Great Question.Proposed Reparations In California.If It Goes Thru.Anyone Wanna Guess What Famous Restaurants Will Shut Down? Vital Jobs Vanish?

why not give every asian a check for 90K a year? and maybe jews? italians? confused gendered people and short people.

yes.. why not give every woman a check? Women have traditionally through out the history of the world been marginalized.... or under the thumb of men.... so I have heard it argued by feminists.
They deserve reparations.
yes.. why not give every woman a check? Women have traditionally through out the history of the world been marginalized.... or under the thumb of men.... so I have heard it argued by feminists.
They deserve reparations.

let's not forget native American Indians !!!

They were here BEFORE the blacks and never got EBT cards, Nikes OR BMW's and free rent.
I fully expect Biden to announce an EO to do this nationwide.....
Just to mess with you.

But I can all but guarantee reparations of any significance will never happen.
let's not forget native American Indians !!!

They were here BEFORE the blacks and never got EBT cards, Nikes OR BMW's and free rent.

well, they do have Indian tribal casinos now here in California.... I think they will be taking a big cut out of those 90K checks !
what about aliens from mars? they need money too
We didn't rape and beat and enslave them, If Germany can pay it certainly America can lead the way to right a wrong from our end.

Don't be so scared and insecure. The fear is because you know what happened is wrong and the fear that the tables will turn is probably holding you back from doing the right thing. But a stipend of a few hundred a month is not going to collapse the Country. Trust me we waste money on all sorts of stuff.
You are at least hinting at solutions, but all your solutions are coming off of the back of the working class.

How about a bit more sincerity by suggesting the fix needs to come off of the backs of the very wealthy or the military?
Hey, I am a poor peasant but I do pay my taxes when I am employed. I want mine to go to reparations, I prayed about it and that's how I feel I don't want to pay for a prisoner to have gender surgery re-assignment.

Doesn't the government work for me and take orders from me the people?

I am not a fancy politician but if I have ideas at this level to pitch surely an educated politician knows a good way to resolve it and get the healing going. WTF AMERICA? Let's just lead the way to do the right thing like we eventually always do.
Hey, I am a poor peasant but I do pay my taxes when I am employed. I want mine to go to reparations, I prayed about it and that's how I feel I don't want to pay for a prisoner to have gender surgery re-assignment.
It's a valid need for some people and you have no more right to exclude it than they have a right to exclude your priorities of paying your church 10% of your income.
Doesn't the government work for me and take orders from me the people?
In Canada the government works for all the people.
I am not a fancy politician but if I have ideas at this level to pitch surely an educated politician knows a good way to resolve it and get the healing going. WTF AMERICA? Let's just lead the way to do the right thing like we eventually always do.
What topic are you addressing? If it's racism, as the title suggests, then there's no indication of progress in a positive direction. It is more like falling back to the 60's on account of Trump using racism as his politics.
California wants to give the ancestors of slave a 5 million dollar check and give them $90,000 a year for 200 years. Will bankrupt California.
The globalists using their minion slaves are purposely forcing spending on agendas that will do just that.
How did Germany do the reparations?

Maybe they need to find a way to do it without going bankrupt. How about cutting some programs for the liberals and using those funds to give a monthly stipend to those who are African American born for maybe 200 years?

We can cut a program studying whales that costs 2 billion and use that or cut some other program. I believe we need to honor our African Americans and acknowledge the pain and the wrongdoing in order to move forward. This way we can become stronger than ever and united.

We owe it and it's the right thing to do on a spiritual level.

If we can use taxpayer money to fund a prisoner's sex change, can't we cut the funding and give it to someone who deserves it?
Germany did the reparations by paying to direct survivors only - and a relatively small amount. Even those who suffered immensely - perhaps losing their mother, or sister, or grandmother to the concentration camps - did not get paid if they weren’t harmed directly by Hitler’s attack (if one considers having one’s family murdered not harmed).

Thus, any living slave should get paid.

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