Greatest thread to human civilization : capitalist greed - Stephen Hawkin

Child labor? Unsafe working conditions?

100% stupid liberal asks the same question 1000 times because he's too stupid to remember the answer.

1001st: capitalism ended child labor as it made parents rich enough to support their children.

capitalism ended unsafe work conditions as it made owners rich enough to pay cost of better working conditions

Slavery was ended by the GOVERNMENT amending the Constitution after a civil war.

Child labor was ended by GOVERNMENT legislation.

Unsafe working conditions were and are alleviated by GOVERNMENT legislation.

All done with conservatives fighting against it every step of the way.
Why do Republicans hate "infrastructure"?? LOL

Does this have anything to do with Josh Duggar?

Good question, I don't know, but you may. Why did you oppose the 2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act?

Not Josh Dugger, likely John Galt.

You mean Obama's Failed Stimulus?

Because it was pork laden and served it's one and only purpose: Boost the spending baseline.

Barack "Not So Shovel Ready" Obama. $700 BILLION out the window and he thinks its funny

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Here's the breakdown ^^^

Here's the vote in 2009
H.R. 1 (111th): American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 -- House Vote #46 -- Jan 28, 2009

Remember, when this passed we were losing 800,000 jobs a month, during Obama's first month in office.
Slavery was ended by the GOVERNMENT.

Yes, with 500,000 dead,*( 10 times Vietnam when the population was 10% of America's during Vietnam) 200,000 blacks starved to death after the war, 100 years of jim crow, and so far 50 years of hip hop madness. How is that for Nazi rapid change? A capitalist boycott would have ended slavery with no deaths! Now does the perfect idiot liberal understand the benefit of conservative slow change?
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Slavery was ended by the GOVERNMENT.

Yes, with 500,000 dead, 200,000 blacks starved to death after the war, 100 years of jim crow, and so far 50 years of hip hop madness. How is that for Nazi rapid change? A capitalist boycott would have ended slavery with no deaths! Now does the perfect idiot liberal understand the benefit of conservative slow change?

There was no capitalist boycott. You just demolished your own position.

lol, big surprise.

100% stupid and liberal!!! for the 1000th time you can't drain one end of the pool , use the water to fill the other end ,and expect the water level to go up.

If that worked you idiot liberal economics would be over and we'd never worry about recessions or depression again!!

Now do you understand??

I understand you're full of shit and too dumb to know it. We live in a consumer driven society, low wages mean reduced commerce; no wages result in closures on main st. and foreclosures in neighborhoods.
Socialism has saved civilization. Socialism has reined in capitalism. That had to be done.

How did socialism save civilization? Precisely the opposite is the case.

Socialism provides for the common good that capitalism has no interest in.

Capitalism provides for the common good. Your problem with it doing so it that someone might get rich doing it and you can't have that.

Do you consider Social Security as providing for the common good?

Capitalism restrained by the GOVERNMENT provides for the common good. Make all taxes voluntary and see what happens.
The insurance companies collect money from many people and pay it out to those in need. Did you ever hear anything more socialistic?

100% stupid since insurance is competitive. If you don't do it well you go bankrupt according to the rules of capitalism. Govt is a monopoly , it has no competition so there is no incentive to do things well, cheaply, or efficiently. Now you know why 120 million slowly starved to death in the USSR and Red China.

Do you understand why we are positive that liberalism is based in pure and deadly ignorance?

California is the most liberal state in the Union and its economy is twice the size of the next closest state, Texas. Not bad for a bunch of liberals eh.

And California did go into debt during the Bush Great Recession like many states did but California is now running a 5 billion dollar surplus and is well on its way back, as are many states. We all survived the 2008 Republican recession.

And those liberals in Hollywood make some great movies yes? Or do cons not watch 'liberal' movies? lol Where is the con movie industry? You'd think Mel Gibson and Rupert Murdoch would have started a con movie industry to offset Hollywood. Or is it that conservative movies have no market.

Ahhhh, the capitalist market, it does work doesn't it.

Yeah, given the fact that every aspect of that California economy is only due to Capitalism.
Protection doesn't include exports because of the definition of protection, nimrod. Who does limiting exports "protect?"
I'm referring to the trade restriction on exporting crude oil. This policy benefits US refiners and is part of our energy and national security policy. It's a very significant player when it comes to the price of energy. Our strategic oil reserves play roles from national security to currency here in the U.S.

How does restricting oil exports benefit U.S. refineries?
This promotes localizing refinement of our oil to the United States in the first place. There's always going to be competition for U.S. refiners, but there's always going to be a market. Essentially this makes BP a US refinery when they want to exploit our resources. Before this Rabbi guy got all crazy, I made the point that consumer economies (of which energy we are) favor contrary trade policy to export driven economies.

First off, if everything you said was true, then all of the major US based oil companies wouldn't be calling for the oil export ban to be lifted.

