Greg Palast's 2000 Mules "Fact-Check" Fail

It's not up to me to explain the obvious overwhelming evidence of fraud. It's up to law enforcement. Why don't you email those questions to your local sheriff, who by law can assert jurisdiction if no one else will. Go ahead.
The same law enforcement that let an active shooter walk 12 minutes from shooting people on the street into a school to kill 21 kids? That law enforcement?
Wasn't me.

It was the Mueller report and the US Senate that chronicled the deep ties between the blob's campaign and Russian intel.
The divide cannot heal without admittance to pushing agendas and winning in any way and a pullback of all the Prog shills on TV.
It's not up to me to explain the obvious overwhelming evidence of fraud. It's up to law enforcement. Why don't you email those questions to your local sheriff, who by law can assert jurisdiction if no one else will. Go ahead.
I'm asking you, because you apparently believe there was fraud.

what is the fraud that took place?

No one has shown any ballots that were harvested. No voter has come forward to say, they turned their ballot over to a ballot harvester.

so where did these alleged ballot harvesters ballots come from?

you claim a non profit paid the mules to drop off ballots the non profit had....2000 mules, you claim.

How about showing us proof that 2000 mules were paid by a non profit to drop off ballots?

If ballots were never collected from the individual legal voters who sent in a request for their own absentee ballot, then WHERE AND HOW did the non profit get empty ballots for specific legal voters to stuff the ballot boxes with, by these mules?
Signatures were not verified in GA. The SOS made an agreement so it would not happen. Besides that the data makes fraud more than a theory. It makes it a fact because there is no other way to explain the activities the data uncovered.

Just admit they got caught, because they did.
Signatures were verified, and even challenged by the Trump campaign, and then audited, and none were found to not match, but maybe two were questionable... in the test groups they did in the requested signature audits....

NO one GOT CAUGHT silly one, AND THAT'S THE PROBLEM you have in convincing those using their brain to discern truth from fiction, as God intended....

You've only an alleged story, in a fake documentary by an ex felon of election fraud, that is simply just propaganda and innuendo, to push a made up narrative that fits their BIG LIE of Trump beating Biden, and that the evil Democratic fellow voters are thieves, that their naive followers will loyally and blindly, believe and give future hope to.... While continuing their scam of milking them, of their money.....
It's not up to me to explain the obvious overwhelming evidence of fraud. It's up to law enforcement. Why don't you email those questions to your local sheriff, who by law can assert jurisdiction if no one else will. Go ahead.
There is no evidence of fraud
Signatures were verified, and even challenged by the Trump campaign, and then audited, and none were found to not match, but maybe two were questionable... in the test groups they did in the requested signature audits....

NO one GOT CAUGHT silly one, AND THAT'S THE PROBLEM you have in convincing those using their brain to discern truth from fiction, as God intended....

You've only an alleged story, in a fake documentary by an ex felon of election fraud, that is simply just propaganda and innuendo, to push a made up narrative that fits their BIG LIE of Trump beating Biden, and that the evil Democratic fellow voters are thieves, that their naive followers will loyally and blindly, believe and give future hope to.... While continuing their scam of milking them, of their money.....
Alleged? If so, why is everyone here making up excuses to visit 30 drop boxes for days in a row? That means they admit it happened.
Alleged? If so, why is everyone here making up excuses to visit 30 drop boxes for days in a row? That means they admit it happened.
Poor GPS fool. The data is only accurate to 100 feet because of the buildings reflecting GPS signals. And tracking to the actual drop boxes inside office buildings nearly impossible due to the GPS signals unable to penetrate walls, floors and ceilings.
Alleged? If so, why is everyone here making up excuses to visit 30 drop boxes for days in a row? That means they admit it happened.
There is no visual proof that a mule went to a drop box, and dropped off multip!e non family ballots, each of the 30 times. The tracking only shows that a phone was in the general area of a drop box....and drop boxes are usually in very travelled parts of a city.....where hundreds of people pass a drop box daily, just by driving or walking to work they may have had n the area, or if it was on their drive to work every day...or on their way travelling home or way to visit moms or a friend living in the area.....

