Greg Palast's 2000 Mules "Fact-Check" Fail

All the 2000 Mules "debunks" are laughable, but one simple example will serve to show how sloppy and reeking of desperation they all are.

Liberal hero Greg Palast: "2,000 Mules: Belly Laughs, Belly Aches from Film’s “Proof” that Trump Won"

Palast says in the key passage:

“In Fulton County (Atlanta), he tells us 92,670 ballots were stuffed illegally into drop boxes.That’s astonishing — because there were only 79,000 ballots cast in drop boxes in Fulton County! And in Detroit, it was worse. “Mules” stuffed 226,590 ballots into Detroit area drop boxes — way more than the total number of all mail-in ballots — about three times the number of ballots in drop boxes.”

Libtard reporter Palast asserts that the film says that “92,670 ballots were stuffed illegally into drop boxes” in Fulton County, Georgia, when all of Fulton County had only “79,000 ballots cast in drop boxes.”

But the 92,670 ballots referred to in the film were for all of the Georgia counties investigated, not just Fulton County. The below excerpt from the film shows the researchers discussing a massive discrepancy in Gwinnent County.

Similarly, Palast alleges that the film claims that mules “stuffed 226,590 ballots into Detroit area drop boxes, way more than the total number of all mail-in ballots .” But the film never alleges this. The 226,590 figure includes all of Michigan counties examined, not just Wayne County, the seat of Detroit.

Palast is too good of a reporter to not know he is deliberately lying to his audience, but to liberals truth means nothing. Zero. Nada. So he exults as if he has scored a big GOTCHA! in his article, when all he has done is dishonestly, flagrantly contort the film's claims. You can stop reading the "fact-checks" because they are all this bad.

Palast: 0

2000 Mules: 98

“What you are seeing is a crime,” says Dinesh D’Souza, the film’s director and narrator. “These are fraudulent votes.”

Except, according to Georgia authorities, the votes were completely legal. The faceless villain, one of several shown in the surveillance footage featured in “2000 Mules,” was just a normal dad. After matching his license plate to an address, investigators interviewed the man and confirmed that he was dropping off his wife and kids’ ballots, which is legal in Georgia.

By the time the elections board dismissed the case of the white SUV, video of the man and his family’s ballots had been featured on Fox News

The only illegal shit going on at the time was coming from team Trump

A clip from Greg Palast's article that the op is criticizing:


They have the film, but they … just don’t, uh, show it. Why not show us at least a couple of film clips of the 27 times this Black felon repeated his crime? Well, that’s the problem with you liberal jerks: You see a Black man with a ballot and you, Mr. Liberal, assume he’s voting, when he’s obviously committing a crime. And he does it dozens of times! Why do we have to show you the evidence? We just need Elder, the Chubby Checker of right wing nuttery, to blubber his amazement at seeing the footage on D’Souza’s computer. Case closed! Guilty!

I was so angry at this criminal voter, I wanted to bust him! Expose him. Arrest him. They have his photo, his car, his license plate number. In fact, their “expert” says these ballot mules have, “bad backgrounds, bad reputations, …violent guys.”

Whoa! So, If D’Souza identifies their “backgrounds,” they must have their names. So why don’t they show us the files? Name the names? Show us their faces? Confront them. Call the cops, the feds!

But D’Souza and True the Vote didn’t bust anyone. Didn’t name a single mule — though they supposedly can identify them. They even fuzzed over the mules’ faces so we can’t see who it is. Nice of D’Souza to protect the guilty. Unless, of course, the Black men weren’t guilty. Or just guilty of Voting While Black. They don’t show us the files of their “bad reputations” because these files don’t exist.

Why did the Black man with the ballots commit a crime on camera that will get him five years in prison? For the money, of course! Did D’Souza know for certain the Black man took money? Of course! D’Souza shows a film of money being handed to someone. OK, it’s a reenactment — the actor gets a credit at the end of the film. But hey, it could have happened. Case closed! Guilty!

D’Souza knows the Black man was paid by a “non-profit” group. They showed a photo of Black candidate Stacey Abrams. But he doesn’t actually say that she or her group, Fair Fight Georgia, made the payments. In fact, he doesn’t say who made the payments. Why?

And what about those “non-profits” that paid the mules — 2,000 mules casting nearly a million illegal votes — 817,765 illegal ballots (we toted up their claims) in just five cities — i.e. Black cities. D’Souza tracked the mules to the offices of these “non-profits,” even had an Arizona whistleblower say she herself gathered the ballots and paid the mules out of one office. But the whistleblower is in shadow, unnamed…and D’Souza, oddly, conceals the name of this criminal “non-profit.” He won’t reveal the group because … well, that’s odd. When I reported investigations for BBC Television, not once did I say, “We have the proof — witnesses, film, documents — of felony crimes committed by … well, that’s our secret!”


D’Souza says, “We know that the mules got their stashes of ballots from these activist organizations.” He “knows,” but won’t say how he knows, what evidence he has. Hell, he doesn’t name even one evil organization (and he claims there are many) because… well, maybe they didn’t do it.

