Greta Thunberg Meets With Barack Obama To Talk Climate Fear

No. I think her parents are batshit crazy communists and anti-American scum, probably a lot like you.
What makes supporting the environment anti American?

Antifa and the climate hoaxers are not concerned about the environment at all. They use the guise of pretending to care about the environment to advance their anti-American, anti-capitalist Agenda.

Even AOC’s staff admitted that the “Green New Deal” wasn’t really about saving the environment, but changing our whole economic system.
Antifa and the climate hoaxers are not concerned about the environment at all. They use the guise of pretending to care about the environment to advance their anti-American, anti-capitalist Agenda
Because capitalism is killing this planet

"Viewed from the perspective of geological history, our current climatic and economic conditions are unusual.

"For most of the last 60 million years, the climate has been wildly unstable.

"It was only 10,000 years ago that it settled into its current stable state, and within this period that the Holocene emerged, during which human societies shifted their relationship with nature though agriculture, and then creating complex settled socio-economic forms, including capitalism."

Climate Change and Capitalism: A Political Marxist View. - Resilience

Because capitalism is killing this planet

Yeah, the environment is much cleaner in communist/former communist countries.
Because capitalism is killing this planet

Yeah, the environment is much cleaner in communist/former communist countries.
Capitalism is burning the arctic
Who profits from that?


"Here’s a sentence for you: The Arctic is burning. Yes, that Arctic—the traditionally cold and wet one, large swaths of which are being consumed by an astonishing number of wildfires, from Russia to Greenland to Alaska.

"'Arctic fires—the combination of these two words is still an unusual term in my field of fire science,' says Guillermo Rein of Imperial College London. 'Arctic fires are rare, but they're not unprecedented. What is unprecedented is the number of fires that are happening. Never before have satellites around the planet seen this level of activity.'"

The Bizarre, Peaty Science of Arctic Wildfires

Capitalism is burning the arctic

How does capitalism get the credit for wildfires?

The Bizarre, Peaty Science of Arctic Wildfires

Thanks for the source. FYI, it doesn't mention capitalism.
No profits under communism, their environment is much worse than ours.
The Chinese are planning to end the sale of internal combustion vehicles by 2040. The red hat goobers want our vehicles to use more gas. Commies are moving in one direction while we want to turn back the clock. Makes you feel proud doesn`t it?

The Chinese are planning to end the sale of internal combustion vehicles by 2040.

So what?

The red hat goobers want our vehicles to use more gas.

Dems want you to ride a bike to work.

Commies are moving in one direction

Otherwise they send you to the gulag, moron.

while we want to turn back the clock.

I know, too much freedom here.

Makes you feel proud doesn`t it?

Yes, erasing Obama's stupid regulations makes me proud.
Don`t feel proud Todd, feel stupid. BTW, coal mines are still closing. Perhaps we`ll really have freedom when the Cuyahoga river catches on fire like it did in the good old days.

BTW, coal mines are still closing.

Fracking is awesome, isn't it?
BTW, coal mines are still closing.

Fracking is awesome, isn't it?
Who pays to clean up contaminated ground water?

The Koch brothers?

Rollback of Controls on Hydraulic Fracturing (Fracking) on Federal and Indian Lands (Oil and Gas) | Save EPA

Where has fracking contaminated groundwater?
She's a product just like a can of tuna, marketed, promoted, hyped by the AGW machinery.
I surprised Al Gore and Bill Nye (The Science Guy) haven't had an audience with her and kissed her ring.
Maybe they have and I missed that.

I also wonder if Thunberg has told Obama his mansion will be under water in a matter of years.
I also wonder if Thunberg has told Obama his mansion will be under water in a matter of years.
Along with his former home town

Or is that another Chinese hoax?

The biggest problem is water. Unlike Australia, Indonesia does not have a series of dams and pipes to deliver water to all the 10 million-plus residents of its biggest city. About 40 per cent of residents rely on bore water, according to the city's tap water company, PAM Jaya, and it is brought up from under their feet by massive pumps running day and night.

It's not just private users either: more than 4000 commercial buildings, such as hotels and offices, also rely on groundwater. The amount of water a company or individual can remove is supposed to be regulated but, as with most regulations in Indonesia, the rules are poor and enforcement minimal. As the water is pumped out, the ground on which the city is built gradually subsides, like a balloon deflating.

