Greatest economy in US history!

Totally disagree. The folks I know that voted for DJT literally believe everything he says. The interviews I have seen on TV and heard on the radio, folks bend themselves into the most ridiculous logic pretzels to justify and believe what he says and does.

I've come across a few people who are willing to say something like this: "Yes, I know he's a clown and a buffoon. I realize he's a national and international embarrassment. I know I can't believe a word he says. I often cringe at his words and tweets. I know that virtually everything he says and does and tweets is to please talk radio and his base. But you know what? I don't care. I agree with him on the issues and I love to see people I hate being so pissed off. So tough shit".

Y'know, I can actually (and grudgingly) respect that. At least they're being honest.

But these people who claim to see nothing wrong, who spin about economy like a top, who absolutely refuse to admit the screamingly obvious, who buy into whatever he says because they're nothing more than obedient sheep? No, not so much.
Trump on Twitter this morning, regarding being behind Biden in a Fox poll:

....the fact that I have gone through a three year vicious Witch Hunt, perpetrated by the Lamestream Media in Collusion with Crooked and the Democrat Party, there can be NO WAY, with the greatest Economy in U.S. history, that I can be losing to the Sleepy One. KEEP AMERICA GREAT!

... on the morning a 2.1% GDP is announced, we've exploded the deficit in a non-recessionary period, and the Fed is standing by to support a flagging economy by dropping interest rates.

I dunno, folks. Trump supporters, in all seriousness, what goes through your mind when your President calls this "the greatest economy in US history"?


It is the greatest economy ever, during an imploding ponzi scheme and an invasion.
I'm not even sure they realize he's lying. The alternate universe is simply running with its own facts and figures and reality. So many of them agree with him. That's the disturbing part.
I never believe any administration's pronouncements about the economy. Whoever said it's "lies, damned lies and statistics" got it right. I go by what is happening in my neck of the woods. Obama's administration was pushing some real bullshit, too, for awhile there.
If Trump supporters are seeing an improvement in their job prospects or businesses springing up in their towns, that's why they probably think things are better. Looking around the corner at what some of this economic fiddling may cause tomorrow isn't a strength for most of us. Economics might as well be ancient Etruscan, as far as most Americans go.
Presidents always get too much credit and too much blame for the economy. There are so many variables and influences involved that all we can do is analyze data piece by piece. Since this stuff is my profession, I know this is a day-by-day, hour-by-hour thing.

Of course, partisans make it a binary issue. Partisans aren't to be taken seriously.
Trump is forcing Trickle Down to work.

'Forcing Trickle Down to work' is a meaningless statement. The results of trickle down and supply-side economics take time. Reagan tried it with increased spending and tripled the debt, which more likely ended the recession.

For an example of "trickle-down" economics see Kansas.
Which cities in Kansas?
I don’t generalize.
Trump on Twitter this morning, regarding being behind Biden in a Fox poll:

....the fact that I have gone through a three year vicious Witch Hunt, perpetrated by the Lamestream Media in Collusion with Crooked and the Democrat Party, there can be NO WAY, with the greatest Economy in U.S. history, that I can be losing to the Sleepy One. KEEP AMERICA GREAT!

... on the morning a 2.1% GDP is announced, we've exploded the deficit in a non-recessionary period, and the Fed is standing by to support a flagging economy by dropping interest rates.

I dunno, folks. Trump supporters, in all seriousness, what goes through your mind when your President calls this "the greatest economy in US history"?


Can you name a time with more people at work, and a higher stock market?
I'd get cranky too if I was constantly asked to explain someones lies.
I'm not even sure they realize he's lying. The alternate universe is simply running with its own facts and figures and reality. So many of them agree with him. That's the disturbing part.
I never believe any administration's pronouncements about the economy. Whoever said it's "lies, damned lies and statistics" got it right. I go by what is happening in my neck of the woods. Obama's administration was pushing some real bullshit, too, for awhile there.
If Trump supporters are seeing an improvement in their job prospects or businesses springing up in their towns, that's why they probably think things are better. Looking around the corner at what some of this economic fiddling may cause tomorrow isn't a strength for most of us. Economics might as well be ancient Etruscan, as far as most Americans go.
Presidents always get too much credit and too much blame for the economy. There are so many variables and influences involved that all we can do is analyze data piece by piece. Since this stuff is my profession, I know this is a day-by-day, hour-by-hour thing.

