Greta Thunberg Meets With Barack Obama To Talk Climate Fear

Hilarious. I wonder if it was at his beachfront mansion he collected his wisdom from a 16 year old high school dropout at.

Reality is there’s never been a human in all of history who’s believed they were wiser at 16 than in later years.

Obama meets with Greta Thunberg: 'One of our planet's greatest advocates'
She is a smart kid

Strange that conservatives are not as bright
mother father and daughter......there you go

the three cretins wearing the terrorist T-shirt of Antifa.

what else can you expect:rolleyes-41:


2 fascists imposing their twisted views on their kid. Talk about child abuse.
Anti Fascist is not Fascist
Hilarious. I wonder if it was at his beachfront mansion he collected his wisdom from a 16 year old high school dropout at.

Reality is there’s never been a human in all of history who’s believed they were wiser at 16 than in later years.

Obama meets with Greta Thunberg: 'One of our planet's greatest advocates'
She is a smart kid

Strange that conservatives are not as bright
mother father and daughter......there you go

the three cretins wearing the terrorist T-shirt of Antifa.

what else can you expect:rolleyes-41:


2 fascists imposing their twisted views on their kid. Talk about child abuse.
Anti Fascist is not Fascist

The MSM ejaculated lies and you swallowed.
Gullible stooge pawn. You Leftards should go to prison for what you do to children.
Theocrats have been saying that about teaching science since the dawn of mankind.

Since when is speculation 'science?'

It is measurable and thoroughly vetted by the scientific community

Where is your scientific support of denial?

The MSM ejaculated lies and you swallowed.
Hilarious. I wonder if it was at his beachfront mansion he collected his wisdom from a 16 year old high school dropout at.

Reality is there’s never been a human in all of history who’s believed they were wiser at 16 than in later years.

Obama meets with Greta Thunberg: 'One of our planet's greatest advocates'
She is a smart kid

Strange that conservatives are not as bright
mother father and daughter......there you go

the three cretins wearing the terrorist T-shirt of Antifa.

what else can you expect:rolleyes-41:


2 fascists imposing their twisted views on their kid. Talk about child abuse.
Anti Fascist is not Fascist

Commies are Commies, even if they call themselves anti-fascists.
Hilarious. I wonder if it was at his beachfront mansion he collected his wisdom from a 16 year old high school dropout at.

Reality is there’s never been a human in all of history who’s believed they were wiser at 16 than in later years.

Obama meets with Greta Thunberg: 'One of our planet's greatest advocates'
She is a smart kid

Strange that conservatives are not as bright
mother father and daughter......there you go

the three cretins wearing the terrorist T-shirt of Antifa.

what else can you expect:rolleyes-41:


2 fascists imposing their twisted views on their kid. Talk about child abuse.
Anti Fascist is not Fascist
You’re why marketing people are so good at reeling in suckers.
Gullible stooge pawn. You Leftards should go to prison for what you do to children.
Theocrats have been saying that about teaching science since the dawn of mankind.

Since when is speculation 'science?'

It is measurable and thoroughly vetted by the scientific community

Where is your scientific support of denial?
You do realize computer models are created by humans don’t you? Humans with a desired outcome.
A computer model shown to be consistently wrong is no longer a valid model.
Do you think she is a NAZI?
Do you agree with the hate rhetoric being directed at this young lady?

No. I think her parents are batshit crazy communists and anti-American scum, probably a lot like you.
What makes supporting the environment anti American?

Antifa and the climate hoaxers are not concerned about the environment at all. They use the guise of pretending to care about the environment to advance their anti-American, anti-capitalist Agenda.

Even AOC’s staff admitted that the “Green New Deal” wasn’t really about saving the environment, but changing our whole economic system.
Antifa and the climate hoaxers are not concerned about the environment at all. They use the guise of pretending to care about the environment to advance their anti-American, anti-capitalist Agenda
Because capitalism is killing this planet

"Viewed from the perspective of geological history, our current climatic and economic conditions are unusual.