Second, exporting oil, would bring money back into the US economy. Everyone screams about how the Saudis are rich off of us buying their oil. Why should we not get rich off selling our own oil?

Third, many of our refineries are foreign owned. So protecting refineries that are sending money back to their own countries anyway, isn't very compelling to me.
This isn't how nearly any of this works. It has been around for decades, so there's math they'll do regarding how much their infrastructure and sales is in the US as far as how much they support it. There are winners like domestically established multinationals and native oil producers, refiners and retailers. Especially if you do all 3.

Secondly, oil contributes more to our economy through its use, that's why we buy and produce so much. You should see Saudi Arabia and how we're making money out there on them selling us, europe and asia all their oil. It's all sold on exchanges we set up and our engineering firms dominate aramco's contracts.

Third, if multinationals have to set up shop here, we win. If you work for Royal Dutch Shell at a plant in Alabama or the top floor of their US headquarters, how do they send your paycheck back to their own country? If they made decent profit, wouldn't it stand to reason they'll invest further here?

By that logic, then Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, should all be banning the export of oil, so that it will benefit their economies more than ours.

By that logic, the sanctions against Iran oil, should have caused them to have an economic boom.

We don't see that.

And while your claim is completely fine, the reality doesn't seem to fit.

We've had this ban on oil exports for 40 years. During that time, have more refineries opened up, or fewer?

Ownership of U.S. petroleum refineries has changed significantly since 2000 - Today in Energy - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

We've had fewer. Not more.

For almost 40 years, not a single new oil refinery opened, and 3 major ones closed.

When was the last refinery built in the United States? - FAQ - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

The last significant refinery built in the US, was in 1976, during the time this ban on exports was created.

Do you see a problem between your claim, and the reality? By your logic, we should have seen more and more large oil refineries built after the export ban. Instead, the last time a large refinery was built, was before the ban.

Further, we see that companies are divesting of oil refineries, not investing.

Ownership of U.S. petroleum refineries has changed significantly since 2000 - Today in Energy - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

Marathon and ConocoPhilips, have both divested, spinning off their refining operations into separate companies.

BP and Chevron have drastically cut their refining capacity. Total, Exxon, and Acces Industries, have all had reductions in their refining ability.

Meanwhile, foreign companies are snapping up domestic refineries. Shell (netherlands), PMI Norteamerica (Mexico), Motiva (Saudi), Suncor (Canada).

Well that's lovely. Instead of investing into America, we're selling off America. Good thing we have a ban on exports. That sure solved everything.

Now don't get me wrong.... I am not saying that the ban on oil exports did all that. But you can't tell me that banning exports would prevent all that, because clearly it didn't.

100% stupid and liberal!!! for the 1000th time you can't drain one end of the pool , use the water to fill the other end ,and expect the water level to go up.

If that worked you idiot liberal economics would be over and we'd never worry about recessions or depression again!!

Now do you understand??

I understand you're full of shit and too dumb to know it. We live in a consumer driven society, low wages mean reduced commerce; no wages result in closures on main st. and foreclosures in neighborhoods.

Then explain the rise of China and India. They had wages that were a tiny fraction of the wages you call low.

They don't seem to have closures all over main st, and foreclosures in neighborhoods. In fact, people are claiming they are going to take over the world economy.

How does that fit with your myth?
You must have an example where slavery is still legal but doesn't exist because the capitalists gave it up.

total 100% idiot liberal !!!!how could it be legal but not exist???????????????????????? The point is a boycott could have ended slavery without killing 500,000 in war and 200,000 thereafter.

100% stupid and liberal!!! for the 1000th time you can't drain one end of the pool , use the water to fill the other end ,and expect the water level to go up.

If that worked you idiot liberal economics would be over and we'd never worry about recessions or depression again!!

Now do you understand??

I understand you're full of shit and too dumb to know it. We live in a consumer driven society, low wages mean reduced commerce; no wages result in closures on main st. and foreclosures in neighborhoods.

Then explain the rise of China and India. They had wages that were a tiny fraction of the wages you call low.

They don't seem to have closures all over main st, and foreclosures in neighborhoods. In fact, people are claiming they are going to take over the world economy.

How does that fit with your myth?

My myth? Our culture is much different than those in India and China. I've never been to either, I have traveled in Western Europe, South American, Central America, the Caribbean, Mexico and Canada. So most of my personal experience is within cultures much different than those in Asia. I've seen abject poverty in my travels, nothing in the States compares to what I've seen in other countries. We can thank the New Deal for that.

I've also traveled to most States, missing only the Dakotas, New Mexico, Alabama and Maine in the lower 48, and Alaska and Hawaii.
BTW Andy L, compare our form of Capitalism with that practiced by China and India.
Shall we compare how well the poor, working and not, exist in America vis a vis India or China?

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