Of course, partisans make it a binary issue. Partisans aren't to be taken seriously.
Trump is forcing Trickle Down to work.

'Forcing Trickle Down to work' is a meaningless statement. The results of trickle down and supply-side economics take time. Reagan tried it with increased spending and tripled the debt, which more likely ended the recession.

Trickle down never works in a positive way for an economy.

Yes Reagan did it, it caused a recession so bad that it was the worst since the last republican Great Depression. He had to increase taxes and spend like there was no tomorrow to get us out of that horrible economy he created in 1982.

The first bush continued the supply side economics and it nearly collapsed the economy.

Clinton cleaned up the mess.

The bush boy brought the same supply side economics back and it did collapse the economy.

Obama cleaned the mess up.

Now trump has taken us back to supply side and it will collapse the economy.

When you decrease taxes on the rich and big business while they make billions, keep wages low on everyone else, spend like there's no tomorrow, remove regulations on business and Wall Street you have the prescription for disaster. We've been through it too many times. I wish we could get off that rollercoaster.
Huge deficits and slow growth. What a success.

But the left keeps saying that was great under Ears. Lol
It’s expected during a recession. Trump inherited a strong economy and decreasing deficits.

Trump inherited a weak and aging upswing, and reinvigorated it.

THe increase in wages for the lower income workers, is especially impressive.

I don't know that hte deficits were dropping, but yes, them rising is a fair point.
Give these wage numbers. Every wage report historically very low given unemployment. Stop making shit up.

I consider this to be huge. It is telling that these people are the ones that have been the strongest portion of Trump's base, ie the "less educated". It seems despite their lack of education, they could figure out who was actually going to look out for their interests.

Low-Income Workers See Long-Awaited Wage Gains

"The lowest-paid Americans saw weekly earnings grow more than 5% in the second quarter from a year earlier, more than the national median gain of 1.7% for all workers, according to a quarterly survey of households produced by the Labor Department. Workers with less than a high-school diploma saw their wages grow almost 6%, and younger workers’ pay grew almost 3%.

“In a recession they are often the first to be laid off, and in the recovery they can be the last to be rehired,” said Harry Holzer, professor of public policy at Georgetown University. “It means they are the ones who benefit particularly in the current labor market.” "
Might this have anything to do with minimum wage going up in so many places?
Trump on Twitter this morning, regarding being behind Biden in a Fox poll:

....the fact that I have gone through a three year vicious Witch Hunt, perpetrated by the Lamestream Media in Collusion with Crooked and the Democrat Party, there can be NO WAY, with the greatest Economy in U.S. history, that I can be losing to the Sleepy One. KEEP AMERICA GREAT!

... on the morning a 2.1% GDP is announced, we've exploded the deficit in a non-recessionary period, and the Fed is standing by to support a flagging economy by dropping interest rates.

I dunno, folks. Trump supporters, in all seriousness, what goes through your mind when your President calls this "the greatest economy in US history"?


Can you name a time with more people at work, and a higher stock market?
No. Of course, we have a larger population than ever, that rate is not the economy, and the stock market is not the economy.

I'll assume you believe Trump. Thanks.
I never believe any administration's pronouncements about the economy. Whoever said it's "lies, damned lies and statistics" got it right. I go by what is happening in my neck of the woods. Obama's administration was pushing some real bullshit, too, for awhile there.
If Trump supporters are seeing an improvement in their job prospects or businesses springing up in their towns, that's why they probably think things are better. Looking around the corner at what some of this economic fiddling may cause tomorrow isn't a strength for most of us. Economics might as well be ancient Etruscan, as far as most Americans go.
Presidents always get too much credit and too much blame for the economy. There are so many variables and influences involved that all we can do is analyze data piece by piece. Since this stuff is my profession, I know this is a day-by-day, hour-by-hour thing.

