Greene: Reporter's question about vaccination status 'a violation of my HIPAA rights'

My employer keeps track of and requires vaccinations. I do not believe its HIPAA protected. However, it does fall under NONE OF YOUR F’ING BUSINESS IF ASKED BY ANYONE ELSE.
then stop breathing, or get your oxygen shipped in---i don't give 2 fucks about you or your feelings---it's my life
and yes, shit stain, it is a personal other words, it's NONE OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS
Say you had two options when walking into a place of business.

1. Prove you are vaccinated
2. Wear a mask

I’d be fine with that.
I dont see that,, she said its no ones business,, how is that wrong??
If you dont see that maybe you should at least read the OP before asking dumb, uninformed questions?

"Have you yourself been vaccinated and do you disagree with the Republican whip?"

"Well, you see your first question is a violation of my HIPPA rights,"
Say you had two options when walking into a place of business.

1. Prove you are vaccinated
2. Wear a mask

I’d be fine with that.
or use another company---not surprised your stupid ass couldn't come up with that
If you dont see that maybe you should at least read the OP before asking dumb, uninformed questions?

"Have you yourself been vaccinated and do you disagree with the Republican whip?"

"Well, you see your first question is a violation of my HIPPA rights,"
shes correct,, theres nothing that forces her to reveal her medical history if she doesnt want too,,
HIPA says her medical history is her business not theirs,, so how is she wrong??
Shes wrong for saying its a violation of HIPAA to ask her a question about her medical history. It isnt. Does that make sense to you now that I have outlined this to where a 6 year old can understand?
She should just lie about it like all those Texas DemoKKKrats who are currently spreading Covid all over the White House and Washington, DC.
Or maybe she should just not say anything instead of saying something that proves her ignorance?

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