;p
i'm curious - am i wrong in any of the above?

no i've not watched her lately. seen her and her husband for far too long as it is and am glad that for the most part, they are out of the picture. i'm not going to read her book and judge for myself. i just don't care about her enough to do that. i don't follow her around like the anti-trump follows him around making each step evil incarnate and i don't post every negative thing i can find about her to prove my emotional state is correct.

correct or not, it's mine. it's been developed by decades of the shit she's pulled, to me, and her utter lack to take responsibility for it AND SHUT UP. again, i don't view it as a "noble" course of action to take responsibility for something then blame everything but me.

she lost the election. the ultimate reason why is her.

not the country.
I agree with you about the deplorable statement, about how she handled the email investigation, that Trump had much worse press than she did, and many many other things that she did wrong in the election. But that doesn't negate my point. She has stated that she messed up when she said that she was going to put coal miners out of work, to not campaign in Michigan and Wisconsin, she said that it was a bad idea to do the Wall Street speeches and she said that she should have recognized that it would cause a political firestorm, she recognized that she failed to related to the economic frustrations of voters and spoke to much of policy and not enough of the emotion.

She also address other REAL factors that played a big part in this election: Russia, Wikileaks, Comey, Bernie, the media etc etc etc. That is all fair stuff to talk about. Some people want to know her experience and viewpoints regarding that stuff. Its being painted like she is making petty excuses but those are simply petty attacks.

It sounds to me like you are criticizing her for not saying things that she IS saying. The fact that you are really listening to her or reading the book but simply reacting to critical news clips says a lot. Like her or not she is a large part of our history and this election will be remembered forever. Her book is a pretty detailed breakdown of what the experience was like and it covers many angles in a very transparent way. Many historians and people that don't have a personal distain for her will find it a valuable, fascinating, and insightful piece of writing.

i'm criticizing her for no other reason than she takes responsibility then shoves it elsewhere.

i've yet to see her say "my fault, i screwed up" and shut up.

let me know when that happens.
Thats a pretty unrealistic expectation from a politician. Would be nice though. You must really hate Trump then. Talk about taking zero responsibility. His motto is that that he doesn't apologize for anything.
i've not had to put up with trump for 20+ years in public office so i honestly didn't know much about him cause i found him annoying on his YOUR FIRED show. whatever that was.

but he won and this is his chance. it's more a pain to me see us divide up and talk of "civil war" because of how bad we collectively got to only have these 2 choices to begin with.

so if you want to compare trump to hillary - to me - see you in 20+ years if he is still around. i never started off hating her, quite the opposite. but as each "lie" came out (we were under sniper fire, i was named after the mt Everest guy... and so forth i just started liking her less and less. the more i did see and try to understand, the worse she got.

i'll give trump that same leeway. but either way i don't think he'll be an issue in 20 years to make this a valid comparison.
I didn't think Hillary was very trustworthy, it was one of my biggest critiques of hers. And I was actually a fan of Trumps before he entered the race and then the ugliness began. He may have already racked up the same amount of lies and dishonest statements in his first 7 months than Hillary has in her 20 years. IDK. I guess the threshold is up to you.
President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List

yep. those will eventually pile up and get on my nerves too. but much of this list is also opinion and simply citing lack of support, but not a flat out lie.

but that's an argument i won't get into.
They played a couple of clips on the radio and I couldn't believe what I heard.

She said the Republicans were planning on rewriting the Constitution. Really? Which Republicans are those? Then she blamed her loss on the news because the news is controlled by the right-wing. What???

She told a few other lies that I can't remember. But the two I listed were real beauties.
which is why i'm not going to read all the bullshit she will make up to defend herself. it's been her hallmark of her career to make shit up to make her look good. it's as if she can't do it on her own.

she was also over an hour late to her own book signing.
Thats totally fine if you don't read it. But then it doesn't really qualify you to intellectually comment on it if you don't really know what you are talking about. You don't need to read the book, but at least seek out the full context of areas that you decide to engage in discussions about.
then i'm being a dumbass. you're more than welcome to move on if my uneducated opinion isn't valid to you. i'm ok with that.

my bad, or my good.

period. :)
I didn't say you were a dumbass or that you were uneducated, don't put words in my mouth. But if you are drawing opinions based on news clips then you are not getting the full story. Is that not true?