Of course, partisans make it a binary issue. Partisans aren't to be taken seriously.
Trump is forcing Trickle Down to work.

'Forcing Trickle Down to work' is a meaningless statement. The results of trickle down and supply-side economics take time. Reagan tried it with increased spending and tripled the debt, which more likely ended the recession.

For an example of "trickle-down" economics see Kansas.
Which cities in Kansas?
I don’t generalize.

It would be the State of Kansas experiment in trickle down economics under governor brownback. As stated by the governor since you don’t do general.
I'm not even sure they realize he's lying. The alternate universe is simply running with its own facts and figures and reality. So many of them agree with him. That's the disturbing part.
I never believe any administration's pronouncements about the economy. Whoever said it's "lies, damned lies and statistics" got it right. I go by what is happening in my neck of the woods. Obama's administration was pushing some real bullshit, too, for awhile there.
If Trump supporters are seeing an improvement in their job prospects or businesses springing up in their towns, that's why they probably think things are better. Looking around the corner at what some of this economic fiddling may cause tomorrow isn't a strength for most of us. Economics might as well be ancient Etruscan, as far as most Americans go.
Presidents always get too much credit and too much blame for the economy. There are so many variables and influences involved that all we can do is analyze data piece by piece. Since this stuff is my profession, I know this is a day-by-day, hour-by-hour thing.

Of course, partisans make it a binary issue. Partisans aren't to be taken seriously.
Trump is forcing Trickle Down to work.

'Forcing Trickle Down to work' is a meaningless statement. The results of trickle down and supply-side economics take time. Reagan tried it with increased spending and tripled the debt, which more likely ended the recession.
Reagan encouraged off-shoring and business visas.
But you already knew that; unless you’re 10 years old.

Yes he did. It was to Japan at the time.

Low taxes on high wages and unearned income plus tax loopholes for moving, started the rush of jobs to leave America.

When taxes are high on high wages and unearned income big business doesn't take our jobs to other parts of the world.

Business isn't looking for the cheapest labor if they know they will end up paying 70% of that to the government in taxes. When unearned income is taxed at a higher rate stockholders don't demand such high returns in a short time causing business to find ways to increase stockholder returns.

High taxes on high wages and unearned income were never established to actually collect that money. It was there to protect the nation, our jobs and economy.

When greed is kept in check, everyone benefits.
Huge deficits and slow growth. What a success.

But the left keeps saying that was great under Ears. Lol
It’s expected during a recession. Trump inherited a strong economy and decreasing deficits.

You just disqualified yourself. Trump in no way inherited a strong economy. Not true whatsoever

Okay, how many consecutive months of positive job growth did the Grifter inherit?

Did he inherit positive GDP growth or negative?

Did he inherit rising or declining unemployment?

Answer those.
Let’s see...
Everybody was serving food for $9.00/hr.
Gee...what a great economy.
Do you serve food for $9.00/hour

Of course, construction was dead.
Nassau County was a ghost town.

Any other out of context bullshit you’d care to post?
Presidents always get too much credit and too much blame for the economy. There are so many variables and influences involved that all we can do is analyze data piece by piece. Since this stuff is my profession, I know this is a day-by-day, hour-by-hour thing.

Of course, partisans make it a binary issue. Partisans aren't to be taken seriously.
Trump is forcing Trickle Down to work.

'Forcing Trickle Down to work' is a meaningless statement. The results of trickle down and supply-side economics take time. Reagan tried it with increased spending and tripled the debt, which more likely ended the recession.

For an example of "trickle-down" economics see Kansas.
Which cities in Kansas?
I don’t generalize.

It would be the State of Kansas experiment in trickle down economics under governor brownback. As stated by the governor since you don’t do general.
Shall I compare Montecello to Buffalo? Albany? NYC?
Huge deficits and slow growth. What a success.

But the left keeps saying that was great under Ears. Lol
It’s expected during a recession. Trump inherited a strong economy and decreasing deficits.

You just disqualified yourself. Trump in no way inherited a strong economy. Not true whatsoever

Okay, how many consecutive months of positive job growth did the Grifter inherit?

Did he inherit positive GDP growth or negative?