Why didn’t he confront this unnamed group or groups with the evidence? I do that in every report I’ve ever filmed (in fact, it’s required by British law for UK reporters). Maybe because D’Souza has no evidence. He certainly didn’t show us any evidence, zero, of a single payment to a single mule.

When the Palast team finds a crime or malfeasance or vote manipulation, we name the perps — Chevron, Katherine Harris, whomever, and I confront them.


A still from our last major report from Georgia, “New Mass Voter Challenge by GOP Exposed”, in which I confront Pam Reardon, a GOP operative who challenged the right to vote of tens of thousands of Black and young Georgians on false evidence.
Take a look at our last major report from Georgia. We discovered that GOP operatives challenged the right to vote of tens of thousands of Black and young Georgians on false evidence. We named the key operatives — Pam Reardon is the Republican challenger-in chief. Here’s a photo of me confronting Reardon with the evidence. We didn’t fuzz out her face. And we named and confronted the group who gave her the phony, racially poisonous purge list: True the Vote. Yep, the same characters who provided the bogus info for 2000 Mules.

How about the Brooks Brother Riots that stopped the 2000 election. I call out Roger Stone

Both Roger Stone and Brad Blakeman take credit for managing the riot from a command post

On Monday’s Don Lemon Tonight, CNN aired exclusive footage of Roger Stone, longtime Republican operative and confidant to former President Donald Trump, laying out the strategy to invalidate the 2020 election if Trump were to lose. The video was reportedly taken by Stone’s assistant on July 9, 2020, one day before Trump commuted Stone’s prison sentence for lying to Congress. The clip was provided by Danish filmmaker Christoffer Guldbrandsen, who followed Stone off and on for three years while making the documentary A Storm Foretold.

“What they’re assuming is that the election will be normal,” Stone said. “The election will not be normal. ‘Oh, these are the California results? Sorry, we’re not accepting them. We’re challenging them in court. If the electors show up at the electoral college, armed guards will throw them out. I’m the president. F*** you.’”

Roger Stone's riot was successful in 2000. He thought he'd steal another one in 2020 but it was too much of a shelacking.
How about the Brooks Brother Riots that stopped the 2000 election. I call out Roger Stone

Both Roger Stone and Brad Blakeman take credit for managing the riot from a command post

On Monday’s Don Lemon Tonight, CNN aired exclusive footage of Roger Stone, longtime Republican operative and confidant to former President Donald Trump, laying out the strategy to invalidate the 2020 election if Trump were to lose. The video was reportedly taken by Stone’s assistant on July 9, 2020, one day before Trump commuted Stone’s prison sentence for lying to Congress. The clip was provided by Danish filmmaker Christoffer Guldbrandsen, who followed Stone off and on for three years while making the documentary A Storm Foretold.

“What they’re assuming is that the election will be normal,” Stone said. “The election will not be normal. ‘Oh, these are the California results? Sorry, we’re not accepting them. We’re challenging them in court. If the electors show up at the electoral college, armed guards will throw them out. I’m the president. F*** you.’”

Roger Stone's riot was successful in 2000. He thought he'd steal another one in 2020 but it was too much of a shelacking.
I saw the damning Stone video... and what stone was saying what Trump and acolytes were going to do if trump lost before the election,

is what they actually did! Lord almighty, what dirty rotten scoundrels and crooks!
“What they’re assuming is that the election will be normal,” Stone said. “The election will not be normal. ‘Oh, these are the California results? Sorry, we’re not accepting them. We’re challenging them in court. If the electors show up at the electoral college, armed guards will throw them out. I’m the president. F*** you.’”

The nerve to actually challenge election results in court!
All the 2000 Mules "debunks" are laughable, but one simple example will serve to show how sloppy and reeking of desperation they all are.

Liberal hero Greg Palast: "2,000 Mules: Belly Laughs, Belly Aches from Film’s “Proof” that Trump Won"

Palast says in the key passage:

“In Fulton County (Atlanta), he tells us 92,670 ballots were stuffed illegally into drop boxes.That’s astonishing — because there were only 79,000 ballots cast in drop boxes in Fulton County! And in Detroit, it was worse. “Mules” stuffed 226,590 ballots into Detroit area drop boxes — way more than the total number of all mail-in ballots — about three times the number of ballots in drop boxes.”

Libtard reporter Palast asserts that the film says that “92,670 ballots were stuffed illegally into drop boxes” in Fulton County, Georgia, when all of Fulton County had only “79,000 ballots cast in drop boxes.”

But the 92,670 ballots referred to in the film were for all of the Georgia counties investigated, not just Fulton County. The below excerpt from the film shows the researchers discussing a massive discrepancy in Gwinnent County.

Similarly, Palast alleges that the film claims that mules “stuffed 226,590 ballots into Detroit area drop boxes, way more than the total number of all mail-in ballots .” But the film never alleges this. The 226,590 figure includes all of Michigan counties examined, not just Wayne County, the seat of Detroit.

