Greek collusion confusion oik oik


Gold Member
Oct 3, 2016
Arid Zona
WHY IS IT that the one posting a happy picture of Papadopoulos is : DXilCJsXUAEuLUQ.jpg
GeorgeStephanopoulos‏Verified account @GStephanopoulos Mar 5

Mueller witness George Papadopoulos married Simona Mangiante on March 2 in Chicago civil ceremony

??? Stephanopoulos seems to be celebrating the happy union of a Trump aide. In addition, Papadopoulos doesn't seem to be in bad spirits even though he is charged with a count of lying to the FBI. This seems a bit odd to me. This photo is posted to George's account. Why is that? Reminds me of when Wolf Blitzer made an oops regarding these two. And why has Mueller sealed some of Papadopoulos's interview? Papadopoulos did represent the Clinton state department once.

I Say Papadopoulos, You Say Stephanopoulos. Let’s Call The Whole Thing Off.
Doug Mataconis · Tuesday, October 31, 2017 · 23 comments

Yesterday, Wolf Blizter had perhaps the best gaffe of the day when introducing a segment on the guilty plea of former Trump campaign aide George Papadopoulos:
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Re: Update + heads up

From:[email protected] To: [email protected] CC: [email protected] Date: 2015-09-18 14:24 Subject: Re: Update + heads up

Thanks for the heads up. I got the forum into our sched folks.> On Sep 18, 2015, at 12:02 PM, Bill de Blasio <[email protected]> wrote:>>>

Gentlemen (and you two earn that designation DESPITE your prominent roles in American politics :)>> 1. As I mentioned to Robby, I accepted Bernie Sanders' request for a mtg today. Will try to keep it low-key but assume it will leak out. My message to him (saying this in confidence to you) is that I will always want to work with him in the future and will never have a bad word about him, but won't be supporting him in this campaign. 2. I will ask him (as I have you guys) to participate in our Progressive Agenda forum (NOT debate -- one candidate on stage at a time) in Iowa re: income inequality. But I quietly first want to see what date works for you guys before locking anything down. 3. I'm going on Stephanopoulos on Sunday. My reason for being there is to talk about the Pope's visit and my work on income inequality and the Progressive Agenda. Shockingly, George insists on talking about the presidential horse race. Therefore I will:>> Have lots of praise for Hillary and her increasingly clear, strong agenda. Will say her campaign is doing much better than the conventional wisdom recognizes. Will praise bernie's ideas if asked. If asked about mtg with him, I'll say I look forward to talking to Hillary soon as well and that I've been in regular touch with her team. If asked about Biden, I will repeat no need for another candidate. If asked what's holding me up on Hillary, I'll allude to The Progressive Agenda and a few areas where I'm seeking clarification.>> In general, will be positive/optimistic. If you have any concerns or ideas or needs, just let me know. Thanks>
Middle East Matters and Middle East Program
UNESCO and After: Multiple Wrongs Won’t Secure Rights

Blog Post by Robert M. Danin

November 1, 2011

General view of the leaders' forum room during the 36th session of UNESCO's General Conference in Paris on October 26, 2011 (Benoit Tessier/Courtesy Reuters).
The vote by UNESCO to admit Palestine as a full member distracts international attention from the only efforts that will make Palestine a genuine reality: negotiations and state-building efforts on the ground. No good has emerged from the past twenty-four hours’ developments, but already we are seeing considerable harm.

First, UNESCO’s vote encourages PLO chairman Mahmoud Abbas to pursue a strategy that only harms Palestinian aspirations to statehood, as I argued in Foreign Affairs in September. Yet, having secured the UNESCO membership, Palestinians will accelerate their internationalization efforts. Today, their top UN envoy in Geneva announced that they will seek membership in over a dozen other UN agencies, including the World Intellectual Property Organization, the World Health Organization, and the International Labor Organization. This will distract international diplomacy away from resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and instead politicize many UN agencies that do important work.
Alexander Downer dragged further into Trump Russia probe

1 day ago - Republican members of congress are concerned Mr Downer's connection to the Clinton Foundation confirmed nearly all of the early evidence the FBI used to justify its investigation into Mr ... Mrs Clinton's spokesman, Nick Merrill, slammed the effort to link Mr Downer and the 2006 grant to the Russia probe.

2016 Daily Caller
  • EXCLUSIVE: Clinton Aides Resisted State Department Suggestion That Clinton Use Account
    Chuck Ross
    3:25 PM 01/18/2016

    Bombshell emails from the State Department show that a top official at the agency suggested to Hillary Clinton’s aide, Huma Abedin, in August 2011 that the then-secretary of state begin using a government email account to protect against unexpected outages of her private email server.
...................................................................................................................................................picture31.png............................................................................................. 2011:Clinton became the first sitting Secretary of State to visit UNESCO

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DSWUdevUIAA5KSs.jpg........................................................................... his LinkedIn page: he was “a top five finalist to represent the United States at the 2011 emerging leaders UNESCO forum in Paris, France.”
Donations from George Stephanopoulos, Longtime Clinton Ally-Turned-Newsman

In May 2015, it was learned that ABC News chief anchor George Stephanopoulos, who formerly served as communications director and senior adviser for policy and strategy to President Bill Clinton, had donated $75,000 to the Clinton Foundation during 2012-14. As reported in May 2015, "Stephanopoulos never disclosed this information to viewers, even when interviewing author Peter Schweizer last month about his book Clinton Cash, which alleges that donations to the foundation may have influenced some of Hillary Clinton's actions as secretary of state."