Did you think the problem was global warming?
Have you always been such a stupid twat?
Yep. It’s called subsidence. The strata below are compacting due to the reduction in pore pressure due to water production.
Hilarious. I wonder if it was at his beachfront mansion he collected his wisdom from a 16 year old high school dropout at.

Reality is there’s never been a human in all of history who’s believed they were wiser at 16 than in later years.

Obama meets with Greta Thunberg: 'One of our planet's greatest advocates'
She is a smart kid

Strange that conservatives are not as bright


In my opinion, she is a terrorist in the she will be wearing a black mask and carrying bricks and stones and a baseball bat...

If you think that's smart......:dunno:

The terrorists deny climate change have been brain washed too? oh well

The entire world acknowledges climate change. It is a fact

Only oil companies and Conservatives deny it
You do realize that we are in an interglacial cycle and our present temperature is still well below the previous peak temperatures of previous interglacial cycles, right?
Or is that another Chinese hoax?
"Jakarta is facing its own inconvenient truth. Indonesia’s capital is sinking even faster than climate change can cause sea levels to rise".

Two things... three actually, if you don't mind..

*If Jakarta is sinking due to global warming, why is it sinking faster than sea levels are rising? That would indicate Jakarta's problem is not related to AGW since there is no correlation there.

*If Jakarta is sinking due to global warming why aren't we seeing other instances around the world of similar incidents?
Shouldn't sea levels be raising in a uniform manner?

*And of course the question no one wants to answer, if rising ocean levels are a very real threat why did former president Obama recently buy very expensive ocean front property.?

If a volcano was showing signs or erupting would we expect him to buy a home at the base of that volcano?

Of course I'm sure you can address all these questions. I await an answer.
If Jakarta is sinking due to global warming, why is it sinking faster than sea levels are rising? That would indicate Jakarta's problem is not related to AGW since there is no correlation there.
Perhaps there's more than one reason why Jakarta is sinking by as much as 10 inches per year?

Jakarta Is Sinking. Now Indonesia Has to Find a New Capital

"Jakarta is a victim of climate change, the fault of humans the world over (though mostly the fault of corporations), but it’s also a victim of its own policies.

"The city is sinking—a process known as land subsidence—because residents and industries have been draining aquifers, often illegally, to the point that the land is now collapsing..."

"Even if Jakarta could stop land subsidence, it’s still sitting on the edge of the sea, and seas are rising.

"The city has already deployed a network of canals and seawalls to stave off the threat, but with climate change the threat will only grow worse."

Seas are not rising. The Earth is always changing and land naturally sinks and raises at different points.
Seas are not rising. The Earth is always changing and land naturally sinks and raises at different points.
What do you know NASA doesn't?

Sea Level | Vital Signs – Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet

"Sea level rise is caused primarily by two factors related to global warming: the added water from melting ice sheets and glaciers and the expansion of seawater as it warms. The first graph tracks the change in sea level since 1993 as observed by satellites..."

"You now need to create an Earthdata account to access NASA's sea level data. Register here for free. Once logged in, click the "download data" button on this page to access the data."
Nothing. Even NASA knows we are in an interglacial cycle and our current temperatures are below the peak temperatures of previous interglacial cycles.
Or is that another Chinese hoax?
"Jakarta is facing its own inconvenient truth. Indonesia’s capital is sinking even faster than climate change can cause sea levels to rise".

Two things... three actually, if you don't mind..

*If Jakarta is sinking due to global warming, why is it sinking faster than sea levels are rising? That would indicate Jakarta's problem is not related to AGW since there is no correlation there.

*If Jakarta is sinking due to global warming why aren't we seeing other instances around the world of similar incidents?
Shouldn't sea levels be raising in a uniform manner?

*And of course the question no one wants to answer, if rising ocean levels are a very real threat why did former president Obama recently buy very expensive ocean front property.?

If a volcano was showing signs or erupting would we expect him to buy a home at the base of that volcano?

Of course I'm sure you can address all these questions. I await an answer.
If Jakarta is sinking due to global warming, why is it sinking faster than sea levels are rising? That would indicate Jakarta's problem is not related to AGW since there is no correlation there.
Perhaps there's more than one reason why Jakarta is sinking by as much as 10 inches per year?

Jakarta Is Sinking. Now Indonesia Has to Find a New Capital

"Jakarta is a victim of climate change, the fault of humans the world over (though mostly the fault of corporations), but it’s also a victim of its own policies.