"For most of the last 60 million years, the climate has been wildly unstable.

"It was only 10,000 years ago that it settled into its current stable state, and within this period that the Holocene emerged, during which human societies shifted their relationship with nature though agriculture, and then creating complex settled socio-economic forms, including capitalism."

Climate Change and Capitalism: A Political Marxist View. - Resilience

Because capitalism is killing this planet

Yeah, the environment is much cleaner in communist/former communist countries.
Because capitalism is killing this planet

Yeah, the environment is much cleaner in communist/former communist countries.
Capitalism is burning the arctic
Who profits from that?


"Here’s a sentence for you: The Arctic is burning. Yes, that Arctic—the traditionally cold and wet one, large swaths of which are being consumed by an astonishing number of wildfires, from Russia to Greenland to Alaska.

"'Arctic fires—the combination of these two words is still an unusual term in my field of fire science,' says Guillermo Rein of Imperial College London. 'Arctic fires are rare, but they're not unprecedented. What is unprecedented is the number of fires that are happening. Never before have satellites around the planet seen this level of activity.'"

The Bizarre, Peaty Science of Arctic Wildfires
History and politics never ceases to fool the people. On one hand you have African Americn males in D.C. spouting racist and homophobic taunts at a teenager wearing a hat with a Native American man there for added flavor and David Hogg all no where near being men because of their theatrics with the Catholic kids on hos way of being a man. And then you have women like this teenage charlatan who will probably get a Rhodes scholarship. None of them accept the Catholic school kid will have produced much in life when they are done. This young lady needs to have eveyrthing she has done in her life in living by the eco way reported. When she takes a shit, she must go and bury it out in natures way as approved by the eco people. When she eat, wears clothes, lives in her home in every way there must not be one carbon unit expunged from her body. I am sure she flew here on Teradactyl Airlines with the dinosaurs doing the power of flight. She is not living the good life at all here of course. If she is not doing all of this, stick drugs into her and put her on the streets a whore. And she will be a natural at it.
Actually, she sailed into New York on a zero-emissions yacht.

'How dare you?' Greta Thunberg asks world leaders at UN
There must be millions of them built. And of course the size of tankers to carry food and products right. I should have figured there was going to be a theatric act job done.
Before I go ....

Wakey, wakey Demrats, Leftwing sheeple......WAKEY WAKEY

Soros??? THE Soros funding the little piece of %^&* ????

why, yes he is

what did you expect???:04:

SURPRISE! The Official Escort for 16-Year-Old Global Warming 'Expert' Greta Thunberg Is a Leftist Hack Funded by George Soros Org.


Conservative Boogeyman
If he is funding her......Good for him
You like foreigners interfering in our elections I see.
This who cheered Russian support for his orange hero.

Trying to educate you stupid fucks is only interfering if Trump voters are dumbasses.
Mueller and his army of lawyers spent years trying to get Trump, but you sitting at home in your underwear surfing discovered the truth.
Mueller and his army of lawyers spent years trying to get Trump, but you sitting at home in your underwear surfing discovered the truth.
Mueller didn't cross Trump's "red line" concerning his personal/business finances; congress won't be as timid (maybe)
Trump Still Faces 9 Investigations Into His Finances
History and politics never ceases to fool the people. On one hand you have African Americn males in D.C. spouting racist and homophobic taunts at a teenager wearing a hat with a Native American man there for added flavor and David Hogg all no where near being men because of their theatrics with the Catholic kids on hos way of being a man. And then you have women like this teenage charlatan who will probably get a Rhodes scholarship. None of them accept the Catholic school kid will have produced much in life when they are done. This young lady needs to have eveyrthing she has done in her life in living by the eco way reported. When she takes a shit, she must go and bury it out in natures way as approved by the eco people. When she eat, wears clothes, lives in her home in every way there must not be one carbon unit expunged from her body. I am sure she flew here on Teradactyl Airlines with the dinosaurs doing the power of flight. She is not living the good life at all here of course. If she is not doing all of this, stick drugs into her and put her on the streets a whore. And she will be a natural at it.
Actually, she sailed into New York on a zero-emissions yacht.

