Greetings, Commie Pinko Here!

So everyone is not 'entitled2life' then? How sad...

Ah yes, the old "who is going to speak for the unborn?" argument point. I guess I could flip it on you and ask why you're okay with setting up a situation to where young women will be dying from trying to get abortions that are illegal. Don't both life forms die in that scenario? So to you, the math is that two deaths is better than one?

Young women should be taught to be responsible and not have sex if they're not ready for the consequences that it brings about. Or be responsible enough to use readily available birth control that is 99% fool proof when used correctly. It should not be used as a form of birth control, which is exactly what 99% of abortions are for today.

I'm sure we'll meet again, I hope you enjoy the forum. ;)

Entitled2life seems to think we live back in the stone age where modern medicine and FREE birth control do not exist. The typical leftist response is to blame anyone but the person who did the deed.. (See American's slaughtered by terrorists recently and the liberal apology tour) The truth is, liberals and morality are enemies and so to them abortion is just another selfish act they are "entitled" to.
LGS: do you ever take a break from your rw rants? This is the introduction sub-forum.
LGS: do you ever take a break from your rw rants? This is the introduction sub-forum.

I didn't realize you were a Moderator or that I had broken any forum rules? I also don't recall you posting to Newby in this same thread with your whine? Why is that? Tell you what.. worry about yourself, that should be a full-time job.

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