"The city is sinking—a process known as land subsidence—because residents and industries have been draining aquifers, often illegally, to the point that the land is now collapsing..."

"Even if Jakarta could stop land subsidence, it’s still sitting on the edge of the sea, and seas are rising.

"The city has already deployed a network of canals and seawalls to stave off the threat, but with climate change the threat will only grow worse."

Seas are not rising. The Earth is always changing and land naturally sinks and raises at different points.
Seas are not rising. The Earth is always changing and land naturally sinks and raises at different points.
What do you know NASA doesn't?

Sea Level | Vital Signs – Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet

"Sea level rise is caused primarily by two factors related to global warming: the added water from melting ice sheets and glaciers and the expansion of seawater as it warms. The first graph tracks the change in sea level since 1993 as observed by satellites..."

"You now need to create an Earthdata account to access NASA's sea level data. Register here for free. Once logged in, click the "download data" button on this page to access the data."
Nothing. Even NASA knows we are in an interglacial cycle and our current temperatures are below the peak temperatures of previous interglacial cycles.
Nothing. Even NASA knows we are in an interglacial cycle and our current temperatures are below the peak temperatures of previous interglacial cycles.
What were those peak temperatures of previous interglacial cycles?
How long ago did the occur?

What explains the temperature rise over the past 140 years?

Global Warming
"Jakarta is facing its own inconvenient truth. Indonesia’s capital is sinking even faster than climate change can cause sea levels to rise".

Two things... three actually, if you don't mind..

*If Jakarta is sinking due to global warming, why is it sinking faster than sea levels are rising? That would indicate Jakarta's problem is not related to AGW since there is no correlation there.

*If Jakarta is sinking due to global warming why aren't we seeing other instances around the world of similar incidents?
Shouldn't sea levels be raising in a uniform manner?

*And of course the question no one wants to answer, if rising ocean levels are a very real threat why did former president Obama recently buy very expensive ocean front property.?

If a volcano was showing signs or erupting would we expect him to buy a home at the base of that volcano?

Of course I'm sure you can address all these questions. I await an answer.
If Jakarta is sinking due to global warming, why is it sinking faster than sea levels are rising? That would indicate Jakarta's problem is not related to AGW since there is no correlation there.
Perhaps there's more than one reason why Jakarta is sinking by as much as 10 inches per year?

Jakarta Is Sinking. Now Indonesia Has to Find a New Capital

"Jakarta is a victim of climate change, the fault of humans the world over (though mostly the fault of corporations), but it’s also a victim of its own policies.

"The city is sinking—a process known as land subsidence—because residents and industries have been draining aquifers, often illegally, to the point that the land is now collapsing..."

"Even if Jakarta could stop land subsidence, it’s still sitting on the edge of the sea, and seas are rising.

"The city has already deployed a network of canals and seawalls to stave off the threat, but with climate change the threat will only grow worse."

Seas are not rising. The Earth is always changing and land naturally sinks and raises at different points.
Seas are not rising. The Earth is always changing and land naturally sinks and raises at different points.
What do you know NASA doesn't?

Sea Level | Vital Signs – Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet

"Sea level rise is caused primarily by two factors related to global warming: the added water from melting ice sheets and glaciers and the expansion of seawater as it warms. The first graph tracks the change in sea level since 1993 as observed by satellites..."

"You now need to create an Earthdata account to access NASA's sea level data. Register here for free. Once logged in, click the "download data" button on this page to access the data."
Nothing. Even NASA knows we are in an interglacial cycle and our current temperatures are below the peak temperatures of previous interglacial cycles.
Nothing. Even NASA knows we are in an interglacial cycle and our current temperatures are below the peak temperatures of previous interglacial cycles.
What were those peak temperatures of previous interglacial cycles?
How long ago did the occur?

What explains the temperature rise over the past 140 years?

Global Warming
It ranges from 1 to 2C above the current mean temperature. There have been 4 glacial cycles and 5 interglacial cycles over the past 400,000 years. Believed to be triggered by Milankovitch cycles and reinforced by CO2 sequestration (cold temps) and releases (warm temps) by the ocean.



According to NASA... Earth has cycled between ice ages (low points, large negative anomalies) and warm interglacials (peaks). (Photograph courtesy National Snow & Ice Data Center. NASA graph by Robert Simmon, based on data from Jouzel et al., 2007.)
She is a smart kid

Strange that conservatives are not as bright


In my opinion, she is a terrorist in the she will be wearing a black mask and carrying bricks and stones and a baseball bat...