A few days after the aforementioned interview, Schweizer reported that Stephanopoulos had been "a featured attendee and panel moderator at the annual meeting of the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI)" in 2006; "a featured attendee at the CGI annual meeting" in 2007; a panelist at the CGI annual meeting in 2008; "a panel moderator at CGI's annual meeting" in 2009; "an official CGI member" in 2010 and 2011; and a CGI contest judge in 2013 and 2014.
The Hellenic Initiative: Clinton, Diaspora Support Greece
Andy Dabilis
-Oct 4, 2013

“Greece is back,” Prime Minister Antonis Samaras told an audience in New York on Oct. 3 at a event organized by the Hellenic Initiative on Investing in the Future of Greece, which featured former president Bill Clinton as honorary patron and George Stephanopoulos as Master of Ceremonies.
NEWS 06.11.2017
The ambitious George Papadopoulos

When I first heard the name George Papadopoulos coming from the lips of Donald Trump, I admit I was taken aback. We more or less know all the Greek Americans who are active in the Greek lobby or in think tanks. George Papadopoulos, however, was a name we hadn’t heard. The only Greek American close to Trump during the US president’s election campaign was George Gigicos, who traveled across America with him, organizing his rallies.

With some research, a journalist with Kathimerini tracked down Papadopoulos, who had come to Athens to make “contacts.” It was May 2016 and Trump was very much a question mark. No one knew his positions on foreign policy issues, nor of course, on Greece. I admit I was curious to meet the man and see whether there was a “Greek” element in Trump’s closest team...
Hillary Clinton’s Campaign Manager Interned for George Stephanopoulos

BY: Brent Scher
May 14, 2015 3:43 pm

George Stephanopoulos thanked Hillary Clinton's campaign manager Robby Mook in the acknowledgement section of his 1999 tell-all memoir All Too Human.

Stephanopoulos' book, described as "a new-generation political memoir" of a man "who got his hands on the levers of awesome power at an early age," was written after he left the Clinton administration and returned to his alma mater Columbia to be a visiting professor.

Mook was an undergrad student at Columbia during Stephanopoulos' brief tenure and was already politically active. He was a member of the College Democrats and was active in Democratic politics in his home state of Vermont.

Mook was also part of the team of interns who worked under Stephanopolous' research assistant at Columbia, responsible for "reviewing thousands of pages of public records and making sure I got my facts straight," wrote Stephanopolous.
View attachment 181370 papadopoulos-fiance-2-er-171208.jpg DVFu6mdWsAAFHZu.jpg
This is Papadopoulos's new wife. she is friends with Pittella
  1. Giovanni Saverio Furio Pittella (born 19 November 1958) is an Italian politician who has served as Leader of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Group since July 2014 and Member of the European Parliament (MEP) from Italy since June 1999.
  2. Pittella - Socialists & Democrats 31, 2018 - Speaking on his decision to stand for election in the upcoming Italian elections, S&D Group president Gianni Pittella, said: “I will run as a candidate in the Italian elections as president of the S&D Group, the most progressive and pro-European group in the European Parliament. The upcoming Italian ...
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why don't you give us a SUMMARY of your contention.....please connect your 15 posts in a row.... it would help....

otherwise it seems like you are just SPAMMING this board with consecutive articles from elsewhere.....or SPAMMING articles you were paid to spam.....
YES it is obvious that you CARE 4 only your political propaganda and care to insult someone who has an intelligent thread that encourages others to read and participate. There is no profit here and you care to cheapen the intelligence of those you oppose politically. READ THE TITLE OF THE THREAD because the title expresses a summary.
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BuzzFeed.jpg According to Buzzfeed, Mifsud told the Italian newspaper la Repubblica that he knows nothing about emails containing “dirt” on Clinton and had no connections to the Trump campaign on behalf of Moscow:

'“This is nonsense,” Mifsud told la Repubblica. “Friendship is friendship, but Papadopoulos doesn’t tell the truth. The only thing I did was to facilitate contacts between official and unofficial sources to resolve a crisis. It is usual business everywhere,” he said. “I put think tanks in contact, groups of experts with other groups of experts. I have already talked about it with the FBI, when the State Department invited me to a conference on Capitol Hill,” he said..."
As seen in court documents, the lawyers assigned to the George Papadopoulos case are are Aaron Zelinsky, Andrew Goldstein and Jeannie Rhee. :right: ANY THOUGHTS OR ANY NEWS ANYONE?
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