'How dare you?' Greta Thunberg asks world leaders at UN
There must be millions of them built. And of course the size of tankers to carry food and products right. I should have figured there was going to be a theatric act job done.
This idea you have that those wanting to reduce emissions can't travel or drive or eat a steak is just proof of how God damn stupid you are.

If we all cut our emissions by driving cars with higher mpg, or choose better options for your HVAC or look at maybe eating less beef or using better light bulbs, it will help a lot.

What we don't need is more ignorant people like you.
Gullible stooge pawn. You Leftards should go to prison for what you do to children.
Theocrats have been saying that about teaching science since the dawn of mankind.

Since when is speculation 'science?'

It is measurable and thoroughly vetted by the scientific community

Where is your scientific support of denial?
You do realize computer models are created by humans don’t you? Humans with a desired outcome.
A computer model shown to be consistently wrong is no longer a valid model.
Models rextrapolate into the futeure.

I suspect even a stupid fuck like you can see statistics of the past 50 years.
I laugh at yet another one of your stupid posts.

Trump says we should sacrifice our environmert for corporate profits. And you are dumb enough to agree.

No profits under communism, their environment is much worse than ours.
The Chinese are planning to end the sale of internal combustion vehicles by 2040. The red hat goobers want our vehicles to use more gas. Commies are moving in one direction while we want to turn back the clock. Makes you feel proud doesn`t it?

The Chinese are planning to end the sale of internal combustion vehicles by 2040.

So what?

The red hat goobers want our vehicles to use more gas.

Dems want you to ride a bike to work.

Commies are moving in one direction

Otherwise they send you to the gulag, moron.

while we want to turn back the clock.

I know, too much freedom here.

Makes you feel proud doesn`t it?

Yes, erasing Obama's stupid regulations makes me proud.
Don`t feel proud Todd, feel stupid. BTW, coal mines are still closing. Perhaps we`ll really have freedom when the Cuyahoga river catches on fire like it did in the good old days.

BTW, coal mines are still closing.

Fracking is awesome, isn't it?
BTW, coal mines are still closing.

Fracking is awesome, isn't it?
Who pays to clean up contaminated ground water?

The Koch brothers?

Rollback of Controls on Hydraulic Fracturing (Fracking) on Federal and Indian Lands (Oil and Gas) | Save EPA
Gullible stooge pawn. You Leftards should go to prison for what you do to children.
Theocrats have been saying that about teaching science since the dawn of mankind.

Since when is speculation 'science?'

It is based on science. They use mathematics and current & past trends to produce a mathematical model and then extrapolate.

I guess you think we should not look onto the future? Just wing it as we go. Storm in the Atlantic? Fuck it, lets not look at the potential track. Noooooooo, lets do nothing & be surprised when it strikes.

You people are such assholes.
Hilarious. I wonder if it was at his beachfront mansion he collected his wisdom from a 16 year old high school dropout at.

Reality is there’s never been a human in all of history who’s believed they were wiser at 16 than in later years.

Obama meets with Greta Thunberg: 'One of our planet's greatest advocates'
She is a smart kid

Strange that conservatives are not as bright
mother father and daughter......there you go

the three cretins wearing the terrorist T-shirt of Antifa.

what else can you expect:rolleyes-41:


2 fascists imposing their twisted views on their kid. Talk about child abuse.
Anti Fascist is not Fascist

The MSM ejaculated lies and you swallowed.
Like Trump & you?
Sad that they have to bash kids. This isn’t tbe first.

She seems like a good kid. I would take her as seriously as any 16 year old kid.
I know, you take Trump seriously & he has the mentality of an eight year old.

I don't take everything that Trump says seriously. Many things I believe he is as juvenile as you.
So this is your excuse for ignoring all his lies?

Ignoring what lies? What lies have I ignored, the real lies or the ones you you claim are lies?