If you think that's smart......:dunno:

The terrorists deny climate change have been brain washed too? oh well

The entire world acknowledges climate change. It is a fact

Only oil companies and Conservatives deny it

The entire world acknowledges climate change. It is a fact

How many trillions do we need to waste on windmills to ensure the climate never, ever changes again?

You mean, to stop climate change?

And do we get to chose when to stop it?

In my opinion, she is a terrorist in the she will be wearing a black mask and carrying bricks and stones and a baseball bat...

If you think that's smart......:dunno:

The terrorists deny climate change have been brain washed too? oh well

The entire world acknowledges climate change. It is a fact

Only oil companies and Conservatives deny it

The entire world acknowledges climate change. It is a fact

How many trillions do we need to waste on windmills to ensure the climate never, ever changes again?

You mean, to stop climate change?

And do we get to chose when to stop it?
I believe we are better off at 600 ppm than 400 ppm.
"What is Global Warming?

"Global warming is the unusually rapid increase in Earth’s average surface temperature over the past century primarily due to the greenhouse gases released as people burn fossil fuels.

"The global average surface temperature rose 0.6 to 0.9 degrees Celsius (1.1 to 1.6° F) between 1906 and 2005, and the rate of temperature increase has nearly doubled in the last 50 years. Temperatures are certain to go up further."

Global Warming
"What is Global Warming?

"Global warming is the unusually rapid increase in Earth’s average surface temperature over the past century primarily due to the greenhouse gases released as people burn fossil fuels.

"The global average surface temperature rose 0.6 to 0.9 degrees Celsius (1.1 to 1.6° F) between 1906 and 2005, and the rate of temperature increase has nearly doubled in the last 50 years. Temperatures are certain to go up further."

Global Warming
Temperatures have been going up for the last 22,000 years.
Hilarious. I wonder if it was at his beachfront mansion he collected his wisdom from a 16 year old high school dropout at.

Reality is there’s never been a human in all of history who’s believed they were wiser at 16 than in later years.

Obama meets with Greta Thunberg: 'One of our planet's greatest advocates'
She is a smart kid

Strange that conservatives are not as bright
mother father and daughter......there you go

the three cretins wearing the terrorist T-shirt of Antifa.

what else can you expect:rolleyes-41:


2 fascists imposing their twisted views on their kid. Talk about child abuse.

Like the kids wearing Trump shit? Why do you support Fascism?
Which Trump kid met with a former President and spoke to the UN to discuss policy?
Yousaidwhat said:
Dads has a limp dick.
Mom is clueless and the Princess thinks she has the floor.
That's The Full-On Prog Household
And Just Look At Her
She Looks 10yrs Old Because Of Her Activist Diet
Hilarious. I wonder if it was at his beachfront mansion he collected his wisdom from a 16 year old high school dropout at.

Reality is there’s never been a human in all of history who’s believed they were wiser at 16 than in later years.

Obama meets with Greta Thunberg: 'One of our planet's greatest advocates'
She is a smart kid

Strange that conservatives are not as bright
mother father and daughter......there you go

the three cretins wearing the terrorist T-shirt of Antifa.

what else can you expect:rolleyes-41:


2 fascists imposing their twisted views on their kid. Talk about child abuse.

Like the kids wearing Trump shit? Why do you support Fascism?
Which Trump kid met with a former President and spoke to the UN to discuss policy?
Ivanka. She has met with world leaders & has spoken at the UN.

When did Hunter Biden speak at the UN?
"What is Global Warming?

"Global warming is the unusually rapid increase in Earth’s average surface temperature over the past century primarily due to the greenhouse gases released as people burn fossil fuels.

"The global average surface temperature rose 0.6 to 0.9 degrees Celsius (1.1 to 1.6° F) between 1906 and 2005, and the rate of temperature increase has nearly doubled in the last 50 years. Temperatures are certain to go up further."

Global Warming

Global warming is the unusually rapid increase in Earth’s average surface temperature over the past century

Unusually rapid compared to what?
"What is Global Warming?

"Global warming is the unusually rapid increase in Earth’s average surface temperature over the past century primarily due to the greenhouse gases released as people burn fossil fuels.

"The global average surface temperature rose 0.6 to 0.9 degrees Celsius (1.1 to 1.6° F) between 1906 and 2005, and the rate of temperature increase has nearly doubled in the last 50 years. Temperatures are certain to go up further."