BTW, Georgia barcodes their absentee ballots, they can be tracked by the voter from requesting one, all the way to being accepted by the election office....
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There is no visual proof that a mule went to a drop box, and dropped off multip!e non family ballots each of the 30 times. The tracking only shows that a phone was in the general area of a drop box....and drop boxes are usually in very travelled parts of a city.....where hundreds of people pass a drop box daily, just by driving or walking to work they may have had n the area, or if it was on their drive to work every day...or on their way travelling home or way to visit moms or a friend living in the area.....

BTW, Georgia barcodes their absentee ballots, they can be tracked by the voter from requesting one, all the way to being accepted by the election office....
GA. had the most corrupt election in the country.
GA. had the most corrupt election in the country.
Georgia had one of the most clean election.

They signature matched, on both absentee ballots but also on their ballot requests....

Georgia did not mass mail absentee ballots, they had to be individually requested by a legal voter...

Georgia voting machines were not connected to the internet during or after the election.

Georgia had multiple hand ballot recounts, which matched machine totals. They also had signature match audits.

Georgia removed felons and dead people from their voter rolls shortly prior to the election.

Georgia Bar Coded by individual voter, their absentee ballots for tracking and had a hotline for individuals to track their ballots.
Georgia had one of the most clean election.

They signature matched, on both absentee ballots but also on their ballot requests....

Georgia did not mass mail absentee ballots, they had to be individually requested by a legal voter...

Georgia voting machines were not connected to the internet during or after the election.

Georgia had multiple hand ballot recounts, which matched machine totals. They also had signature match audits.

Georgia removed felons and dead people from their voter rolls shortly prior to the election.

Georgia Bar Coded by individual voter, their absentee ballots for tracking and had a hotline for individuals to track their ballots.
GA.'s election had 0 integrity and Trump was defrauded. They destroyed the videos of drop boxes and deleted other election data. There is a separate case against them right now.

Signatures were verified, and even challenged by the Trump campaign, and then audited, and none were found to not match, but maybe two were questionable... in the test groups they did in the requested signature audits....

NO one GOT CAUGHT silly one, AND THAT'S THE PROBLEM you have in convincing those using their brain to discern truth from fiction, as God intended....

You've only an alleged story, in a fake documentary by an ex felon of election fraud, that is simply just propaganda and innuendo, to push a made up narrative that fits their BIG LIE of Trump beating Biden, and that the evil Democratic fellow voters are thieves, that their naive followers will loyally and blindly, believe and give future hope to.... While continuing their scam of milking them, of their money.....

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
A clip from Greg Palast's article that the op is criticizing:


They have the film, but they … just don’t, uh, show it. Why not show us at least a couple of film clips of the 27 times this Black felon repeated his crime? Well, that’s the problem with you liberal jerks: You see a Black man with a ballot and you, Mr. Liberal, assume he’s voting, when he’s obviously committing a crime. And he does it dozens of times! Why do we have to show you the evidence? We just need Elder, the Chubby Checker of right wing nuttery, to blubber his amazement at seeing the footage on D’Souza’s computer. Case closed! Guilty!

I was so angry at this criminal voter, I wanted to bust him! Expose him. Arrest him. They have his photo, his car, his license plate number. In fact, their “expert” says these ballot mules have, “bad backgrounds, bad reputations, …violent guys.”

Whoa! So, If D’Souza identifies their “backgrounds,” they must have their names. So why don’t they show us the files? Name the names? Show us their faces? Confront them. Call the cops, the feds!

But D’Souza and True the Vote didn’t bust anyone. Didn’t name a single mule — though they supposedly can identify them. They even fuzzed over the mules’ faces so we can’t see who it is. Nice of D’Souza to protect the guilty. Unless, of course, the Black men weren’t guilty. Or just guilty of Voting While Black. They don’t show us the files of their “bad reputations” because these files don’t exist.

Why did the Black man with the ballots commit a crime on camera that will get him five years in prison? For the money, of course! Did D’Souza know for certain the Black man took money? Of course! D’Souza shows a film of money being handed to someone. OK, it’s a reenactment — the actor gets a credit at the end of the film. But hey, it could have happened. Case closed! Guilty!

D’Souza knows the Black man was paid by a “non-profit” group. They showed a photo of Black candidate Stacey Abrams. But he doesn’t actually say that she or her group, Fair Fight Georgia, made the payments. In fact, he doesn’t say who made the payments. Why?

