Great Question.Proposed Reparations In California.If It Goes Thru.Anyone Wanna Guess What Famous Restaurants Will Shut Down? Vital Jobs Vanish?

Could you imagine if Newsom became president and wanted to do this nation wide? Think inflation is bad now.
I think that‘s why he’s doing it - to buy the black vote nationwide if he runs for president. What he’s not realizing is that it will drive more whites away from him, but then again, what leftist these days care about whites?
"Assuming" as we all know whats being proposed in San Fran. OK, so all blacks get an annual check for 90K. So then what happens when we all go to our favorite fast food place? And what about restaurants in general? Imagine if this went State Wide? Blacks work many vital/important jobs that keep many small businesses running. We have to assume that most blacks will quit their jobs knowing they will get a huge 5 digit check every year. Yah, anyone wanna guess what restaurants will shut down soon? And if this goes thru, their goes the economy in California!
Hmmmm. Reparations to blacks of 90K annual, so they no longer need to work. Hmmmm, is this a move to replace blacks in lower paying jobs with more productive Hispanics?
Hmmmm. Reparations to blacks of 90K annual, so they no longer need to work. Hmmmm, is this a move to replace blacks in lower paying jobs with more productive Hispanics?
…..or the millions of migrants streaming across the Rio Grande?
…..or the millions of migrants streaming across the Rio Grande?
Hmmmm. (my favorite response, more and more) Could be forgiven for thinking the two somehow linked? Is there going to be a Republican arguing to build the border wall to protect the black population from the migrants, supplanting them? That would certainly be a new position for the Trump enthusiasts.
Hmmmm. (my favorite response, more and more) Could be forgiven for thinking the two somehow linked? Is there going to be a Republican arguing to build the border wall to protect the black population from the migrants, supplanting them? That would certainly be a new position for the Trump enthusiasts.
All it really is is Welfare On Steroids - the goal as stated by LBJ to “keep blacks voting for Dems for 200 years,” but magnified. Then, to sweeten the pot, that means the Dems will cry that we need migrants to do the jobs (that blacks are now being paid not to do), and voila! - in 20 years, a new group of dependents to vote for Dems.
BS just quit funding abortions and trans surgeries and give a stipend of a few hundred a month for 200 years it's nothing to us tax payers and its the right thing to do.
I agree with cutting funding, but not to pay people for troubles they never had to go through.
"Assuming" as we all know whats being proposed in San Fran. OK, so all blacks get an annual check for 90K. So then what happens when we all go to our favorite fast food place? And what about restaurants in general? Imagine if this went State Wide? Blacks work many vital/important jobs that keep many small businesses running. We have to assume that most blacks will quit their jobs knowing they will get a huge 5 digit check every year. Yah, anyone wanna guess what restaurants will shut down soon? And if this goes thru, their goes the economy in California!
Don't worry. There are plenty of Illegals in California. More than a shitload.

The Illegals will be serving Big Macs to the rich Negroes.
Yes and that proves how ignorant liberals are.
Irony is the brilliance the GOP think they have.

Task force member and state Sen. Steven Bradford, a Democrat representing South Los Angeles, told an audience at public meetings in Los Angeles over the weekend it would be a “major hurdle” to pass any reparations plan in the Legislature. “For a state that didn’t have slavery, don’t think they’re going to be quick to vote on this final product of this task force,” he said. “We need to stay unified, we need to be together. We aren’t always going to agree, but we have to put forth a unified front.”
It's a valid need for some people and you have no more right to exclude it than they have a right to exclude your priorities of paying your church 10% of your income.

In Canada the government works for all the people.

What topic are you addressing? If it's racism, as the title suggests, then there's no indication of progress in a positive direction. It is more like falling back to the 60's on account of Trump using racism as his politics.
What the heck are you going on about?

Are you trying to narrate my story and my own opinion of how I should want things to go?

I want to pay toward reparations not sex change surgery (that is not a need that is a want)

Don't tell me how I have to think.
I agree with cutting funding, but not to pay people for troubles they never had to go through.
I want to pay for it and recognize a crime that happened. The generational pain gets carried over, especially in mental illness.

I do not want my taxes toward sex changes for prisoners, I do support a reparations stipend of $200 a month for a certain length of years maybe 200.

It's the right thing to do. Id rather that than sex change operations which we are paying for.

It also helps with morale and unification. Believe me we need it.
There are no slaves still alive today. Slavery was horrible, but if it wasn't for their ancestors, they wouldn't live in the greatest country in the world. That in itself is enough. Why should I pay for mistakes made almost 200 years ago?

Let me see. The average annual wage in Africa is roughly $9,100.

In the United States the average annual wage for black is $51,584.

So, over a 40 year time period, these ancestors of slaves make nearly $1.7 million more than if they would have been left in Africa?

Wow! That’s a huge difference
I want to pay for it and recognize a crime that happened. The generational pain gets carried over, especially in mental illness.

I do not want my taxes toward sex changes for prisoners, I do support a reparations stipend of $200 a month for a certain length of years maybe 200.

It's the right thing to do. Id rather that than sex change operations which we are paying for.

It also helps with morale and unification. Believe me we need it.
We will have to agree to disagree on this one.
Let me see. The average annual wage in Africa is roughly $9,100.

In the United States the average annual wage for black is $51,584.

So, over a 40 year time period, these ancestors of slaves make nearly $1.7 million more than if they would have been left in Africa?

Wow! That’s a huge difference
Generations of emotional pain cast down on them and we owe it. God is watching.
Leave it to California .. the state is also proposing reparations as well. What problem does it solve? why are tax payers today paying for slavery that happened 150+ years ago? Will this disqualify individuals from government entitlements?
Generations of emotional pain cast down on them and we owe it. God is watching.

Nope, the victimhood mentality needs to stop.

To think that their ancestors pain contributed to $1.7 million more then they would have made in Africa is incredible.

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