Did he inherit rising or declining unemployment?

Answer those.
Let’s see...
Everybody was serving food for $9.00/hr.
Gee...what a great economy.
Do you serve food for $9.00/hour

Of course, construction was dead.
Nassau County was a ghost town.

Any other out of context bullshit you’d care to post?

Just answer the questions and stop deflecting.
I never believe any administration's pronouncements about the economy. Whoever said it's "lies, damned lies and statistics" got it right. I go by what is happening in my neck of the woods. Obama's administration was pushing some real bullshit, too, for awhile there.
If Trump supporters are seeing an improvement in their job prospects or businesses springing up in their towns, that's why they probably think things are better. Looking around the corner at what some of this economic fiddling may cause tomorrow isn't a strength for most of us. Economics might as well be ancient Etruscan, as far as most Americans go.
Presidents always get too much credit and too much blame for the economy. There are so many variables and influences involved that all we can do is analyze data piece by piece. Since this stuff is my profession, I know this is a day-by-day, hour-by-hour thing.

Of course, partisans make it a binary issue. Partisans aren't to be taken seriously.
Trump is forcing Trickle Down to work.

'Forcing Trickle Down to work' is a meaningless statement. The results of trickle down and supply-side economics take time. Reagan tried it with increased spending and tripled the debt, which more likely ended the recession.
Reagan encouraged off-shoring and business visas.
But you already knew that; unless you’re 10 years old.

Yes he did. It was to Japan at the time.

Low taxes on high wages and unearned income plus tax loopholes for moving, started the rush of jobs to leave America.

When taxes are high on high wages and unearned income big business doesn't take our jobs to other parts of the world.

Business isn't looking for the cheapest labor if they know they will end up paying 70% of that to the government in taxes. When unearned income is taxed at a higher rate stockholders don't demand such high returns in a short time causing business to find ways to increase stockholder returns.

High taxes on high wages and unearned income were never established to actually collect that money. It was there to protect the nation, our jobs and economy.

When greed is kept in check, everyone benefits.
Back in the day Japan was relatively cheap, but Reagan was more interested in Mexico.
Reagan was a scumbag.
But the left keeps saying that was great under Ears. Lol
It’s expected during a recession. Trump inherited a strong economy and decreasing deficits.

You just disqualified yourself. Trump in no way inherited a strong economy. Not true whatsoever

Okay, how many consecutive months of positive job growth did the Grifter inherit?

Did he inherit positive GDP growth or negative?

Did he inherit rising or declining unemployment?

Answer those.
Let’s see...
Everybody was serving food for $9.00/hr.
Gee...what a great economy.
Do you serve food for $9.00/hour

Of course, construction was dead.
Nassau County was a ghost town.

Any other out of context bullshit you’d care to post?

Just answer the questions and stop deflecting.
I’m not reflecting; you’re generalizing.
Every state has remote areas and areas run by Ds that are shitholes.
You’re trying to convince me that NY & CA have no R strongholds?
You’d be quite incorrect.
Just because you live in an area that doesn’t attract business doesn’t mean that’s true of your entire state.
But the left keeps saying that was great under Ears. Lol
It’s expected during a recession. Trump inherited a strong economy and decreasing deficits.

Trump inherited a weak and aging upswing, and reinvigorated it.

THe increase in wages for the lower income workers, is especially impressive.

I don't know that hte deficits were dropping, but yes, them rising is a fair point.
Give these wage numbers. Every wage report historically very low given unemployment. Stop making shit up.

I consider this to be huge. It is telling that these people are the ones that have been the strongest portion of Trump's base, ie the "less educated". It seems despite their lack of education, they could figure out who was actually going to look out for their interests.

Low-Income Workers See Long-Awaited Wage Gains

"The lowest-paid Americans saw weekly earnings grow more than 5% in the second quarter from a year earlier, more than the national median gain of 1.7% for all workers, according to a quarterly survey of households produced by the Labor Department. Workers with less than a high-school diploma saw their wages grow almost 6%, and younger workers’ pay grew almost 3%.