Global Warming

Global warming is the unusually rapid increase in Earth’s average surface temperature over the past century

Unusually rapid compared to what?
Compared to usual. dumbass.

In my opinion, she is a terrorist in the she will be wearing a black mask and carrying bricks and stones and a baseball bat...

If you think that's smart......:dunno:

The terrorists deny climate change have been brain washed too? oh well

The entire world acknowledges climate change. It is a fact

Only oil companies and Conservatives deny it

The entire world acknowledges climate change. It is a fact

How many trillions do we need to waste on windmills to ensure the climate never, ever changes again?

You mean, to stop climate change?

And do we get to chose when to stop it?

Well, Mr Genius, If high levels of CO2 are driving this, then obviously red using the amount of CO2 emitted would be a way to stop the worst of it.
Or is that another Chinese hoax?
"Jakarta is facing its own inconvenient truth. Indonesia’s capital is sinking even faster than climate change can cause sea levels to rise".

Two things... three actually, if you don't mind..

*If Jakarta is sinking due to global warming, why is it sinking faster than sea levels are rising? That would indicate Jakarta's problem is not related to AGW since there is no correlation there.

*If Jakarta is sinking due to global warming why aren't we seeing other instances around the world of similar incidents?
Shouldn't sea levels be raising in a uniform manner?

*And of course the question no one wants to answer, if rising ocean levels are a very real threat why did former president Obama recently buy very expensive ocean front property.?

If a volcano was showing signs or erupting would we expect him to buy a home at the base of that volcano?

Of course I'm sure you can address all these questions. I await an answer.
If Jakarta is sinking due to global warming, why is it sinking faster than sea levels are rising? That would indicate Jakarta's problem is not related to AGW since there is no correlation there.
Perhaps there's more than one reason why Jakarta is sinking by as much as 10 inches per year?

Jakarta Is Sinking. Now Indonesia Has to Find a New Capital

"Jakarta is a victim of climate change, the fault of humans the world over (though mostly the fault of corporations), but it’s also a victim of its own policies.

"The city is sinking—a process known as land subsidence—because residents and industries have been draining aquifers, often illegally, to the point that the land is now collapsing..."

"Even if Jakarta could stop land subsidence, it’s still sitting on the edge of the sea, and seas are rising.

"The city has already deployed a network of canals and seawalls to stave off the threat, but with climate change the threat will only grow worse."

Seas are not rising. The Earth is always changing and land naturally sinks and raises at different points.
Seas are not rising. The Earth is always changing and land naturally sinks and raises at different points.
What do you know NASA doesn't?

Sea Level | Vital Signs – Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet

"Sea level rise is caused primarily by two factors related to global warming: the added water from melting ice sheets and glaciers and the expansion of seawater as it warms. The first graph tracks the change in sea level since 1993 as observed by satellites..."

"You now need to create an Earthdata account to access NASA's sea level data. Register here for free. Once logged in, click the "download data" button on this page to access the data."
Nothing. Even NASA knows we are in an interglacial cycle and our current temperatures are below the peak temperatures of previous interglacial cycles.
1) How was it for man in those peak periods? For their civilizations?
2) What causes these changes
3) What is causing the rise today?
The Chinese are planning to end the sale of internal combustion vehicles by 2040. The red hat goobers want our vehicles to use more gas. Commies are moving in one direction while we want to turn back the clock. Makes you feel proud doesn`t it?

The Chinese are planning to end the sale of internal combustion vehicles by 2040.

So what?

The red hat goobers want our vehicles to use more gas.

Dems want you to ride a bike to work.

Commies are moving in one direction

Otherwise they send you to the gulag, moron.

while we want to turn back the clock.

I know, too much freedom here.

Makes you feel proud doesn`t it?

Yes, erasing Obama's stupid regulations makes me proud.
Don`t feel proud Todd, feel stupid. BTW, coal mines are still closing. Perhaps we`ll really have freedom when the Cuyahoga river catches on fire like it did in the good old days.

BTW, coal mines are still closing.

Fracking is awesome, isn't it?
BTW, coal mines are still closing.

Fracking is awesome, isn't it?
Who pays to clean up contaminated ground water?

The Koch brothers?

Rollback of Controls on Hydraulic Fracturing (Fracking) on Federal and Indian Lands (Oil and Gas) | Save EPA

Where has fracking contaminated groundwater?
Wind River

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