Greedy rich tax cheats and Swiss Banks busted smuggling money

This is what normally happens when a government gets confiscatory.

No, this is what happens when greedy cons run up the national debt, and then try to cheat their way out of paying it off.

Your lamo excuse for criminals reveals your scum.

obama and democrats have doubled the Bush spending in 4 years

Bush's highest deficit-spending years were the last two; when Dems held the purse strings in the House; and controlled the Senate as well

what a self-deceiving IDIOT you are

Did Bush bail out Wall-Street??? After 7 years of his administration the whole economy collapsed.
No, this is what happens when greedy cons run up the national debt, and then try to cheat their way out of paying it off.

Your lamo excuse for criminals reveals your scum.

obama and democrats have doubled the Bush spending in 4 years

Bush's highest deficit-spending years were the last two; when Dems held the purse strings in the House; and controlled the Senate as well

what a self-deceiving IDIOT you are

Did Bush bail out Wall-Street??? After 7 years of his administration the whole economy collapsed.

another moron
YOU WOULDNT LOOK AS STUPID as you do now if you could show us all here what Bush policies Dems DIDNT support; vote FOR, vote to CONTINUE, EXTEND....ETC both as the minority under Bush, the majority of both chambers for Bush's last 2 years; as the majority of BOTH chambers of Congress under obama; and even to this day with the WH and the Senate
one MILLION fewer Americans are working NOW in the EIGHTH-STRAIGHT YEAR OF PROGRESSIVE MAJORITY RULE; than were working when the "economy collapsed" under Bush

true story
a Democrat majority of both chambers of Congress WROTE the "Bush bailout" of Wall Street; passed it through both chambers; and handed it to Bush to sign

Dems basically codified "too big to fail"

libs are losers who lie to themselves
This is what normally happens when a government gets confiscatory.

No, this is what happens when greedy cons run up the national debt, and then try to cheat their way out of paying it off.

Your lamo excuse for criminals reveals your scum.

obama and democrats have doubled the Bush spending in 4 years

Bush's highest deficit-spending years were the last two; when Dems held the purse strings in the House; and controlled the Senate as well

what a self-deceiving IDIOT you are

Shrub destroyed the balanced budget in his first six months, and added $3 trillion to the national debt giving welfare to millionaires. Then he added $3 trillion more with the Iraq/Afghan wars. That was all done in his first four years. And he did it with a republican congress and senate. He also left office with a $1.2 TRILLION annual deficit and a collapsed economy, created by republican DEREGULATION. Your shit don't flush.
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Even John McCain is jumping on the band wagon to take down these criminals. It was reported that these greedy criminals are smuggling billion$ in panty hose to Swiss banks. McCain said it was like something out of a spy novel.

However, the payment of $750,000,000 made by UBS Swiss Bank to the US Government for their crimes was like a Swiss citizen buying a cup of coffee; since all the other syndicate Swiss Banks and the Swiss Government stood behind UBS Bank and shared in the settlement cost. The Swiss Bank syndicate crime families stick together and take care of their own.

WhistleBlowers Shocking Info on FINMA & Swiss Banks

Since when is the Swiss government obligated to enforce U.S. tax or banking laws?

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