Great quote on "christian nation"

eflat got an error. Hang my head in shame. :lol:

If you are telling us what Jesus "really" meant, then, yeah, I "haf" the right to have some fun with you.

eflat does not speak for Jesus. Shoot, have the time he does not know which of his personalities is writing here.

I see you've cracked the bottle already.

An ad hominem attack without addressing the issue at hand. Color me shocked...:eusa_whistle:
You have demonstrated no one who can think cares what you have to say.

Let's remember this fact: "he vast majority of those receiving benefits are children, the elderly, the disabled, and those suffering from a temporary incapacity."

Do you have a problem with that? [I do care what you think about this fact. It will tell us much about your character].
Having spent the first 20 years of my professional career supervising government public assistant programs...

Well, we're all interested in what the bureaucrat has to say...:eusa_hand:
But we, as the good Catholic pedagogues taught us, use you as a whipping boy for illustrating the good by exposting the bad. Now answer the question you excised (look up the word, if you must.

Let's remember this fact: "the vast majority of those receiving benefits are children, the elderly, the disabled, and those suffering from a temporary incapacity."

Do you have a problem with that? [I do care what you think about this fact. It will tell us much about your character].

You have demonstrated no one who can think cares what you have to say.

Excellent! Then I can look forward to finding my way into your ignore list.

Off you go.
Because it is up to the Christian to "Love the Poor and Serve the Needy" not the Government.
Don't Remember Jesus telling the Romans to "Love the Poor and Serve the Needy"
it behooves me that in this day and age people HATE HATE this country. this country can never do enough for certain people.
Far from great. Complete and utter bullshit...sure.

First, this nation does help the poor. We're incredibly generous and charitable. As a result the poorest Americans are comparatively rich.

Whatever Jesus said about helping the needy, he was speaking of charity, not theft and redistribution. It's one thing to give to the poor of your own accord. That's charity. It's quite another to take from some and give to others. That's theft...I'm pretty sure the rabbi Jesus espoused "thou shall not steal".

Is there anything you collectivists won't twist into your some version of socialism? Just pathetic.


Christians always come up with the quibbles about redistribution etc when asked why they don't follow Jesus' teachings.

They prefer the DON'Ts to the DOs.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
You set an incredibly low hurdle for yourself, don't you? You're using the word "help" fundamentally differently than I am.

You're using "help" to mean, is there any transactional benefit at all no matter how short term and counter productive it is?

I'm using "help to mean, are they actually providing a meaningful, overall positive benefit?

The poor need opportunity, not handouts. And they need jobs which are lost to high taxes sucking money out of the economy to fund our out of control government spending. Food stamps are a wasteful, zero accountability program. But they provide someone with a meal, then that person either needs another hand out the next one or all they got was a meal.

If there is government charity, it should be as a last resort, not the first. And charity should be at the local level, not federal. But that's only if you care about actually helping them in a meaningful way which doesn't just foster dependency.

Dependency is based on the individual and what level they're willing to stoop to. People with no self-pride will have zero issues with doing it all their life, so providing opportunity won't make any difference in those cases.

Living off of Gov't benefits isn't a lifestyle that most would aim for, because frankly it sucks, but it's better than starving.

Besides, aren't there private charitable organizations out there now?
This is why there should be sever limits on receiving assistance.

If the person is so unmotivated that they don't want to get off of assistance, I know of a motivation that will.

It is called hunger, and it can move mountains.

Quick question............what about military retirees who are able to live on their pensions who decide that it's easier to be retired and pursue interests they've never had the chance to do before? Are they "bums" as well for receiving a government check for the rest of their life and being content with that?
Jesus said that it's easier for a camel to pass thru the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter heaven.

The rich men paid to have the camel put in a blender and then injected by syringe thru a needle eye.

(Thanks to Eddie Izzard)
Jesus said that it's easier for a camel to pass thru the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter heaven.

The rich men paid to have the camel put in a blender and then injected by syringe thru a needle eye.

(Thanks to Eddie Izzard)

Does that mean we can put all the rich dudes in a blender and syringe them through a needle eye on their way to Heaven?
Liddy was, is, and always will be a criminal with such a person's intent.

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