Greece tells banking cartel STICK IT

Headlines the last couple days, "Greece in talks with Russia", "Russia, China and other nations form new world bank", "Greece could leave Nato".

As I said, all the bad players around the world are watching. A vacuum in politics is quickly filled and the Eurozone and Nato better get this figured out, there is a lot more at stake than an economy that is about the same size as Miami or Seattle.

Predatory lending is shifting the balance of economic power to nations we'd rather didn't have it.

You dimbos that want to compare Greece to lending your uncle money, you see the difference now?
You're a dumbass.
Russia has no money. They cant bail Greece out, much less keep them supplied with a flow of funds. Check the Chinese stock markets today--total freefall. They have their own problems.
There was no predatory lending. There was predatory borrowing. And now the Greeks have been caught up in it. Best thing for Europe is to flush those socialist turds down the toilet of history and let them figure it out for themselves.

Ah yes, the naïve speak. You must be a supporter of Ronald The Socialist Raygun.

Prolonged exposure to con-talk-radio and Faux News will turn your mind to extremely mallable mush. Et tu Brute?
So you cannot answer any of my points or defend your own views.
This is typical. You're a waste of bandwidth.

Nah, you are just one angry frother. You poor thing, you think you have coherence but you don't.

Conservatives don't understand economics, going all the way back to Raygun. They never have and never will.
You are incapable of argumentation. That is clear. When challenged you deflect and call people names. It is pitiful watching you try to defend socialism. A real pretzel show.
Headlines the last couple days, "Greece in talks with Russia", "Russia, China and other nations form new world bank", "Greece could leave Nato".

As I said, all the bad players around the world are watching. A vacuum in politics is quickly filled and the Eurozone and Nato better get this figured out, there is a lot more at stake than an economy that is about the same size as Miami or Seattle.

Predatory lending is shifting the balance of economic power to nations we'd rather didn't have it.

You dimbos that want to compare Greece to lending your uncle money, you see the difference now?
You're a dumbass.
Russia has no money. They cant bail Greece out, much less keep them supplied with a flow of funds. Check the Chinese stock markets today--total freefall. They have their own problems.
There was no predatory lending. There was predatory borrowing. And now the Greeks have been caught up in it. Best thing for Europe is to flush those socialist turds down the toilet of history and let them figure it out for themselves.

Ah yes, the naïve speak. You must be a supporter of Ronald The Socialist Raygun.

Prolonged exposure to con-talk-radio and Faux News will turn your mind to extremely mallable mush. Et tu Brute?
So you cannot answer any of my points or defend your own views.
This is typical. You're a waste of bandwidth.

Nah, you are just one angry frother. You poor thing, you think you have coherence but you don't.

Conservatives don't understand economics, going all the way back to Raygun. They never have and never will.
You are incapable of argumentation. That is clear. When challenged you deflect and call people names. It is pitiful watching you try to defend socialism. A real pretzel show.

But...I like you.

LOL Relax Newman.
You're a dumbass.
Russia has no money. They cant bail Greece out, much less keep them supplied with a flow of funds. Check the Chinese stock markets today--total freefall. They have their own problems.
There was no predatory lending. There was predatory borrowing. And now the Greeks have been caught up in it. Best thing for Europe is to flush those socialist turds down the toilet of history and let them figure it out for themselves.

Ah yes, the naïve speak. You must be a supporter of Ronald The Socialist Raygun.

Prolonged exposure to con-talk-radio and Faux News will turn your mind to extremely mallable mush. Et tu Brute?
So you cannot answer any of my points or defend your own views.
This is typical. You're a waste of bandwidth.

Nah, you are just one angry frother. You poor thing, you think you have coherence but you don't.

Conservatives don't understand economics, going all the way back to Raygun. They never have and never will.
You are incapable of argumentation. That is clear. When challenged you deflect and call people names. It is pitiful watching you try to defend socialism. A real pretzel show.

But...I like you.

LOL Relax Newman.
Thanlks for admitting you have broccoli in your socks and post what the voices in your head tell you.
No, Greece is not getting aid from Russia or China. They will be sinking to 3rd world status soon enough. Good riddance. A total revolution is their only hope.
Ah yes, the naïve speak. You must be a supporter of Ronald The Socialist Raygun.

Prolonged exposure to con-talk-radio and Faux News will turn your mind to extremely mallable mush. Et tu Brute?
So you cannot answer any of my points or defend your own views.
This is typical. You're a waste of bandwidth.