I"m trying to give you example of the things you are missing, which are actually there. You obviously strongly dislike Hillary, which is fine, but don't deny reality.

You call him uneducated, the pot calling the kettle black don't you think.
he didn't call me that. i was just getting a bit carried away.

that's on me.
Oh my God, that woman is delusional. The more that comes out about her whiney book, the crazier she sounds. She didn't get any respect from Bernie and not enough credit for the things she's done. She claims she was a political football. boo hoo Now she says it's just not her fault and she is praising herself for her accomplishments.

Recently, she said she wasn't running for office anymore and now it appears that she's convinced herself that she is just so damn wonderful that she can't retire.

Instead of writing a book to blame everyone on the planet but herself, she should be in therapy. I understand that some people go into denial but, holy crap, she has taken it to extremes. She is one sick bitch.
They played a couple of clips on the radio and I couldn't believe what I heard.

She said the Republicans were planning on rewriting the Constitution. Really? Which Republicans are those? Then she blamed her loss on the news because the news is controlled by the right-wing. What???

She told a few other lies that I can't remember. But the two I listed were real beauties.
which is why i'm not going to read all the bullshit she will make up to defend herself. it's been her hallmark of her career to make shit up to make her look good. it's as if she can't do it on her own.

she was also over an hour late to her own book signing.
Thats totally fine if you don't read it. But then it doesn't really qualify you to intellectually comment on it if you don't really know what you are talking about. You don't need to read the book, but at least seek out the full context of areas that you decide to engage in discussions about.
then i'm being a dumbass. you're more than welcome to move on if my uneducated opinion isn't valid to you. i'm ok with that.

my bad, or my good.

period. :)
I didn't say you were a dumbass or that you were uneducated, don't put words in my mouth. But if you are drawing opinions based on news clips then you are not getting the full story. Is that not true?

I"m trying to give you example of the things you are missing, which are actually there. You obviously strongly dislike Hillary, which is fine, but don't deny reality.
fair enough. and you are 100% correct. you could say i hate her with a white hot passion of a thousand dying suns all yearing to be free in one final super nova that destroys several galaxies around her, but that's just drama talking. :)

again - i don't start off hating anyone. especially for their political views. but after decades of manipulation and at least *to me* her getting a different set of "laws" to play by (comey even said as much) to a large degree (at least many interpreted it as such and rightfully so) that gets to me.

as for what she is doing now - at least we agree it hurts her "responsibility claim" when she follows it up with excuses. there is zero denial she's doing that from what i understand. to me, this typifies her career - do what she wants and blame others for her actions.

she even tried to get powell into her e-mail mess by pointing to him.

that is a very strong character trait to me and to me, unforgivable when done time and time again. the only reason i see her taking ANY form of responsibility now is because of the overwhelming outcry of her always blaming others.

i just want her to say "that was my fault, i should not have done that" and shut up. when she does, i'll be glad to listen again and try to put away my own feelings about her and judge that action on it's own.

i just don't see it happening.
Look how the fake news covered for Hillary taking responsibility for the loss. Crazy! :)
You haven't been paying very close attention have you. She has released many statements from her book that takes personal responsibility for the loss, opposers just like to focus on the finger pointing excuses.... but don't pretend like thats the whole story. She also said straight up that she is not going to run for office in 2020. Another false assumption in your OP. Nice try though.

Hillary Clinton will not run for president in 2020: Robert Wolf
you cant take responsibility with all the caveats shes listed. its one or the other, not both as that is just bitter bullshit.
Are you kidding? There are so many factors that are involved in presidential campaigns. There can be dozens of different reasons that effected the outcome of the election

Yeah, just her election of course.

