Greg Palast's 2000 Mules "Fact-Check" Fail

Evidence is moot if authorities refuse to investigate.
61% of votes are electioneering-proof absentee ballots? 81 million votes for a two-time loser with a running mate rejected by 97% of her party? Against an incumbent who increased his vote total by 17%?
Five swing states’ voting patterns shift after midnight upon batches of unvetted absentee ballots?
Nothing to investigate for fear of finding the obvious.
there are several anti-fraud protections built into the process designed to make it difficult to impersonate voters or steal ballots. These provisions include requiring people requesting absentee ballots to be registered voters, mailing ballots to the official address listed on voter registration rolls, requiring voter signatures on the external envelope, and having election authorities make sure the ballot came from the address of an actual voter. If a ballot appears questionable, some states use a signature matching technique to verify the signature of the voter.


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