Nah, you are just one angry frother. You poor thing, you think you have coherence but you don't.

Conservatives don't understand economics, going all the way back to Raygun. They never have and never will.
You are incapable of argumentation. That is clear. When challenged you deflect and call people names. It is pitiful watching you try to defend socialism. A real pretzel show.

But...I like you.

LOL Relax Newman.
Thanlks for admitting you have broccoli in your socks and post what the voices in your head tell you.
No, Greece is not getting aid from Russia or China. They will be sinking to 3rd world status soon enough. Good riddance. A total revolution is their only hope.

How's that con-federate flag working for you. Have you won the civil war yet.
So you cannot answer any of my points or defend your own views.
This is typical. You're a waste of bandwidth.

Nah, you are just one angry frother. You poor thing, you think you have coherence but you don't.

Conservatives don't understand economics, going all the way back to Raygun. They never have and never will.
You are incapable of argumentation. That is clear. When challenged you deflect and call people names. It is pitiful watching you try to defend socialism. A real pretzel show.

But...I like you.

LOL Relax Newman.
Thanlks for admitting you have broccoli in your socks and post what the voices in your head tell you.
No, Greece is not getting aid from Russia or China. They will be sinking to 3rd world status soon enough. Good riddance. A total revolution is their only hope.

How's that con-federate flag working for you. Have you won the civil war yet.
Eat shit, asshole.
Greece is done.
Nah, you are just one angry frother. You poor thing, you think you have coherence but you don't.

Conservatives don't understand economics, going all the way back to Raygun. They never have and never will.
You are incapable of argumentation. That is clear. When challenged you deflect and call people names. It is pitiful watching you try to defend socialism. A real pretzel show.

But...I like you.

LOL Relax Newman.
Thanlks for admitting you have broccoli in your socks and post what the voices in your head tell you.
No, Greece is not getting aid from Russia or China. They will be sinking to 3rd world status soon enough. Good riddance. A total revolution is their only hope.

How's that con-federate flag working for you. Have you won the civil war yet.
Eat shit, asshole.
Greece is done.

Why do you hate Greece? They do make some good yogurt yeah. Or maybe you hate yogurt too and hope yogurt is done. LOL

Relax Newman. Go take a run down Forrest Gump boulevard, you'll feel better.
You are incapable of argumentation. That is clear. When challenged you deflect and call people names. It is pitiful watching you try to defend socialism. A real pretzel show.

But...I like you.

LOL Relax Newman.
Thanlks for admitting you have broccoli in your socks and post what the voices in your head tell you.
No, Greece is not getting aid from Russia or China. They will be sinking to 3rd world status soon enough. Good riddance. A total revolution is their only hope.

How's that con-federate flag working for you. Have you won the civil war yet.
Eat shit, asshole.
Greece is done.

Why do you hate Greece? They do make some good yogurt yeah. Or maybe you hate yogurt too and hope yogurt is done. LOL

Relax Newman. Go take a run down Forrest Gump boulevard, you'll feel better.
I hate socialist scumbags and the entitlement junkies who vote for them. People like you.
But...I like you.

LOL Relax Newman.
Thanlks for admitting you have broccoli in your socks and post what the voices in your head tell you.
No, Greece is not getting aid from Russia or China. They will be sinking to 3rd world status soon enough. Good riddance. A total revolution is their only hope.

How's that con-federate flag working for you. Have you won the civil war yet.
Eat shit, asshole.
Greece is done.

Why do you hate Greece? They do make some good yogurt yeah. Or maybe you hate yogurt too and hope yogurt is done. LOL

Relax Newman. Go take a run down Forrest Gump boulevard, you'll feel better.
I hate socialist scumbags and the entitlement junkies who vote for them. People like you.

So you have a preloaded list of people that you hate?

But...I like you.

LOL Relax Newman.
Thanlks for admitting you have broccoli in your socks and post what the voices in your head tell you.
No, Greece is not getting aid from Russia or China. They will be sinking to 3rd world status soon enough. Good riddance. A total revolution is their only hope.

How's that con-federate flag working for you. Have you won the civil war yet.
Eat shit, asshole.
Greece is done.

Why do you hate Greece? They do make some good yogurt yeah. Or maybe you hate yogurt too and hope yogurt is done. LOL

Relax Newman. Go take a run down Forrest Gump boulevard, you'll feel better.
I hate socialist scumbags and the entitlement junkies who vote for them. People like you.