I don't keep up with Democrats, but how many other Democrat presidential candidates that lost wrote a Fn book on it? I mean for crying out loud. She really thinks she is royalty to the point she needs to explain herself as if people were holding their breath dying to hear her words of wisdom about losing an election. She's so arrogant thinking that people didn't move on with their lives; they are still grieving. The reality is that the Clinton's are still trying to suck every nickel and dime from their followers as they can.
It sounds like you miss the point completely. She was the first women nominated for POTUS in our countries history. Like her or not, that is historic and a big deal to many people. She also had more people vote for her than voted in Bush and more than voted for Trump. Thats a lot of people. Getting the inside scoop on the experience from her perspective is fascinating for many many people. I understand your annoyance since you are obviously not a fan, but you don't have to pretend that this is a sore loser money making scheme. You're smarted than that Ray. Look at the bigger picture here.

I actually do believe it's a money making scheme just like all their others.

After she lost, her speaking engagements went from 250K to 2K per speech.
Is that another Rush stat?
They played a couple of clips on the radio and I couldn't believe what I heard.

She said the Republicans were planning on rewriting the Constitution. Really? Which Republicans are those? Then she blamed her loss on the news because the news is controlled by the right-wing. What???

She told a few other lies that I can't remember. But the two I listed were real beauties.
which is why i'm not going to read all the bullshit she will make up to defend herself. it's been her hallmark of her career to make shit up to make her look good. it's as if she can't do it on her own.

she was also over an hour late to her own book signing.
Thats totally fine if you don't read it. But then it doesn't really qualify you to intellectually comment on it if you don't really know what you are talking about. You don't need to read the book, but at least seek out the full context of areas that you decide to engage in discussions about.
then i'm being a dumbass. you're more than welcome to move on if my uneducated opinion isn't valid to you. i'm ok with that.

my bad, or my good.

period. :)
I didn't say you were a dumbass or that you were uneducated, don't put words in my mouth. But if you are drawing opinions based on news clips then you are not getting the full story. Is that not true?

I"m trying to give you example of the things you are missing, which are actually there. You obviously strongly dislike Hillary, which is fine, but don't deny reality.

You call him uneducated, the pot calling the kettle black don't you think.
Nope. Just another complete misinterpretation on your part. You, on the other hand, I would absolutely call uneducated. This last post of yours proves it.
which is why i'm not going to read all the bullshit she will make up to defend herself. it's been her hallmark of her career to make shit up to make her look good. it's as if she can't do it on her own.

she was also over an hour late to her own book signing.
Thats totally fine if you don't read it. But then it doesn't really qualify you to intellectually comment on it if you don't really know what you are talking about. You don't need to read the book, but at least seek out the full context of areas that you decide to engage in discussions about.
then i'm being a dumbass. you're more than welcome to move on if my uneducated opinion isn't valid to you. i'm ok with that.

my bad, or my good.

period. :)
I didn't say you were a dumbass or that you were uneducated, don't put words in my mouth. But if you are drawing opinions based on news clips then you are not getting the full story. Is that not true?

I"m trying to give you example of the things you are missing, which are actually there. You obviously strongly dislike Hillary, which is fine, but don't deny reality.
fair enough. and you are 100% correct. you could say i hate her with a white hot passion of a thousand dying suns all yearing to be free in one final super nova that destroys several galaxies around her, but that's just drama talking. :)

again - i don't start off hating anyone. especially for their political views. but after decades of manipulation and at least *to me* her getting a different set of "laws" to play by (comey even said as much) to a large degree (at least many interpreted it as such and rightfully so) that gets to me.

as for what she is doing now - at least we agree it hurts her "responsibility claim" when she follows it up with excuses. there is zero denial she's doing that from what i understand. to me, this typifies her career - do what she wants and blame others for her actions.

she even tried to get powell into her e-mail mess by pointing to him.

that is a very strong character trait to me and to me, unforgivable when done time and time again. the only reason i see her taking ANY form of responsibility now is because of the overwhelming outcry of her always blaming others.

