Greene: Reporter's question about vaccination status 'a violation of my HIPAA rights'

It’s highly effective at preventing infection and even more effective at preventing serious illness.

But not perfect.

The WHO claims it has no effect in preventing infection, as cited.

Oh, the vaccine actually does work, but you anti-science Nazis claim otherwise because you're addicted to the power you had under Covid.
The WHO claims it has no effect in preventing infection, as cited.

Oh, the vaccine actually does work, but you anti-science Nazis claim otherwise because you're addicted to the power you had under Covid.
The source you cited says nothing of the sort.

It simply says that the WHO still recommends wearing a mask. I don’t know why you think anyone would be “addicted” to that.
I don’t know why they passed HIPPA.

But they didn’t pass HIPAA to prevent people from asking about your vaccination status nor does it prevent people from treating you differently for refusing to answer.

I spelled it correctly (unlike the previous poster) and nothing I said is inaccurate.

It’s not illegal to ask for someone’s vaccination status. If they don’t answer, you can treat them differently, such as requiring them to wear a mask.

It’s only a gotcha question if you don’t want to follow recommendations and don’t want to explain why.

However, at the end of the day, it has nothing to do with HIPAA and Mrs Greene is a fool for thinking so.

In the exchange with the reporter, there was nothing required.

Therefore HIPAA (which you misspelled as HIPPA) is irrelevant.

Yes. My mistake. A different idiot spelled it HIPPA.

You claimed I misspelled it, which I didn’t. That’s your lie.

Jesus, my comment really went right over your head.

You guys don’t understand sarcasm at all.

The comment says I dont know why they passed HIPPA because it doesn’t exist.

Nice fail to cover your own mistake and trying to pin it on someone else. But spelling errors are irrelevant, while the subject of the thread is of upmost importance..

Sure a reporter or anyone can ask about medical history, but the HIPAA law is in place so they don't have to answer. Even though Greene chaps your hide, she was fully within those rights to deny the information. PERIOD.
When somebody asks me if I have been vaccinated, I ask them which sexually transmitted diseases they have had.
You really think that’s a similar question? I mean, do you assume that person intends to have sex with you?
HIPPA was passed and signed for this very purpose. To protect people from an invasion of privacy from nosy people. Medical information is PRIVATE, if people don't want to share it, that's their prerogative.
You better do some digging there and again I will say it "THIS IS NOT A HIPPA VIOLATION". Go ahead and tell me to provide link, well guess what? In one thread several months I provided that link from EEOC and labor law attorney's, not my fault you didn't pay attention.
It is similar, since it asks for medical information that is none of my business.
Given we breath the same air, your vaccination status of a communicable disease has an impact on other people. It isn’t entirely a personal matter.
The whole Trumpster thing is built around certain unwavering primary tenets. So she's stuck answering that question in one of two ways: This comical HIPPA excuse, or admit that she's not practicing what she so loudly preaches.

Fortunately for her, she knows that the rubes will ignore the obvious and play along to keep the narrative going.
Like on this thread maybe ?
Asking the question is not infringing on anyones rights. You just have to say that you dont comment on personal matters.
She is in the public eye and has a dopey opinion on everything. Its a legit question.
WTF would you know about a country with individual protected rights? Mind your own business Dimmer.
Has Marge had the jab ? We know that Donny has had it. We know that all the Fox hierarchy has had it.
Well, we do know that Tommy has had the jab.

Several times a night, in fact. Cars packed with Pakistani men are seen parking before his house on a nightly basis.
I don’t know why they passed HIPPA.

But they didn’t pass HIPAA to prevent people from asking about your vaccination status nor does it prevent people from treating you differently for refusing to answer.
It was passed so that assholes ( like the OP) can’t gain access to your medical information and use it against you….in court…in obtaining employment…or posting it all over the internet without your consent.
It was passed so that assholes ( like the OP) can’t gain access to your medical information and use it against you….in court…in obtaining employment…or posting it all over the internet without your consent.
But it doesn’t prevent people from asking.

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