And what about those “non-profits” that paid the mules — 2,000 mules casting nearly a million illegal votes — 817,765 illegal ballots (we toted up their claims) in just five cities — i.e. Black cities. D’Souza tracked the mules to the offices of these “non-profits,” even had an Arizona whistleblower say she herself gathered the ballots and paid the mules out of one office. But the whistleblower is in shadow, unnamed…and D’Souza, oddly, conceals the name of this criminal “non-profit.” He won’t reveal the group because … well, that’s odd. When I reported investigations for BBC Television, not once did I say, “We have the proof — witnesses, film, documents — of felony crimes committed by … well, that’s our secret!”


D’Souza says, “We know that the mules got their stashes of ballots from these activist organizations.” He “knows,” but won’t say how he knows, what evidence he has. Hell, he doesn’t name even one evil organization (and he claims there are many) because… well, maybe they didn’t do it.

Why didn’t he confront this unnamed group or groups with the evidence? I do that in every report I’ve ever filmed (in fact, it’s required by British law for UK reporters). Maybe because D’Souza has no evidence. He certainly didn’t show us any evidence, zero, of a single payment to a single mule.

When the Palast team finds a crime or malfeasance or vote manipulation, we name the perps — Chevron, Katherine Harris, whomever, and I confront them.


A still from our last major report from Georgia, “New Mass Voter Challenge by GOP Exposed”, in which I confront Pam Reardon, a GOP operative who challenged the right to vote of tens of thousands of Black and young Georgians on false evidence.
Take a look at our last major report from Georgia. We discovered that GOP operatives challenged the right to vote of tens of thousands of Black and young Georgians on false evidence. We named the key operatives — Pam Reardon is the Republican challenger-in chief. Here’s a photo of me confronting Reardon with the evidence. We didn’t fuzz out her face. And we named and confronted the group who gave her the phony, racially poisonous purge list: True the Vote. Yep, the same characters who provided the bogus info for 2000 Mules.
whatever you need to tell yourself, to carry on in your pathetic life of denial....i bet you are 1 of those retards that think AMERICAS economy is know, as long as it isn't TRUMP---you are PATHETIC
whatever you need to tell yourself, to carry on in your pathetic life of denial....i bet you are 1 of those retards that think AMERICAS economy is know, as long as it isn't TRUMP---you are PATHETIC
Listen, please. You are being played by con artists, scammers.

I'm not going to sit by and play along with the scammers, while they scam you!

You call that pathetic.....

It ain't me, that's in denial!
Listen, please. You are being played by con artists, scammers.

I'm not going to sit by and play along with the scammers, while they scam you!

You call that pathetic.....

It ain't me, that's in denial!
oh, so AMERICAS economy IS booming?
WHERE, retard?
the only scam, is the shit you spew

oh, so AMERICAS economy IS booming?
WHERE, retard?
the only scam, is the shit you spew


In any sane country with a legitimate but loyal opposition, the twin 100k+ jumps in all Biden votes in two adjacent swing states, MI and WI, would be enough for a cry of foul and a national recount. Instead the Groomercrats started gaslighting "FACT CHECK: NO, they were not all Biden votes added in the middle of the night!" But that's exactly what two vertical lines means: all Biden votes."

But is doesn't matter how inane the "fact checks" are. As long as the media talking heads can yell "DEBUNKED!" at anyone mentioning this.

In any sane country with a legitimate but loyal opposition, the twin 100k+ jumps in all Biden votes in two adjacent swing states, MI and WI, would be enough for a cry of foul and a national recount. Instead the Groomercrats started gaslighting "FACT CHECK: NO, they were not all Biden votes added in the middle of the night!" But that's exactly what two vertical lines means: all Biden votes."

But is doesn't matter how inane the "fact checks" are. As long as the media talking heads can yell "DEBUNKED!" at anyone mentioning this.

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LOL crickets from Groomercrats, so bluff any other time. So Biden stole it.

Repeat: In any sane country with a legitimate but loyal opposition, the twin 100k+ jumps in all Biden votes in two adjacent swing states, MI and WI, would be enough for a cry of foul and a national recount. Instead the Groomercrats started gaslighting "FACT CHECK: NO, they were not all Biden votes added in the middle of the night!" But that's exactly what two vertical lines means: all Biden votes."

But is doesn't matter how inane the "fact checks" are. As long as the media talking heads can yell "DEBUNKED!" at anyone mentioning this.


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