i just want her to say "that was my fault, i should not have done that" and shut up. when she does, i'll be glad to listen again and try to put away my own feelings about her and judge that action on it's own.

i just don't see it happening.
Look how the fake news covered for Hillary taking responsibility for the loss. Crazy! :)

you know you've pushed it too far when the Clinton News Network now rags on you. :)
which is why i'm not going to read all the bullshit she will make up to defend herself. it's been her hallmark of her career to make shit up to make her look good. it's as if she can't do it on her own.

she was also over an hour late to her own book signing.
Thats totally fine if you don't read it. But then it doesn't really qualify you to intellectually comment on it if you don't really know what you are talking about. You don't need to read the book, but at least seek out the full context of areas that you decide to engage in discussions about.
then i'm being a dumbass. you're more than welcome to move on if my uneducated opinion isn't valid to you. i'm ok with that.

my bad, or my good.

period. :)
I didn't say you were a dumbass or that you were uneducated, don't put words in my mouth. But if you are drawing opinions based on news clips then you are not getting the full story. Is that not true?

I"m trying to give you example of the things you are missing, which are actually there. You obviously strongly dislike Hillary, which is fine, but don't deny reality.

You call him uneducated, the pot calling the kettle black don't you think.
Nope. Just another complete misinterpretation on your part. You, on the other hand, I would absolutely call uneducated. This last post of yours proves it.

LOL how many times have you asked me for links to shit you don't know? :itsok:
I agree with you about the deplorable statement, about how she handled the email investigation, that Trump had much worse press than she did, and many many other things that she did wrong in the election. But that doesn't negate my point. She has stated that she messed up when she said that she was going to put coal miners out of work, to not campaign in Michigan and Wisconsin, she said that it was a bad idea to do the Wall Street speeches and she said that she should have recognized that it would cause a political firestorm, she recognized that she failed to related to the economic frustrations of voters and spoke to much of policy and not enough of the emotion.

She also address other REAL factors that played a big part in this election: Russia, Wikileaks, Comey, Bernie, the media etc etc etc. That is all fair stuff to talk about. Some people want to know her experience and viewpoints regarding that stuff. Its being painted like she is making petty excuses but those are simply petty attacks.

It sounds to me like you are criticizing her for not saying things that she IS saying. The fact that you are really listening to her or reading the book but simply reacting to critical news clips says a lot. Like her or not she is a large part of our history and this election will be remembered forever. Her book is a pretty detailed breakdown of what the experience was like and it covers many angles in a very transparent way. Many historians and people that don't have a personal distain for her will find it a valuable, fascinating, and insightful piece of writing.

i'm criticizing her for no other reason than she takes responsibility then shoves it elsewhere.

i've yet to see her say "my fault, i screwed up" and shut up.

let me know when that happens.
Thats a pretty unrealistic expectation from a politician. Would be nice though. You must really hate Trump then. Talk about taking zero responsibility. His motto is that that he doesn't apologize for anything.
i've not had to put up with trump for 20+ years in public office so i honestly didn't know much about him cause i found him annoying on his YOUR FIRED show. whatever that was.

but he won and this is his chance. it's more a pain to me see us divide up and talk of "civil war" because of how bad we collectively got to only have these 2 choices to begin with.

so if you want to compare trump to hillary - to me - see you in 20+ years if he is still around. i never started off hating her, quite the opposite. but as each "lie" came out (we were under sniper fire, i was named after the mt Everest guy... and so forth i just started liking her less and less. the more i did see and try to understand, the worse she got.

i'll give trump that same leeway. but either way i don't think he'll be an issue in 20 years to make this a valid comparison.
I didn't think Hillary was very trustworthy, it was one of my biggest critiques of hers. And I was actually a fan of Trumps before he entered the race and then the ugliness began. He may have already racked up the same amount of lies and dishonest statements in his first 7 months than Hillary has in her 20 years. IDK. I guess the threshold is up to you.
President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List

yep. those will eventually pile up and get on my nerves too. but much of this list is also opinion and simply citing lack of support, but not a flat out lie.