“In a recession they are often the first to be laid off, and in the recovery they can be the last to be rehired,” said Harry Holzer, professor of public policy at Georgetown University. “It means they are the ones who benefit particularly in the current labor market.” "
Might this have anything to do with minimum wage going up in so many places?

Trump is forcing Trickle Down to work.

'Forcing Trickle Down to work' is a meaningless statement. The results of trickle down and supply-side economics take time. Reagan tried it with increased spending and tripled the debt, which more likely ended the recession.

For an example of "trickle-down" economics see Kansas.
Which cities in Kansas?
I don’t generalize.

It would be the State of Kansas experiment in trickle down economics under governor brownback. As stated by the governor since you don’t do general.
Shall I compare Montecello to Buffalo? Albany? NYC?

The question was in regard to Kansas. Can you not answer that?
'Forcing Trickle Down to work' is a meaningless statement. The results of trickle down and supply-side economics take time. Reagan tried it with increased spending and tripled the debt, which more likely ended the recession.

For an example of "trickle-down" economics see Kansas.
Which cities in Kansas?
I don’t generalize.

It would be the State of Kansas experiment in trickle down economics under governor brownback. As stated by the governor since you don’t do general.
Shall I compare Montecello to Buffalo? Albany? NYC?

The question was in regard to Kansas. Can you not answer that?
You mean Kansas City?
It’s expected during a recession. Trump inherited a strong economy and decreasing deficits.

You just disqualified yourself. Trump in no way inherited a strong economy. Not true whatsoever

Okay, how many consecutive months of positive job growth did the Grifter inherit?

Did he inherit positive GDP growth or negative?

Did he inherit rising or declining unemployment?

Answer those.
Let’s see...
Everybody was serving food for $9.00/hr.
Gee...what a great economy.
Do you serve food for $9.00/hour

Of course, construction was dead.
Nassau County was a ghost town.

Any other out of context bullshit you’d care to post?

Just answer the questions and stop deflecting.
I’m not reflecting; you’re generalizing.
Every state has remote areas and areas run by Ds that are shitholes.
You’re trying to convince me that NY & CA have no R strongholds?
You’d be quite incorrect.
Just because you live in an area that doesn’t attract business doesn’t mean that’s true of your entire state.

I’m putting you down as not responsive douchebag.
Totally disagree. The folks I know that voted for DJT literally believe everything he says. The interviews I have seen on TV and heard on the radio, folks bend themselves into the most ridiculous logic pretzels to justify and believe what he says and does.

I've come across a few people who are willing to say something like this: "Yes, I know he's a clown and a buffoon. I realize he's a national and international embarrassment. I know I can't believe a word he says. I often cringe at his words and tweets. I know that virtually everything he says and does and tweets is to please talk radio and his base. But you know what? I don't care. I agree with him on the issues and I love to see people I hate being so pissed off. So tough shit".

Y'know, I can actually (and grudgingly) respect that. At least they're being honest.

But these people who claim to see nothing wrong, who spin about economy like a top, who absolutely refuse to admit the screamingly obvious, who buy into whatever he says because they're nothing more than obedient sheep? No, not so much.

Even worse, the latest go-to move in Cult45 is concern trolling and failing that, simply playing stupid. It's desperation, but harmless to anyone but themselves.
You just disqualified yourself. Trump in no way inherited a strong economy. Not true whatsoever

Okay, how many consecutive months of positive job growth did the Grifter inherit?

Did he inherit positive GDP growth or negative?

Did he inherit rising or declining unemployment?

Answer those.
Let’s see...
Everybody was serving food for $9.00/hr.
Gee...what a great economy.
Do you serve food for $9.00/hour

Of course, construction was dead.
Nassau County was a ghost town.

Any other out of context bullshit you’d care to post?

Just answer the questions and stop deflecting.
I’m not reflecting; you’re generalizing.
Every state has remote areas and areas run by Ds that are shitholes.
You’re trying to convince me that NY & CA have no R strongholds?
You’d be quite incorrect.
Just because you live in an area that doesn’t attract business doesn’t mean that’s true of your entire state.

I’m putting you down as not responsive douchebag.
What city and state do you live in?
Stop the generalizing BS.

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