Norway does pretty well. Even the conservatives there are socialists.
Funding the government isn't what got us to $17 trillion.

And don't expect me to explain it all to you. That's been done enough, with factual links to back them up.

Use own damn Google to find out how much the unpaid-for tax cuts cost, the unpaid-for war in Iraq cost, the unpaid-for war in Afghanistan cost, the unpaid-for Medicare D cost, and the unpaid-for 2002 stimulus cost.
Gee all those were under Bush and when he left office the debt was $10T and now its $18T. It's like Obama did nothing for 7 years!
Republicans forced austerity upon us, blocking and filibustering every revenue-producing bill. Then, they forced sequestration upon us, and blocked Obama's efforts to force overseas money to come home and be taxed, which could be used to pay down the debt. Republicans also are blocking the cancellation of military contracts for items that the military says they don't want or need. That is money - 10s of billions - that could be used to pay down the debt.

I think some references or links would be useful.
Congress Pushes for Weapons Pentagon Didn t Want

Thank you.

Now, can you provide the debt you have an article on that ?
Sorry, I only hold my girl's hand.
You don't get into debt by not spending. You get into debt by spending money you don't have.
You get out of debt by making more money. The country will make more money by expanding the tax base. You do that with large public works projects, as FDR did.

We can do the same by massive infrastructure spending on roads, bridges, new airports, seawalls (climate change), and more Green installations, in solar panels, wind, etc.
Where is the money for your "massive infrastructure spending"(of an unspecified amount) going to come from?
You don't get into debt by not spending. You get into debt by spending money you don't have.
You get out of debt by making more money. The country will make more money by expanding the tax base. You do that with large public works projects, as FDR did.

We can do the same by massive infrastructure spending on roads, bridges, new airports, seawalls (climate change), and more Green installations, in solar panels, wind, etc.
Where is the money for your "massive infrastructure spending"(of an unspecified amount) going to come from?

The money comes from the presses, that's where the money for infrastructure spending stimulus has always come from. One of the reasons the Eurozone is in the mess it is in is because the Germans refused to allow the massive QE that the U.S. implemented in 2008 and that continued until a few months ago.
Money doesnt come from presses. Inflation comes from presses.
Haven't you wingnuts been claiming impending runaway inflation since Obama was elected in 2008?

Do you ever tire of looking like fools?
Thanlks for admitting you have broccoli in your socks and post what the voices in your head tell you.
No, Greece is not getting aid from Russia or China. They will be sinking to 3rd world status soon enough. Good riddance. A total revolution is their only hope.

How's that con-federate flag working for you. Have you won the civil war yet.
Eat shit, asshole.
Greece is done.

Why do you hate Greece? They do make some good yogurt yeah. Or maybe you hate yogurt too and hope yogurt is done. LOL

Relax Newman. Go take a run down Forrest Gump boulevard, you'll feel better.
I hate socialist scumbags and the entitlement junkies who vote for them. People like you.

Norway does pretty well. Even the conservatives there are socialists.
Amazing what an expensive natural resource will do for a small country. Unfortunately they look due to run out of other people's money as well.
Oil Price Decline Forces Structural Change on Norway
You don't get into debt by not spending. You get into debt by spending money you don't have.
You get out of debt by making more money. The country will make more money by expanding the tax base. You do that with large public works projects, as FDR did.

We can do the same by massive infrastructure spending on roads, bridges, new airports, seawalls (climate change), and more Green installations, in solar panels, wind, etc.
Where is the money for your "massive infrastructure spending"(of an unspecified amount) going to come from?

The money comes from the presses, that's where the money for infrastructure spending stimulus has always come from. One of the reasons the Eurozone is in the mess it is in is because the Germans refused to allow the massive QE that the U.S. implemented in 2008 and that continued until a few months ago.
Money doesnt come from presses. Inflation comes from presses.
Haven't you wingnuts been claiming impending runaway inflation since Obama was elected in 2008?

Do you ever tire of looking like fools?
Ask mom what her grocery bill is these days compared to 8 years ago and get back to us.
Greece is done.
Not even close.

Really? Do you see a bright future in your crystal ball for Greece because mine says they have seriously screwed the pooch and are on the big slide to 2nd (or 3rd) World status. I'm not blaming Syriza but I do blame Tsipras and Varoufakis for arrogantly alienating the very people they needed to save Greece and their unsustainable domestic economic model.

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