but that's an argument i won't get into.
I agree, there are some flat out lies but the majority of it is hyperbole. But coming from the POTUS that translates to misleading and manipulating the public. All politicians do it. None that i've seen does it to the level that Trump does it. I don't care who it is or what side of the aisle they are on, i will always call that shit out.
What Awesome News for the Democratic party and their 2020 Presidential Hopes:

HILLARY CLINTON: 'I have the experience, I have the insight, I have the scars...I'M NOT GOING ANYWHERE'

Defiant Hillary To Dems: ‘I’m Not Going Anywhere’

"Former secretary of state and twice-failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has a message for Democrats who want her to fade into the background: she’s not going anywhere.

Clinton made that clear in an interview promoting her book with NPR’s Rachel Martin, who asked Clinton if she has “reconciled that, that people might not want you around as the party steps forward?”

“Well, they don’t have to buy my book, and they can turn off the radio when they hear me talking. I’m not going anywhere,” Clinton said.

“I have the experience, I have the insight, I have the scars that I think give me not only the right, but the responsibility to speak out.

And a lot of people are already calling asking for my help and my support. I’ve started a new organization called 'Onward Together'."
- 'Onward'....sounds a lot like Barry's 'Forward', doesn't it? :p

So, to the utter disappointment of many snowflakes across the country - especially on this board - Hillary remains a current topic of conversation because she simply refuses to go away.

Everyone and everything else is to blame for her 2016 loss, her SECOND loss.
She will NOT go away
She IS the future of the Democratic Party.
2020 is HER TURN....AGAIN. (3rd time is the charm)...

....whether you like it or not (AGAIN)!

(You know, snowflakes, had Obama, his administration, and the media NOT protected her from indictment and prosecution your troubles would be over right now, you would be freed from Hillary, and you could finally be moving forward towards 2020 with your eye on fresher, younger, less criminal candidates....

...instead, sheeeeeeee's baaaaaaaaack! :p )
You haven't been paying very close attention have you. She has released many statements from her book that takes personal responsibility for the loss, opposers just like to focus on the finger pointing excuses.... but don't pretend like thats the whole story. She also said straight up that she is not going to run for office in 2020. Another false assumption in your OP. Nice try though.

Hillary Clinton will not run for president in 2020: Robert Wolf
you cant take responsibility with all the caveats shes listed. its one or the other, not both as that is just bitter bullshit.
Are you kidding? There are so many factors that are involved in presidential campaigns. There can be dozens of different reasons that effected the outcome of the election
yep. but if you want to be seen as responsible and taking accountability, you don't go list them and hide behind them while telling people you are accountable.

SERIOUSLY mixed message.
Oh my God! This couldn't be complicated could it, Dupe? She always says it's her responsibility she was the candidate she made mistakes. But she still would have won without Comey, Putin and lies lies lies...
Last edited:
It sounds like you miss the point completely. She was the first women nominated for POTUS in our countries history. Like her or not, that is historic and a big deal to many people. She also had more people vote for her than voted in Bush and more than voted for Trump. Thats a lot of people. Getting the inside scoop on the experience from her perspective is fascinating for many many people. I understand your annoyance since you are obviously not a fan, but you don't have to pretend that this is a sore loser money making scheme. You're smarted than that Ray. Look at the bigger picture here.

Her entire book is a collection of lies and BS, her twisted list of people and things she blames for her failures and scandals that REALLY cost her the 2016 election.

There is nothing that can be learned from Hillary Clinton's experience except for corruption, incompetence, criminal activity, self-serving acts, influence peddling, sexual deviant enabling, etc...

SERIOUSLY - there is NOTHING that can be learned. Her foreign policy and performance as Secretary of State is one of THE worst, if not THE worst, in US history. Her criminal scandal spans decades....though, she could teach classes on how to 'eliminate' witnesses and evidence, how to 'buy/bribe' the right people necessary to keep from being indicted for anything... :p

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