I have a balanced view, I don't support a lot of what he does but I support some. You on the other hand just flat out hate what he does no matter what. You are just like all those nuts that hated whatever Obama did. The extreme left and extreme right haters are a menace to our America.
Bullshit. I understand you are embarrassed to be a Trumpette but when you can't even admit Trump lies, you ain't middle of the road, you're up Trump's ass & lovin' it
Hilarious. I wonder if it was at his beachfront mansion he collected his wisdom from a 16 year old high school dropout at.

Reality is there’s never been a human in all of history who’s believed they were wiser at 16 than in later years.

Obama meets with Greta Thunberg: 'One of our planet's greatest advocates'
She is a smart kid

Strange that conservatives are not as bright
mother father and daughter......there you go

the three cretins wearing the terrorist T-shirt of Antifa.

what else can you expect:rolleyes-41:


2 fascists imposing their twisted views on their kid. Talk about child abuse.

Like the kids wearing Trump shit? Why do you support Fascism?
She seems like a good kid. I would take her as seriously as any 16 year old kid.
I know, you take Trump seriously & he has the mentality of an eight year old.

I don't take everything that Trump says seriously. Many things I believe he is as juvenile as you.
So this is your excuse for ignoring all his lies?

Ignoring what lies? What lies have I ignored, the real lies or the ones you you claim are lies?

I have a balanced view, I don't support a lot of what he does but I support some. You on the other hand just flat out hate what he does no matter what. You are just like all those nuts that hated whatever Obama did. The extreme left and extreme right haters are a menace to our America.
Bullshit. I understand you are embarrassed to be a Trumpette but when you can't even admit Trump lies, you ain't middle of the road, you're up Trump's ass & lovin' it

I see you aren’t honest enough to answer the question. What lies have I ignored? The real lies or the ones you claim are lies?
History and politics never ceases to fool the people. On one hand you have African Americn males in D.C. spouting racist and homophobic taunts at a teenager wearing a hat with a Native American man there for added flavor and David Hogg all no where near being men because of their theatrics with the Catholic kids on hos way of being a man. And then you have women like this teenage charlatan who will probably get a Rhodes scholarship. None of them accept the Catholic school kid will have produced much in life when they are done. This young lady needs to have eveyrthing she has done in her life in living by the eco way reported. When she takes a shit, she must go and bury it out in natures way as approved by the eco people. When she eat, wears clothes, lives in her home in every way there must not be one carbon unit expunged from her body. I am sure she flew here on Teradactyl Airlines with the dinosaurs doing the power of flight. She is not living the good life at all here of course. If she is not doing all of this, stick drugs into her and put her on the streets a whore. And she will be a natural at it.
Actually, she sailed into New York on a zero-emissions yacht.

'How dare you?' Greta Thunberg asks world leaders at UN
There must be millions of them built. And of course the size of tankers to carry food and products right. I should have figured there was going to be a theatric act job done.
This idea you have that those wanting to reduce emissions can't travel or drive or eat a steak is just proof of how God damn stupid you are.

If we all cut our emissions by driving cars with higher mpg, or choose better options for your HVAC or look at maybe eating less beef or using better light bulbs, it will help a lot.

What we don't need is more ignorant people like you.
I do not have an issue with most of that. I have an issue of you forcing it on me if I do not want it. You want things done yesterday when it may be done in a few decades. I see rip off artists all around. And they are. Starting from Gore and DiCaprio and others. If the coal industry is going to die, let it from the people living in those areas. If people want to use the old style light bulbs, let them till the old style industry is at the point of shutting down. TV's were long due to be upgraded and I applauded it. In fact Clinton sold out when the new system was passed as law. We have 5" to 3" HD screen size as the old one was 4' to 3' analog. The original proposal was 51/2" to 3" HD but Billy Bob rejected that. And if the lines could have been more I do not know. HVAC is nothing to push for better standards. Better windows and insulation and better roofing would benefit us all. 50 years of this climate crap now. 8 billion people all over the place and you will find issues. Also most pollution has nothing to do with the climate agenda.

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