Palast is too good of a reporter to not know he is deliberately lying to his audience, but to liberals truth means nothing. Zero. Nada. So he exults as if he has scored a big GOTCHA! in his article, when all he has done is dishonestly, flagrantly contort the film's claims. You can stop reading the "fact-checks" because they are all this bad.

Palast: 0
2000 Mules: 98

Palest has always been a hack. When has he ever been a good reporter. I dunno.
The nerve to actually challenge election results in court!
“The election will not be normal. ‘Oh, these are the California results? Sorry, we’re not accepting them. We’re challenging them in court.

Well they did challenge many of them in court and lost every time

Stone's problem was expecting Trump appointed judges to support his coup
Only nearly 3,000 eyewitness affidavits, 2/3 of which have been deemed worthy of being accepted as evidence in court.
any affidavit "deemed worthy of being accepted as evidence in court" proved nothing

Or maybe you can document that claim?
Only nearly 3,000 eyewitness affidavits, 2/3 of which have been deemed worthy of being accepted as evidence in court.

Only cell traking data that is accurate enough to have put murderers, rapists, and other violent goons in prison.

Nope....Not a shred of evidence.
No such affidavits

That cell tracking data is not precise and only places people near ballot boxes which are already in HIGH TRAFFIC areas thus proving NOTHING.

Not a speck of fucking evidence
No such affidavits

That cell tracking data is not precise and only places people near ballot boxes which are already in HIGH TRAFFIC areas thus proving NOTHING.

Not a speck of fucking evidence
3,000 affidavits, fucking liar.

The cell tracking data has put violent thugs behind bars, also tracked J6 rioters down to the exact rooms they entered, fucking liar.
3,000 affidavits, fucking liar.

The cell tracking data has put violent thugs behind bars, also tracked J6 rioters down to the exact rooms they entered, fucking liar.
YOU are the liar not me

The fact is those affidavits DO NOT EXIST you dishonest motherfucker

The fact is that cell phone tracking data isnot precise and only puts people in the general area of ballot boxes which are in high traffic areas.

Those are facts toy cannot eve\n challenge you communist sack of trash

SUCK on those facts like they are your lovers cock
No such affidavits

That cell tracking data is not precise and only places people near ballot boxes which are already in HIGH TRAFFIC areas thus proving NOTHING.

Not a speck of fucking evidence
Evidence is moot if authorities refuse to investigate.
61% of votes are electioneering-proof absentee ballots? 81 million votes for a two-time loser with a running mate rejected by 97% of her party? Against an incumbent who increased his vote total by 17%?
Five swing states’ voting patterns shift after midnight upon batches of unvetted absentee ballots?
Nothing to investigate for fear of finding the obvious.
“The election will not be normal. ‘Oh, these are the California results? Sorry, we’re not accepting them. We’re challenging them in court.

Well they did challenge many of them in court and lost every time

Stone's problem was expecting Trump appointed judges to support his coup
These cons are just playing dumb. Or truly dumb. Swallowing and repeating that right wing spin. Makes me sick to think they might actually believe.

But then if you read what Roger Stone said, he too actually believes the election was stolen.

I think this is why. In MI, my governor, who they tried to kidnap by the way, and they're scared shitless of her because she could totally be POTUS. So they made her the punching bag during the pandemic and right wingers who actually believe the Republican lies, wanted to kidnap her. Could it be because she's hot too? I'm sure that played into it. Pervs.

Anyways, my Democratic governor during a pandemic mailed everyone an absentee ballot. Republicans know if it's that easy to vote for everyone eligible, they'll lose every time. So they did get screwed, by the pandemic. And Gretchen Whitmer. LOL
Oddly he "believed" that before the election even happened.
Yea because absentee ballots were already sent out. He knew this would cost Trump. If everyone in America eligible to vote on election day voted, Republicans would never win.

I heard a black community leader the other day on the radio say that in one white Florida county, 70% of the people vote. In another white county, 70% vote. In the black county, 60% of the people vote. If 70% of them voted, Republicans wouldn't win. This is why Republicans fight so hard to discourage blacks from voting. Or why they gerrymander the fuck out of them in the south. Instead of having 2 House or Reps representing 25% of the population, only 1 does. They spread half the other blacks into heavily Republican areas. Slick.
As far as the "2000 Fools"

“2000 Mules” is easily and endlessly debunkable: True the Vote claims that “ballot mules” visited multiple drop boxes each with armloads of ballots, but never shows video of more than one visit by any single voter, and hasn’t released the cell phone geolocation data that they say proves otherwise. They claim to know the identities of these ballot mules, but apparently none have been turned over to law enforcement.

I know MAGA types are not open to being dissuaded but think about that

This movie...made by a convicted (and pardoned) election fraudster...does not show a SINGLE occurrence of the same person dropping off votes...which is the CRUX of the movie's claim.
Only nearly 3,000 eyewitness affidavits, 2/3 of which have been deemed worthy of being accepted as evidence in court.

Only cell traking data that is accurate enough to have put murderers, rapists, and other violent goons in prison.

Nope....Not a shred of evidence.

The real evidence is elsewhere.

Follow the money.

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